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If you were lucky enough to have seen the World Volleyball Tournament,you must have seen the Cuban Women's vol- leyball team take on China in the championship game,a game of which Cuba has become the world champion for 10 times.The great determination and strong tenacity of these young Cuban girls' has been an encouragement to everyone that watches them play.From their sweat to their smile,we can feel the soul of the Republic of Cuba.However,these are not just characteristics of the Cuban people,but also characteristic of the way they do business.  相似文献   

China's central provincesJiangxi,Hunan and Hubei are making joint efforts to build a new urban hub in Central China along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The strategic cooperation framework agreement to build the cities of the middle reaches of the Yangtze Rivet was released at the conference held by the three provinces on Feb.10 in Wuhan,signifying the official start of establishing the new urban hub in Central China,China News Agency reported.  相似文献   

As the official logistics and express delivery sponsor of 2008 Beijing Olympics,UPS will manage all logistical operations at the Olympics Test Events(formally known as"Good Luck Beijing Events")and the actual Games through which majority of equip- ment used at the events will flow. Is UPS really ready? That's what the media both at home and abroad most con- cerned. The answer is"Yes".So far,UPS has already place a team of over 100 staff at venues of"Good Luck Beijing Events".A year later when the Games began,this figure will grow to over 2000 to make the Games"Swifter"."Synchronizing the world of commerce",as its slogan says, UPS have become a household name around the world.Almost anyone who's ever seen a brown truck roll into a driveway knows there's something different about UPS. On August 8,a year count-down to the 2008 Olympics,UPS Chairman and CEO Mike Eskew attended the formal ground- breaking ceremony for the UPS International Air Hub in Shanghai. August 28 marks the 100th birthday of UPS,the world's larest package delivery company,the eighth largest airline and a global leader in supply chain services. Taking this opportunity,China's Foreign Trade had a written interview with Mr.Li Songjiang,Senior Vice President of UPS Great China Region. By Editor  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years,China's auto industry has seen rapid growth. The miracle of such fast devel- opment,from a humble beginning to a strong player in the world's auto industry, can be attributed to a variety of factors. The most important factor,however,is that the auto industry has incorporated Chinese characteristics during its growth, whether facing challenges or developing new innovations.And the innovations  相似文献   

China pledges to sustained growth
Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People's Republic of China, opened the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions, laying out an ambitious agenda to reinvigorate China's economy while meeting social goals. He explained the nation's stimulus plan and called for increased cooperation to meet collective challenges as the world recovers from the recent financial turmoil. "Over the past year, the world economy has experienced the most severe challenge since the Great Depression," said Wen. "Thanks to the concerted efforts and active measures of the entire world community, the world economy has started to recover."  相似文献   

A grand fireworks show will dazzle the night of Oct 1 in Beijing, as part of a gala event celebrating the 60th anniversary of new China. The show, lasting more than half an hour, will use twice the amount of fireworks used during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing Daily reported.  相似文献   

China produced 49.37 million tonnes of crude steel in November, down 4.6 percent from October, according to preliminary figures from consultancy Custeel. But the November output was still up 40 percent compared with the same month last year, and the month-on-month dip is unlikely to allay government concerns that the sector is producing far more than the market needs. Custeel, affiliated with the China Iron and Steel Association, said total Chinese output from January to November is expected to reach 521.84 million tonnes, up 13 percent from the year-ago period.  相似文献   

Academic circle classified all the nations around the world into 3 kinds:resource country, dependent country and in novative country On the afternoon of January 11, the 4th National Science and Technology Convention closed in Beijing. The 3-day convention was deemed as the "New Milestone in China Science and Technology Development History" following the Intellectual Convention in  相似文献   

The direct flight was opened At 12:20 pm by South Africa time on Tuesday January 31,2012,a "dragon"jumped into the twilight sky of Johannesburg and fled to the east.After 15 hours,at 8:50 pm by China time on February 1,2012,the flight SA288 landed at Beijing Capital Airport with all sectors of government,businesspeople and internationd media.When interviewing Mr.Miller Matola he vividly described how meaningful the flight is to South Africa and China.He also compared the different concepts of dragons as they are evil in the west but in China the dragon is the symbol of wealth,prosperity,luck and power.The dragon also represents success,perfection,bright and an indomitable spirit.He expressed that this special time of the start of the Year of the Dragon was selected by South Africa Airways after elaborate consideration.  相似文献   

Global financial crisis sourced in subloan crisis in USA leads to the downturn in world economy, and also has a deep impact on people's hie and consumption, no matter where they are. There is no doubt that the crisis is changing people's idea and attitude of consuming. This article will have an insight in the change of consuming behaviors and how the companies should respond to the changes.  相似文献   

In the short run, China's export is a usable weather vane for the health of the global economy and the strength of consumer demand. A slump in export to some extent means economic depression elsewhere. Besides, the development direction choices of manufacturer will be pivotal to China's upgrade from export-oriented economy to a more well-rounded economy. The immediate threat to this upgrade is from the global slowdown that Chinese exports declined in November last year heralds tough times in 2009.  相似文献   

China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd, the country's second largest telecom operator, on Monday entered a strategic partnership with the Guangdong provincial government to pour RMB 35 billion into the province in the next five years, sources reported. According to the framework agreement, the cooperation will extend to IT infrastructure construction, e-politics, e-commerce, the IT industry, wireless development and the sharing oftelecom resources.  相似文献   

Q:Would you like to share your feelings about winning the "Peace Through Commerce Medal Award"granted by the US Department of Commerce? A:Today,the US Commerce Secretary Bryson presented the "Peace Through Commerce Medal Award" to the CCPIT and it is our honor to be the first winner of this prestigious award on the Chinese mainland,as it is an encouraging recognition of the CCPIT's efforts in strengthening the Sino-US economic and trade relations in the past years and it is also an encouragement for me.  相似文献   

After China issued a RMB 4 trillion stimulus package, the central government and local governments sped up the formulation of plans related to the implementation of this big plan last November. On January 14, 2009, China's State Council unveiled plans for the auto and steel industry, put together by the National Development and Reform Commission in conjunction with other departments.  相似文献   

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela signed a participation contract with the organizer of World Expo 2010 via mail May 27. The country will build a 3,000-square-meter pavilion in Zone C of the Expo site showcasing urban equality as well as developing nations' attention to urbanization.  相似文献   

As the most splendid and magnificent architectur- al complex in Chang'an city, the world renowned capital of the Tang Empire, Daming Palace once served as the office and living pLace for 17 emperors of the Tang Dynasty. Darning Palace heritage is the national key cultural relics protection unit, and also an archaeological treasure house of palace architectures of the Tang Dynasty. The Darning Palace National Heritage Park is the big heritage protection and demonstration park in the Chinese "eleventh five-year plan",  相似文献   

The "three most-wanted" goods, those seen as a symbol of wealth for Chinese families, has seen an evolution from specific products to general services with average values that first increased from RMB 100 to RMB 10,000, and now have moved upwards of RMB 100,000. While this measure is not the most scientific, it reflects the great changes China has undergone, and also mirrors the transformation of Chinese lifestyle.  相似文献   

During its six-year development in China, Balincan created market miracles one after another! They are well known both in market management and unique branding characteristics. Therefore, the "Balincan Phenomenon"emerged on the market, and even has caught the eyes of analysts, who made Balincan a research subject. But what is behind the stunning phenomenon? To explore the secret, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Balincan.  相似文献   

The Coca-Cola Co. on December 2 said it will not revise its offer for China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. despite the weak equities market. Li Xiaojun, vice president of Coca-Cola China, told Xinhua that the world's beverage giant is still confident about the outlook for Huiyuan's juice business. In a joint statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 2, the two companies said China's Ministry of Commerce is still reviewing the application for anti-trust approval. The review will continue until March 23, 2009. Coca-Cola will make further announcements after the anti-trust review, Li said.  相似文献   

Like "fang Ting, More Chinese consumers have turned to the Internet for Christmas gifts and decorations this year. Statistics from e-commerce companies show that on-line sales growth for the holiday season is much stronger than the year before, even though prices of Christmas gifts are generally higher.  相似文献   

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