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This paper investigates the ethnic dimension of self-employment in the British labour market. It examines how both 'push' and 'pull' factors may lead members of non-white, ethnic minority groups to enter self-employment rather than paid-employment. Push factors include discrimination in paid-employment while pull factors refer to minority-specific entrepreneurial opportunities. Data from the General Household Survey and 1991 Census are employed to evaluate the empirical relevance of these issues and to explore differences between ethnic groups. Evidence of both push and pull factors is found.  相似文献   

邓志远 《价值工程》2010,29(28):80-81
本文介绍工时管理在飞机维修过程中作用和应用方法。飞机维修作为严谨、复杂、计划性的行业,引入工时管理是必然的。工时管理分为工时分类、数据统计、数据处理、结果反馈四个部分,渗透于飞机维修生产组织的各个环节。通过实施工时管理将给这个行业带来成本的节约,人力资源利用的改善,维修计划的完善,对维修质量的保证起到积极的效果。  相似文献   

In the context of a wider trend to individualize human resource management, this article examines the relationship between flexible working arrangements and individual performance. Drawing on a range of theories, this article also examines potential indirect effects on employee performance via job satisfaction and organizational commitment and analyzes whether these relationships vary according to whether the arrangement was set up through a formal process or negotiated informally between the employee and his or her line manager. Extant research has tended to focus on formal arrangements, however, informal arrangements are widespread and may better accommodate work‐life preferences, thereby potentially fostering more positive attitudes from employees. Survey data from 2,617 employees in four large organizations with well‐established flexible working policies are analyzed. Results from structural equation models show average positive indirect effects from informal flexible working, but also negative direct effects from formal flexible working. When two forms of flexible working amenable to being set up by both formal and informal means are examined separately, formal arrangements for flexibility over working hours are found to be negatively associated with performance, but also a source of greater job satisfaction; informal remote working arrangements have positive indirect effects via organizational commitment and job satisfaction on worker performance. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

陈晓 《价值工程》2014,(19):33-35
本文在传统标准时间测定方法的基础上,把影像分析由动作研究扩展到时间研究领域,提出了一套新的测定标准时间的方法——影像分析法。本文建立了该方法的操作流程,介绍了影像制作标准以及评比人员培训方法,规范了速度评比系数、工作状态评比系数、作业难度评比系数三个修正系数的确定标准,并列举了实例计算演示方法的应用过程。  相似文献   

Public sector leisure managers in the UK have been struggling, since the extension of compulsory competitive tendering to leisure management in 1989, to reconcile the conflicts between becoming more consumer led and satisfying the needs of the ‘recreationally deprived’. Rationalization has ensured that a fundamental priority for managers has been the introduction of more cost-effective working practices. This article examines the diversity in employment practices across the three sectors of the leisure industry, that is, the public, not-for-profit and private sectors. The case study evidence presented found clear differences between the sectors. Although managers in not-for-profit leisure facilities have more freedom to use greater flexibility in employment practices as compared with their public sector counterparts, they are still somewhat constrained by having to meet the social objectives set by their Board of Directors. Private sector managers were found to be providing the highest proportion of full-time jobs, although they offered lower conditions of employment. This was made possible by the funding certainties created by regular monthly/annual customer memberships.  相似文献   

对这个问题的回答,无外乎三种答案:一是更看重事业;二是更看重家庭;三是家庭和事业兼顾。  相似文献   

2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,对人们的生活和企业的生产造成了巨大影响。各行各业不得不为满足疫情防控需要开始采用居家办公、远程办公等工作模式。即使在后疫情时期,弹性工作制仍在发挥巨大的作用,为企业和员工带来极大的便利。论文从时间和空间两个视角来探讨弹性工作制的发展历程、优势与局限性,展望在未来政府、企业应如何更好地实施这项制度,将这项制度融入企业文化之中,为员工的生活带来便利。  相似文献   

对WT公司某型号手机组装标准工时的制定,利用秒表法测得从试产到量产阶段的不同工时与利用MOD法计算出的工时进行比较,通过一定比例的宽放,可以为标准工时的初步和最终制定提供依据和标准化。  相似文献   

This paper provides novel evidence on the effect of deregulating overtime hours restrictions on women by using the 1985 Amendments to the Labour Standards Act (LSA) in Japan as a natural experiment. The original LSA of 1947 prohibited women from working overtime exceeding two hours a day; six hours a week; and 150 hours a year. The 1985 Amendments exempted a variety of occupations and industries from such an overtime restriction on women. Applying a difference‐in‐difference model to census data, we find causal evidence pointing to the positive effect of this particular piece of labour market deregulation on the proportion of female employment. We then carry out a series of sensitivity analyses to ensure the robustness of our finding. Especially, we conduct a falsification test and an event study to show that our causal inference is not threatened by the differential pretreatment trends. Finally, we use quantile regressions and find that for jobs with more rapidly growing proportion of female employment, the effect of the exemption from the overtime work restriction on women is larger.  相似文献   

Adults' Statistical Literacy: Meanings, Components, Responsibilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Statistical literacy is a key ability expected of citizens in information-laden societies, and is often touted as an expected outcome of schooling and as a necessary component of adults'numeracy and literacy. Yet, its meaning and building blocks have received little explicit attention. This paper proposes a conceptualization of statistical literacy and describes its key components. Statistical literacy is portrayed as the ability to interpret, critically evaluate, and communicate about statistical information and messages. It is argued that statistically literate behavior is predicated on the joint activation of five interrelated knowledge bases (literacy, statistical, mathematical, context, and critical), together with a cluster of supporting dispositions and enabling beliefs. Educational and research implications are discussed, and responsibilities facing educators, statisticians, and other stakeholders are outlined.  相似文献   

本文针对生育问题对女性职业道路的影响做出了有效的研究,通过调查发现,女性人才的生育活动是家庭和工作矛盾最重要的原因。为了解决这一问题,笔者提出应该从性别平衡的角度对女性发展的文化制度进行合理的优化、民营企业应该要具备良好的企业公民的责任意识以及女性人才方面应该要科学合理的处理工作和家庭之间的关系。  相似文献   

近年来,随着企业社会责任意识的提高,企业开展了形式多样的社会责任管理活动.一个新兴的职业群体即企业社会责任经理(CSR Manager)在这个过程中产生,但目前国内外对于该职业群体的研究尚处于起步阶段.企业社会责任经理可以对企业及员工的价值观产生重要影响,有助于帮助企业增强可持续发展能力.为加深对这一职业群体的理解,本文系统梳理了企业社会责任经理的概念和特点、职业角色、工作职责和胜任能力并对国内企业有效设置企业社会责任经理岗位提出了建议.  相似文献   

当前大学生创业成为社会热点问题,女大学生创业更因其特殊性而受到特别关注。资金是创业所必须考虑的首要因素。本文结合女性创业特性,针对女大学生创业融资中的重要影响因素——家庭与女大学生创业融资偏好的关系问题作些探究。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The assumption behind discrete hours labour supply modelling is that utility‐maximising individuals choose from a relatively small number of hours levels, rather than being able to vary hours worked continuously. Such models are becoming widely used in view of their substantial advantages, compared with a continuous hours approach, when estimating and their role in tax policy microsimulation. This paper provides an introduction to the basic analytics of discrete hours labour supply modelling. Special attention is given to model specification, maximum likelihood estimation and microsimulation of tax reforms. The analysis is at each stage illustrated by the use of numerical examples. At the end, an empirical example of a hypothetical policy change to the social security system is given to illustrate the role of discrete hours microsimulation in the analysis of tax and transfer policy changes.  相似文献   

工作绩效与工作压力之间的关系一直是组织管理者和学术研究人员关心的问题。本研究在探讨二者关系时采用了两组压力指标和表单绩效指标,通过对被调查者的压力指标数据和绩效指标数据之间的关系进行实证分析,分析影响男女员工压力反应的工作绩效因素,对男女员工工作压力与绩效关系进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

在全球管理思潮求新标异的背景下,今年有两本书以回归传统的视角给出了“求细务实”,“责任担道”这一永恒的道理。这就是汪中求所著《细节决定成败》和(美)杰拉尔德  相似文献   

刘道刚 《价值工程》2015,(5):255-256
《柔性自动化生产线调试》是电气自动化技术专业的核心课程之一,本文采用基于工作过程的课程建设思路,从企业调研、职业岗位分析、典型工作任务分析、学习领域、学习项目、教学方法与手段、考核评价等方面对课程进行了建设,取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

Much is currently being written about the need to encourage employees to share knowledge in order for companies to maintain a role as an intelligent organization in a technologically sophisticated environment. However, there is little written of the relationship between employee rights to satisfactory employment conditions, employee responsibilities in decision-making, and employee willingness to share their knowledge collaboratively. This paper seeks to redress this gap by discussing the importance of the relationship between employee rights and responsibilities and employee willingness to share knowledge. The reaction of a group of employees (academics) employed in an Intelligent Organization (university) to a reduction in their rights and responsibilities is discussed in order to design a framework of employee rights and responsibilities required for knowledge sharing in intelligent organizations.  相似文献   

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