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从农民收入来源构成看农民增收   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
如何实现农民增收,是“三农”问题重中之重。本文通过分析当前我国农民收入的现状,试图从改革开放以来农民收入来源变化与构成特点入手,寻求增加农民收入的有效途径:保证农村经济持续稳定增长,从农业增效中增加农民收入;拓宽农民增收渠道,转移农村剩余劳动力;加强财政支持政策体系建设;重视制度创新和组织创新。  相似文献   

王际鑫 《经济师》2014,(8):94-95
农村劳动力转移是解决我国农村农业剩余劳动力、促进农民增收、有效解决我国"三农"问题的关键。文章以农民收入来源为视角,分析农民收入来源结构随时间的变化情况,并将农民收入来源结构在各省市间进行了横向对比,研究表明工资性收入的快速增长是农民增收的主要动因,农民的工资性收入发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

农民收入的变化具有很强的阶段性特征。对农民收入来源构成的实让研究发现,家庭经营收入仍然是农民收入的主要来源,对农民收入增加贡献最大,工资性收入的比重逐步增加。与全国平均水平对比来看,家庭经营收入的比重远远高于全国平均水平,工资性收入的比重及其对农民收入增加的贡献率远远低于全国平均水平。增加工资性收入是增加西部地区农民收入,缩小地区差距的有效途径。  相似文献   

云南农民收入的主要来源是家庭经营收入和外出务工收入。构建农民增收的长效机制需从实际出发,围绕特色,立足优势,增加农民家庭经营收入;推动农村劳动力有序输出,实现农业增效、农民增收、农村繁荣。  相似文献   

农民增收问题一直是制约我国农村发展的根本问题。文章从农民收入构成的角度研究农民收入,以期找到农民增收的途径。文章通过对河北南部W村农民收入构成的实际调查,对W村的农业、非农业状况进行分析,认为家庭非农业生产经营收入和外出打工工资性收入逐渐成为我国农民收入增长的主要来源与动力。针对W村的实际,提出农民增收的途径是调整农业产品结构,促进农业生产规模化;规范半农户企业,促进农村非农产业的发展;合理协调农业与非农业,实现共同发展。  相似文献   

"三农"问题的核心是农民问题,农民问题的核心是农民增收问题,但农民增产不增收的现实证明试图从农业内部增加农民经营性收入上解决农民收入增长问题是很难的,只有通过"非农化"途径,减少农民,增加农民工资性收入,才是促进农民增收的根本途径.  相似文献   

全面建成小康社会,重点和难点在农村,其关键在于增加农民收入。运用计量经济分析软件,从收入来源着手选取德宏州农民收入增长影响因素,建立对数多元函数回归模型进行实证分析,得到农田有效灌溉、非农就业水平以及财政支农资金与农民增收呈正相关关系,而粮食播种面积、农资价格与农民增收呈负相关关系。结合实际,通过挖掘农业内部增收潜力、完善农村劳动力转移市场、建立财政农业支出长效机制、促进资源要素有效流转和规范交易等途径,促进农民可持续增收。  相似文献   

对农民收入来源的分析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放 2 0多年来 ,农民的收入构成发生了很大变化。 1 978年 ,90 %以上的收入来自第一产业 ;到 1 998年 ,来自第二、三产业的收入占到了 39 3 % ,农民的收入来源日渐宽泛。近年来 ,农业增长速度放缓 ,农民增收乏力 ,这成为制约国民经济稳健发展的瓶颈。本文试图从收入来源这一角度进行研究 ,剖析农民增收缓慢的原因。一、农业。尽管农民收入对农业的依存度已有很大降低 ,但农业的发展状况仍然对农民收入的增长产生重要影响 ,而农业发展的整体环境却不容乐观。第一 ,耕地面积减少。据估计 ,到 2 0 1 0年 ,中国人均耕地面积将不足一亩 ,耕…  相似文献   

千方百计增加农民收入 ,事关农村经济发展和社会稳定大局。从农民收入构成看 ,当前农民收入增长乏力 ,主要原因除农副产品低层次趋同 ,造成结构性过剩 ,导致农业收益锐减外 ,非农产业发展滞后是重要原因之一。因此 ,推进农业和农村经济结构调整 ,必须加快非农产业发展 ,努力提高非农收入在农民人均纯收入中的比重 ,这是实现农民增收的重要途径和现实选择。一、加快发展乡镇企业 ,打造农民增收的稳定载体。乡镇企业是吸纳农村剩余劳动力的载体 ,是农民获得稳定工资收入的主要来源。针对乡镇企业总量少、规模小、效益低下的实际 ,武邑县坚持把…  相似文献   

农民收入增长缓慢的原因与对策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高俊萍 《经济师》2003,(3):168-169
占中国人口 64 %的农村居民收入增长速度在 1 997年后明显放慢 ,城乡差距日益扩大与内需不足已成为制约中国经济快速增长的最大阻碍。因此 ,应切实消除阻碍农民增收致富的体制性因素 ,拓宽农民收入来源 ,强化对农业、农村的投入 ,改善农村消费环境  相似文献   

The economic literature has argued for a long time that income mobility could attenuate the degree of cross-sectional inequality by offering people opportunities to improve their socio-economic position. Using the longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) from 1989 to 2011, we measure income mobility as the degree to which longer-term incomes are distributed more or less equally than yearly income. Five main results are emphasized. First, there is strong income mobility in rural China that partly offsets yearly income inequality. Second, income mobility has decreased since the 2000s, indicating that income distribution is becoming more rigid. Third, mobility is mainly associated with transitory income fluctuations, particularly in the two tails of the distribution. Fourth, income mobility has an equalizing effect on income distribution. Fifth, we show that non-agricultural income mobility has substantially increased over the period and that its equalizing nature has also recently increased. While the development of the non-agriculture sector in rural China was a crucial factor in explaining the increase in rural inequality until the mid-2000s, we suggest that the large-scale generalisation of such non-agricultural opportunities partly accounts for the decline in rural inequality observed since the mid-2000s.  相似文献   

中国居民家庭的收入变动及其对长期平等的影响   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
王海港 《经济研究》2005,40(1):56-66
本文利用“中国经济、人口、营养和健康调查”1 989— 1 997年期间 4期家庭收入和家长特征的模块数据 (paneldata) ,用时间依赖定义收入变动 ,度量了全体家庭和分4种类型的家庭在上世纪 80年末至 90年后半期的收入变动。发现在总体收入分配中 ,高比例持续贫困的发生比较分散 ,并不固定在哪一类型的家庭上。平均而言 ,农村家庭的持续贫困比例稍高。与此相反 ,持续高收入的家庭集中在城市、郊区和城镇 ,农村的富裕家庭变动大 ,收入不稳定。分组家庭之间 ,农村家庭的收入变动最大。分组家庭内部 ,家长为中年和壮年人的家庭人收入景况较好 ,富裕老人家庭能否保持富裕在农村和在其它分组差别很大。总体而言 ,我国居民家庭收入分配的变动在这一时期减慢 ;收入变动在所有4个时期内都有利于分配的平等 ,2 0世纪 90年代中期后在农村和城镇家庭的作用大幅减弱 ,但对改善城市家庭的平等分配作用增强。  相似文献   

我国城乡收入差别对居民总收入差别的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1985年以来,我国城乡收入差别在波动中呈扩大趋势,成为我国居民总收入差别的主体及其扩大的主因.1985-2004年,城乡收入差别对居民总收入差别的贡献平均达到56%,而且1999年以来,更是达到了60%以上,其变动对居民总收入差别变动的贡献平均达到83%,因此,缩小我国居民总收入差别的关键在于缩小城乡收入差别.  相似文献   

收入分配的首要问题:差距过大还是分配不公   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国的收入分配问题包括收入差距过大和收入分配不公两个方面,收入差距过大不等于收入分配不公;收入分配的首要问题不是收入差距过大,而是收入分配不公;当务之急是采取切实可行的有效措施,重点解决好目前令人担忧的收入分配不公的问题,把我国的收入差距控制在合理适度的范围之内。  相似文献   

Sectoral Income     
What is the income of each sector of an economy? E.g., in the case of a country endowed with petroleum resources, what is the income of its petroleum sector? Here we present a definition of sectoral income, which is compatible with an important line of theoretical literature on comprehensive national accounting. We do so first by splitting national income into individual income and then defining sectoral income by considering the contributions to individual income that the sectors give rise to.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the changes in Malaysian income distribution during the last three and a half decades and the reasons for the changes. It was found that the Gini ratio for Malaysia peaked in 1976 and fell thereafter to 1990. However, inequality seems to reverse its direction since then. Policies that could explain the changes in income distribution include the promotion of export‐oriented industrialization, education, and training, and the restructuring of equity ownership and assistance in asset accumulation. While the various other redistributive measures in the form of rural development helped in poverty eradication, their effectiveness in redistribution needs to be improved. Several hypotheses have been forwarded to explain the widening of income inequality after 1990. These include the difference in the growth rates of incomes of the rural and urban areas, trade and globalization, and impediments to the process of internal migration.  相似文献   

The theorems on quality-quantity interactions well known in the fertility literature generally hold even when all goods in the utility function have a quality component. Although the results in this paper are presented in terms of the quality-quantity framework, it is clear that they can be applied to any problem in which the constraint is multiplicative in the variables.  相似文献   

略谈我国的收入分配问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收入分配悬殊是引起我国目前诸多经济问题的重要原因。本文运用国际上通用的三种标准即①劳动分配率②洛伦斯曲线与基尼系数③工资的差异率。分析了我国收入分配中存在的问题及如何正确对待这些问题。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an aggregate measure of income inequality for the founding countries of the European Monetary Union. Applying the methodology of the Theil index we are able to derive a measure for Euroland as a whole by using complementary data from the European Community Household Panel and the Luxembourg Income Study. The property of additive decomposability allows us to determine each country's contribution as well as that of each demographic group to overall income inequality. In addition the impact of government transfers on this inequality measure is assessed.  相似文献   

Few areas of public policy impinge more directly on individual lifetime welfare than those directed at retirement income. While policy initiatives implemented since the start of the 1970s fall short of major reform, there have nevertheless been substantial changes in the real value of pensions, the coverage of pensions, and the tax treatment of various forms of retirement income. The objective of this article is to catalogue these changes in policy, and to identify the combination of political philosophy and socio-economic pressures underlying them. It also analyses some of the economic consequences of these policies and examines the question of national superannuation. The article concludes that, for the present at least, any reforms in the area of retirement income provision seem likely to be limited to the refinement of the status quo.  相似文献   

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