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Duncan Nicholson  Philip Hadridge  Geoff Royston   《Futures》1995,27(9-10):1059-1065
The three authors of this article are all relative newcomers to the health futures field. One is based within an academic Institute of Public Health, another at the regional tier of the UK National Health Service (NHS), and the third within the NHS Executive Headquarters. The common bond between them is a desire to contribute to the development of new ways of planning for health and a wish to see health futures actively engaged with health services to bring about effective change. With the aim of providing practical advice for others who are beginning to take an interest in health futures work, they look back on their own personal experiences and summarize the lessons they have learned.  相似文献   

Olaf Helmer 《Futures》1975,7(1):3-14
Is there an identity crisis in futures research ? The author reviews the character of the discipline in the light of its ten years of development and maintains that futures research is empirical, “pre-scientific” and in the category of operations research. The scope for a scientific approach is therefore in forming a coherent methodological body of principles. The author identifies specific tasks in 21 areas, related to data collection, model construction, experimentation, systems analysis, exploratory and normative applications, which seem to him to be particularly in need of such attention.  相似文献   

Ethnographic Futures Research (EFR) is a method invented in 1976 which futures researchers employing a sociocultural approach can use with a sample of interviewees to elicit their perceptions and preferences among possible and probable alternative futures for their society and culture. EFR is an adaptation of the spirit and method of cultural anthropology and ethnography to the needs and constraints of futures research.  相似文献   

Transdisciplinary research is increasingly recognised as important for investigating and addressing ‘wicked’ problems such as climate change, food insecurity and poverty, but is far from commonplace. There are structural impediments to transdisciplinarity such as university structures, publication requirements and funding preferences that perpetuate disciplinary differences and researchers often lack transdisciplinary experience and expertise. In this paper we present a heuristic that aims to encourage researchers to think about their current research as performance and then imagine different performances, with the view to encouraging reflection and creativity about the transdisciplinary potential and dilemmas. The heuristic is inspired by the metaphor of performance that Erving Goffman uses to understand everyday, face-to-face interactions. The heuristic includes scaffolding for imagining research as performance through a transdisciplinary lens, a suggested process for using the tool, and examples based on the every day research projects. The paper describes the application of the heuristic in a graduate masterclass, reflecting on whether it does indeed ‘prompt’ transdisciplinary research. Limitations and lessons learned for further refinement of the heuristic are also included. The authors conclude that the heuristic has a range of uses including for self-reflection, and as a practical learning tool that can also be used at the start of integrative research projects.  相似文献   

Dennis List 《Futures》2006,38(6):673-684
This paper focuses on the cyclical and iterative processes of action research and their usefulness in enabling participants in futures work to expand their images of futures. The author has been developing a participatory method of scenario development, based on action research, using cycles within cycles, thus allowing multiple opportunities for reflection and reperception. Because people can find it difficult to perceive their potential futures, to examine possibilities from different angles can clarify problems and help participants develop their reactions to various futures. This paper presents a case study of the new method, working through a series of cycles with a credit union, arguing that a cycles-within-cycles-within-cycles process has the potential to help make explicit the concealed and subconscious forces affecting the future of the participants' social entity.  相似文献   

Magoroh Maruyama 《Futures》1973,5(5):435-437
The author argues against traditional logic based on unidirectional causality and classical physics because it has led planners and policy makers to believe that universality and homogeneity are desirable goals for society. Biological and social processes have been shown to thrive on complexity and heterogeneity and this approach to futures research should be developed further.  相似文献   

Futures research is an established field of knowledge with a wealth of methods and techniques. However, foresight, future outlooks and scenarios are, as a rule, based on inductivist or deductivist methods, making looking into the future a form of conservative projecting of past and present probabilities onto the road of development lying ahead of us. Closed past or present outlooks give birth to open futures, but these futures usually are little more than exercises in organizational learning. In this paper we present and develop a method for futures research that is based on abductive logic. Abduction-based futures research approach proceeds from closed, imaginary future states to alternative, open theoretical frameworks or explanations. Unlike inductivists and deductivists believe, this procedure from the unknown to the known is rational, and therefore something that can be systematized and learned. There is a logic of discovery, and what could be a better place to apply and develop it than futures research.  相似文献   

Evaluation of futures studies is a topic that has frequently aroused discussion. Futures studies often deal with great societal or strategic business issues, and thus the validity and reliability of the results is of great interest to stakeholders. Existing literature contains discussions of such important issues as ethics of futures studies, the nature of knowledge about the future, and futures methodology, which together contribute to the quality, validity and credibility of futures studies, but discussion on the evaluation of futures studies is more scant.Thus, the main research question that guides our study is: “how should we evaluate futures studies to ensure the reliability and credibility of the results?” We answer the question by deriving a systemic framework for evaluation following the input-process-output schema to ensure that the whole chain from the data to reporting and implementation contributes to the quality and impact of the study.The main contribution is the systemic evaluation framework. The framework will contribute to the evaluation of existing and ongoing studies by offering guidelines for evaluation, and as a net effect, we propose, it will increase the impact of futures studies by making the practices more transparent and thus generating more confidence in the results.  相似文献   

Martha J Garrett   《Futures》1995,27(9-10):927-933
A good ‘market’ for health futures and easy access to relevant information are among the reasons that health futures is currently centred in the wealthy nations. Interest in health futures is growing in the less developed countries, however, in part because of efforts by WHO and its regional office. Many benefits can be expected if the field becomes more international, including an influx of fresh ideas about health futures study designs and about innovative approaches to health care. A shift to a more global orientation is also imperative simply because health futures deals with the well-being of human beings, and most human beings live in the less developed countries of the world.  相似文献   

Göran Nordlund 《Futures》2012,44(4):408-414
In this article a study is presented of the ways in which some well-known futurists have considered time-scales in their central works, looking too at a few frequently applied forecasting methodologies. It is found, that there is obviously yet no common view of the extent of the time ahead meant for the terms future and futures and in using the time-horizon specifications, such as short-term and long-term. A survey of how time-scales are taken note of and presented in individual futures research articles is also given.On the basis of the study and survey made, the conclusions list three recommendations, which could be taken into consideration in futures studies.  相似文献   

Olaf Helmer 《Futures》1977,9(1):17-31
The explosive numerical growth of the futures-research community during the last 15 years has been astonishing. Its intellectual growth cannot be said to have advanced at an equal pace. This article looks at the inherent constraints that make reliance on expert judgement an essential part of futures research. Two methods are discussed: Delphi and cross-impact analysis. The latter part of the article examines a new causal cross-impact model that avoids the criticisms that have been levelled at correlational cross-impact analysis.  相似文献   

Yehezkel Dror 《Futures》1970,2(4):302-311
The mission of this paper is to stimulate work on alternative futures of domestic politics. Such work should provide an essential and critical component of the kind of studies that presume to provide some prevision of the future, and should thereby serve as an aid for future-shaping policy-making. It includes two main parts. The first part discusses the present neglect of alternative domestic political futures (ADPF) and explains why ADPF should become a main concern of futures studies. The second part presents an initial design for the study of ADPF.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse how much the traditions of history research (HR) and futures research (FR) have in common and how they could assist each other. First, the role of time is analysed. Second, the path dependence theory, strategic decision-making, knowledge management and visionary management are discussed. Examples of the application of the latter in water and sanitation services and their long-term development are shown. Finally, some argumented views are presented on how the convergence between FR and HR could be improved.The key point of this research is the seeming discontinuity between presents, recent pasts and near futures. The traditions of HR probably make it more difficult to assess the effects of strategic decisions on the recent. If more convergence is wanted, the gap should be filled somehow. On the other hand, the core of FR research seems to concentrate more on strategic and visionary horizons while perhaps neglecting the operational horizon of the near future.  相似文献   

Jib Fowles 《Futures》1975,7(2):107-118
This study is an attempt to develop a procedure for anticipating broad sociocultural change by a decade. Data on the fundamental psychological needs of the American people were culled with a content analysis of mass advertising. On the theory that those unsatisfied needs would compel sociocultural change in such a manner as to accommodate them, forecasts were drawn up. A trial forecast of American life in 1970 was substantiated through a content analysis of national news and by means of relevant social statistics. The proposed method was then used to forecast the future of American culture to 1980.  相似文献   

Erika Pearson 《Futures》2009,41(3):140-146
This paper explores the idea of futures research online, and considers whether two issues in particular — high rates of change, and complexity — pose a significant problem to the success of internet-orientated futures research. In particular, these two potential problems will be considered from the perspective of new developments within futures research frameworks and methodologies.  相似文献   

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