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在商业社会中,广告的本质是推销,其目的是商业性的,但广告的表现形式却具有文化性,它是一定的文化产物。由于广告人、广告受众均是具有一定社会文化习俗的人,因此不同民族社会的哲学观念、思维模式、文化心理、伦理道德、风俗习惯、社会制度乃至宗教信仰等,都不可避免地会对广告产生影响。本文以国外电信运营商的广告中所蕴含的文化为例,阐述了文化对广告的作用和一则优秀广告所必须具备的文化要素。  相似文献   

网络广告的出现使得中国广告传播模式发生了巨大的变革:传统的显意识传播逐渐被潜意识传播所代替。潜意识广告大致有五种类型:快速切换、背景反转、植入/置入、双关、声光学处理。随着认知神经技术在广告中的应用,以FMRI为代表的技术,使得潜意识广告的效果测量成为可能,尽管存在一系列道德上的争议。  相似文献   

禁忌是人类最早的社会规范,是民族传统文化的重要组成部分.本文通过对禁忌的含义、起源及原始人生活中的几个禁忌现象的阐释,论述了禁忌的文化价值和社会功能.  相似文献   

江波 《中国广告》2003,(10):60-61
广告界有一名言:"科学的广告术是依照心理学法则的。"也就是说,广告想获得成功,务必符合消费者的心理特点。但我们目前对广告心理的研究,对消费者心理的探索往往只停留在意识层面,很少关注消费者的潜意识。人的心理现象应包括意识和潜意识两个领域,并且,按照弗  相似文献   

赵启帆 《商》2014,(43):232-232
约翰·费斯克提出的文化经济以及财经经济中,财富在财经经济中滇通,意义和快感在文化经济中流通。植入广告是一种新兴的广告形式。对于植入式广告,要善于使用,因为用不好会有反效果。可以尝试在植入式广告中运用潜意识说服。  相似文献   

陆荣誉 《消费导刊》2009,(17):200-200
中国自从进入市场经济以来,消费在社会经济和文化生活中日益重要,人们也逐渐感受到消费社会在社会经济、文化等方面的力量。由此孕育而生的消费文化也开始影响着人们生活的方方面面。与时代联系紧密的传播学更是对消费社会和消费文化关注紧密,消费文化的研究成为了文化传播乃至广告传播研究的一个重要切入点。本文研究的主题是广告社会文化的影响。  相似文献   

从中西文化差异视角探讨广告翻译策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李成 《商场现代化》2006,(34):252-253
本文从思维方式、价值观念、审美情趣、传统风俗文化心理及民族禁忌等层面探讨了广告翻译策略。广告翻译质量的关键在于能否使译入语文化背景下的受众产生原文在源语文化背景中的相应效果,在于能否准确把握两种文化异同。本文拟从中西思维方式差异、文化背景与价值观念差异、审美情趣差异、从传统风俗文化心理及民族禁忌层面等层面阐述广告翻译策略。  相似文献   

本文主要论述广告伦理和社会责任,总结伦理缺失的主要表现和所造成的社会问题,针对所存在的问题提出实现广告伦理、承担广告社会责任的途径。  相似文献   

安静 《商业时代》2011,(4):21-23
在西方消费社会,广告的功能开始延伸,不再仅是向消费者提供有关产品和企业的信息,更为重要的作用似乎是创造出消费欲望和消费者,而由此产生了有关广告操控消费者的伦理质疑。改革开放后,消费主义思潮开始进入中国,导致同样问题的出现。文章认为消费主义时代和消费社会中广告功能的延伸是社会文化因素交互作用的结果,单凭广告宣传是不可能制造无节制的消费欲望,并改变人们的价值观和生活方式的。因此,需从社会文化的角度系统地看待广告和消费主义之间的联系以及广告功能延伸和所引发的伦理问题,这样才能使社会成员以消费者的角色形成合力,共同抵制消费主义泛滥对社会生活的进一步侵蚀。  相似文献   

国际广告协会责任奖、安迪国际广告奖、ADC广告奖、迪拜LYNX广告奖、蒙特勒广告金奖、克里奥广告奖、金铅笔广告奖国际广告协会责任奖IAA Responsibility Awards国际广告协会责任奖,是拥有70年历史的国际广告协会(IAA)新近建立的。该奖的宗旨是评估广告代理履行社会职责的情况和广告在社会传播中所起的作用,奖励来自世界所有地区为改善社会和环境所做  相似文献   

There is inadequate understanding of how social media can shape fear and consumer responses in the manner of consumer panic buying while Covid-19 is spreading across the world. Through taking a social constructionism position this research focused on what people think and feel at an individual and collective level on the role of social media to create panic behaviour. Data have been collected from thirty-four consumers who have minimum one active social media account. These participants are contacted through telephonic interview due to maintaining the social distancing. Findings reveal that uncertainties and insecurities proof, buying as persuasion, product unavailability proof, authorities' communication, global logic, and expert opinion are some of the causes on social media platforms that developed the situation of consumer panic buying during Covid-19 crises. Furthermore, the unprecedented level of real-time information on Covid-19 at users' fingertips can give them the tools they need to make smart decisions, but also make them more anxious about what is to come; experts say that may lead to panic buying or stockpiling of products. The study has tried to develop understanding about how social media generates social proof and offers a window into people's collective response to the coronavirus outbreak and shapes panic buying reaction. The study has provided a consumer panic buying theory based on the results of this study and on existing theories, such as global capitalism/information society risk society, social influence, and social proof. These theories help to understand how global logic is built due to the use of social media and how different social proofs are generated which developed the behaviour of consumer panic buying due to Covid-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(6):749-761
Influence vulnerability has recently become a concern across society and in business. Such vulnerabilities increase as social networks are leveraged by different entities, oftentimes through social media, to affect how we think and behave. While many instances of social influence are positive and beneficial, others can be quite negative and lead to harmful outcomes for organizations and individuals such as reputational damage and an inability to control desirable thoughts, narratives, and behaviors. In general, they can decrease people’s freedom of thought and behavior. This article draws on the concepts of social embeddedness and network commitment to outline people’s influence vulnerabilities. It then proposes three guidelines to help reduce influence vulnerabilities based on the concepts of trustworthiness, network commitment, and self-management.  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurs start ventures to tackle social problems, and these ventures have the potential to outperform other social service providers in welfare states. We leverage theories of legitimacy and Varieties of Capitalism to examine national experts’ (N = 361) assessments of the efficiency of social enterprises relative to state and civil society. Our multilevel analysis across 11 welfare states shows that social enterprises are perceived as a more efficient solution to social problems when a liberal or socialist logic dominates a given state’s market coordination and social welfare provision. However, when institutional logics are in conflict, the assigned legitimacy of social entrepreneurship is diminished.  相似文献   

肖文圣 《江苏商论》2011,(10):128-130
企业家的社会道德内涵随着社会发展而被社会要求。企业家的趋利性会掩盖其社会道德内涵,企业家经常面对社会道德困惑,企业家的社会道德缺失问题,需要对企业家进行科学管理、政府加强立法和执法监督以及转变行政考核制度等方面解决。  相似文献   

Experts expect great retailing changes in the next ten years. What do consumers expect? With increasing innovation in retail technology and the large-scale implementation of e-commerce formats, shifts in consumer behavior can be categorized as social change. Sociologists have long studied the interaction of social change and technology, focusing on society members’ characteristics to help predict the future. One characteristic of enduring influence is age. In this research note, we consider consumer expectations regarding the evolution of retailing, with an emphasis on expectations of social change and the variance of such expectations by age cohort.  相似文献   

陈文华  陈尚司 《江苏商论》2011,(10):131-132
企业社会责任已经成为社会可持续发展的一个重要的战略研究内容,它受到了各国政府、非政府组织和众多学者的重视和关注。目前我国对于企业社会责任的研究还处于初起阶段,存在不少问题本文对其成因进行分析和探讨,并依据目前现有的资料和研究成果提出了有效对策。  相似文献   

社会保障体系的建立健全对保持一个稳定的社会环境是十分重要的,尤其是在当前我国经济正处于的转轨时期。同时,基于预防性储蓄的观点,社会保障对居民的消费观念和消费数量也有着很大的影响。国外的一些研究表明,如果没有其现在的这种社会保障体系的话,其个人储蓄总额会增加1倍多。这使得随着社会保障制度的完善,政府在对我国经济进行宏观调控时要注意到社会保障制度所产生的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of CEO social capital, defined as external directorship ties held by the CEO, in determining family vs. nonfamily CEOs' compensation in a network-based business society and governance system. Using a sample of pooled data of family firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) from 2000 to 2002, the empirical results show that CEO social capital is an important determinant in setting nonfamily CEOs' pay level, consistent with the expectation of the contractual governance model. By contrast, as expected by relational governance model, family CEOs' social capital is not incentive-relevant. This study extends the literature on CEO compensation by documenting that in a market where guanxi and connections are considered valuable business tools, corporations will be willing to compensate professional CEOs for the social capital that they bring to the firm.  相似文献   

社会不同群体间的相互融合是一个复杂的动态过程,要促进残疾人更好地融入社会、实现自我价值,需要充分理解残疾人社会融合的理论界定与实践经验,以此为基础完善新时代残疾人社会融合多领域综合保障机制体系,推动残疾人平等参与和全面融合。通过梳理和分析新时代我国残疾人社会融合的思想渊源,对国内外残疾人社会融合现状、理念、实践进行总结,分析得出应该秉持平等原则、倾斜保障原则、充分融合原则来推进新时代我国残疾人社会融合,并且通过加强制度设计,完善制度框架,构建友好环境,健全设施建设,注重社会引导,实现良性互动,完善社会保障,促进自我认同,推动教育融合,构建全纳教育等方式,将我国残疾人社会融合体制机制建立起来,为我国残疾人对美好生活的向往凝心聚力,彰显大国担当,推动相关研究向世界一流水平迈进。  相似文献   

建立社会保障资金投资收益保障机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙天法 《财贸经济》2005,(11):47-51
社会保障是市场经济失衡的分配关系的补充,社保资金是广大民众的养老钱和活命钱.为保证社会保障投资能稳定地获得资本收入,必须建立社保资金投资利润保障机制,其目的就是要消除社保资金投资的风险因素.一般可以通过容许社保资金优先购买国债、使之优先参与银行间的资金拆借和把垄断行业开辟为社保资金的无风险投资等措施,使社保资金能够稳定地获得资本收入,最终为社保资金投资建立有效的收益保障机制.  相似文献   

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