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在控制了企业规模、经验年限和所有制性质等企业层面异质性的因素以及企业所在的行业和区位因素后,企业的出口和技术进步对工资水平产生了显著的正向影响,技术进步对工资水平的影响大于出口贸易的影响.对工资水平高于90%分位数的企业和工资水平低于10%分位数的企业从样本中剔除后,再将样本企业按照出口密度的高低进行分类,进一步从两方面对上述结论进行稳健性检验,检验的结果表明,企业的技术进步对工资水平的影响超过了对出口活动的影响,这一结论不受异常样本点和企业出口密度高低的影响.  相似文献   

本文基于企业异质性贸易理论框架,利用中国海关数据从企业层面将中国出口增长分解为扩展边际(出口企业数量)与集约边际(单位企业的平均出口额),描述了中国企业出口动态和二元边际结构,并考察不同贸易成本的作用机制。结果发现,2000—2005年间尽管扩展边际的波动幅度远大于集约边际,中国出口的增长仍大部分是由持续出口企业的贸易额扩大实现的;各种因素对二元边际的作用机制和程度不尽相同,经济规模、距离和贸易成本的变动主要通过扩展边际影响贸易流量。  相似文献   

本文以企业异质性理论为基础,揭示了企业异质性、出口对工资溢价的影响机理。基于中国工业企业微观数据,对企业异质性、出口对工资溢价的影响进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:(1)企业异质性对工资溢价有显著的影响。其中企业创新能力、企业生产率、资本密集度与技术密集度、企业绩效对工资溢价有显著的正向影响,企业创新能力越强、生产率水平越高、绩效越好,其工资溢价越明显。(2)出口、出口补贴能够带来显著的工资溢价,工资溢价与出口密集度、出口补贴强度呈倒U型关系。(3)人力资本(员工受教育水平、职称、技能)对工资溢价有显著的正向影响。人力资本水平越高,其工资溢价越明显。此外,大型企业、中央直属企业、外资企业、沿海企业均存在明显的工资溢价。这一研究结果有着重要的政策启示。  相似文献   

在新新贸易理论的框架下,对中国规模以上工业企业从总体和分行业两个方面检验中国工业企业出口对生产率增长的影响,发现出口同企业全要素生产率增长显著负相关.造成出口效应不显著的原因除了中国尚不完善的市场体系外,还与中国出口贸易中加工贸易比重过高、加工环节大都处于劳动密集型而且技术含量不高的水平、加工过程短、增值率不高有关.因此,中国如果减少加工贸易的出口,便可以在不影响生产率增长的基础上降低外部需求.  相似文献   

基于新新贸易理论,运用1998-2007年中国工业企业的面板数据,采用Heckman两阶段选择模型考察了流动性约束对中国企业出口行为的影响。研究结论表明,流动性约束是影响我国企业是否出口及出口企业出口数量的重要因素。相比于集约边际,流动性约束对企业出口扩展边际的作用更为显著。同时,进一步的研究表明,上述结论主要存在于私营企业和混合所有制企业内,国有企业和集体企业的出口基本不受流动性约束的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用UN-COMTRADE数据库中2000~2014年中国HS6分位的微观产品数据对出口市场扩张的路径依赖进行验证,研究结论显示,无论是采用平均出口持续时间,还是采用平均出口贸易额来衡量出口经验,其都显著促进了出口市场扩张;其次,出口市场扩张的路径依赖也很明显,老产品更倾向于出口到与老出口市场地理邻近、文化类似以及人均GDP差距较小的新市场。另外,出口经验对出口市场扩张的动态效应体现为一年左右的时滞,在一年之后,其促进作用会随着时间的推移呈现递减的趋势。  相似文献   

中国出口企业的传统低成本竞争优势逐渐式微,实现出口贸易可持续发展必须由要素驱动向创新驱动转变。以《中国企业数据库》为基础,对金融发展、创新驱动影响企业出口进行实证检验后,结果发现提高微观企业的创新活力的确具有显著提升它们参与出口的积极性,但金融发展促进企业出口的作用出现差异。银行贷款构成了出口障碍,商业信用融资有显著正向作用,说明实现创新驱动的稳出口作用,政府应该继续加大金融体制改革步伐,促进金融资本助力实体经济发展的本源,给更多企业提供更多外部融资便利,帮助它们克服进入出口市场的固定成本障碍,可以实现出口贸易的可持续发展。  相似文献   

国家间的语言差异不仅会直接影响双边贸易,而且还会通过网络效应间接影响国际贸易。本文利用2000~2006年中国微观企业数据和国家双边语言距离数据构建了语言网络变量,考察了语言网络对中国企业出口的影响。研究结果表明:首先,语言网络显著促进了企业出口,出口目标国与企业上期出口国家之间的平均语言相似度越高,企业出口至该国的可能性越大。其次,语言网络对企业出口的影响主要通过降低交流成本和促进文化认同两种渠道实现。再次,异质性检验结果表明,高生产率企业、大规模企业、民营企业以及差异化产品出口时受益于语言网络的程度更高。最后,在经过内生性问题处理和一系列稳健性检验后,本文的研究结果依然成立。  相似文献   

I combine firm‐level export data from eight low‐income and middle‐income countries to test the relation between export price and export revenue. Across‐firm estimations show a strong positive association between export price and export revenue. Within‐firm estimations show that firms generate larger export revenue from their high‐price products. The positive correlation between export price and export revenue is strong for manufactures, weak for primary commodities, and nonexistent for extractables. Results are robust to using an alternative quality measure and controlling for exporters’ market power.  相似文献   

This paper provides new insights into the study of technology spillover effects through the interaction between industrial and spatial linkages. We develop a theoretical model that provides a useful modeling framework for spillover research, and then empirically test the model inferences using Chinese firm-level data. Input-output tables and spatial decay measurements are combined to construct the key spillover variables. Using seemingly unrelated regressions, the paper finds that vertical spillover effects are more significant than horizontal spillover effects, both within- and between-regions; regional characteristics have greater impacts on vertical spillovers than on horizontal spillovers; and regional spillover effects vary across different regions. Regional policies and regional endowments, including human capital, transportation infrastructure, and enterprise ownership, are crucial in explaining these heterogeneities in regional technology spillover. Our empirical results provide many policy implications including strengthening the connection between upstream and downstream industries and devoting more R&D to upstream industries.  相似文献   

文章以中国出口导向型经济为原型,建立出口—消费补贴局部均衡模型,并以自由贸易为参照,分别探讨了出口补贴、消费补贴以及二者组合政策的价格、数量和国民福利效应,由此证明了从中性贸易政策、消费补贴政策、出口补贴与消费补贴组合政策到出口补贴政策的最优政策排序。文章提出如下的政策转型建议:(1)以创造就业和加速增长为目标,将单一出口补贴政策转向出口补贴和消费补贴组合政策;(2)以降低贸易摩擦、扩大内需为目标,将内外双重补贴政策转向单一消费补贴政策;(3)以建立和谐市场经济为目标,将非中性贸易政策转向以自由贸易为基础的中性贸易政策。  相似文献   

Using firm-level R&D data with regional international talent data, we find that international talent increases the R&D investment of Chinese manufacturing firms, a result that is further confirmed with patent data and under a number of robustness checks. These findings stem from two mechanisms: international talent boosts human capital accumulation and provides a diversified labor force. Further, the R&D promoting effect is stronger if firms are located in eastern China rather than in other regions, of small and medium-sized rather than large-sized, of domestic ownership rather than foreign ownership. The policy implication is, the introduction of international talent can be a new way to promoting R&D investment, especially for skilled-labor constrained countries.  相似文献   

Using a large, unique, firm-level dataset from the Chinese manufacturing sector, we study important factors that are related to emission intensity for three pollutants in China – sulfur dioxide, wastewater, and soot. Our main findings are as follows: (1) compared to state-owned enterprises (SOEs), both foreign-owned firms and domestic public-listed firms exhibit less intensive pollutant emissions; (2) firms in regions with less local protection have lower pollution intensity; (3) better property rights protection is negatively correlated with pollutant discharge over and beyond the national standards; and (4) larger firms, firms in industries that export more, and firms with more educated employees pollute less. These results suggest that China should not target foreign firms more harshly in its effort to reduce industrial pollution. Better institutions in the form of more effective law enforcement and lower entry barriers across regional markets are also means of curbing China’s pressing environmental problems during its current stage of economic development.  相似文献   

中国就业发展新论——核心就业与非核心就业理论分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
正如企业创新作为市场经济的基本动力受到忽视 ,核心就业作为市场就业的基础在中国经济改革以来一直没有受到足够重视 ,因此造成了今天就业发展特别困难的局面。核心就业是指直接参与、引导、促进和扶持企业创新活动的那部分就业。在长期 ,核心就业的兴衰决定了市场经济中总体就业的兴衰。中国企业的核心就业水平目前仅达到 2 5%左右 ,总体核心就业水平达到 3 0 %左右。为了达到 80 %左右的市场一般核心就业水平的目标 ,中国需要改变现行的国有企业改革模式 ,建立政府权力均衡机制 ,以良性发挥政府功能 ,以及完善农村的改革和发展道路等各项政策措施。  相似文献   

在异质性企业理论框架下,运用中国工业企业数据库构建的平衡面板数据研究发现,我国出口工资溢价与不同出口密集度企业密切相关。进一步检验表明,一般出口企业持续出口的工资溢价与民营企业出口有关。因此,促进一般贸易企业出口,降低加工出口企业的比重,特别在一般出口企业中,提高民营企业的出口密集度,推动民营企业的持续出口,将改善我国的出口工资溢价。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the relationship between different proxies of firm‐level markups and trade status, using balance sheet information linked to detailed trade data from Hungary between 1995 and 2003. We find that importing is strongly positively correlated with markup measures, both across and within firms. We argue that this correlation can reflect three channels: self‐selection, higher physical productivity resulting from access to a larger variety of inputs, and quality upgrading based on high‐quality imported intermediate inputs. We present evidence for the relevance of the third channel by showing that importers’ markup premium is higher when inputs arrive from developed countries, and that importing is correlated with higher‐quality (price‐adjusted revenue) exports. We find no robust evidence for exporter premium when controlling for importing. We argue that the non‐existent exporter premium might result from the stronger competition in export markets relative to domestic markets.  相似文献   

Export sophistication and economic growth: Evidence from China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We consider the effect of export sophistication on economic performance by appealing to regional variation within one single country (China) over the 1997-2009 period. We find evidence in support of Hausmann, Hwang and Rodrik (2007), in that regions specializing in more sophisticated goods subsequently grow faster. We find substantial variation in export sophistication at the province and prefecture level, controlling for the level of development, and that this sophistication in turn drives growth. Our results suggest that these gains are limited to the ordinary export activities undertaken by domestic firms: no direct gains result from either processing trade activities or foreign firms, even though these are the main contributors to the global upgrading of China's exports. As such, the extent of assembly trade and foreign entities should be distinguished in order to measure the true movement in a country's technology and the contribution of exports to economic growth.  相似文献   

李涛  简建辉 《技术经济》2008,27(6):74-80
本文以资本结构理论为基础,运用实证研究方法,对我国1998-2004年具有扩张行为的上市公司的资金来源进行了探索性研究,旨在通过实证研究总结我国具有扩张行为的上市公司在获取资金方面存在的一些规律。实证研究结果表明:我国具有扩张行为的上市公司在筹集资金时,首先考虑债权融资。这有利于给上市公司带来财务杠杆效用、给股东创造更多的价值,同时也意味着我国上市公司经营者有意识地运用负债来经营,其融资行为是理性的。同时,我国具有扩张行为的上市公司在融资结构方面也存在一定的局限性,主要表现为内部融资所占比例较低和债权融资结构不合理。  相似文献   

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