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我国农业保险有关问题的探讨周英豪我国是一个地域辽阔,地理气候条件十分复杂的发展中国家,自古以来就是一个自然灾害频繁的国家。根据1950—1979年的有关估算,三十年中,在农作物生产方面,全国仅粮食生产就因自然灾害年均减产100亿公斤左右;在养殖业方面...  相似文献   

我国农业信息需求分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汤成快  潘辉 《农业经济》2000,(11):19-20
一、信息需求主体 在我国农业信息化过程中,农业信息需求总体上空前广泛而活跃,并呈现出多层次性的特点。 21世纪的信息服务将面向管理决策层、研究层、开发应用层、学习层、生产主体层、大众文化层等不同层次的用户。综合来看,这些层次的用户主要可以从以下几个方面来概括。 1、农业宏观决策管理层:农业宏观决策主要是针对有关农业发展的系列重大问题的决策,它涉及到经济、科技和文化等方面。通常分为下面几个部分: (1)综合协调,主要由国家计委、体改委、财政部、农业发展银行等。 (2)职能调控管理,主要是农业部和林业部体系下主管…  相似文献   

出于对农业家庭经营面临困境的现实考虑,发展农业社会化服务已成为共识,并在政策形式上明确下来,这无疑对解决农业现实困难和未来发展指出了方向。但是,政策具有宏观调控的现实性和策略性,从而具有一定的时效性和可变性,因此,对于农业社会化服务这一命题,仅仅停留于农业发展决策的政策水平上是远为不够的。农业社会化服务根植于农业产业发展规律和科技进步的决定,与农业专业化商品化发展相辅相成,为此,有必要对发展农业社会化服务问题作些理论探讨。  相似文献   

卫建强 《农业经济》2000,(10):41-42
二十多年的改革与发展,我国的农业生产形势发生了巨大变化。在逐步解决了农民的温饱问题之后,适应市场经济发展规律,解决部分农产品供过于求,价格下滑的“卖难”现象已成为上上下下关注的焦点和难点。特别是我国加入 WTO后,根据已签订的农业协议,我国农产品的关税将从现在的 45%,到 2004年平均降到 17%,重点农产品降至 14. 5%,这样,国外的小麦、玉米、水果、肉类产品的大量进口,将使国内市场卖难问题更加突出,农民的增收将更加困难,对农业结构和农村劳动就业结构进行调整就成为我们不得不正视的现实。因此加强对农民的信…  相似文献   

论信息服务在农业生产中的重要作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,尤其是在我国加入WTO之后,农业受到市场和资源的双重制约。面对国际、国内激烈的市场竞争,信息的重要性日益突出。本就农业信息服务的重要作用、存在的问题作了一定程度的分析,以期能引起相关部门和人员的重视。  相似文献   

2001年,新千年伊始,农业部成立了农村市场信息体系建设领导小组,负责对全国农村市场信息服务工作进行规划、指导和监督检查,同时提出"农村市场信息"、"农村市场信息服务"、"农村市场信息服务体系"等概念.  相似文献   

政府部门在农业信息服务工作中的定位问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文以政府干预农业的理论和经验为切入点,结合中国政府在农业信息服务工作方面的现状和问题,围绕新时期农业发展目标,探讨了政府部门在农业信息服务工作中的定位和着力点,旨在为建立高效的中国农业信息服务体系提供决策依据。  相似文献   

我国农业信息资源配置问题探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
本文在理论上探讨了农业信息资源的概念以及农业信息资源配置的影响因素、目标、主体与方式等内容 ,并从时间、数量和空间三个方面论述了我国农业信息资源配置的现状。目前 ,我国农业信息资源数量增长迅速 ,但时效性较差 ,空间分布也不尽合理 ;资源配置过程中配置效率和信息标准化程度较低 ,信息使用成本较高。分析表明 ,加强政府在时间上和空间上对农业信息资源的有效配置 ,加快农业数据库的标准化 ,以及积极培育我国农业信息市场体系 ,可以促进农业信息资源的合理配置 ,提高农业信息服务水平。  相似文献   

一 .农业和农村信息工作的现状(一 )信息的需求现状随着市场经济的不断发展 ,信息日益成为农业生产经营活动和农村经济全面发展的重要资源之一 ,这就驱使越来越多的农民开始认识到信息的重要性 ,即谁先占有信息 ,利用信息 ,谁就能先富起来。也就是说 ,从需求角度来看 ,众多已经和希望富裕的农民渴望信息 ,而且需求量越来越大 ,但是广大农村现有的实际情况却严重制约了这些需求的满足。1.农村基础设施条件差 ,交通、通讯落后 ,特别在一些贫困山区 ,由于交通闭塞 ,居住分散 ,农民难于得到及时、准确、可靠的信息。2 .农民文化素质普遍偏低 ,接…  相似文献   

本文以公平和效率为视角,对现行农业补贴制度重新审视。认为以农地为载体的补贴对象识别问题、相关制度的缺乏统筹、补贴中的指定销售问题以及程序性公平机制欠缺是实践中暴露的主要问题。而采用补贴与经营权相一致的补贴对象识别原则、统筹相关制度、松绑现行政策推行模式等是应对以上问题的良策。  相似文献   

We argue that economic laboratory experiments can facilitate active learning of theory in the agricultural economics curriculum by placing students in decision-making roles. Three types of experimental protocols are described, along with a discussion of the costs and benefits of experiments. The Double Auction Experiment provides a platform for demonstrating concepts of equilibrium, price discovery, externalities, excess supply, surplus, and speculation. The Monopoly Experiment is a platform for demonstrating concepts of advance production, inventory carryover, monopoly pricing, and search strategies. The Oligopoly Experiment is a platform for demonstrating concepts of thin markets, coordination, and imperfectly competitive equilibria.  相似文献   

农业产业链管理初探   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43  
农业产业链管理 (AgriculturalChainManagement)是市场农业发展到一定阶段的产物 ,在西方发达国家得到了政府和农业产业链所有参与者的重视和肯定 ,一致认为它是将农产品由生产推向市场的一条有效路径。但农业产业链管理与目前我国推行的农业产业化  相似文献   

农业综合生产能力初探   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
农业综合生产能力是指一个国家或地区在一定时间内农业生产各种要素相对稳定的综合产出的三大效益的合力。在农业综合生产能力的所有要素中,制度要素起着灵魂的、导向的作用。制度要素与其他要素的结合呈现三大特点:一是动态、适时、适量、适度;二是紧密不可分离;三是先进的、合适的制度的比较成本较低,效益较高,而落后的制度造成的恶果较严重。提高农业综合生产能力的深刻原因是中国“三农”问题存在着两大矛盾:其一,中国人口对粮食等食物需求与中国农业提供粮食供给的矛盾;其二,农民的富裕速度总是相对慢于城镇居民的富裕速度的矛盾。解决这两大矛盾的重要途径就是提高农业综合生产能力。  相似文献   

Helping European Agriculture to Adjust - A Proactive Approach to Agricultural Policy
In the European Union the next five to ten years are likely to witness continued pressures for agricultural policy reform. If cost-effective ways of dealing with adjustment issues can be identified, reform may be less difficult to achieve. This article looks at the economic, equity and political arguments for providing adjustment assistance to farmers. Compensation for changes in policy has a role to play, but if poorly designed can inhibit structural change. A review of how farmers have reacted to policy reform in a number of OECD countries concludes that their ability to adapt is often under-estimated, but that two characteristics are particularly important in facilitating change. The first is effectively functioning factor markets, particularly the market for land, and the second is the quality of human capital. These characteristics should be the primary focus of public policy to facilitate adjustment. The policies we propose would satisfy the Green Box requirements of the WTO that payments to farmers be minimally production and trade distorting. By establishing the conditions under which adapting to change is made easier, agricultural policy becomes sustainable, since adjustment is a process that is not limited to any single round of policy reform.  相似文献   

This study distinguishes two nonseparable agricultural household models for a self-employed farm household. One assumes heterogeneity of farm and nonfarm labor and a competitive market for nonfarm labor. The other assumes homogeneity of the two types of labor and a restricted market for nonfarm labor. We compare demand systems that are derived from them, which have different dependent variables and different numbers of equations. We apply a Cox-type test to compare these complicated nonnested systems. Results show clearly that the former is better for Japanese rice-farming households. Comparison of price elasticities for those models verifies the importance of that test.  相似文献   

The Uruguay Round Agreement on agriculture (UR) has contributed to the increase in U.S. and world rice trade since 1994. Despite this, the Japanese and Korean rice markets continue to be characterized by high levels of trade intervention. This paper attempts to analyze both import markets incorporating econometric estimates and public choice theory in a game theoretic framework. Various scenarios are analyzed. The results show that the overall Nash equilibrium occurs with a 4% tariff reduction for Japan and Korea under the U.S. Market Development Program, which includes the Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program.  相似文献   

A novel approach for integrating economic and environmental models is described in the context of evaluating soil degradation impacts of agricultural policy in western Canada. The key element of this approach is the development of metamodels, which are statistical summary functions of simulation data obtained from carefully designed experiments with physical process models. The metamodels are in turn used to predict the soil degradation impacts of farmers'land management responses to policy options. The metamodels provide flexibility to perform repeated policy scenarios without having to rerun the time-and resource-consuming physical process simulation models. The estimated wind and water erosion metamodels are very robust, with the majority possessing R-square values in the range of 0·80 to 0·97. The efficiency of the metamodels in facilitating the integration of a policy modeling system is described and applied to a scenario of increased crop residue management. Using regional aggregates of net farm income, total economic, surplus (consumer plus producer surplus) and total soil loss the economic and environmental tradeoff between the status quo and a no-till policy scenario is evaluated. The model-predicted economic welfare and environmental quality interaction suggests a clear win-win situation for society under this alternative policy scenario.  相似文献   

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