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经过10多年的发展,我国的政策评估有了长足的进步,但长期以来,有关科技政策评估制度的研究却是公共政策研究中一直被忽视的薄弱环节,故我国至今仍未建成一个完善的科技政策评估制度体系.文章阐述了广西公共科技政策实施效果评估存在的问题,分析了其形成的根源,并借鉴国内外公共科技政策实施效果评估制度发展的相关经验,从法规制度、监理制度、评估方法与体系3个角度提出了完善广西公共科技政策实施效果评估制度的对策.  相似文献   

文章分析了广西财政性科研项目报告管理现状,从建立广西科技报告三级组织管理体系、研究制定完善的广西科技报告政策体系、推进广西科技报告信息平台建设等方面探讨了广西科技报告制度建设的主要任务,从加强顶层设计、增加投入、强化培训等方面提出加快推进广西科技报告制度建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

积极构建公共就业服务体系吉林省公共就业服务始于二十世纪八十年代初。伴随着国家调整知青政策,市场经济体制改革深化,特别是劳动制度改革和实施积极就业政策不断发展完善,逐步构建起省、市、县、街道(乡镇)、社区(村)五级网络,形成了“职能明晰、制度健全、规范高效、覆盖城乡”的公共就业服务新体系。  相似文献   

本文以2011年12月31日止的广西和广东省配对的29家上市公司为研究对象,分析了独立董事制度的实施现状和实施效果。研究表明:公司独立董事配备情况更为完善;广西“大龄独董”更多;公司高学历背景独立董事更多;广西独立董事薪酬体系不完善;公司独立董事履职情况整体优于广西。并对上述差异进行了推理分析,认为独立董事制度的实施与地区经济发展水平有关。  相似文献   

公共政策评估是政策过程的重要一环,对保障政策正确执行和调整完善具有重要意义。美欧等发达国家较早开展公共政策评估实践,在法律制度体系、评估机构设置、工作组织程序、评估内容方法、评估结果运用等方面积累了较丰富的经验,形成了一套相对成熟的体系。对国外公共政策发展历程、典型特点的研究发现,公共政策评估是经济社会发展到一定阶段的产物,制度设计应适应所在国家的国情,有必要通过法律法规的形式保障评估工作的权威性、严肃性、有效性。  相似文献   

科技企业自20世纪80年代在我国产生以来,我国政府就开始制定支持科技企业发展的相关政策,到目前为止,已基本形成支持科技企业发展的政策体系。但我国政府支持科技企业发展的政策体系并不是完美无缺,认真检讨支持科技企业发展的相关政策,并在此基础上加以完善是进一步推动中小型科技企业发展的关键。  相似文献   

由于我国公共租赁住房制度缺乏统一的法律基础,各地的政策规定差异比较大,完善公共租赁住房的法律与制度已是当务之急。一、我国公共租赁住房之立法现状(一)我国公共租赁房的法律现状从立法体系角度分析,公共租赁住房法律制度应该建立在我国住房保障法律体系之中,也就是说如果制定《公共租赁住房管理条例》,那么其上位法应该是《住房保障法》这一国家层级的统一的住房保障法律。但是我国《住房保障法》虽然早在20世纪80年代就已经纳入全国人大的立法进程中,然而经过了长达20多年的研究分析  相似文献   

辛玉杭 《中外企业家》2014,(10):181-182
当前我国公共绩效管理的工具障碍是:公共部门的目标多元、产出难以量化、绩效标准难以衡量、绩效责任难于厘清等。公共绩效管理的环境包括:政策和法律、制度和体制、社会参与机制、激励机制等问题。公共绩效管理的突破点是:引入公民参与机制,建立健全评估机构,完善制度建设,发展电子政务,运用考评结果等。  相似文献   

开展评估是重大规划、重大政策和重大工程实施的重要一环,对推动国家治理能力和治理体系现代化具有重要意义。目前,我国已形成评估开展有依据、评估主体多元化、评估内容在丰富、评估方法在规范、评估结果运用多场景等主要特点,但与现代化、科学化、制度化评估的要求还有一定距离,存在评估理念不够先进、评估依据不够充分、评估主体责任不清、评估内容较为单一、评估方法有待完善、评估结果运用机制有待健全等不足和短板。对此,我国“三个重大”亟须构建以评估为重要环节的全生命周期管理闭环,坚持实事求是、问题导向、战略思维和系统观念,从理论、制度和实践3个层次推动评估体系的完善。  相似文献   

科技特派员制度坚持以服务“三农”为出发点和落脚点、以科技人才为主体、以科技成果为纽带,在推动乡村振兴发展、助力打赢脱贫攻坚战中取得显著成效。本文作者对广西壮族自治区科技特派员制度在实施过程中取得的成效和遇到的难题进行了研究,以期为科技特派员制度助力广西脱贫攻坚工作提供政策参考和建议。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,人们的环保意识越来越强,因此,绿色建筑在我国政治、经济、生活中的地位越来越突出和重要,俨然成为公众生活中不可或缺的重要构成部分。论文主要对建筑信息模型(BIM)技术的主要特点进行了分析,并且提出了BIM技术在建筑节能设计评估中运用的方法,希望为我国对基于BIM的绿色建筑预评估体系的研究提供一些参考与帮助。  相似文献   

This paper research about a special phenomenon and what is the main fators which is decided the evaluation total scores of local government in diferent years of China. The contents of the paper included introduction, hypothesis and research methodology, data and quantitative model, editing data, analyzing data, data showed and conclusion. The paper tests the new hypothesis of the quantitative evaluation, and it is right that new public policy and its tools of public management are effectively in China, so the situation is changed that the quantitative evaluation becomes the decisive factor in the performance total score by the model of original evaluation data analysis. The following public policy is effective in the year of China local government: the new public policy increases strength of evaluation; the new public policy deal with the weakness of evaluation before 2009; make new public policy to fight threats of evaluation; and make new policy for opportunities of evaluation. The paper also tests the hypothesis of the quantitative evaluations and which fator is positive correlated with results of performance, the quantitative evaluation is the decisive factors of evaluation scores in local governments of China by the years of changing. This paper research about the ratio of quantitative scores and the relationship between different fators of Chinese-style performance evaluation, and the data showing that the caves of related fators are almost the same level, it is proved that the reason of the qualitative scores become the negative correlation factors of performance score after 2009. At last, the paper builds the evaluation model by econometrics and thinking about performance evaluation practice of Chinese local governments as following: $${\begin{array}{ll}Y=0.23+0.81_{1} Y_{1} -0.18Y_{2} +0.44Y_{3} +0.01Y_{4} +e_{t2}\\ \hspace*{2.7pc}(0.35) \hspace*{1.2pc}(0.07) \hspace*{1.2pc} (0.05)\hspace*{1.2pc} (0.06) \hspace*{1.2pc} (0.0003)\\ \hspace*{6pc}{N}={12\quad R^2}=0.99\end{array}}$$ The value of constant 0.23 means Y = exp 0.23 × 109 while every variable goes back to zero. The value of Y will be increase 0.81%, ?0.18%, 0.44%, 0.01% while Y 1, Y 2, Y 3, Y 4 increase 1%, and the prefer condition is that the other variables are not change. The article shows a changing map of performance evaluation in China.  相似文献   

张晓勇 《价值工程》2010,29(28):255-256
我国的公共决策在理论上缺少完整的可以借鉴的专家决策咨询制度,在实践中表现为形式化严重,很难取得预期的效果。在当前强调公共决策专家咨询的制度建构上,应该高度重视决策者和咨询专家的行政伦理和职业道德规范,加强决策者和咨询专家的自律,从而使公共决策专家咨询成为一种必然选择和社会共识,提高我国公共决策的水平和质量。  相似文献   

This research is particularly concerned with public policy instruments which may help to accelerate the development and diffusion of sustainable innovations and support local economic development. While sustainable technology sectors are in high demand, firms still face significant barriers in developing and diffusing their technologies in regions throughout the world (Hoff, 2012). This area has been less explored in the extant research yet recent experiences suggest that supply side tools may not always have positive benefits for supporting clean technology evolution, or for taxpayers. Leveraging innovation policy and technology life cycle literature, we develop a model of demand-side policy instruments which could be applied at different stages of the technology s-curve in order to accelerate the adoption of sustainable technologies. Implications for managers, public policy actors and researchers are considered.  相似文献   

This research focuses on innovation and its diffusion in public services in authoritarian China. A mechanism between vertical government intervention and diffusion of innovation in public services is established by conducting a comparative case study between Sichuan and Tianjin. Administrative commands facilitate the formation of the ‘mandatory policy diffusion’ that rapidly diffuses policy instruments. Competition in the performance evaluation-based personnel system contributes to the formation of ‘championship policy diffusion’, which leads to the divergence of policy instruments in neighbouring local governments. Therefore, classic theoretical hypotheses on geographical proximity, competition, and vertical intervention concerning innovation diffusion need to be modified.  相似文献   

This paper examines technology policy in Japan. Following a brief introduction, we review trends in Japanese technology policy: in the 1950's and through to the mid-1960's, the main policy concern was to facilitate the importation of technology. However, in the mid-1960's, the emphasis had shifted to promote domestic R & D, and various policy measures like tax breaks, subsidies and research contracts were employed to encourage R & D in private firms. In the 1970's, public policy became more selective, and R & D on pollution control, energy, space and ocean resources was encouraged. Currently, the policy discussion is centered around the problem of how to enhance Japan's technology base in basic technologies in order to promote a shift to high-technology production. The third section examines the various policy measures in detail; preferential tax treatment, subsidies, research contracts, low interest loans, public research institutions, public corporations, and research associations. It is argued that Japanese technology policy worked alongside market forces rather than replacing them with the political process. This approach was successful in the sense that it contributed to the promotion of technological progress and a high rate of economic growth. However, as the promotion of basic research becomes more important, a new approach must be devised. The brief concluding comments discuss current and future problems to be addressed by technology policy in Japan.  相似文献   

公共政策运行中的信息不对称及其治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志鹏 《城市问题》2011,(2):75-79,95
我国城市公共政策在运行过程中,普遍存在着信息不对称的问题,其形成原因主要包括政府自利性、科层制的局限性、信息传递通道不畅以及信息成本高。信息不对称对城市公共政策的制定、执行、评估、监控和终结等有着重要的消极影响,可能导致政策失效,应通过不同方式加以治理。  相似文献   

郝晓圆 《价值工程》2011,30(16):307-307
在现代,人力资源发展的理论和技术日趋成熟,公共卫生人力资源的发展更是被列为国际优先议程,国际发达国家已经将公共卫生人力资源发展列为战略性和常规性工作内容。我国公共卫生人力资源发展的研究明显滞后,在一定程度上影响了公共卫生工作的总体开展。本文就我国公共卫生人力资源的现状作出一些探讨。  相似文献   

戴美想 《价值工程》2021,(3):235-236
在目前的新形势下,我国以突破创新和协同创新为科技发展理念,为科研项目管理提出了新的要求。本文在“互联网+”技术、大数据技术、云计算技术的支撑下,提出了科研项目管理模式的新探索,包括:基于“互联网+”技术构建科研项目管理平台、基于大数据技术建立科研项目信息数据库、基于协同创新理念建构科研项目成果转化机制、基于动态指标体系建立科研项目效果评价机制。  相似文献   

文章通过对我国现行的公共体育教学中学生学习评价体系的研究,找出不足并加以分析,提出相应的改进办法,旨在更好的完成普通高校公共体育课程的教学目标。  相似文献   

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