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This study uses data from companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and audit fees. Full sample results reveal a significant negative relationship between corporate governance and audit fees, and subsample results further show that corporate governance’s influence on audit fees is affected by corporate growth. The negative relationship between corporate governance and audit fees is economically and statistically significant in sample companies that grew moderately during the sample period, and mixed or insignificant in companies that experienced overly fast or negative growth.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the predictive ability of information accumulated during nontrading hours for a set of European and US stock indexes. We introduce a stochastic volatility model, which conditions on lagged overnight information, distinguishes between the nontrading periods of weeknights, weekends, holidays and long weekends, and allows for an asymmetric leverage effect on the impact of overnight news. We implement Bayesian methods for estimation and ranking of the empirical models, and find two key results: (i) there is substantial predictive ability in financial information accumulated during nontrading hours; and (ii) the performance of stochastic volatility models improves considerably by separating the asymmetric impact of positive and negative news made available over weeknights, weekends, holidays and long weekends.  相似文献   

The European Union Commission has proposed using consolidated base taxation and formulary apportionment to tax the EU-source income of multinational companies. This paper examines US state experience with a similar approach. Despite some positive lessons, especially the need to consolidate income of affiliated companies, lessons are mostly negative, especially regarding the choice of apportionment formula, the use of economic criteria to define the group whose income is to be consolidated, and complexity caused by lack of uniformity. US experience says nothing about using value added to apportion income—an approach that is conceptually attractive, but subject to transfer pricing problems.  相似文献   

Faultlines can affect a board of director’s effectiveness in supervising senior managers, which in turn affects the value of a company’s cash holdings. Based on sample data from Chinese A-share listed companies from 2004 to 2016, we examine the relationship between board faultlines and the value of cash holdings. The empirical results indicate that board faultlines have a significant inhibitory effect on cash holding value. This inhibitory effect is stronger for board faultlines resulting from deep-level attributes. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of board faultlines is stronger in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) than in non-SOEs. As an important governance mechanism, management shareholdings can reduce agency costs and mitigate the negative impact of board fissures on cash holdings. Overall, we enrich the literature on the economic consequences of board faultlines and their influence on cash holding value. We also offer companies practical suggestions for improving the supervisory mechanism of their board of directors.  相似文献   

European companies were confronted with new organisational challenges when the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) was introduced in 2005. What were their cognitive sources for developing an orientation in this scheme? This paper presents original data from a survey of the University of Hamburg, dealing with companies’ responses to the EU ETS in 2005–2007. The survey was conducted three times and addressed all companies covered by the trading scheme in Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark and the Netherlands (response rate of 19%–23% over three years). Results are provided on the share of companies that traded emission allowances, on the knowledge of their own CO2 abatement costs, on the organisational unit that was responsible for decisions on emissions trading, and on the use of internal and external sources of advice. The data thus provides an insight into the cognitive resources that companies brought to bear when looking for an orientation in the new trading scheme. The sources of advice and the internal assignment of responsibility build the framework of competencies in which companies learn to account for carbon.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct the three-factor model introduced by Chen et al. (2010) for a European sample covering 10 countries from the European Monetary Union and the period from 1990 to 2006. Two key findings result. First, we show that the properties of the European factors are comparable to those of the US factors. Second, we show that the alternative three-factor model’s explanatory power is either equal or superior to the explanatory power of traditional models when applied to five commonly known stock market anomalies. Our results thus suggest the use of international versions of the Chen et al. (2010) factor model in addition to traditional factor models in international empirical finance research.  相似文献   

The study reported herein examines the impact of two central corporate governance mechanisms (internal audit function quality and board of directors’ quality) on the incidence of earnings management. Unlike most prior studies in the area, focused mainly on US firms, this study looks at European firms that are cross‐listed in the US and covers a long time span – before and after major changes were implemented in corporate governance policies (Sarbanes‐Oxley Act in the US and the 8th Company Law Directive in the European Union). Using novel and comprehensive measurement approaches for internal audit function quality and board of directors’ quality, we find that both mechanisms have a negative direct effect on the incidence of earnings management, while their interactive effect is positive. A longitudinal analysis of both mechanisms also reveals that internal audit function quality and the quality of boards of directors have increased significantly since the policy changes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the economic consequences of a proposal from the EU Commission: The Amended Proposal for a Thirteenth Council Directive on Company Law, Concerning Takeover and Other General Bids (1990). By implementing the Equal Bid Principle, the Directive enforces a potential bidder to extend the same tender offer price to all shareholders. The paper demonstrates that it is likely that the effect of the Equal Bid Principle is directly opposed to the declared goal of protecting the economic interests of shareholders in the target company. Moreover, it tends towards a direction opposite to the declared goal of stimulating corporate acquisitions.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of managerial ownership on investment and financial constraints in the context of China. Using the system generalized method of moments estimation of an investment Euler equation, we find that investment decisions are related to managerial ownership in two ways. First, managerial ownership exerts a positive direct effect on corporate investment decisions by aligning management’s incentives with the interests of shareholders. Second, managerial ownership helps to reduce the degree of financial constraints faced by firms, suggesting that managerial ownership acts as a form of credible guarantee to lenders, signaling the quality of investment projects to the capital markets. Our findings suggest that recent policies enacted by the Chinese government, aimed at reforming ownership structure and encouraging managerial ownership in listed firms, help reduce agency costs and asymmetric information; thereby facilitating firms’ investment efficiency. Our findings will be of interest to scholars, practitioners, and policy makers interested in the financial impacts of management-compensation contracts.  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of plain English on the length of annual reports for the sample of 20-F forms which are annually filed by foreign firms listed on NYSE and NASDAQ. We found out that foreign firms have better complied with plain English in their disclosures over time with shorter sentences, less jargon, and readable writing styles; however, there was a significant increase in the length of 20-F from 2004 to 2013. We also recognize the impacts of plain English on the length of annual reports are mixed. The issuers may completely improve the readability of annual reports without significantly increasing the length of annual reports if they sophisticatedly combine all four elements of plain English in their disclosures. Additionally, the usage of passive voice and jargon in firms’ disclosures negatively influences the liquidity of stocks. There are significant differences in behaviors of issuing annual reports among countries. After the financial crisis in 2009, annual reports become longer and less readable.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the establishment of audit committees by Hong Kong firms would constrain earnings management, especially in firms with family-dominated corporate boards, a condition unique to Hong Kong. The study uses the methodology of three-stage (3SLS) regression analyses to control for endogeneity among earnings management, voluntarily established audit committee, and corporate board size. The results of regression analyses based on 523 observations for the period of 1999-2000 when the audit committees were first established by Hong Kong firms show that overall audit committees play a significant role in constraining earnings management even in the business environment of higher ownership concentration. The effectiveness of audit committees is, however, significantly reduced when family members are present on corporate boards, especially when family members dominate the corporate board.  相似文献   

We examine the intraday index return and volatility responses of two Latin American equity markets to US macroeconomic news releases around the periods of the US and European financial crises. We find that while index return is more sensitive than volatility to macroeconomic news in general, the five-minute Brazilian and Mexican index volatilities respond especially strongly to US news surprises, with the Brazilian response being more pronounced, especially during the expansion period. Among the macroeconomic indicators tested, FOMC rate decisions exhibit the highest impact on volatility, and there is evidence of asymmetric response to positive versus negative news.  相似文献   

Insolvencies of life insurers in Europe have been virtually nonexistent. The deregulation of European markets, however, is likely to dramatically alter that situation. The goal of this study is two-fold: first, to identify significant variables in the early detection of financially distressed life insurers; and second, to consider the importance of these variables to the evaluation of life insurer insolvency risk in the European Union (EU). The availability of a data sample approaching the universe of insurers in the US allows us to stratify a large sample in order to make reasonable inferences regarding the factors likely to influence insolvency experience in the EU. The most significant findings for EU consumers, regulators, and insurers relate to the importance of capital and surplus, geographic focus, asset mix, and leverage in determining the likelihood of insurer bankruptcy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of regulation pertaining to information disclosure on the Vietnam stock market. Using the event study methodology, we examine sectoral reactions, in terms of risk and return, following the announcements on information disclosure regulation in Vietnam. To validate the results, we also conduct several robustness tests such as the removal of firm-specific information and the use of a wide variety of ARCH models such as GARCH (1,1). We find evidence indicating that when the market anticipates a piece of regulation on information disclosure, most sectors experience negative reactions two and five days before the first announcement. Positive reactions are observed on the event date, as well as two and five days afterwards. Furthermore, we document a difference between the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) and the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) in terms of market reaction. The results also show that the sectors experience changes in short-term systematic risk. Our contributions to the literature are threefold. First, we focus on a complete and more updated set of the Vietnam stock market’s information disclosure regulation. Second, our study examines the effects of a series of events on a single regulation at sectoral and firm levels in an emerging market. Third, in addition to sectoral analysis, we analyse the Vietnam stock market reaction at the firm level.  相似文献   

Previous evidence has shown that stocks included in (excluded from) an index exhibit significant positive (negative) abnormal returns on the announcement day, and that trading volume is affected by the event. This study examines the price and volume effects on stocks associated with the changes in the value-weighted index composition of two indices, of the ISE, where the index funds and index derivatives do not exist. Consistent with previous evidence, stocks included in (excluded from) the index tend to generate positive (negative) abnormal returns in ISE. Volume and volume volatility are also significantly affected. Our results seem to support the hypotheses of price-pressure, imperfect substitute and attention due to the lack of index-funds and derivatives market in Turkey.  相似文献   

Amidst the IASB's post-implementation review of IFRS 8, we examine how the standard's adoption changed the reporting of segments by European blue chips (i.e. companies comprising the top tier index of 14 European stock exchanges). We focus on anticipated benefits articulated in the IASB's Basis for Conclusions and concerns expressed by IFRS 8 opponents.In addition to convergence with U.S. GAAP, IFRS 8 results in the reporting of significantly more operating segments on average. However, most companies report the same number or fewer segments. Refuting claims regarding the loss of geographic data at the entity-wide level, we identify an improvement in the fineness of disclosures and a significant increase in the disclosure of geographic groupings. We do not identify an improvement in consistency of segment disclosures with other sections of the annual report, which is due to the consistency already achieved under IAS 14R.IFRS 8 results in a significant decline in the number of reportable segment information items (notably liabilities) and a significant decline in the reporting of capital expenditures at the entity-wide level. Furthermore, adoption of the standard produces a lack of comparability in segment profitability measures and extensive reporting of non-IFRS measures. However, almost all companies report a measure of segment profitability tied to a number on the consolidated income statement or reconciled to the income statement.  相似文献   

We analyze the persistence effects in the empirical relationship between announcement releases and return volatilities of four major companies of the French stock market using high frequency data over the period 1995–1999. Besides its institutional stability, this sample period avoids the econometric difficulties inherent to simultaneous news arrivals. Our approach contributes to the relevant literature in that we focus on individual stock volatilities rather than indices, we distinguish firm‐specific and macroeconomic announcements, and we endogenize both the durations of announcement effects and the response patterns of equity prices. We find that our individual volatilities are affected by a systematic market effect, calendar effects, announcements related to the firms’ macroeconomic environment and announcements related to the firms’ and their competitors’ strategic dealings and commercial outcomes. We find evidence that all volatility responses are gradual with persistence horizons ranging from one to three hours, revealing a significant degree of inefficiency of the French stock market over the period. This inefficiency can be viewed as a breeding ground for the implementation of more performant informational and trading systems that allowed markets to move towards more efficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine whether audit committee financial expertise matters when making commercial lending decisions. Commercial lenders rely on audited financial statements in making lending decisions, and the quality of these financial statements is impacted by the capabilities of audit committees having oversight of financial reporting. It is widely believed that this oversight is enhanced when audit committees contain members with financial expertise. A behavioural experiment is conducted where commercial lending officers make risk assessments and provide probabilities of granting loans based on a hypothetical scenario. This paper finds insufficient evidence to conclude that the existence of financial expertise on audit committees makes a difference to lenders. When replacing audit committee members, however, financial expertise does appear to matter to lenders in some cases.  相似文献   

Can Australian equity returns be modelled by ‘home‐grown’ factors? We examine the indigenous capital asset pricing model, the indigenous Fama–French three‐factor model, and extensions to the latter, and find them all wanting. We find evidence of domestic market segmentation in Australia. For the smallest firms, all the models we study fail. For the largest Australian firms, we find that the US Fama–French three factors (downloaded from French's website: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/ ) provide a successful model of Australian returns. It is as if the largest firms in the Australian market are simply part of the larger US market.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of US decimalization on the Canadian stocks listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) and either the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Nasdaq) in the US. Using a sample of 126 firms, we find that the US trading of these stocks increases after decimalization, but this increase is not at the expense of TSE volume. Indeed, the TSE volume increases substantially for those securities that are traded on Nasdaq and increases marginally for those securities that are traded on the NYSE. Most of the increase in volume is in retail-sized trades. The bid–ask spreads and the quote depths decline on all exchanges, but by a greater amount in the US than in Canada. The depths on the NYSE decline from being above the TSE depths to well below the TSE depths. We also find that the decline in the TSE spread is directly related to the size of the firm and to the decline in the US spread, and is inversely related to the pre-decimalization ratio of spreads on the US exchange and the TSE. Overall, our results indicate that the US decimalization had the desired positive impact on trading in both the US and Canada, with a decrease in spreads and an increase in retail-sized trading.  相似文献   

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