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Factors affecting subjective well-being and their gross effect measurement have been widely studied. However, how people derive utility from these factors has not been fully explored. This article provides a way to decompose the gross effect of major determinants on life satisfaction into direct and indirect effects and make inference for the latter. Because the indirect effect is nonlinear in parameters associated with different models in an equation system, it creates a problem in estimating the standard error. Besides, the categorical nature in survey data further introduces bias to the covariance estimation even asymptotically. To address these issues without knowing the form of heteroskedasticity under the null hypothesis, we propose to extend the wild bootstrap procedure in this particular context. Its robustness against various data properties is validated via several simulation experiments. Using three recent waves of World Values Survey, we find that the relative importance of life control has significantly increased recently, and endowing citizens with the right to enjoy their freedoms and liberties is a more effective policy in raising life satisfaction than promoting national income.  相似文献   

This article uses data from the German Socio-Economic Panel to analyse the effect of within household income comparison on individual life satisfaction. Our within couple and individual fixed-effects panel estimates suggest that gender roles influence subjective well-being (SWB). A primary breadwinner wife decreases a couple’s individual happiness by eight per cent. The article adds to the findings on interdependence of SWB and hints at negative consequences of traditional gender identity norms for individual happiness.  相似文献   

A long tradition in economics explores the association between the quality of formal institutions and economic performance. The literature on the relationship between such institutions and happiness is, however, rather limited, and inconclusive. In this paper, we revisit the findings from recent cross-country studies on the institution–happiness association. Our findings suggest that their conclusions are qualitatively rather insensitive to the specific measure of ‘happiness’ used, while the associations between formal institutions and subjective well-being differ among poor and rich countries. Separating different types of institutional quality, we find that in low-income countries the effects of economic–judicial institutions on happiness dominate those of political institutions, while analyses restricted to middle- and high-income countries show strong support for an additional beneficial effect of political institutions. Our results bear important implications that we discuss in the concluding section of the paper.  相似文献   

The Easterlin paradox states that, although richer people report higher levels of well-being within one country, no such relationship exists across countries or over time. Several authors disagree and claim a robust positive relationship. A percentage increase of income always leads to higher well-being. This article reassesses the relationship, but analyses regional differences. I find that the positive relationship is strong in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North African countries and Latin America. The relationship is not significant in Western Europe and Asia. In North America/Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa, the marginal effect even becomes negative. Materialistic attitudes or the degree of collectivism may serve as explanations for the findings.  相似文献   

In spite of general consensus on the importance of oil prices for objective measures of economic well-being across countries, almost no research has been carried out to analyse the effects of oil prices on subjective well-being internationally. Using the World Values Survey (2009 World Values Survey 1981–2008 Official Aggregate v.20090901. (2009) World Values Survey Association, Aggregate File Producer: ASEP/JDS, Madrid. Available at www.worldvaluessurvey.org (accessed September 2010). [Google Scholar]), we help fill this gap by studying the effects of oil prices on life satisfaction for two groups of countries, oil importers and oil exporters. Although some previous studies have shown negative effects of oil prices on subjective well-being of one oil importing country the United States, since it is an outlier in terms of dependence on automobiles and in gasoline consumption per capita, these findings may not be representative of other oil importing countries. Our results show that, in fact, oil prices have quite strong negative effects on life satisfaction in a sample of over 40 oil importing countries. By contrast, for oil exporting countries for which there have been virtually no previous quantitative studies, but theoretical analyses suggest the results could be ambiguous, we find strong positive effects on life satisfaction. Hence, our results reveal quite strong asymmetries in the effects of oil prices on life satisfaction between oil importers and oil exporters.  相似文献   

目的:介绍健康相关生命质量(HR-QOL)的概念,并对在亚洲国家应用HR-QOL工具提供帮助和建议。方法:在回顾国内外相关文献的基础上,总结亚洲国家可获得的HR-QOL测量量表,并举例说明HR-QOL在亚洲应用过程中存在的问题。结果与结论:HR-QOL工具在亚洲国家的应用绝大部分属于翻译和修改现存的工具,翻译的质量、版权等问题影响着翻译后的量表效度,另外量表管理模式以及亚洲各国的文化特点等都影响着HR-QOL工具在亚洲国家的发展。  相似文献   

This article presents a global sensitivity analysis of micro determinants of life satisfaction (LS), a subjective well-being (SWB) measure of quality of life, as it relates to economic development. We test 53 micro variables using extreme bound analysis on a pooled cross-section data from the World Value Survey representing 98 countries between 1989 and 2014. Several standard variables frequently included in SWB regressions are controlled for. The test variables are broadly categorized as demographic, personal–economic, individual traits and values, social attitudes and collectivism, social relationships and perceptions of control. We find subjective health status, household income rank, family savings, religiosity, most perceptions of control and several social attitudes and collectivism measures to be universal LS determinants. Generally, the determinants of LS vary by a country’s level of economic development. In particular, we provide suggestive evidence that as countries develop, certain needs are satisfied and stop being important contributors to LS while others take their place.  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate whether a positive relationship between life satisfaction and self-employment (versus paid employment) exists while simultaneously considering two occupational dimensions: white-collar versus blue-collar work and high-skilled versus low-skilled work. Using Eurobarometer data for a large number of European countries (2008–2012), our findings confirm that self-employed workers are more satisfied with their lives than paid employees are. A life satisfaction premium is also found when the self-employed and paid employees are compared within similar occupations in terms of collar type and skill level. Finally, self-employment can help to overcome low life satisfaction scores associated with blue-collar and low-skilled work.  相似文献   

Employing the life satisfaction approach to value physical health, this paper illustrates the use of a subset of windfall income (restricted windfall income) as a substitute for the more conventional household income monetary measure. Results provide no evidence against the exogeneity of restricted windfall income and indicate that the causal effect of income on life satisfaction is substantially higher (and willingness-to-pay estimates substantially lower) when restricted windfall income is used. Further research should be devoted to looking into the presence and size of measurement errors in restricted windfall income. If this bias is large, then the quest for valid and strong instruments will continue.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between negative changes in health and life satisfaction, using a sample from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia Survey. We use panel data models and estimate the life satisfaction impact of several different changes in health status to calculate the Compensating Income Variation (CIV) of them. Our work innovates with respect to the existing literature by using a more robust CIV method that takes account of the potential measurement error in income. Further, we produce the first set of monetary values for health losses using SF-6D utility values, one of the main measures used to estimate and value health change for economic evaluation. We show that negative changes in SF-6D are significantly associated with a reduction in life satisfaction, and the starting point matters: a drop of 0.1 in SF-6D score is associated with a decrease of 0.12 points in life satisfaction if the starting utility value is 0.8, but the effect is 100% higher if the SF-6D starting point is 0.7. More generally, we find that a 0.1 deterioration in SF-6D has a strong association with life satisfaction and that the CIV value is substantial (over US$ 120,000).  相似文献   

Life satisfaction and air quality in London   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A growing body of research in economics concerns self-reported happiness, or life satisfaction (LS), and its relationship to a wide range of other variables. The findings of this research tend to highlight the importance of non-income aspects of individuals' life conditions.These findings are strongly complementary to themes within the sustainable development discourse. Firstly, they suggest ways in which we might consume less without compromising on our current levels of LS. And secondly, they help demonstrate the immediate LS benefits that could be gained from higher levels of environmental quality (EQ). However, the empirical evidence for the link between EQ and LS is, to date, somewhat weak, due in part to a lack of EQ data at a level of detail to match the individual-by-individual resolution of LS measures.This small, exploratory study therefore seeks to assess how the use of EQ data at very high spatial resolution could advance the empirical literature examining connections between LS and EQ levels, focusing on air quality in particular. It collects original survey data for approximately 400 Londoners, and uses geographical information system (GIS) software to calculate pollutant concentrations in the immediate vicinity of their homes. It uses this data to estimate maximum likelihood regression models explaining LS ratings in terms of a range of individual, household and local variables.Both perceived and measured air pollution levels are significantly negatively associated with the LS of the survey respondents, even when controlling for a wide range of other effects. An increase of 10 μg/m3 in annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentration appears to correspond on average to a drop of nearly half a point of LS on an 11-point rating scale.These findings cannot yet be generalised with confidence. However, if they were confirmed by larger future studies, they would appear to strengthen and extend existing arguments in favour of policies to reduce urban air pollution, framed both in terms of conventional economic efficiency analyses, and in wider political and ethical (and potentially legal) terms.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to consider the relationship between the experience of pain, health related quality of life (HRQoL) and healthcare resource utilization in Spain.


The analysis contrasts the contribution of pain severity and frequency of pain reported against respondents reporting no pain in the previous month. Data are from the 2010 National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS) for Spain. Single equation generalized linear regression models are used to evaluate the association of pain with the physical and mental component scores of the SF-12 questionnaire as well as health utilities generated from the SF-6D. In addition, the role of pain is assessed in its association with self-reported healthcare provider visits, emergency room visits and hospitalizations in the previous 6 months.


The results indicate that the experience of pain, notably severe and frequent pain, is substantial and is significantly associated with the SF-12 physical component scores, health utilities and all aspects of healthcare resource utilization, which far outweighs the role of demographic and socioeconomic variables, health risk factors (in particular body mass index) and the presence of comorbidities. In the case of severe daily pain, the marginal contribution of the SF-12 physical component score is a deficit of ?17.86 compared to those reporting no pain (population average score 46.49), while persons who are morbidly obese report a deficit of only ?6.63 compared to those who are normal weight. The corresponding association with health utilities is equally dramatic with a severe daily pain deficit of ?0.186 compared to those reporting no pain (average population utility 0.71). The impact of pain on healthcare resource utilization is marked. Severe daily pain increases traditional provider visits by 208.8%, emergency room visits by 373.0% and hospitalizations by 348.5%.


As an internet-based survey there is the possibility of bias towards those with internet access, although telephone sampling is used to supplement responses. Respondents are asked to describe their experience of pain; there is no independent check on the accuracy of responses. Finally, while certain acute pain categories are omitted, the study focuses on pain in the last month and not on pain chronicity.


The societal burden of severe and frequent pain in Spain is substantial. Although not reported on before, at a national level, the deficit impact of the experience of pain far outweighs the contribution of more traditional explanations of HRQoL deficits as well as being the primary factor associated with increased provider visits, emergency room visits and hospitalizations.  相似文献   



We developed and evaluated the psychometric properties of the Diabetes Therapy-Related QOL (DTR-QOL) as a disease-specific, self-administered questionnaire to assess the influence of diabetes treatment on patient QOL, regardless of treatment method.


This new questionnaire was developed and validated in a standardized manner: Item development, pilot-testing and psychometric validation. A survey was conducted using the provisional version of the questionnaire, and reliability and validity were evaluated with psychometric testing.


The provisional version of the questionnaire was generated with 29 items through literature review and pilot testing. For psychometric assessment, analyses were performed on the responses of 284 adult Japanese patients with diabetes. Factor analysis by the principal factor method with promax rotation revealed 4 factors; “burden on social activities and daily activities” (13 items), “anxiety and dissatisfaction with treatment” (8 items), “hypoglycemia” (4 items), and “satisfaction with treatment” (4 items). For reliability, the intraclass correlation was 0.92, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.94, indicating adequate test-retest reliability and internal consistency. For known-group validity, there were significant differences in scores for following variables: age, diabetes type, HbA1c, treatment method, glycemic control, hypoglycemia, nocturnal hypoglycemia, concern about weight gain, health status (patient assessment), and degree of communication with physician.


The DTR-QOL, with good reliability and validity, can assess the influence of diabetes treatment on patient QOL. The DTR-QOL can be used regardless of treatment method that patients receive, and this characteristic enables to detect a difference on patients QOL between treatment methods before and after a switch of treatment. Limitations of this study include representativeness of the patient sample. The relatively small number of patients with type 1 diabetes should be noted. Also, responsiveness of the DTR-QOL has not yet been examined.  相似文献   

Indices ranking the quality of life in cities based on climatic, environmental and urban conditions have a long tradition in the hedonic literature. In this paper we propose an alternative set of indices based on subjective well-being (SWB) data linked to regional level amenities. SWB indicators provide a direct, self-reported evaluation of life satisfaction and can be used to rank quality of life among different locations in the absence of data on housing prices and wages. Using SWB data in Ireland, we show how to rank quality of life in regions in three different ways: 1) using a simple unconditional average of SWB across locations, 2) conditionally, controlling for personal characteristics of individuals and the environmental amenities in their area and 3) weighting the environmental endowments in each location by the marginal rate of substitution between income and the amenity. The results show a very high correlation between the three indices and suggest that variation in SWB across locations is not random, but is driven to a large extent by the endowment of location-specific amenities across locations.  相似文献   

Natural capital contributes to the quality of life of a region in two complementary ways: first, by directly providing environmental services that cannot be imported, and second, by supplying the natural resources that, through a human controlled production process, become valuable to humans. The evolution of the combination of these two components of the quality of life determines the path of development a region takes. Environmental services also determine the ability of natural capital to regenerate itself. Ecosystems and other components of the regional natural capital produce environmental services that provide life-support functions necessary for natural capital reproduction. The destruction of this critical natural capital impairs the internal sources of improvement of the quality of life of a region, leading to a non-sustainable path of development. This article describes a model of the relationship between natural capital and quality of life that provides a stricter definition of sustainable development through explicit characterization and classification of natural capital according to its ability to produce life-supporting environmental services, by its substitutability, and by its possible reconstruction. Application of this model then shows that there are 51 possible regional development paths, only 32 of which are sustainable and only 14 of which are sustainable while also providing improvements in quality of life. Only six of these 14 sustainable development paths are attained with economic growth, however, while the other eight paths increase quality of life by increasing the production of environmental services. The model could help in the development of institutional interventions that would promote regional development paths that are sustainable.  相似文献   

运用模糊集合的原理,对顾客满意度、顾客满意度均值和顾客满意度指数赋予了新的定义,在此基础上提出了企业顾客满意度的多层次模糊测评模型,以提高测评的准确性。  相似文献   

We examine whether having a holiday trip affects an individual’s well-being, namely quality of life, health status, stress level and health behaviours. We use the two-stage estimation method to control for endogeneity of a travel experience, exploiting a natural experiment of distributing Travel Vouchers at random among qualified applicants in South Korea in 2012. We find that, for applicants whose decision to travel is influenced by receiving a voucher, a travel experience has no significant effects on the traveller’s well-being measured 3–12 months later. We also find that the OLS estimates overstate benefits of a travel.  相似文献   

This article analyses the factors associated with student satisfaction in a sample of undergraduate students from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). In addition to considering socio-demographic characteristics, we also examine factors related to expectations and motivations. Using data from a survey carried out during the academic year 2011/12, we show that the level of satisfaction of the students varies according to their field of study, finding that students in Engineering and Science are comparatively less satisfied than those in other disciplines. Also, expectations about whether having a university degree will be enough to obtain a job are associated with their level of satisfaction. Moreover, alcohol consumption is positively associated with their level of satisfaction. Analysing the correlates of student satisfaction is important to understand student retention and persistence.  相似文献   

收入满足度差距的国别比较及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一般认为,基尼系数达到0.4以上,社会将会出现危机.本文根据目前运用比较广泛的GSS、GSOEP、WVS、RUSSET等数据库,计算了美国、俄国、德国及其它29国的基尼系数、收入满足度均值及收入满足度差距,进行了历史纵向比较和同期横向比较,并对这三个数据进行了两两之间的相关性分析.笔者认为基尼系数、收入满足度差距、收入满足度均值三者结合,能很好地描述一个社会的福利水平和福利分配状况.  相似文献   

Mark Gius 《Applied economics》2013,45(31):4443-4451
The purpose of this study is to determine if the existence of a district-level merit pay system has any effects on teacher job satisfaction. Using a large sample of public school teachers from the year 2007, the results of this study suggest that teachers who work in districts that use a merit pay system are no less satisfied with their jobs than are other teachers; these results are consistent for both an ordered probit model and a two-stage analysis. Although the effect of merit pay on overall job satisfaction was insignificant, teachers in merit pay districts were less enthusiastic, did not think teaching was important, and were more likely to leave for better pay. However, in examining a sample of teachers who worked only in merit pay districts, it was found that teachers who received merit pay were more satisfied overall with their jobs than were teachers who did not receive merit pay.  相似文献   

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