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大韩航空公司(以下简称大韩航空)由韩国国家航空公司在1969年经改制后成立的股份制民营企业.当时的运输量仅为194万吨/公里。1970年.改制后的大韩航空将其战略集中在发展强大的货运操作上,并将出色的服务结合在一起.形成了开发全球综合物流网络.开展强劲货运经营和提供高素质客户服务的战略目标。[第一段]  相似文献   

新年伊始,天敏视讯推出 一款高画质的摄像头产品—— 轻舞飞扬。拥有专利的太空飞 船外观,时尚优雅,同时顶置 银色快照按钮,灵气十足。 采用硬件35万像素的CMOS 感光芯片,感光能力强,低 照度下曝光速度快,镜头为 光学名厂的5层光学镀膜玻 璃镜头,7mm通光大口径, 透光率高,畸变相对普通玻 璃镜头更低,是成像真实清  相似文献   

在Intel迅驰的火热冲击期渐渐过去后,消费笔记本电脑又在联想的带动下成为了近期国内笔记本电脑市场的异常活跃点。就在各大厂商对消费笔记本电脑概念莫衷一是之时,联宝消费笔记本电脑系列中的首款“霹雳游侠”车族笔记本,率先以独特的消费笔记本电脑设计思路,将消费笔记本电脑精心演绎到了消费者的实际生活中。  相似文献   

兰若 《三联竞争力》2005,42(8):70-72
巴黎是一个独具风情的城市。古旧的大厦、宽阔宏大的广场、无处不在的雕塑与轻柔细语还只是其外在表现,巴黎的优雅和精致已经渗透到骨髓与灵魂。即便你是孤独的旅客,这里也不会让你寂寞,你尽可以放开心胸,享受自然自在的天地人文之美。  相似文献   

陕西交通广播作为西北地区成立最早的省级交通专业广播电台,利用其权威专业的强势媒体资源在广告经营上不断创造佳绩。今年前5个月广告经营额达到2100万元,同比增长约15%。为此,《广告主》杂志专访了陕西人民广播电台广告中心主任杨俐,探寻陕西交通广播的经营之道。  相似文献   

龚艳 《浙商》2005,(5):76-77
2004年12月7日,浙江省政府出台《关于促进浙江省保险业加快发展的意见》(下简称《意见》),在培育市场体系、加快产品创新、拓展政策性保险业务、提高服务质量等方面为浙江省保险业制定了一系列全新举措。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步和人们精神消费意识的增强,婚纱影像、个人写真,聚会光盘,旅游纪念照片等各式纪念册,可以记录人生的精彩与美好时光.文章基于DIY理念下纪念册在生活中占据重要的角色,以环保和资源再利用的DIY理念形式研究下的绿色纪念册的设计,更是体验现场瞬间带来情感愉悦和将来回忆的一场满足,使绿色纪念册设计本身获得“可持续发展”.  相似文献   

郑毅 《度假旅游》2021,(1):21-24
袁枚(1716?1798),字子才,号简斋,晚年自号苍山居士、随园主人;浙江钱塘(今杭州市)人。袁枚24岁参加朝廷的科考,试题是《赋得因风想玉珂》,诗中有“声来禁院,人似隔天河”的妙句,然却被考官们以为“语涉不庄,将置之孙山”;幸得当时总督尹继善慧眼识珠,才免于落榜。乾隆四年(1739年)进士,授翰林院庶吉士;乾隆七年外调做官,曾任江宁、上元等地知县,政声好,很得上司赏识。  相似文献   

蜂飞扬,传播"金蜜蜂"精神、分享最佳实践、倡导跨界合作、实现共享价值;梦飞扬,大国崛起梦、可持续发展梦、美丽中国梦。让我们期待,责任让梦想成真,共筑中国梦!2013年6月5日,第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛暨"2012金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜"发布典礼举行。一年一度的盛会,聚集了中国企业社会责任领域内的政府、企业、研究、咨询机构代表以及媒体伙伴的参与,堪称是中国企业社会责任同仁们最全面、最广泛的一次盛会。在论坛上,11家"金蜜蜂2020"社会责任倡议标杆企业代表手拉手欢迎新成员加入,代表中国追求可持续发展的"金蜜蜂2020"企  相似文献   

我叫马小存,是河北省滦南县胡各庄镇人,我在当地算得上是致富的冒尖户吧。其实,我创业并没有什么高超的技艺,凭就的只是毫不起眼的稻草。烧柴赚钞票我的家乡靠近渤海,水资源丰富,是著名的水稻产区。水稻收割以后,要生产出大量稻草,附近倒有几家造纸厂,可厂子规模小,交售稻草也得凭关系托熟人,一大车草拉过去也换不回几个钱,村民们只得把稻草码成大垛,当做取暖做饭的柴禾。我的父辈会手编技术,用蒲草编织鱼篓卖给出海的渔民,蒲草这些年有限,我就劝父亲用稻草试试。但是稻草编织成的鱼篓不经用,销量很小。1984年,我得到一条信息,说是辽宁盘锦…  相似文献   

当买方希望卖方能够接受远期付款方式时,作为出口商的您,可以将自己未来应收的远期票据转让给买断行以换取现金。当年,爱立信的这一要求就因交行等中资银行无法满足而转投花旗。令天,请听汇丰买断如是说。  相似文献   

This study examines how the Swedish insurance company Ansvar established and expended an international business from the 1930s to the 1990s with the motives to insure total abstainers while battling against alcohol abuse in society. Anvar represented a for-profit business that aimed at addressing social issues. The case provides a historical example of how shared value was created between the company and the temperance movement for the joint goal of improving society through temperance. The article argues that the company’s decline was due to changing values, where alcohol was no longer seen as a threat to society.  相似文献   

在本届车展上,马自达正式发布了其全新品牌理念——“Zoom-Zoom”。何为莫名其妙的“Zoom-Zoom”?这次马自达公司的优秀展车终于让人闪理会了:“Zoom-Zoom”是人们孩提时代用嘴模仿汽车发动机的声音,是孩提时代所感受到的飞速运动的魔力。现在马自达公司把人们在孩提时代就有的飞速前进的梦想魔力融进了其全系列的产品之中,以让人们普遍感受到这种魔力,把梦想变为现实!  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore the implementation of corporate ethical culture and policies as an adjunct to formal forms of corporate governance. The insurance industry utilises a variety of external governance structures, but is almost unique in that stock companies (which are exposed to an external market for corporate control) and mutual companies (which are owned by a subset of their customers) are in active competition. A questionnaire survey of senior executives in U.K. insurance companies was undertaken to explore the implementation of ethical policies and codes, to investigate ethical attitudes, and to analyze the extent to which these policies and attitudes varied among companies. The results suggest that ethical policies have a higher profile and ethical attitudes and behaviour are more positive in mutual as opposed to stock insurance companies. These findings support the contention that a strong corporate ethical culture may be utilised to enhance formal corporate governance instruments. Stephen Diacon and Christine Ennew both work in the School of Management and Finance at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. Dr. Diacon is Senior Lecturer in Insurance Studies and Director of the University of Nottingham Insurance Centre. Dr. Ennew is Reader in Marketing and Associate Editor of International Journal of Bank Marketing.  相似文献   

H. Richard Niebuhr's typology of the relation between Christ and culture can function as a heuristic device to identify different approaches to Christian business ethics. Five types are outlined: Christ Against Business, The Christ of Business, Christ Above Business, Christ and Business in Paradox, and Christ the Transformer of Business. This typology may facilitate discussion on the relative adequacy of various theological assumptions about ethical change in business. Louke Siker received her Ph.D. in Religion and Society from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1987 (dissertation: Interpreting Corporate Cultures: Philosophical and Theological Reasons for Doing Business Ethics in a Hermeneutical Mode). She has taught Christian ethics and business ethics at Wake Forest University and Loyola Marymount University. Her research interests include methodology in business ethics. She is the author of An Unlikely Dialogue: Barth and Business Ethicists on Human Work, Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, 1989.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey of business graduates over a four-year period revealed stability over time in their assessments of proposals to improve business ethics except for significantly greater disapproval of government regulation. A comparison of graduates and executives indicate both favor developing general ethical business principles, business ethics courses, and codes of ethics, while disapproving government regulation and participation by religious leaders in ethical norms for business. The mean rankings by business graduates over time of factors influencing ethical conduct show significant declines in school-university training and significant increases for religious training and industry practices. Graduates and executives rank family training as the most important influence and school-university training as least important. The authors conclude that a more careful consideration be given to matching reform proposals and influence factors, and to increasing the depth of change efforts in individual business ethics. Peter Arlow is Associate Professor of Management at Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio 44555, U.S.A., where he teaches MBA and undergraduate management courses. His previous publications have appeared in the Academy of Management Review, Business Horizons, Long-Range Planning, and other journals. Thomas A. Ulrich is Professor of Accounting at Loyola College in Maryland. He received his doctorate from Michigan State University and is a Certified Management Accountant as well as a Chartered Financial Analyst. Dr. Ulrich has published previously in the Journal of Accountancy, Management Accounting, The Internal Auditor, Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, Bankers Magazine, The Magazine of Bank Administration, Journal of Small Business Management and the American Journal of Small Business.  相似文献   

This article examines spiritual growth and the business career. Rather than a certain decline into workaholism or materialism, the world of business becomes a necessary step on the path of enlightenment, through the transcendant philosophical models of the Hindu householder and the Native American Medicine Wheel.The householder concept, including mastering the material world and the resulting spiritual growth, stresses the importance of action, also a criterion for success in business. Current views, based on studies of modern life, Judaic thought, and Christian beliefs, add further dimension to this executive's model of enlightenment. John Hayes Barnett is Associate Professor at The Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, U.S.A. He was previously a Management Consultant (Cresap, McCormick & Paget) and a Volunteer Executive (Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Philippines) He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Doctor of Divinity. His most important publications are: Strategic Evaluation and Experimental Gaming (University of Colorado); Constants, Controversy and Change in Cultural Concepts (Sierra Madre Seminary); and Down the Rose Path: A Businessman's Search for Enlightenment (in press).  相似文献   

A complex total business enterprise computer simulation was used as the setting for a study of judgments by Chinese and American business school students. The subjects were asked to make a series of decisions and give judgments about expected levels of competition for a new market opportunity in the simulation world. Decisions were compared across the groups based on the decision structure and content. The results confirm previous research as the American participants generated significantly more responses overall, and especially judgment-consistent responses than the Chinese participants. Analysis of the content of the decision representations found that the relative proportion of singular to distributional information in the responses was similar for both American and Chinese individuals when making decisions about their own teams, but the Chinese participants focused more heavily on distributional information when making judgments about the behavior of others. This implies that American and Chinese individuals focus on different aspects of similar information and this may influence subsequent judgments. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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