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钢材期货套期保值实证分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
期货价格与现货价格的走势具有趋同性与趋合性的特征,使期货套期保值交易能够对冲现货市场价格波动风险,钢材套期保值者可根据钢材价格的基差变化进行相应的买入或卖出交易,以锁定成本甚至获利.但在实际操作中,套期保值者还必须考虑运输、吊装等费用以及不同市场的价格贴水情况,确定一种合理基差.同时,本文认为决定套期保值效果的唯一因素是套期保值开始和套期保值结束时的基差变化,选择最理想的基差时机进行套期保值,能够实现预期的套期保值效果.  相似文献   

套期保值是期货市场的重要功能,为了规避现货市场上价格波动的风险,人们开始越来越关注期货市场,并通过期货市场对现货市场的交易风险进行一定程度的规避。文章以大连商品交易所大豆1号为研究对象,回归分析研究我国期货市场套期保值的持有期效应。  相似文献   

套期保值一直是规避风险的重要手段,也是投资者进行套利的主要工具。近几年来,套期保值比率模型的研究日趋成熟,文章首先回顾了套期保值理论的发展,对套期保值比率模型进行分类研究,并通过2014年5月26日至2015年10月15日的玉米期货和现货价格计算出最优套期保值比率,期望对套期保值者及套利者有一定的启发。  相似文献   

套期保值是指交易者配合在现货市场的买卖,在期货市场买进或卖出与现货市场交易品种、数量相同,但方向相反的期货合同。随着世界经济全球化和我国经济全面国际化,套期保值作为先进资本运作方式的价格发现和保值功能,成为大多数中国企业规避风险首选路径。本文首先阐述了套期保值的内涵及作用,并如何运用套期保值回避财务风险做出探讨。  相似文献   

随着粮食流通体制改革的进一步深化,大批粮食企业将成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的市场主体,在生产经营过程中不可避免地会遇到各种风险,尤其是价格风险。企业回避价格风险需要利用期货市场,并依据期货市场提供的权威性、预期性价格信号指导生产经营活动。当前,粮食企业利用期货市场主要是通过以下方式进行。一、在期货市场进行套期保值1.套期保值操作方法。套期保值可以分为两种最基本的操作方式,即买入套期保值和卖出套期保值。买入套期保值就是指套期保值者先在期货市场上买入与其将在现货市场上买入的现货商品数量相等、…  相似文献   

要对沪深300股指期货进行套期保值关键在于确定进行套期保值的现货和计算套期保值比率。当期货价格与现货价格高度相关时,套期保值效果就好。套期保值比率的大小影响参与套期保值的沪深300股指期货合约的数量,进而影响套期保值的成本,从而影响套期保值的效果。本文以沪深300股指期货及上证180ETF、上证50ETF、深圳100ETF进行套期保值,从套期保值现货及套期保值效果两个方面来分析其套期保值效果。  相似文献   

商品套期保值以规避大宗商品特别是国际市场大宗商品过度波动的价格风险,而普遍受到企业尤其是大型实体企业和贸易企业的欢迎。通过期、现两个市场交易的反向操作进行对冲,实现商品套期保值,是建立在同一商品期货与现货市场价格走势趋于一致,以及合约交割日的临近,现货与期货价格走向趋同这一基石之上的。其基本的要义主要表现为"锁定四个对冲":一是锁定相同交割月份的期货合约对冲;二是锁定相同品种的期货合约对冲;三是锁定等量规模的期货合约对冲;四是锁定交易反向的期货合约对冲。商品套期保值的价值功能,主要表现在具有对冲现货价格大幅波动风险、锁定企业可持续发展预期、放大企业财务杠杆安全边界三个方面。其实现路径主要表现为买入套期保值和卖出套期保值。有效防范商品套期保值风险,需要多措并举,确定全方位积极应对策略,特别是要不断完善内部治理结构,强化风险防控责任,把握期现基差风险全部要义,严格执行"三位一体"操作规则,建立科学的预警防控机制。  相似文献   

徐疆 《中国市场》2012,(29):34-40
期货市场的风险管理功能,即套期保值功能,对于国民经济的稳定发展有着重要的意义。本文介绍了目前主流的最优套期保值比率确定方法,并通过对我国期货市场中沪深300股指期货套期保值与农产品套期保值效果的实证研究与绩效对比,发现由于缺乏规范发达的现货交易市场提供准确的现货价格,大宗商品的期现价格联动效应不佳,导致商品期货套期保值比率的确定不能像股指期货一样使用科学的计量方法,套期保值效果远不能与股指期货相提并论。最后结论是要想充分发挥商品期货市场套期保值功能为实体经济保驾护航就必须解决大宗商品期现价格联动不佳的问题,在全国范围内建立和期货类似的规范的现货交易体系以此来提供与期货价格有着良好联动关系的现货价格是一条可走之路。  相似文献   

针对近年来金属价格高位运行且剧烈波动的形势,许多以贵金属为主要原材料的加工企业,都积极运用期货来进行套期保值。尤其是参与国际交易的铜进口企业,国际上很多影响铜产品价格的因素,导致铜价波动异常剧烈。给企业的经营带来很大风险,期货市场的套期保值操作恰好能提供一个规避现货价格风险的渠道。本文从期货套期保值交易的基本原理和原则出发,对套期保值的操作和会计处理进行了具体的分析。  相似文献   

随着国内国际农产品价格波动的日益频繁,交易者们开始越来越重视对于农产品现货的保值,而期货市场是一个很好的保值途径。本文以大连商品交易所大豆1号为研究对象,研究我国期货市场的最优套期保值比率以及期货合约的选择效应,分析方法是建立模型,回归出我国大豆期货市场上的最优套期保值比率,以及不同合约下大豆期货市场的套期保值绩效,从而得出我国大豆期货市场套期保值是否具有期货合约的选择效应结论,并为以后的农产品期货套期保值提供保值策略方面的建议。  相似文献   

Risk management techniques such as value at risk and conditional value at risk focus attention on protecting the downside exposures without penalizing the upside exposures. The implied welfare functions are equivalent to an otherwise risk neutral agent with a put option exposure on the downside. The correspondence can be exploited to design smoother loss measures and numerically based solutions for optimal hedge ratios. A statistically well‐adapted hedge object for the firm is the corporate terms of trade, which balances up output and expense prices as a single index related to the net profit margin. The methods are applied to the NZ dairy industry to derive optimal foreign exchange forwards based hedges. It is not always optimal to rely solely on forward discounts or premiums. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:1059–1088, 2006  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a method based on risk minimization to hedge observable but nontradable source of risk on financial or energy markets. The optimal portfolio strategy is obtained by minimizing dynamically the conditional value‐at‐risk (CVaR) using three main tools: a stochastic approximation algorithm, optimal quantization, and variance reduction techniques (importance sampling and linear control variable), as the quantities of interest are naturally related to rare events. As a first step, we investigate the problem of CVaR regression, which corresponds to a static portfolio strategy where the number of units of each tradable assets is fixed at time 0 and remains unchanged till maturity. We devise a stochastic approximation algorithm and study its a.s. convergence and weak convergence rate. Then, we extend our approach to the dynamic case under the assumption that the process modeling the nontradable source of risk and financial assets prices is Markovian. Finally, we illustrate our approach by considering several portfolios in connection with energy markets.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an unexplored dimension of fund managers’ timing ability: Market-wide tail risk implied by information in options markets. Constructing the option-implied tail risk, we investigate whether hedge fund managers can strategically time the tail risk through adjusting their exposure to changes of it. Using an extensive sample of equity-oriented hedge funds, we find strong evidence of tail risk timing ability of hedge fund managers. Furthermore, tail risk timing ability brings significant economic value to investors. Top-ranked funds outperform bottom-ranked funds by 5–7% annually after adjusting for risk factors. Our results are robust to various robustness checks.  相似文献   

田立  黄维凑 《商业研究》2011,(1):191-194
2008-2009年,国内部分企业参与石油套保发生巨亏的案例反映出我国在石油价格风险管理方面的手段不足。尤其是通过卖出期权进行"自融资"来支撑套保方案,在石油价格大幅波动的情况下,如何通过对冲来实现止损方面,国内企业缺少的不仅是经验,也包括风险管理手段的欠缺。实际上依当时的实际情况,这些企业完全可以通过买入美国国债期权的方式对自身的石油期权空头头寸进行对冲,以避免大规模亏损。  相似文献   

We propose risk metrics to assess the performance of high‐frequency (HF) trading strategies that seek to maximize profits from making the realized spread where the holding period is extremely short (fractions of a second, seconds, or at most minutes). The HF trader maximizes expected terminal wealth and is constrained by both capital and the amount of inventory that she can hold at any time. The risk metrics enable the HF trader to fine tune her strategies by trading off different metrics of inventory risk, which also proxy for capital risk, against expected profits. The dynamics of the midprice of the asset are driven by information flows which are impounded in the midprice by market participants who update their quotes in the limit order book. Furthermore, the midprice also exhibits stochastic jumps as a consequence of the arrival of market orders that have an impact on prices which can give rise to market momentum (expected prices to trend up or down). The HF trader's optimal strategy incorporates a buffer to cover adverse selection costs and manages inventories to maximize the expected gains from market momentum.  相似文献   

This article considers the pricing and hedging of barrier options in a market in which call options are liquidly traded and can be used as hedging instruments. This use of call options means that market preferences and beliefs about the future behavior of the underlying assets are in some sense incorporated into the hedge and do not need to be specified exogenously. Thus we are able to find prices for exotic derivatives which are independent of any model for the underlying asset. For example we do not need to assume that the underlying assets follow an exponential Brownian motion.
We find model-independent upper and lower bounds on the prices of knock-in and knock-out puts and calls. If the market prices the barrier options outside these limits then we give simple strategies for generating profits at zero risk. Examples illustrate that the bounds we give can be fairly tight.  相似文献   

This study examines the optimal design of a futures hedge program for the competitive firm under output price uncertainty. All futures contracts are unbiased and marked to market in that they require interim cash settlement of gains and losses. The futures price dynamics follows a first-order autoregression with a random walk serving as a special case. The firm's futures hedge program is constituted of an endogenous provision for premature termination, which depends on how the futures prices are autocorrelated. Succinctly, the firm voluntarily commits to premature liquidation of its futures position on which the interim loss incurred exceeds a predetermined threshold level if the futures prices are positively autocorrelated. In this case, the liquidity constrained firm optimally opts for an over-hedge if its preferences exhibit either constant or increasing absolute risk aversion. If the futures prices are uncorrelated or negatively autocorrelated, the firm prefers to be liquidity unconstrained and thus adopts a full-hedge to completely eliminate the output price risk. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:749–762, 2008  相似文献   

It is often difficult to distinguish among different option pricing models that consider stochastic volatility and/or jumps based on a cross‐section of European option prices. This can result in model misspecification. We analyze the hedging error induced by model misspecification and show that it can be economically significant in the cases of a delta hedge, a minimum‐variance hedge, and a delta‐vega hedge. Furthermore, we explain the surprisingly good performance of a simple ad‐hoc Black‐Scholes hedge. We compare realized hedging errors (an incorrect hedge model is applied) and anticipated hedging errors (the hedge model is the true one) and find that there are substantial differences between the two distributions, particularly depending on whether stochastic volatility is included in the hedge model. Therefore, hedging errors can be useful for identifying model misspecification. Furthermore, model risk has severe implications for risk measurement and can lead to a significant misestimation, specifically underestimation, of the risk to which a hedged position is exposed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

This article introduces Knightian uncertainty into the production and futures hedging framework. The firm has imprecise information about the probability density function of spot or futures prices in the future. Decision‐making under such scenario follows the “max‐min” principle. It is shown that inertia in hedging behavior prevails under Knightian uncertainty. In a forward market, there is a region for the current forward price within which full hedge is the optimal hedging policy. This result may help explain why the one‐to‐one hedge ratio is commonly observed. Also inertia increases as the ambiguity with the probability density function increases. When hedging on futures markets with basis risk, inertia is established at the regression hedge ratio. Moreover, if only the futures price is subject to Knightian uncertainty, the utility function has no bearing on the possibility of inertia. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 20: 397–404, 2000  相似文献   

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