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我出生在纽约,成长于哈德逊河另一边的新泽西州的Alpine。这里的居民不到一千人,所以连自己的中学都没有,因而我在三英里之外的Tenafly读完了初中和高中。  相似文献   

沈斌 《环境经济》2008,(4):66-67
转眼间高中毕业已三十年。曾记得高中毕业后五年,我背起简陋的行囊,穿着母亲手工纺织的土布衣,满怀憧憬地离开了生我育我的故土,去圆我们农村青年梦寐以求的大学梦,踏上了这条奋斗之路。在无数的农村青年大军中,我是幸运  相似文献   

<正>一、成长的历程我祖籍为湖南省衡南县,出生在湘江河畔的一个农民家庭。孩提时代,一直到高中毕业,都在家乡度过。我从小就比较勤奋,还在读初中的时候,经常是天  相似文献   

当前,扩大内需已经成为我国经济工作的一项重要任务.本文研究了我国大力发展高中教育的必要性;认为当前高中教育经费投入严重不足,高中教育发展严重滞后于经济发展,不能满足社会经济发展和人民群众对教育发展的需求;最后指出要将大力发展高中教育作为扩大内需的一条重要渠道,加大高中教育投资.  相似文献   

记得夏天回国时,在北京一所普通的高中教书的亲友告诉我,她的班越教越小,许多学生会突然消失。到哪里去了?出国,事情来得是这么突然,有时学生本人都不知道。家长怕孩子分心,背着孩子把出国留学办好,然后拿着录取通知告诉孩子:你不必在这里读完高中了,走吧。  相似文献   

同志们: 老赵给我出了一个题目:我和中国汽车工业,事先我不知道,可能因为我一直搞汽车工业啦。我是江阴人,初中以前都在江阴青阳上的,高中以后到外地,都在南京、上海,解放初期在南京市团市委工作,当时不叫团市委,叫工作委员会。54年到长春第一汽车厂工作。在那里干了十几年,从创建开始。后来又建湖北第二汽车制造厂,也从创建的时候开始  相似文献   

科技的进步,带动了社会的飞速发展,物理学的发展起到了火车头的作用!在高中的学习过程中对物理学科产生了浓厚的兴趣也培养了我善思,坚韧,合作的品质,训练了我挖掘本质、探索规律的能力.我立志学习物理,为探索自然的奥秘,更希望为祖国科学技术的进步出一份微薄之力.  相似文献   

叶祥松 《生产力研究》2008,(4):I0001-I0007
<正>我于1979年考入湖北财经学院(现中南财经政法大学)政治系政治经济学专业,从此踏上了经济学的求学、教学和研究之路。上大学前,当过农民、民办教师、军人。1974年高中毕业后回乡种田,1974年12月在家乡湖北省蒲圻县(现赤壁市)官塘公社同心小学任民办教师,1976年12月应征入伍,开始了两年半的艰苦异常的部队生活,在部队期间开始研读马克思《资本论》。刚到部队,正是隆冬之际,室外零下20℃度以下,每天训练8个小时,天寒地冻,对于一个南方兵来说,其艰苦可想而知。新兵生活结束后,我被分配到  相似文献   

高职院校的办学宗旨是培养高素质、高技能的应用型人才,在校期间专业的理论与技能学习应与对应岗位紧密相连,其中以掌握一项过硬的技能为主,这样毕业后可与工作岗位无缝对接,为社会输送应用型人才。高职教育是不同于本科和高中教育的,但是现在大多数高职教育没有走出本科和高中的教育模式,还在沿袭课堂理论学习为主的模式,不过是浓缩了内容。那么如何提高高职院校教学效果,真正培养出高素质、高技能的应用型人才呢,以下浅谈一些我的看法。  相似文献   

人工智能技术的迅速渗透促使劳动力市场不断提高技能要求,农村青年的就业结构性矛盾日益凸显,通过教育改革提升其技能水平以适应人工智能时代势在必行。本文以多个地方政府在2010—2012年间密集推动的“十二年免费教育”政策作为“准自然实验”,利用队列双重差分法考察高中教育扩展对农村青年群体在人工智能时代就业表现的影响。研究发现:(1)人工智能技术存在对农村青年的就业部门从制造业向生活服务业的“驱赶”作用,总体上降低了农村青年的就业率和就业稳定性;(2)十二年免费教育政策显著提高了农村青年的高中入学率和毕业率,带来的教育扩展效果有效改善了他们的就业表现,利用三重差分法考虑人工智能技术对农村青年就业的负面影响后,改善作用依然存在;(3)机制分析表明,高中教育扩展抑制了农村青年在职业匹配过程中的技能不足,在高中教育扩展对农村青年就业表现的影响过程中,职业教育是关键的中间机制。本文揭示了人工智能时代技能提升对于农村青年就业改善的重要性,政策建议包括在新的人口迁移形势下平衡城乡高中教育资源、扩大免费教育试点、加快职业教育改革等。  相似文献   

参与性方法已受到越来越广泛的关注。但人们在过去很长的时期内,主要是把它作为一种研究和示范工具,而很少用它去解决实际问题。新西兰政府无偿援助的云南中甸高海拔地区农村综合整治项目从项目设计开始就充分利用了这一方法。本文试图对本项目各个阶段参与性方法的基本情况作初略分析。  相似文献   

In order to be eligible for in-work tax credits, it is often not enough to have low earnings. In Ireland, New Zeand the United Kingdom, for example, for eligibility, it is also required that the number of hours worked is sufficiently high. Similarly, in Belgium and France, the hourly wage rate must be sufficiently low. In this paper, I provide a justification for such additional conditions. I analyze Pareto-efficient redistribution from high to low ability individuals in a model where labor has several intensive margins. Besides labor hours, labor effort – a vector of unpleasant, but productive features of labor – is also an object of choice. Effort and ability determine the hourly wage rate. I find that conditional subsidies on earnings for low earners are optimal: the earnings of low earners should be subsidized at the margin, but only if they earn more by working more hours at a sufficiently low wage rate.  相似文献   

The New Austrian (also called Neo-Mengerian) paradigm emphasizes the importance of nonequilibrium and emergent processes in explaining the social world. In this paper I analyze macroeconomic policy from a New Austrian perspective. I define macroeconomic policy broadly, encompassing not only policy relating to business cycles and growth, but to any policy aimed at directly manipulating emergent variables. Such policy is fundamentally incoherent, since it attempts to divorce social outcomes from the processes that generate them and give them meaning. A New Austrian approach to macroeconomic policy, which focuses on the rules structuring nonequilibrium-emergent social processes, avoids this problem.  相似文献   

I examine the effect of transitioning from welfare to full-time employment on a variety of measures of subjective well-being for a sample of long-term welfare recipients in British Columbia and New Brunswick who participated in the Self-Sufficiency Project (SSP). Individuals randomly assigned to the treatment group could receive a generous time-limited earnings supplement if they found full-time work. I use random assignment to estimate the local average treatment effect of working full time on well-being. For the complier subpopulation, I find large, positive effects on subjective well-being that persist over the longer run for New Brunswick and through roughly three years for British Columbia. Policy changes made during the experiment may explain the provincial differences.  相似文献   

Abstract. I assess the importance of geography and cultural ties in foreign direct investment in China. Using an estimated gravity model to construct predicted FDI stocks in China for 1997 from major source countries, I find that the total FDI stock would be lowered by about 45% if China's economic center were located in New Delhi, India, and would be lowered by about 70% if it were located in New Delhi and there were no cultural ties. These estimates suggest that much of China's ability to attract FDI is due to its natural advantages.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the fiscal equalization process in Australia, which transfers wealth between States, has efficiency costs. Here, I show that equalization transfers can be efficiency enhancing. Further, it is shown that under certain assumptions about inter-state differences in costs of production and resource endowments, such transfers may need to favour relatively high cost and resource rich States, such as Western Australia and Queensland, while under other assumptions about diversity, they should favour relatively resource poor and low cost States, such as Victoria and New South Wales.  相似文献   

I discuss theoretical identification of the New Keynesian Phillips curve, and show that it can be identified with limited information techniques when the data generating process is a New Keynesian model with enough macro frictions or persistent shocks. Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the quantitative relevance of the results.  相似文献   

This article elucidates the relation between price and labor content in the context of generalizing the New Interpretation of Marxian value theory. We examine a generalized New Interpretation in a linear economic model introducing a differential value-creating capacity of different concrete labors, which regards price, value and the profit rate as random variables. Simulations are performed by constructing stochastic models with labor heterogeneity in two comparable ways. Considering that the standard New Interpretation suffers from the indeterminacy of the skilled labor reduction criterion without the assumption of an equalized rate of surplus value, it is hoped that the results of this analysis provide a research guideline for bridging the theoretical gap.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(5-6):1119-1133
Pure community rating, which was enacted to improve access to health insurance in New York's small group market in 1993, prevents carriers from charging different premiums based on the ages of a firm's workers. If small firms were adjusting compensation packages prior to reform to offset higher health care costs of older workers, then community rating could lead to greater relative wages for older workers post reform and not necessarily induce adverse selection that results in changes in who is insured. I present evidence showing that relative wages of older workers in small firms increased in comparison with other states and with large firms within New York following reform.  相似文献   

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