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Using high-frequency intraday data, we construct, test and model seven new realized volatility estimators for six international equity indices. We detect jumps in these estimators, construct the jump components of volatility and perform various tests on their properties. Then we use the class of heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models for assessing the relevant effects of jumps on volatility. Our results expand and complement the previous literature on the nonparametric realized volatility estimation in terms of volatility jumps being examined and modeled for the international equity market, using such a variety of new realized volatility estimators. The selection of realized volatility estimator greatly affects jump detection, magnitude and modeling. The properties each volatility estimator tries to incorporate affect the detection, magnitude and properties of jumps. These volatility-estimation and jump properties are also evident in jump modeling based on statistical and economic terms.  相似文献   

We consider the properties of three estimation methods for integrated volatility, i.e. realized volatility, Fourier, and wavelet estimation, when a typical sample of high-frequency data is observed. We employ several different generating mechanisms for the instantaneous volatility process, e.g. Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, long memory, and jump processes. The possibility of market microstructure contamination is also entertained using models with bid-ask bounce and price discreteness, in which case alternative estimators with theoretical justification under market microstructure noise are also examined. The estimation methods are compared in a simulation study which reveals a general robustness towards persistence or jumps in the latent stochastic volatility process. However, bid-ask bounce effects render realized volatility and especially the wavelet estimator less useful in practice, whereas the Fourier method remains useful and is superior to the other two estimators in that case. More strikingly, even compared to bias correction methods for microstructure noise, the Fourier method is superior with respect to RMSE while having only slightly higher bias. A brief empirical illustration with high-frequency GE data is also included.  相似文献   

Volatility clustering and leverage are two of the most prominent stylized features of the dynamics of asset prices. In order to incorporate these features as well as the typical fat-tails of the log return distributions, several types of exponential Lévy models driven by random clocks have been proposed in the literature. These models constitute a viable alternative to the classical stochastic volatility approach based on SDEs driven by Wiener processes. This paper has two main objectives. First, using threshold type estimators based on high-frequency discrete observations of the process, we consider the recovery problem of the underlying random clock of the process. We show consistency of our estimator in the mean-square sense, extending former results in the literature for more general Lévy processes and for irregular sampling schemes. Secondly, we illustrate empirically the estimation of the random clock, the Blumenthal-Geetor index of jump activity, and the spectral Lévy measure of the process using real intraday high-frequency data.  相似文献   

We introduce a new approach in measuring relative volatility between two markets based on the directional change (DC) method. DC is a data-driven approach for sampling financial market data such that the data are recorded when the price changes have reached a significant amplitude rather than recording data under a predetermined timescale. Under the DC framework, we propose a new concept of DC micro-market relative volatility to evaluate relative volatility between two markets. Unlike the time-series method, micro-market relative volatility redefines the timescale based on the frequency of the observed DC data between the two markets. We show that it is useful for measuring the relative volatility in micro-market activities (high-frequency data).  相似文献   

Aggregation of Nonparametric Estimators for Volatility Matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An aggregated method of nonparametric estimators based on time-domainand state-domain estimators is proposed and studied. To attenuatethe curse of dimensionality, we propose a factor modeling strategy.We first investigate the asymptotic behavior of nonparametricestimators of the volatility matrix in the time domain and inthe state domain. Asymptotic normality is separately establishedfor nonparametric estimators in the time domain and state domain.These two estimators are asymptotically independent. Hence,they can be combined, through a dynamic weighting scheme, toimprove the efficiency of volatility matrix estimation. Theoptimal dynamic weights are derived, and it is shown that theaggregated estimator uniformly dominates volatility matrix estimatorsusing time-domain or state-domain smoothing alone. A simulationstudy, based on an essentially affine model for the term structure,is conducted, and it demonstrates convincingly that the newlyproposed procedure outperforms both time- and state-domain estimators.Empirical studies further endorse the advantages of our aggregatedmethod.  相似文献   

Leverage and Volatility Feedback Effects in High-Frequency Data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examine the relationship between volatility and past andfuture returns using high-frequency aggregate equity index data.Consistent with a prolonged "leverage" effect, we find the correlationsbetween absolute high-frequency returns and current and pasthigh-frequency returns to be significantly negative for severaldays, whereas the reverse cross-correlations are generally negligible.We also find that high-frequency data may be used in more accuratelyassessing volatility asymmetries over longer daily return horizons.Furthermore, our analysis of several popular continuous-timestochastic volatility models clearly points to the importanceof allowing for multiple latent volatility factors for satisfactorilydescribing the observed volatility asymmetries.  相似文献   

The intraday nonparametric estimation of the variance–covariance matrix adds to the literature in portfolio analysis of the Greek equity market. This paper examines the economic value of various realized volatility and covariance estimators under the strategy of volatility timing. I use three types of portfolios: Global Minimum Variance, Capital Market Line and Capital Market Line with only positive weights. The estimators of volatilities and covariances use 5-min high-frequency intraday data. The dataset concerns the FTSE/ATHEX Large Cap index, FTSE/ATHEX Mid Cap index, and the FTSE/ATHEX Small Cap index of the Greek equity market (Athens Stock Exchange). As far as I know, this is the first work of its kind for the Greek equity market. Results concern not only the comparison of various estimators but also the comparison of different types of portfolios, in the strategy of volatility timing. The economic value of the contemporary non-parametric realized volatility estimators is more significant than this when the covariance is estimated by the daily squared returns. Moreover, the economic value (in b.p.s) of each estimator changes with the volatility timing.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new approach to the estimation of daily realised volatility in financial markets from intraday data. Initially, an examination of intraday returns on S&P 500 Index Futures reveals that returns can be characterised by heteroscedasticity and time-varying autocorrelation. After reviewing a number of daily realised volatility estimators cited in the literature, it is concluded that these estimators are based upon a number of restrictive assumptions in regard to the data generating process for intraday returns. We use a weak set of assumptions about the data generating process for intraday returns, including transaction returns, given in den Haan and Levin [den Haan, W.J., Levin, A., 1996. Inferences from parametric and non-parametric covariance matrix estimation procedures, Working paper, NBER, 195.], which allows for heteroscedasticity and time-varying autocorrelation in intraday returns. These assumptions allow the VARHAC estimator to be employed in the estimation of daily realised volatility. An empirical analysis of the VARHAC daily volatility estimator employing intraday transaction returns concludes that this estimator performs well in comparison to other estimators cited in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop the multipower estimators for the integrated volatility in (Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard in J. Financ. Econom. 2:1–37, 2004); these estimators allow the presence of jumps in the underlying driving process and the simultaneous presence of microstructure noise and multiple records of observations. By multiple records we mean more than one observation recorded on a single time stamp, as often seen in stock markets, in particular, for heavily traded securities, for a data set with even millisecond frequency. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators for both noise-free and noise-present cases. Simulation studies confirm our theoretical results. We apply the estimators to a real high-frequency data set.  相似文献   

We estimate the daily integrated variance and covariance of stock returns using high-frequency data in the presence of jumps, market microstructure noise and non-synchronous trading. For this we propose jump robust two time scale (co)variance estimators and verify their reduced bias and mean square error in simulation studies. We use these estimators to construct the ex-post portfolio realized volatility (RV) budget, determining each portfolio component’s contribution to the RV of the portfolio return. These RV budgets provide insight into the risk concentration of a portfolio. Furthermore, the RV budgets can be directly used in a portfolio strategy, called the equal-risk-contribution allocation strategy. This yields both a higher average return and lower standard deviation out-of-sample than the equal-weight portfolio for the stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average over the period October 2007–May 2009.  相似文献   

This study examines two important issues underlying realized volatility and correlation estimators. First, an empirical inquiry is conducted to assess whether Bax and Eurodollar futures tick-by-tick data can be characterized as marked-point processes. Second, ARMA, neural network, GARCH-BEKK, and naive volatility and correlation forecasts are compared in an out-of-sample context when a trader prices an interest rate spread option based on those forecasts and simultaneously delta-hedges her position. Other loss functions are also considered. Competing volatility forecasts are also compared to implied volatilities.  相似文献   

We introduce and evaluate the NOVIX - an implied volatility index for the Norwegian equity index OBX. NOVIX is created according to the VIX methodology. We compare the NOVIX to the German VDAX-NEW and the U.S. VIX and find that NOVIX has similar properties as these two indices. We also evaluate the VIX, VDAX-NEW and NOVIX in terms of volatility forecasting. As a benchmark model we use a precise HAR model of Corsi (2009) based on high-frequency data. All three implied volatility indices significantly improve daily, weekly and monthly forecasts of volatility of their underlying equity indices. This improvement is largest for the VIX, followed by VDAX-NEW and NOVIX.  相似文献   

We develop a Vector Heterogeneous Autoregression model with Continuous Volatility and Jumps (VHARCJ) where residuals follow a flexible dynamic heterogeneous covariance structure. We employ the Bayesian data augmentation approach to match the realised volatility series based on high-frequency data from six stock markets. The structural breaks in the covariance are captured by an exogenous stochastic component that follows a three-state Markov regime-switching process. We find that the stock markets have higher volatility dependence during turmoil periods and that breakdowns in volatility dependence can be attributed to the increase in market volatilities. We also find positive correlations between the Asian stock markets, the European stock market, and the UK stock market. The US stock market has positive correlations with all other markets for most of the sample periods, indicating the leading position of US stock market in the global stock markets. In addition, the proposed three-state VHARCJ model with Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) and break structure under student-t distribution has a superior density forecast performance as compared to the competing models. The forecast models with structural breaks outperform those without structural breaks based on the log predicted likelihood, the log Bayesian factor, and the root mean square loss function.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new class of estimators based on the interquantile range of intraday returns, referred to as interquantile range based volatility (IQRBV), to estimate the integrated daily volatility. More importantly and intuitively, it is shown that a properly chosen IQRBV is jump-free for its trimming of the intraday extreme two tails that utilize the range between symmetric quantiles. We exploit its approximation optimality by examining a general class of distributions from the Pearson type IV family and recommend using IQRBV.04 as the integrated variance estimate. Both our simulation and the empirical results highlight interesting features of the easy-to-implement and model-free IQRBV over the other competing estimators that are seen in the literature.  相似文献   

Opening, lunch and closing of financial markets induce a periodic component in the volatility of high-frequency returns. We show that price jumps cause a large bias in the classical periodicity estimators and propose robust alternatives. We find that accounting for periodicity greatly improves the accuracy of intraday jump detection methods. It increases the power to detect the relatively small jumps occurring at times for which volatility is periodically low and reduces the number of spurious jump detections at times of periodically high volatility. We use the series of detected jumps to estimate robustly the long memory parameter of the squared EUR/USD, GBP/USD and YEN/USD returns.  相似文献   

Evolving volatility is a dominant feature observed in most financial time series and a key parameter used in option pricing and many other financial risk analyses. A number of methods for non-parametric scale estimation are reviewed and assessed with regard to the stylized features of financial time series. A new non-parametric procedure for estimating historical volatility is proposed based on local maximum likelihood estimation for the t-distribution. The performance of this procedure is assessed using simulated and real price data and is found to be the best among estimators we consider. We propose that it replaces the moving variance historical volatility estimator.  相似文献   

The main problem in volatility forecasting is that the variable of interest is unobservable, which complicates not only the construction of forecasts but also their comparison. This article challenges the common practice of using only proxy-robust loss functions, which have the nice property that they lead to the same ranking of forecasts regardless whether the unobservable true volatility is used or some unbiased proxy. It is shown that two proxy-robust loss functions need not necessarily produce similar rankings but may even produce completely contradictory rankings. Two likelihood-based loss functions are proposed instead, which are not exactly proxy-robust but are still robust in the classical sense. The first is based on a t-distribution and is meant for daily data. The second is based on an F-distribution and is meant for high-frequency data. In the latter case, the squared error loss function may also be used when a logarithmic transformation is applied to the realized variances in order to achieve approximate normality. An alternative transformation is proposed which allows the adaptation to the degree of non-normality. The forecasting procedures that are compared by the different loss functions include GARCH, HAR, HARQ, and MIDAS models as well as nonparametric techniques. Finally, the economic relevance of choosing the right forecast is illustrated with the problem of establishing the intertemporal risk–return tradeoff. All theoretical arguments are backed up with empirical evidence obtained from daily data as well as from high-frequency data.  相似文献   

We propose a parametric state space model of asset return volatility with an accompanying estimation and forecasting framework that allows for ARFIMA dynamics, random level shifts and measurement errors. The Kalman filter is used to construct the state-augmented likelihood function and subsequently to generate forecasts, which are mean and path-corrected. We apply our model to eight daily volatility series constructed from both high-frequency and daily returns. Full sample parameter estimates reveal that random level shifts are present in all series. Genuine long memory is present in most high-frequency measures of volatility, whereas there is little remaining dynamics in the volatility measures constructed using daily returns. From extensive forecast evaluations, we find that our ARFIMA model with random level shifts consistently belongs to the 10% Model Confidence Set across a variety of forecast horizons, asset classes and volatility measures. The gains in forecast accuracy can be very pronounced, especially at longer horizons.  相似文献   

This paper applies log-periodogram estimators of the fractional difference parameter to the volatility of the US dollar exchange rate returns of 11 European currencies, and under temporal aggregation from an underlying half-hourly intra-day frequency. Particular attention is paid to the sequencing of the nonlinear transformation of returns and their temporal aggregation. The results reported confirm that long-memory in absolute returns constitutes an intrinsic and empirically significant characteristic of the exchange rates considered. At the practical level, our results lend support to the proposal that nonlinear transformation prior to temporal aggregation can return meaningful long-memory parameter estimates. Our findings also illustrate the advantages of long-memory parameter estimation based on the smoothed periodogram applied to absolute returns in controlling for noise induced by temporal aggregation in the processing of high-frequency data.  相似文献   

We study two methods of adjusting for intraday periodicity of high-frequency financial data: the well-known Duration Adjustment (DA) method and the recently proposed Time Transformation (TT) method (Wu (2012)). We examine the effects of these adjustments on the estimation of intraday volatility using the Autoregressive Conditional Duration-Integrated Conditional Variance (ACD-ICV) method of Tse and Yang (2012). We find that daily volatility estimates are not sensitive to intraday periodicity adjustment. However, intraday volatility is found to have a weaker U-shaped volatility smile and a biased trough if intraday periodicity adjustment is not applied. In addition, adjustment taking account of trades with zero duration (multiple trades at the same time stamp) results in deeper intraday volatility smile.  相似文献   

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