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汇率制度的两极论作为一国货币汇率制度选择的理论依据,其中任何一种汇率制度形式都可能带来社会福利损失。基于两极论阐述了"不可能三角原理"与BBC规则之间的内在关系,提出不完全资本流动下人民币汇率制度的未来改革与选择取向:钉住(美元)的固定汇率制度→BBC汇率制度→管理浮动的汇率制度→自由浮动的汇率制度。  相似文献   

2007年以来,中国发生资本流动突然中断的次数和规模明显增加,对我国汇率制度改革提出了新的挑战.本文利用全球149个经济体1992-2015年的年度数据,采用不同的实证方法进行一系列分析后发现:突然中断会造成经济增长速度显著下降,但对不同汇率制度经济体的影响却不一致;在发生突然中断时,弹性较小的汇率制度下的经济体受到的负面影响更小;导致这种差异的原因可能是汇率制度弹性较小的经济体通货膨胀水平通常较低,价格稳定有利于出口,从而有利于经济的恢复.这一发现为一些国家和地区在发生资本流动突然中断危机时重新回到盯住汇率制度的做法提供了经验上的支持,也为我国在增强汇率制度弹性的改革过程中有效应对资本流动突然中断的冲击提供了政策参考.  相似文献   

This paper examines the international economic policies of the eastern European and Soviet Successes States in the early 1990s which provide one of those wide‐open windows of opportunity when powerful vested interests are not lobbying for retention of an existing tariff structure. Moreover, the simultaneous abandonment of central planning by over two dozen countries provided a natural experiment in which a range of differing policies might have been pursued. Policymakers in transition economies have generally ended up pursuing liberal non‐discriminatory trade and foreign exchange policies. There are exceptions and the majority may be wrong, but the presumption is that, perhaps after a learning or trial‐and‐error process, decision makers have found the rules of thumb suggested by economists to be their best guide to international economic policy. This paper notes that integration of transition economies into the global trading system has been surprisingly successful. Almost all the countries in transition from central planning have accepted the WTO rule‐based system in principle, even if there are variations in trade policies and performance, and have generally pursued multilateral non‐discriminatory trade policies. In particular, the potential danger of regionalism proving more attractive than multilateralism has not eventuated. The revealed behaviour of policymakers suggests that trade liberalisation is a good rule of thumb and regional groupings among transition economies have been insignificant. Despite a proliferation of new currencies, varying exchange rate regimes, and differing degrees of currency convertibility, the general pattern has been to accept convertibility for current account transdactions, and in many cases to extend this to a de jure commitment and to allow substantial capital account convertibility. A general policy conclusion in favour of more open and non‐discriminatory trade and exchange policies have passed the test of acceptability by policymakers in over two‐dozen countries in this category.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to determine the joint impact of intra-firm factors and inward foreign relationships on the status and stage of the outward internationalisation process of firms from small open transition economies. These factors and connections include firm's production capacity, experiential knowledge, psychic distance to target markets, inward international involvement (including foreign ownership and supply relations), and spillover effects. According to the empirical evidence, the inward internationalisation of Estonian manufacturers has considerably facilitated their export intensity.  相似文献   

赵志君 《中国市场》2010,(24):45-48
汇率之争与中美两国经济结构和世界经济格局变化密切相关,是中美两国经济结构失衡和矛盾长期积累的结果。我国可行的对策是,既不承诺贬值,也不承诺升值,让人民币回归浮动汇率的轨道,甚至可以适当扩大浮动范围。  相似文献   

Data from the last half‐century show that revealed comparative advantage in agriculture (manufacturing) is negatively (positively) associated with the rate of decline in labour share in agriculture. Motivated by this finding, the author constructs and calibrates a simple open‐economy model, where there is learning‐by‐doing in manufacturing and industry‐supplied inputs to agricultural production. This paper focuses on the effects of comparative advantage and learning‐by‐doing on structural transformation and calibrate the model to the US and the UK data to estimate key parameters of the model. Quantitative experiments show that holding constant other factors a small difference in a country's comparative advantage can account for a large variation in structural transformation for open economies, which does not require nearly as much differential productivity growth as in closed‐economy models.  相似文献   

邓永亮 《财贸研究》2010,21(6):83-89
运用EGARCH模型求出人民币汇率波动的量度,在VAR模型的基础上,通过协整检验并主要运用脉冲响应等方法进行实证分析,结果发现:人民币升值主要是通过降低进口中间产品的价格来抑制通货膨胀,汇率变动的支出转换效应在中国并不显著,用人民币升值来抑制通货膨胀,效果有限;扩大人民币汇率波动区间有利于抑制通货膨胀;通货膨胀预期对通货膨胀具有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

In the light of the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) for the promotion of economic development, this paper examines the impact of the changes in the real exchange rate and its volatility on FDI. Examining Japan's FDI by industries, we found that the depreciation of the currency of the host country attracted FDI, while the high volatility of the exchange rate discouraged FDI. Our results suggest the need to avoid over‐valuation of the exchange rate and to maintain stable but flexible exchange rate in order to attract FDI.  相似文献   

Several models of conflict inflation have been developed within the structuralist tradition. This paper differs from such works by assuming full capacity utilization in a small open economy. We introduce the exchange rate as a participant in the theory of inflation and distribution, and analyze two closures: the trade deficit as a market clearing mechanism, and a foreign exchange constrained economy. It is found that wage rigidity and exchange rate flexibility can lead to instability. The main conclusions do not change when we allow for continuous substitution between capital and labor.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个包含宏观经济基本面和外汇市场微观结构的理论模型,将进入外汇市场的噪声交易者数量内生化,合理解释了人民币汇率波动的形成机制。理论分析表明,汇率波动既与宏观经济基本面波动正相关,也与进入外汇市场的噪声交易者数量正相关。在给定宏观经济基本面波动的情况下,人民币汇率波动取决于噪声交易者对人民币风险溢价的预期。当噪声交易者对人民币风险溢价的预期较高时,实行有管理的浮动汇率制度能够有效抑制噪声交易者进入外汇市场,有助于降低人民币汇率波动并提升货币政策效果。基于理论分析结论,本文采用1996年1月至2015年6月的月度数据对中国的无抛补利率平价进行实证检验,间接测度了人民币外汇市场中噪声交易者数量的变化。实证结果显示,人民币外汇市场中噪声交易者的数量较多,且随着2012年4月后人民币汇率浮动区间的扩大,噪声交易者的数量明显增加。  相似文献   

汇率预期对中国通货膨胀影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汇率预期主要通过货币替代效应、资产价格效应和进口价格效应影响物价水平。递归VAR模型检验结果表明:2002年以来的人民币升值预期对本轮通货膨胀影响显著,其中,资产价格效应、货币替代效应、进口价格效应依次增强,影响主要集中在前期;同时,汇率预期变量对工业品出厂价格指数、消费者价格指数及货币供应量的影响都十分明显。  相似文献   

贸易模式、汇率传递与人民币汇率安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合中国现行贸易模式的特点,文章从社会福利最大化目标入手,采用了新政治经济学中关于汇率制度战略选择的研究方法,对进一步扩大人民币汇率弹性和汇率升值的影响进行了分析.研究发现,加工贸易和一般贸易对汇率变动的反应弹性差异很大,不同国际贸易模式下的汇率传递系数是不同的.因此如果我国现行对外贸易依然以加工贸易为主,扩大汇率波动幅度在理论上并不会对我国社会福利产生严重影响.研究结果进一步支持加大汇率弹性更有利于丰富货币政策当局的工具选择范围,有助于国内货币政策独立性的保持,也有助于推进出口产业的结构调整和升级.是当前人民币汇率制度改革方向的合理选择.  相似文献   


This article develops a wavelet-based control model to simulate fiscal, monetary, and real exchange rate scenarios in an open economy developing country with an inflation-targeting regime. We use South African macro data to jointly simulate optimal fiscal and monetary policy under varying scenarios for real exchange rate stability with interest rate parity. As real exchange rate stability increases, the model simulates the effects on the trade balance under both a constant and depreciating real exchange rate. We find that short-term cycle stability problems are somewhat mitigated by allowing the real exchange rate to depreciate.  相似文献   

Trade in business services has been attracting attention from academic researchers, policy makers, and business journalists. While there are many anecdotes, there has been little in the way of formal theory applied to this issue. In this paper, we adapt a general model of fragmentation of production activities to try to capture the specific features of business services. Following a general discussion, we calibrate a numerical general-equilibrium simulation model to a situation in which both trade and foreign investment in services are initially banned to technically infeasible. We then compute three counter-factual scenarios: one in which trade but not investment in services is feasible or allowed, one in which investment but no trade is allowed, and one in which both trade and investment in services are allowed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of bilateral real exchange rate volatility on real exports of five emerging East Asian countries among themselves as well as to 13 industrialised countries. We recognise the specificity of the exports between the emerging East Asian and industrialised countries and employ a generalised gravity model. In the empirical analysis we use a panel comprising 25 years of quarterly data and perform unit‐root and cointegration tests to verify the long‐run relationship among the variables. The results provide strong evidence that exchange rate volatility has a negative impact on the exports of emerging East Asian countries. In addition, the results suggest that the pattern of bilateral exports is influenced by third‐country variables. An increase in the price competitiveness of other emerging East Asian countries has a negative impact on a country’s exports to a destination market, but the magnitude of the impact is relatively small. These results are robust across different estimation techniques and do not depend on the variable chosen to proxy exchange rate uncertainty. The results of the GMM‐IV estimation also confirm the negative impact of exchange rate volatility on exports and suggest that this negative relationship is not driven by simultaneous causality bias.  相似文献   

To retain their leading position, the Nordics must invest in developing more sophisticated products than competing economies like Turkey. This applies to all complex economies, but constitutes a greater challenge to the Nordic countries with their comparatively small populations.  相似文献   

The contribution of sticky exchange rates to the rash of currency crises over the past decade has become a major topic of international monetary analysis and policy discussion. While there is widespread agreement among economists that the middle of the exchange rate spectrum, adjustable pegs, is highly crisis‐prone in a world of substantial capital mobility, Jeffrey Frankel has recently argued that, surprisingly, we lack a clear theoretical rationale for why this is so. This paper attempts to fill that void. It argues that Frankel is correct in terms of economic analysis alone, but that when political economy considerations are introduced then a satisfactory explanation is at hand. Key aspects of this political economy perspective are laid out and implications for exchange rate policy are considered. The analysis suggests that for promoting currency stability the traditionally debated distinctions between crawling bands and managed floats are likely less important than the political environments in which they are operated.  相似文献   

田雪原 《财贸经济》2011,(7):5-10,135
当前的通货膨胀,属内外结合的复合型通胀。本文提出劳动年龄人口供给变动的三个阶段:第一阶段是2010年以前的总体过剩阶段,表现为劳动力买方市场,工资率被人为压低;第二阶段是劳动年龄人口占比越过峰值,但尚未达到绝对数量峰值,劳动力市场由供大于求向供求平衡转变,工资率处于劳资博弈状态;第三阶段是2017年以后,即占比和绝对数量总体短缺阶段,工资率将呈持续上涨趋势。当前处于第二阶段,由于劳动年龄人口供大于求的逐步结束和工资欠账较多,工资率理应有一个较大幅度的提升;不过要适度,因为总体上还处于劳动力由供大于求向供求平衡转变;更要着眼于实际工资的提升,因为仅仅名义工资的提升是有害的,对通胀治理不利。  相似文献   

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