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最优股权结构与保护中小投资者利益   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贺宏 《财贸经济》2006,(9):93-95
本文分析了股权分置改革后,同股同权同价将解决非流通股股东在股权分置时代通过高溢价融资攫取中小投资者利益的矛盾.本文从理论的角度出发,分析了"一股独大"与制衡的股权结构,指出单纯靠搞股权制衡并不能解决中小投资者利益被侵害的问题,并提出保护中小投资者的利益还是要通过优化公司治理去实现的主要途径.  相似文献   

Vertically integrated firms have repeatedly been accused of abusing a dominant position by refusing to sell the intermediate product to non-integrated downstream producers and thus to practice foreclosure. To evaluate the merit of such an accusation requires an adequate theory of vertical integration which allows to decide whether a refusal to sell follows straightforwardly from profit maximization or is driven by an intent to monopolize. We investigate whether in the case of successive oligopolies vertical integration is profitable for the participating firms and to what extent cross deliveries between integrated and non-integrated firms can be expected to arise. By contrast to the previous literature where at the downstream level Cournot competition has been assumed to prevail between integrated firms and non-integrated downstream producers, we propose a model where integrated firms and non-integrated upstream suppliers meet in Cournot competition and take as given the inverse demand function for both the final and the intermediate product. Game theory is invoked to examine whether an integrated firm will participate in the intermediate market. If marginal costs at the downstream level are constant and identical as between integrated and non-integrated firms, integrated firms will never wish to sell to non-integrated downstream producers they can, however, be expected to buy from non-integrated upstream suppliers. Utilizing theoretical implications regarding pass through of changes in marginal costs we find empirical evidence supporting the applicability of our model to the gasoline industry in Germany. We finally examine to what extent issues of competition policy and public regulation arise.JEL classification: D43, L1, L22, L42, L71*We gratefully acknowledge helpful suggestions from Horst Albach, Alexandra Gross-Schuler, Otto Hass, Michael Niederalt, Felix Schuler, Achim Wambach, Christian Winkler, and unknown referees of the JICT. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This study examines the question of comprehensive microinsurance for Brazilian homeowners. In particular, the study calculates (i) pricing for selected types of microinsurance homeowner's coverages and insured amounts and (ii) the estimated market potential of this product. The Brazilian agency charged with responsibility for regulation of private insurance, SUSEP, has determined that microinsurance should be aimed at families with a monthly per capita income of up to two minimum wages. According to this criterion, the study finds that there are more than 42 million households in Brazil eligible for microinsurance. The study also finds that microinsurance premiums for these households would be very low (US $0.97 to 2.03 per month)—less than 1% of average household income. This type of insurance would certainly be viable, considering the calculated market size of approximately US $780 million per year. These figures show that there is significant potential for the expansion of the microinsurance market in Brazil.  相似文献   

This article reports a study of differences in self-reported fashion innovativeness, fashion opinion leadership, and spending for new fashions between middle-class blacks and whites of both sexes. The data was obtained by a mail survey from a random sample of 568 consumers from five states. Analysis of covariance with the effects of age and income controlled indicated (1) a strong main effect for sex, with women reporting greater fashion innovativeness, opinion leadership, and spending than men; (2) a weak main effect for race, with blacks reporting greater innovativeness, opinion leadership, and spending than whites. The difference between the sexes was larger than the difference between races, and no interaction effects were observed.  相似文献   

Black consumers are an important market for advertisers to reach. However, designing effective communication strategies is difficult. This study examines the moderation effect of ethnic identification (strength of identity with other blacks) on the tie between advertising stimuli (with racially congruent or incongruent actors) and the subject's perceived homophily (similarity) toward actors featured in ads, and if perceived homophily influences purchase intentions regarding advertised products. ANOVA found a significant interaction between ethnic identity and racial congruity on the perceived level of homophily. In addition, a simple effect for racial congruity on perceived homophily was found. Regression analysis subsequently found a significant effect for the level of perceived homophily on the level of purchase intent. Strategic considerations for marketing advertisers and future research ideas are also presented. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

企业简介:中国交通建设股份有限公司成立于2006年10月8日,是经国务院批准,由中国交通建设集团有限公司(国务院国资委监管的中央企业)整体重组改制并独家发起设立的股份有限公司,并于2006年12月15日在香港联合交易所主板挂牌上市交易。中国交通建设股份有限公司主要从事港口、码头、航道、公路、桥梁、铁路、隧道、机场、城市轨道、市政道路等交通基础设施建设,业务遍及世界70多个国家和地区。2009年,  相似文献   

苏岚岚  孔荣 《财贸研究》2021,32(7):42-55,110
探索性构建了要素流动视角下金融素养—农地转入—农地抵押融资的理论框架,阐释了农民金融素养、农地转入与农地抵押融资交易之间的关联机理,采用陕西、宁夏、山东农地经营权抵押贷款试点地区1947户农户调查数据,运用工具变量法实证探究了金融素养对农民农地转入和农地抵押融资交易的影响,并运用中介效应模型实证检验了农地转入在金融素养影响农民农地抵押融资交易关系中的中介作用.研究结果表明,金融素养对农民农地转入参与及其规模、农地抵押融资参与及其规模均发挥显著促进作用.研究还证实,农地转入规模显著促进农民农地抵押融资交易,且在金融素养影响农民农地抵押融资关系中具有部分中介作用.据此提出系统推进农民金融素养培育工程、协调深化农地经营权流转改革和抵押融资改革等政策建议.  相似文献   


The current study examines racial portrayals in television advertisements from Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. Whites are over-represented relative to their actual demographic presence in all three countries, and both Blacks and Whites are depicted as over-employed. In general, however, depictions are not significantly different for either race, though there is a hint that a stereotyped portrayal of Blacks as athletes and/or entertainer may be going global.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to find out if African Americans do tip less frequently than Whites and if income and education influence the relationship. Respondents were asked about the frequency of tipping and the reasons for tipping. The results suggest that race was a significant factor in the frequency of tipping servers, bartenders, luggage handlers, taxi drivers, and parking attendants. However, income and education tend to nullify these results. Overall the results suggest that while race may be a factor in some service transactions, much of the race effect be nullified by education and income.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(6):623-633
The recent FBI v. Apple case has the potential to turn a 227-year-old statute law into a tool for government agencies to gain access to personal and corporate information. Recent events such as ‘Petraeus-gate,’ hacked nude celebrity photos in the cloud, and the use of a search and seizure warrant in the United States seeking customer email contents on an extraterritorial server raise important issues for the supposedly safe storage of data on the World Wide Web. Not only may there be nowhere to hide in cyberspace but nothing in cyberspace may be private. This article explores the legal and technical issues raised by these matters, with emphasis on the court decision In the Matter of a Warrant to Search a Certain E-Mail Account Controlled and Maintained by Microsoft Corporation and the subsequent upholding of that decision.  相似文献   

余泳泽  刘大勇 《财贸经济》2018,(1):23-37,83
本文揭示了“中国式财政分权”制度对区域全要素生产率(TFP)的影响作用是导致了TFP的“竞次”还是“竞优”.理论分析表明,“中国式财政分权”制度通过改变资源配置条件影响技术进步:当地方政府间的竞争通过市场开放、要素流动及基础设施改善的方式实现资源有效配置时,分权制度会促进技术进步,形成地区间“竞优”;当地方政府以分割市场等途径作为竞争手段时,会造成要素扭曲,分权制度则抑制了技术的进步,形成地区间“竞次”.实证结果表明,“中国式财政分权”制度显著改进了中国全要素生产率水平,但也会在一定程度上造成要素市场的扭曲进而不利于技术进步.进一步观察TFP的内部构成后得出,财政分权导致技术进步(TP)与技术效率(TE)呈现较为明显的“竞优”,但全要素生产率“竞优”正在弱化.  相似文献   

Intereconomics - Big Data is expected to unleash data-driven innovation,which is supposed to better address and solve challengesin our society. As a so-called non-rival good, the sharingand...  相似文献   

We exploit a policy change in the UK Help-to-Buy (HTB) equity loan scheme in order to identify the causal link between mortgage affordability and entrepreneurship activity at the local level. We contribute to the literature on the relationship between housing finance and entrepreneurship by demonstrating the impact of government equity loans on entrepreneurship through the release of trapped liquidity. When less equity is required to buy a house, households could use the ‘additional’ liquidity to start a business. We use a spatial discontinuity in treatment methodology to take advantage of the reform of the Help-to-Buy scheme in 2016, which increased the limit of equity loans provided in London. By using data on business population at the postcode sector level, we are able to measure the impact of the new policy by comparing similar areas on the opposite sides of the Greater London Authority boundary. Our results show that an increase in mortgage affordability fosters entrepreneurial activity in affected areas by 20%, resulting in 1 more start-up on average per postcode per year. The new businesses are mainly single-plant micro enterprises in capital intensive sectors with low income volatility.  相似文献   


Studies in the United States have found that matching an advertising model's race to the target audience is an effective marketing strategy. However, race is a cultural construct and little research has been conducted on race and advertising effectiveness outside of the United States. This study, conducted with female consumers in Brazil, found that advertisements were not more effective when the subject and the model were of the same race. To better understand the psychological processes triggered by race, this study explored two related but distinct conditions of identification: similarity and liking. It found that in conditions of boundary permeability between groups, liking is more important than similarity in determining advertising effectiveness in the target sample. A general model is proposed.  相似文献   

America's progression from a frontier society to a settled societytook more than three hundred years. During that time, Americanshad to give up their view of the resources of the public domainas "free goods" and accept the idea of public compensation forappropriation of those resources for private gain. This attitudinalchange took place first on the public lands of Maine and laidthe groundwork for the wood-products industry in the UnitedStates.  相似文献   

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