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Beatriz Garcí  a 《Local Economy》2004,19(4):312-326
This paper reviews the uses of cultural policy and planning as tools of urban regeneration in western European cities. Following a brief assessment of the evolution of European cultural policy in recent decades, the paper studies the origins and development of the European City/Capital of Culture programme and explores the experience of cities considered to have succeeded in re-imaging and regenerating themselves through cultural activity and special events. The paper ends with a reflection on the notion of cultural planning and its potential as an integrated alternative to urban cultural policy, and offers recommendations for further development within the UK context.  相似文献   

Capitalising culture: Liverpool 2008   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyses the political, economic and social contexts of Liverpool's successful bid to become European Capital of Culture, 2008. It highlights the juxtaposition in the Liverpool 2008 process of discourses of urban entrepreneurialism and a strong emphasis on community involvement. While the bid is part of a wider shift in governance in the city that has helped reverse local economic decline, it is argued that the increasingly 'boosterist' character of cultural policy in the city raises a number of concerns. In particular, the article highlights the tensions arising from the re-branding of Liverpool as 'The World in One City' and the threat that the emphasis on culture as economic development poses to 'alternative' culture in the city.  相似文献   

城市文化软实力构建中的政府行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴玲  王志章 《科学决策》2009,(11):27-34
文化是城市的灵魂,是一个城市“软实力”的集中体现,在城市发展历史进程中发挥着凝聚和辐射作用。通常,城市政府都十分重视硬实力的打造,而对以文化为主的软实力缺乏足够的重视,致使城市文化资源严重浪费,文化遗产保护乏力,文化软实力构建缺乏整体性、规划性。当前,我国正面临产业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化和国际化的新挑战,城市作为文明的象征和财富的聚集地,在中国和平崛起中有着极其重要的作用,充分研究城市政府在构建文化软实力中的行为和职能作用具有很强的现实意义。本文运用文献调查法,比较全面地分析了城市文化软实力的内涵和构成因素,阐释了城市文化软实力与政府行为的关系,探讨了城市政府在文化软实力构建中存在的问题和原因,提出了相应的措施。这将有助于强化政府在构建文化软实力中的执政理念、执政行为,用文化软实力来提升城市的综合实力,促使城市的可持续发展,赢得未来城市竞争的主动权。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个城市文化旅游发展概念模型,通过对广东南海城市文化旅游发展案例的剖析,在区域情景之下对此概念模型做了进一步检验。文化创造、城市营销、设施与服务建设、公众参与是城市文化旅游发展战略的基本内容,但一个城市究竟选择什么样的文化旅游战略更受到区域特征的影响。对我国后工业化城市而言,文化旅游发展需要转变政府角色,并建立基于需求而不是供给的战略逻辑。  相似文献   

Gerry Mooney 《Local Economy》2004,19(4):327-340
This paper revisits Glasgow, European City of Culture 1990, and considers the main criticisms made of Glasgow's cultural policy as urban renewal strategy. It argues that while many of the criticisms made by opposition groups such as Workers' City were valid, and largely supported by the economic and social problems that have faced the City since 1990, nonetheless it also suggests that this critical response itself needs to be subjected to more thorough scrutiny. The paper claims that flagship cultural events can do little but gloss over and divert attention away from the major structural problems which characterise many ex-industrial cities and concludes by arguing that the lessons of Glasgow's experience are also very relevant for other cities such as Liverpool that are also increasingly embracing cultural policy as a route to urban transformation.  相似文献   

宋庄镇位于通州新城北部,地处潮白河与温榆河之间,是通州新城发展文化创意产业的重点地区和通州新城的后花园。同时也是首都国际机场3号航站楼的南大门。  相似文献   

我国新型城镇化建设的文化动力机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李萌 《改革与战略》2014,(11):104-107
文化是新时期城镇化发展研究的新视角。中国城镇化进程在时间上表现出动态演进性,其动力机制也经历了由一元化、二元化向多元化发展的趋势。文化作为一种资本,被纳入经济社会发展尤其是可持续发展的模型之中,是城市发展的动力要素之一,但是城市文化对城市发展的影响是一个复杂的、双向的过程。城市文化通过引领城市转型,提升城镇化质量;形成文化生产力,增加城镇经济张力;彰显人文精神,促进人口城镇化发展;培育文化生态,推动城镇文明发展;塑造软实力,加速城镇现代化进程等来驱动我国新型城镇化建设。当前,提升城市文化动力,应从五个方面着手:转变政府职能,深化改革城市文化管理体制;建设文化市场,完善城市文化经营机制;加强文化交融,促进城市文化传承创新;创新坚持"以人为本",健全公共文化服务体系;构建适宜环境,推动文化建设与城市发展的融合。  相似文献   

高春菊 《改革与战略》2012,28(4):133-135,158
文章认为,城市文化是一个城市的血脉和灵魂,是城市发展的内在动力。深入挖掘历史文化资源有助于提炼城市精神,提升城市物质文化品质和非物质文化品质,使历史文化资源重放异彩,成为提升城市品质的资本和源泉。文章提出,要树立"名人名牌意识",挖掘历史文化名人资源;挖掘红色历史文化资源,丰富旅游资源;挖掘工艺品类历史文化资源,发展特色文化产业;整合文物古迹资源,开发其潜在的旅游价值。  相似文献   

王晓斐 《特区经济》2010,(3):157-158
旅游文化是人类过去和现在所创造的、与旅游有关的物质、精神财富的总和,一种成功的旅游文化,不仅仅表现在对这种文化的培育和树立,还需要有成功的营销策略。因此,在我国旅游文化的发展过程中,对城市旅游文化如何开展文化营销显得迫切而紧要。本文通过针对城市旅游文化营销的路径分析,提出相应的营销实施具体策略。  相似文献   

深圳公共文化包括公共文化设施、文化场所、文化活动,它具有文化性、公益性、社会性、地域性。目前准确把握公共文化的基本特性,在经济全球化背景下卓有成效地开展深圳公共文化建设,对促进经济和社会发展,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

巴渝文化是巴渝地方文献的灵魂,巴渝地方文献是巴渝文化的载体,巴渝文化通过巴渝地方文献传承、交流、提升.文献是否齐全决定着文化提炼的依据是否充分,文献质量决定着文化层次.巴渝文化建设是以文献工作为基础的,巴渝文献发展战略对于提升巴渝文化的品格、丰富创新华夏文化都有着不可低估的意义.实施巴渝文献发展战略,应建立健全组织系统,科学规划战略蓝图,加大对人、财、物的投入力度.  相似文献   

城市的发展离不开人,而城市突发事件的发生给城市公众造成了较大的心理影响,城市公众在产生巨大心理恐慌的同时,会对政府的执政能力产生怀疑,这对于城市的发展是极为不利的。为了避免城市突发事件下群体心理的形成,基于流变—突变理论,分析了城市突发事件下群体心理的发展规律,提出了避免群体心理形成的有效措施。研究结果表明:城市突发事件发生后,群体心理的形成遵循流变到突变的规律,政府通过及时有效的应急救援,并避免谣言与流言的传播,能够有效降低群体心理的形成,避免次生社会安全事件的发生。  相似文献   

In the Maastricht Treaty and the European Stability and Growth Pact, it was recognized that high public deficits and debt levels would endanger the success of the European Economic and Monetary Union. In its stability program, updated in December 2001, the German government published its objective to achieve a balanced general budget in the year 2004. The budget of the central government should be balanced in 2006 [Bundesfinanzministerium, 2001]. This paper analyzes the effects of strict budget consolidation policies on important macroeconomic variables like inflation, unemployment and GDP growth. It is shown that a balanced budget as early as 2004 would necessitate high public consumption and investment. These should be financed by higher indirect taxes, whereas social security contribution rates should be reduced to bring unemployment down.  相似文献   

南京市高尔夫俱乐部技术指导状况欠佳,文化氛围不够浓厚,专业人才短缺,政策法规不够完善。应抓住青奥会时机,加大宣传力度,矫正不良高尔夫形象,争取政策支持,建立高尔夫产业链,提高教管人员综合素质,提高市民的高尔夫球运动参与意识,制定适合高尔夫球场发展的战略,为球场的可持续发展创造有利条件。  相似文献   

文化是动态的,文化的发展主要有三种形式:文化创新、文化传播和文化涵化。不同文化相遇后会发生冲突与矛盾,并给自身的发展带来新的挑战和机遇。在21世纪全球化背景下,跨文化交际日益频繁,如何理解与处理这些矛盾与挑战,促进文化交流,同时又保持各自文化的独特性,更变得愈发重要。  相似文献   

Abdoel Raoef Soehoed was born in Jakarta in 1920. After graduating from senior high school in Jakarta in 1939, he studied engineering in Bandung and subsequently graduated after the independence struggle. In 1956 Soehoed, who had become an officer of the Indonesian Air Force, resigned from military service and became an engineering consultant with a private firm. His career as a public servant started with his appointment as an Advisor to the Senior Minister for Development and Industries. He was then appointed a member of the Technical Committee for Capital Investment, which became the Coordinating Board for Capital Investment (BKPM). Soehoed was made Deputy Chairman of the Board, and head of BKPM's Division for Promotion of Foreign Capital Investment. In 1976 he was also appointed Chairman of the Asahan Development Authority, a position he still occupies In 1978, he became Minister of Industry in the Third Development Cabinet (1978–1983) and in May 1983 he was appointed Member of the Supreme Advisory Council.

As a forceful and articulate advocate of what has come to be called the structuralist approach to industrialisation, Soehoed can rightly be considered the prime architect of Indonesia's current industrial development. on 7 September 1987 he talked to Thee Kian Wie and Hal Hill about his views on the development of Indonesia's manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

文化强省(市)指标体系:逻辑演进抑或多维评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设文化强省(市),需要用一套科学合理的指标体系来评估。基于文化业的文化强省(市)指标体系,应是包括客观指标和主观指标的指标群。其中文化体制改革是动力,文化事业发展是基础,文化产业规模和实力是关键,文化市场体系培育和管理是依托,知名文化品牌建设是抓手,文化人才建设是保障,文化功能发挥是目的。这七个主要指标构成了评估文化强省(市)的指标群。  相似文献   

为了有效应对频繁发生的突发公共事件,提高保税区应对突发公共事件的能力,东部沿海城市积极开展了保税区突发公共事件专项应急预案的编制工作。目前,各保税区的应急预案体系已经基本建立,但针对保税区突发事件应急预案的研究还比较少,因此有必要对其展开详细研究,来更好的保证保税区各项功能的正常运行。本文基于东部沿海某市保税区突发事件应急预案,着重介绍其各要素的编制内容,并对其进行详细的分析,提出存在的问题及不足,给出了解决以上问题的方法。  相似文献   

吴正勇  赵子文 《改革与战略》2011,27(2):58-59,84
文章认为,品牌的核心是文化,国家文化软实力需要企业品牌竞争力来体现;国家文化影响力和国家商业品牌的形成,又能进一步提升企业品牌竞争力。文章提出当前中国企业需要从转变经营观念、挖掘传统文化资源、研究顾客心理、建设企业文化和勇于承担社会责任等方面提升企业品牌竞争力。  相似文献   

韩瑾  李芊 《改革与战略》2012,28(2):169-171
资金是公租房建设最基本的保障,也是目前制约公租房发展的主要瓶颈。针对这一问题,先对ABS与BOT这两种融资模式进行分析比较,然后结合TOT和ABOT模式的优缺点提出了一种新型的融资模式—TABOT,并对此模式进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

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