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现行铸造生铁价格,按生铁中含锰量分为三组。适当添加少量锰矿,提高生铁质量等级,可获得几十万或一百多万元的年收益;同时,生铁中含锰量提高,有利于脱硫,提高炉渣的流动性,便于高炉操作。根据南昌钢铁厂炼铁分厂实际,在高炉中添加少量锰矿,在技术上和经济上是十分有益的。 一、产品和原燃料情况 1.生铁中锰的含量要求及价格差如表1所示。 从表1可见,生铁中锰含量越高,价格越高。 2.原燃料情况 进厂的原燃料中,除七宝山矿(含锰1.6%)和黄梅矿(含锰1.48%)有较高的含锰量外,其它几种矿,澳矿(含锰0.06%),姑山矿(含锰0.12%)、文竹矿(含锰0.08%),海南矿(含锰0.07%)均含微量的锰。因此,生铁中含锰量主要是七宝山矿和黄梅矿配入的数量。一般七宝山矿(或黄梅矿)配  相似文献   

搞好成本分析提高炼铁效益于焕新,秦建忠,孙力群宣化钢铁公司是以生产生铁为主的大型钢铁联合企业,年产生铁130万吨。1992年上半年,由于国家煤、电运相继调价,巨额增支因素的影响,加之宣钢原料条件差,造成产量下降,成本升高,经济效益严重滑坡。为了扭转被...  相似文献   

<正>生铁冶炼的最终产品有主产品生铁及副产品高炉煤气和水渣,在生铁成本核算中,高炉煤气和水渣通常作为生铁成本的减项冲减生铁成本。然而在实际生产中由于生铁生产规模一般都比较庞大,以铁矿为主的原材料消耗量巨大、材料库存量也大,相应材料消耗的统计数据易出现误差,直接影响了生铁成本核算的准确性。  相似文献   

铁精矿是炼铁生产的主要原料,对生铁成本有着直接影响。在高炉生产中,铁精矿品位越高,矿铁比越低,生铁产量越高,焦比越低,这是精矿品位对降低成本有利的一面。但随着精矿品位的提高,精矿单价也越高,相应的生铁成本就会上升,这是精矿品位对降低成本不利的一面。因此,在测算精矿品位对生铁成本的影响时,需要从矿铁比升降、精矿价格  相似文献   

<正>据财政部消息,自2016年1月1日起,我国将对进出口关税进行部分调整。适当降低生铁、钢坯等商品的出口关税。现行出口关税为25%的生铁和钢坯产品,包括非合金生铁、合金生铁、直接还原铁、海绵铁、生铁、镜铁及钢铁颗粒、铁及非合金钢锭、其他初级形状的铁及非合金和各类钢坯等,2016年开始将下调到20%。其中,72011000高纯生铁(含锰量<0.08%、含磷量<0.03%、含硫量<0.02%、含钛量<0.03%)的出口  相似文献   

正西北油田采油一厂通过微球深部封堵、超能弹深穿透、新冻胶堵剂三项工艺,增效显著。2015年以来,西北油田采油一厂油藏开发从主动适应新常态,以"稳增长、保效益"为中心,以提高油田采收率为目的,截至2016年二季度末,开展先导性新工艺施工8井次,增产原油5583吨,增效显著。微球深部封堵扩大水驱面积新疆轮台西北油田采油一厂西  相似文献   

新设备、新工艺、新技术的投入使用,可以提高生产力、降低设备养护成本、减轻维修强度,提高维修水平和设备养护质量。新设备和重载铁路传统维护经验相结合是需要研究的新课题。总结QJY-A道岔缺口监测系统在生产中的应用经验,为日后的设备维护提供参考。  相似文献   

提高高炉喷煤比的经济效益及措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高高炉喷煤比是现代大型高炉降低铁水生产成本的重要手段,可以减少环境污染,降低炼铁工序能耗,减少生铁成本,提高利润率的社会效益和经济效益。提高喷煤量应具备的条件是煤粉具有良好的燃烧性能、高风温并富氧、提高原燃料质量、精心操作和维持合理煤气流分布;同时,可以通过提高煤粉燃烧率和料柱透气性来提高喷煤量。  相似文献   

开发攀西钒钛磁铁矿资源,提炼钒、钛、铁3种金属的新工艺流程正在攀钢处于试生产阶段.新工艺流程如正式投入生产,建设多大规模的钢铁化工联合企业最为经济合理,将是国家和冶金经济工作者所关心的一个问题.  相似文献   

一、国际焦炭市场基本情况 据有关资料统计,到2000年,全世界8亿t/年左右的钢产量中,65%~70%将由生铁生产,而生铁中至少有90%以上为使用焦炭的高炉生产.因此,在今后相当长的时间内世界钢铁工业对焦炭的需求量仍十分可观.  相似文献   

贯通测量,尤其是大型巷道贯通测量是矿山测量工作的一项重要工作,贯通工程质量的好坏,直接关系到整个矿井的建设、生产和经济效益,为了加快矿井的建设速度、缩短建井周期、保证正常的生产接替和提高矿井产量,会采用对掘的掘进方法,这样就会出现两巷长距离巷道贯通测量,所以两井间贯通测量就成为了矿井生产中必不可少的一项工作。  相似文献   

We present an econometrically feasible model that uses the information contained in the innovation profile of each firm to test for the existence of complementarity among production and innovation strategies. Our approach is able to distinguish between complementarity and correlation induced by unobserved heterogeneity. We apply the model to analyze the Spanish ceramic tile industry where the adoption of the single firing furnace in the 1980's facilitated the introduction of new product designs as well as opening new ways of organizing production. Our econometric results show that there is significant complementarity between product and process innovation. Small firms tend to be more innovative overall.  相似文献   

Fluid flow models are used in the performance evaluation of production, computer, and telecommunication systems. In order to develop a methodology to analyze general Markovian continuous material flow production systems with two processing stages with an intermediate finite buffer, a general single-buffer fluid flow system is modelled as a continuous time, continuous-discrete state space stochastic process and the steady-state distribution is determined. Various performance measures such as the production rate and the expected buffer level are determined from the steady-state distributions. The flexibility of this methodology allows analysis of a wide range of models by specifying only the transition rates and the flow rates associated with the discrete states of each stage. Therefore, the method is proposed as a tool for performance evaluation of general Markovian continuous-flow systems with a finite buffer. The solution methodology is illustrated by analyzing a production system where each machine has multiple up and down states associated with their quality characteristics.  相似文献   

随着大批风电场的建设,风电机组在电网中所占比例越来越高。由于风力发电机组的可控性远弱于火力发电机组和水力发电机组,所以给电网带来了许多新的技术问题,尤其是并网风电机组在持续运行和切换操作过程中产生的电压波动和闪变,会对当地电网的电能质量产生不良影响。结合河北红松风电场实际情况,从并网风电机组输出的功率波动、无功功率补偿、电网稳定性等方面出发,分析了风力发电引起电网电压波动和闪变的主要原因,对降低电网电压失稳进行了浅析。  相似文献   

模块生产网络研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
技术是企业组织存在的基础。随着信息技术的发展和模块化技术成为主导技术,以及大规模生产向模块化生产的转变,从根本上动摇了层级制组织存在的技术基础.出现了适应模块化生产的新的生产组织形式——模块生产网络。  相似文献   

For stochastic cash flows, probabilistic approaches to determine a complete distribution of payback period are very limited. The payback analysis based on the net present value (NPV) has several advantages. For annual cash flows, however, the NPV-based method does not provide a complete payback distribution. This article proposes a new technique, the equivalent cash flow decomposition (ECFD), which converts an annual cash flow into an equivalent subannual cash flow at a desired level of precision. The ECFD technique can be used in conjunction with any probabilistic cash flow technique. This article demonstrates that the ECFD technique overcomes the discontinuity limitation of the conventional NPV-based payback period method and generates a complete distribution of the payback period of annual cash flows. Examples indicate that the proposed method is robust with the accuracy comparable to Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

井下作业是石油生产的一个重要组成部分,是油田生产单位正常运行的一个保障。井下作业是按照生产型单位的管理模式运行的,随着井口数的增加,作业任务加重,大量私有制的作业队涌现出来,国有的作业单位却出现了作业质量差等问题。运用层次分析法,建立了一套合理有效地评价体系,通过该评价体系,找出影响作业服务质量的主要问题,解决了这些主要问题,很好地提高作业服务质量,为油田生产创造更广更大的价值。  相似文献   

长庆油田数字化管理建设探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了建立适应长庆油田快速发展的高效管理运行机制,2008年长庆油田提出了"油田数字化管理理念",开创了油田管理现代化的新局面。长庆油田数字化生产管理系统整体上可分为三大块:一是前端以基本生产单元过程控制为核心功能的生产管理系统。重点实现对单井、管线、站(库)等基本生产单元的过程控制和管理。二是中端以公司层面生产指挥调度、安全环保监控、应急抢险为核心功能的生产运行指挥系统。三是后端以油气藏管理、经营管理为核心功能的决策支撑系统。在生产工艺流程优化的基础上将数字化与劳动组织架构相结合,合理划分生产单元,按生产流程设置劳动组织架构,实现生产组织方式和劳动组织架构的深刻变革。把油气田数字化管理的重点由后端的决策支持向生产前端的过程控制延伸,最大限度的减轻员工劳动强度,提高工作效率和安防水平。  相似文献   

为了提高I-D SBS改性沥青的各项性能指标,以满足特种I-D SBS改性沥青的质量需求,利用中海油自产的重交沥青作为基质沥青原料,韩国LG501型号SBS为改性剂,对应的生产技术,对生产特种I-D SBS改性沥青中的质量控制技术进行了分析,结果表明,通过控制基质沥青、SBS等原辅材料的质量和生产过程工艺参数,能够生产出合格、稳定的特种I-D SBS改性沥青产品。  相似文献   

In theory, learning from past mistakes should result in adapted and improved development policy. However policy learning can be difficult to achieve, and the link between learning and policy change is neither direct nor immediate. In this study we look at learning in agro-industrial policy in Ghana, by tracing the interest in sugar production and tomato processing over six decades. Specifically we ask why four failed factories established in the early 1960s have continued to play central roles in both policy and public discourse. Using policy documents, academic material, and the popular press, we show that Ghana’s policy focus on sugar production and tomato processing has endured, despite the fact that the factories were misconceived, poorly sited, ill-equipped and poorly managed. Indeed, the political ideas that underpinned the establishment of these factories in the early days of independence can be seen in the current One District, One Factory policy. We suggest that it is their symbolic and political value, not their economic value, which keeps the discussion around these factories alive. Even when shut down, they are a physical manifestation of historic commitments by the state, and as such they guarantee the attention of politicians, and hold out hope of a next re-launch. Unfortunately as long as the factories continue to be incorporated into each new generation of agro-industrial policy, it is difficult for any alternatives to gain traction. This analysis highlights the very long overhang of bad decisions, particularly when they are associated with physical infrastructure. Learning from past mistakes will only happen if the short-term political cost of turning policy learning into policy action can be overcome.  相似文献   

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