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企业R&D团队、高校交叉学科研究团队是创新团队的典型代表。在现有对团队创新的研究中,学者常采用同一般团队绩效研究一样或类似的方法,往往忽视对中介过程和各控制、调节变量的考虑,忽略创新团队作为知识密集型组织、以知识技术产出为创新绩效的本质。文章在已有理论和研究的基础上,提出从知识管理的角度对团队创新进行研究,探讨知识管理行为在团队创新过程中的中介作用,为构建完整的团队创新研究模型提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

  PAC测试基于人格理论的相互作用分析理论,也称为人际关系心理分析,是美国心理学家艾瑞克?伯恩Eric Berne在1964年出版的图书《Game People Play》中,提出的人格理论。
  在企业的日常管理中,人的管理是难点,因此,团队管理吸引了诸多管理者,尤其是中层管理者的关注。团队管理,简单来分析,涉及到心理学与管理学。对团队成员的个性、性格、优劣势的了解有助于发挥个体的长处,而在工作岗位上发挥专业技能和职业能力,更重要的是获取其对团队的向心力和积极投入,尤其是骨干员工的积极、主动的投入为企业和团队带来了巨大的价值。  相似文献   

管理者不可能凭空制造高涨的工作热情,管理者必须创造一个互相信任、共同分享和团结一致的环境——这是激发工作热情的最佳条件,了解什么能够激励你的团队,你才能够打造出充满激情的团队。研究员工的工作动力,理解他们的知识、技巧、态度和做事的风格。事必躬亲的微观管理只会扼杀团队成员的工作乐趣,应该对新的管理者进行深入的培训和指导,并对新的管理者进行性格测试来发掘其管理风格。  相似文献   

自从90年代初,人类的经济活动已悄然全面走向知识经济。由此引发的竞争则越来越激烈,无论企业还是管理者,都面临着同一个问题:如何适应新的迷宫。 知识经济带来的强烈冲击,使企业越来越无法忽视知识的作用了。而知识管理作为应运而生的管理理念,将注定会影响到今年企业管理的方方面面。即使是在中国,知识管理的普及也只是时间早晚 的问题。 尚未或正在尝试进行知识管理的企业来说,从多方面做好准备是大势所驱。同样对广大的HR们和管理者来说也是一样的道理,穷则变,变则通,是转变思维和更新自己的时候了。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展和逐步规范,市场意识越来越受到企业的重视。而市场的主体就是顾客,这正如著名企业管理专家德鲁克论述的:“顾客即企业;同样,知识也即企业。物化的产品和服务只是顾客购买力与企业知识相互交换的媒介物”。顾客、顾客满意、顾客关系管理等概念和指标已经成为企业战略管理的重要内容,企业的高层管理者也乐于谈论关于顾客的话题,顾客、顾客满意、顾客关系管理逐渐成为企业管理的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

论动态知识团队的管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从分析建立动态知识团队的必要性和知识员工的特点入手,对团队管理方面的若干假设质疑;就如何管理好动态知识团队提出了新的观点:改变传统的绩效考核与激励办法,鼓励他们兑现承诺并给予相应的符合其价值观的报偿;认为只有那些与员工达成心理契约的管理者才能成为真正的团队领袖。  相似文献   

乔明哲 《中外企业家》2009,(20):226-227
跨文化团队绩效问题成为众多跨国企业日常经营活动中的重要问题。由于成员间存在文化差异,跨文化团队具有潜在的劣势,也具有单一文化团队难以具备的优势。跨文化团队绩效受到跨文化团队的管理、跨文化团队任务的类型、团队所处的阶段、团队的组成以及权力分配的合理程度等因素影响,管理者应根据具体情况组建跨文化团队,提高团队管理能力,合理地分配权利和明确责任,根据团队类型采取不同的管理策略。  相似文献   

关于知识经济中知识企业团队管理的有效性综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,知识经济方兴未艾,知识企业成为共识。但采用什么样的组织结构对知识企业中知识和员工的管理有效呢?很多专家学者都呼吁在知识经济形势下,知识企业对知识员工采用团队管理。为什么呢?本文试综述了企业中团队管理的有效性这个问题.  相似文献   

管理者有个普遍的现象就是重视小爱忽视大爱。比如喜欢小恩惠笼络人心,使团队成员团结在自己门下:请下属吃饭、给下属礼物、给喜欢的下属安排好的职位、看望困难员工等等.这些都是人之常情。但是对一个优秀的管理者来说,这些都是小爱,不是大爱。  相似文献   

大数据、云计算、智能化手段逐渐被应用于各行各业中,这些先进技术和方法的应用一方面带动了行业的发展,另一方面也满足了市场的广泛需求。科技型企业属于技术和知识密集型产业,其主要盈利方式是将知识和技术转化为产品和服务。在新时代背景下,仅仅依靠传统的财务管理模式已经无法满足科技型企业的发展需求,亟须通过先进的管理会计工具满足其对知识和技术的转化新需求。但在实际工作中,部分企业在应用管理会计工具时,依旧面临着各种阻碍因素,使其无法充分发挥其作用和价值。鉴于此,本文主要分析了科技型企业应用管理会计过程中存在的主要问题,如管理者忽略管理会计的重要性、财务与科技业务间的融合不足、管理会计应用成本高等,并针对这些问题提出了相应的改进对策。希望通过本文的研究能够为科技型企业高效地应用管理会计工具提供一定的参考建议,从而促进科技型企业实现高质量发展目标。  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
FINANCE Financial Reporting in Japan . By R obert J. B allon , I wao T omita and H ajime U sami
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Developing Social Skills in Managers, Advances in Group Training . Edited by C ary L. C ooper
Social Psychology of Collective Bargaining and Negotiation . By J effrey Z. R ubin and B ert R. B rown
Trade Unions and Pressure Group Politics . By T imothy C. M ay
ECONOMICS Theoy of the Firm . By M. A. Crew
Theory of the Firm . By C. J. H awkins
The Theoy of the Firm . By P. J. C urwen
Modern Managerial Economics . By B. L owes and J. R. S parkes
Managerial Economics . By P. J. C urwen
Introduction to Process Economics . By F. A. H olland , F. A. W atson and J. K. W ilkinson
An Introductiun to Industrial Economics . By P. J. D evine , R. M. J ones , N. L ee and W. J. T yson
Industrial Organization . By K. D. G eorge
The Strategy and Structure of British Enterprise . By D. F. C hannon
The Economic System . By S. L etchford
Economic Policy . By P. J. C urwen and A. H. F owler
An Introduction to Applied Economics . By G. D ouglas V aughan
Disequilibrium Economics . By J. van D oorn
STRUCTURE AND SYSTEMS OF ORGANIZATION Effective Behavior in Organizations . By A. R. C ohen et al .
Behavior in Organizations . By L. W. P orter et al.
Organization Design . By D erek N ewman
Organization and Bureaucracy . By N icos P. M ouzelis
ORGANIZATION The Government of Business . By R. E. T homas
The Sociology of Organizations . By A ngela B owey
A Critical Introduction to Organization Theory . By B runo L ussato
Readings in Organizations . Edited by J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly
Organizations . By J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly  相似文献   

Die Konjunkturschwankungen : Theoretische Gunglagen der Wirtschafts-politik, Bd. II.
The Japanese Village in Transition. By A. F. Raper, T. Tsuchiyama, H. Passin and D. L. Sills.
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy. By Richard W. Lindholm.
Business and Government. By C. C. Rohlfing, E. W. Carter, B. W. West and J. G. Hervey.
The Economy of Latin America. By Wendell C. Gordon.
Price Theory. By Sidney Weintraub.
Pricing in Planned Economy. By B. V. Krishnamurti.
Pressure of Population and Economic Efficiency in India. By D. Ghosh.
Studies in Genius. By Walter G.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Price Theory and Price Control. By M. A. C. van M eerhaeghe
Introduction to Price Theory. By M icha G isser
Price Theory and Applications in Business Administration . By W. D avid M axwell
Personnel Management. Ed. by D. E. M c F arla
Minpower Planning - The Management of Human Resources . By G arexh S tainer
Training in Industry & Commerce. By E. J. S inger
T-Groups - A Survey of Research. Ed. by C. L. C ooper and I. L. M angham
Motivation and Control in Organizations. Ed . by G. W. D alton and P. R. L awrence
Organizational Structure and Design. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and J. W. L orsch
Organisational Change and Development. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and L. E. G reiner
Writers on Organisatons . By D. S. P ugh , D. J. H ickson and C. R. H inings
The Management of Northern Ireland Industy . By J ames B ates and M aeve B ell
Civil Engineering Management . By J ames M. A ntill  相似文献   

A Comprehensive Bibliography on Operations Research: J. KRIENS
Elementary Medical Statistics, D. MAINLAND, W. B. Saunders, CHR. L. RÜMKE
The Statistical Method in Business FREDERICK A. EKEBLAD, John Wiley & Sons sh.B. VAN DER MEER
The theory of graphs and its applications, C. BERGE sh.W. R. VAN ZWET
Inleiding tot de Mediscbe Statistiek druk, H. DE JONGE
Business Economics and Statistics, A. J. MERRETT and G. BANNOCK J. H. C. LISMAN
Integration, Measure and Probability, H. R. PITT, Oliver & Boyd W. MOLENAAR
Statistiek voor M.B.A., H. A. J. VAN DER POST, Uitgeverij H. Stam N.V. B. VAN PRAAQ
Elements of Linear Programming, R. C. GEARY and M. D. MCCARTHY J. C. G. BOOT  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Suzuki, Y. Japanese Managmnt Structures, 1920–80.
Bradley K,. and Taylors, Business Performance in the Retail Sector: Experience of the John Lewis Partnership.
Haspeslagph P. E. and Jemison, D. B. Managing Acquisitions: Creating Value Through Corporate Renewal.
Arnold J. Robertson I. T. and Cooper. C. L. Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace.
Smith, M. (Ed.). Analysing Organisational Behaviour.
Ewing K. D. The Right to Strike.
Witt S. F., Brooke M. Z. and Buckley. P. J. The Management of International Tourism.
Blyton P. and Morris. J., (Eds.). A Flexible Future: Prospects for Employment and Organization.
Diacogiannis, G. and de Souza, E. Lotus 1-2-3 for Finance and Business: A Practical Guide.
Legge, K. Clegg C,. W. and Kemp N. J. (Eds.), Information Technology, People and Organizations.  相似文献   

Abstract. This survey is organized as follows. I. Introduction. II. The main issues. III. Negishi's model. IV. Objective demand in the Cournot-Nash framework. V. Objective demand in the Bertrand-Nash framework. VI. The assumption of quasi-concavity of the profit functions. VII. Compromises between the conjectural and the objective approach. VIII. Insights into the notion of perfect competition. IX. Conclusion.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Efficiancy and uplift. By SAMUEL HABER
Multiproducts ltd. By LILS DLEIN
The Dynamics of a changing technology. By PETER J. FENSHAM and Douglas HOOPER
The Law of Restrictive Practices and Resale Prce Maintenance , (2nd edition). By JEREMY LEVER
Thc Restrictive Practoces court, A Study of the Judicial process and Economic PoIicy . By R. B. STEVEN and B. S. YAMEY
Resale Price Maintenance . By IAN. MACDONALD
Resale Prices Act 1964.
Restrictive Tradng Agreements in the Common Market , Texts and Com- mentaries. By A m CAMPBELL
Modles for Decision . By C M. BERNERS-LEE (Ed.).
Science and the Manager . By R. W.REVANS
Scientific Metbod in Production Management . By G. R. GEDYE
Conceptual Foundations of Bnsiness Rcsearcb . By PAUL. H. RIGER
New Thinking in Management, A Guide for Magagement . By F. DE F. HANIKA
The Dynamics of Research and Development . By EDWARDB. ROBERTS
Managemmt Uses of Rcsearch and Development . By WARRENt. LOTHROP
Management for Research and Development . By H. A. CoLLINSON
The Efficiency Experts . An imparsial study Management Consdtancy. By LAURA TATHAM
Science in Marketing . GEORGE SCHWARTZ
Models, Measwremen & Marketing . PETER LANGHOFF
Marketing in Action . SHULTZE and MAZZE
Cases In Marketing Management . By EDWARDC C. BURSK
International Marketing . By JOHN FATERWEATHER
InternationalBusiness Magagement, Reading and Cass . By JOHN S. EWING and FRANK MEISSNER
Management of the Adwertisibg Function . By ALFRED R. OXENPELoT and CARROLL SWAN
Thrusters and Slepers. A study of Attitudes in Indusurial Management . P.E.P.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Sociai Psychoology of Work . By M ichael A rgyle
Perceptions of Work . By H. B eynon and R. M. B lackburn
The Receding Ideal . By G. D. N ewbould and A. S. J ackson
Six Approaches to the Person . By R alph R uddock
Mathematics for Managers . By A. F letcher and G. C larke
Modern Mathematics . By K. W illiams
Calculus – A Short Course . By M ichael G emignani
Winkler on Marketing Planning . By J ohn W inkler
Planning for Products and Markets . By D ouglas W. F oster
Marketing Management . By H arper W. B oyd J r . and W illiam F. M assy
Integrated Marketing . By B. G. S. J ames
Marketing Logistics and distribution Planning . Ed. by M artin C hristopher and G ordon W ills
How To Do Business in Branded Goods . By E ric A. G. M organ
Profit From Figures; A Manager's Guide to Statistical Methods . By C yril J. A nson
Statistical Analysis for Business; A Conceptual Approach . By L ee H. S mith and D onald R. W illiams
Statistical Methods for Business Decisions . By C harles T. C lark and L awrence L. S chkade
Sources of Economic and Business Statistics . By Bernard Edwards
Guidance, Selection and Training - Ideas and Applications . By P eter C. M orea
Managing the Training Function - U sing Instructional Technology and Systems Concepts . By C hristopher G ane
Performance Appraisal in Management . By M. R. W illiams
Management Controls in Action . By W illiam M urray
Productivity Committee Development Division 1970
Personal and Organkational Effectiveness . By R ichard H acon
The Reality of Organisations . By R osemary S tewart
Organisational Desip . By P eter A. C lark
The Study of Organisations . By D avid D unkerley
The Applicability of Organisationaal Sociology . By C hris A rgyris  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Quinn, J. B. Intelligent Entreprise.
Clark, P. and Staunton, N. Innovation In Technology and Organization.
Milgrom, P. and Roberts, J. Economics, Organization and Management.
Brewster, C., Hegewisch, A., Holden, L. and Lockhart, T. (Eds.). The European Human Resource Management Guide.
Morgan, G. Imaginization: the Art of Creative Management.
Durlabhji, S. and Marks, N. E. (Eds.). Japanese Business: Cultural Perspectives.
Hassard, J. Sociology and Organization Theory: Positivism, Paradigms and Postmodernity.
Loveridge, R. and Starkey, K. (Eds.). Continuity and Crisis In the Nhs.
Kessler, S. and Bayliss, F. Contemporary British Industrial Relations.
Johnson, H. Relevance Regained, From Top-Down Control to Bottom-Up Empowerment.
Hansen, P and Conrad, A. (Ed.). A Handbook of Psychological Assessment In Business.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Management Consultants . By F rank D avidson
Personnel Managment in a Changing Society . By T. P. L yons
Job Enrichment and Employee Motivation . By W. J. P aul and K. B. R obertson
Occupational Pysychology . By D onald E. S uper and M artin J. B ohn J r .
Human Bebaviour and Employment Interviewing . By D ean B. P eskin
Case Studies in Human Relations . By K enneth V. P orter
Information for Decision Making; Quantitative and Behavioural Dimensions . By A lfred R appaport (Ed.)
Income Theory and Rate of Return . By J. L. L ivingstone and T. J. B urns (Eds.)
Accounting Case Studies (Business Case Studies Series) . By K. M idgley and R. G. B urns
The Prediction of Profitability and Other Studes of Company Behaviour . By G eoffrey W hittington  相似文献   

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