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《Journal of economic issues》2012,46(4):1088-1102

It is widely known that all principles of economics textbooks do not consider advertising much less fashion a demand determinant factor. Fashion’s effect on consumer choice is a critically important topic to the understanding of consumer behavior and decision-making in the “new economy.” The discussion of such issues includes verifying the effect of three important fashion market features on consumer preference formation and choice, namely the length of product life cycle, demand volatility, and impulse purchasing. It seems that time has come to concede that fashion firms, especially those producing fast or “junk” fashion, if you will, have successfully been affecting consumer preferences and have manipulated consumer choices for the sake of their own interests. Such a goal has been achieved by exploiting the fashion market features by employing specific marketing strategies, within the framework of supply chain agility, such as product remodeling, product customization, and revisions or innovation.  相似文献   

2009年以来,面对持续走高的物价,央行采取了连续上调准备金率的政策,以求减少货币供给量,稳定物价。通过建立CPI、广义货币供给量M2和GDP之间的回归模型,对1994~2010年的数据进行回归分析,得出了我国货币政策对稳定物价有效的结论。认为治理通货膨胀要采取多样化的宏观经济政策,注意货币政策、财政政策的搭配使用。同时要加快人民币汇率体制改革,促进产业结构调整和经济发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an exposition of Thorstein Veblen’s contribution to financial macroeconomics. I argue that Veblen conceptualizes and contextualizes how the financial structure of effective demand is predisposed to endogenous non-sustainable leverage processes, manipulation, and speculation. I stress that Veblen advances a cultural-financial theory of investment and brings forward the role that pecuniary and emulation instincts play in institutionalizing predatory and fraudulent activities which destabilize the macroevolution of monetary production economies. I underline that Veblen patterns financial macroeconomic fragility and instability within the institutions of the business enterprise system.  相似文献   

Through a textual analysis of national newspaper articles covering European central bankers’ statements and policy decisions from 1999 to 2011, I derive the concerns expressed by national media in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). I consider these concerns as a benchmark for national preferences, and thus for the preferences of national central bankers in the EMU. I also test the existence of groups of national media (i.e., national publics) according to their shared expressed concerns. The results show that in the euro zone, similar concerns are shared by different country groups, corresponding to a group of countries from Northern Europe (Belgium, Finland, and the Netherlands), Southern Europe (Spain and Portugal), and the Periphery (Italy, Greece, and Ireland), but that there are two isolated countries (France and Germany), whose newspapers do not share the issues raised by the rest of the European newspapers. This approach provides further insights into the potential heterogeneity of the European central bankers inside the Governing Council of the ECB in terms of policy preferences.  相似文献   

China's Opening-Up:The Impact on Monetary Policy Choice,written by Fan Zhiyong,is the first in a five-volume series on China's economic issues.Enrich Professional Publishing makes important economic books written in Chinese (in China) accessible for an English-reading audience.For the first time,an inside perspective of the Chinese economic discourse is offered to professional economists everywhere.  相似文献   

Looking from the institutional system that the stock market services the state-owned enterprises, the bad corporate governing structure of the state-owned listed companies, the lack of balance between the yield from an investment and the stock, and the polarization of the wealth distribution in the stock market, we make an intensive analysis and exploration on the inefficiency of transmitting monetary policy of Chinese capital market herein.  相似文献   

This comment discusses and extends the paper: “Lessons for Monetary Policy from the Euro Area Crisis,” by Charles Goodhart. The comment claims the Eurosystem was more sluggish in responding to the crisis than the Federal Reserve due to restrictions originating from its mandate. Yet today’s challenge runs deeper, as the absence of a banking union in the Euro Area has allowed a large fragmentation in financial intermediation. The critical question is: “Given that the Euro Area is not an Optimum Currency Area and a banking union will take a long time to materialize, can the Eurosystem find a way to alleviate the fragmentation in lending rates without compromising its independence?” The comment offers a solution, which would expand the monetary toolbox.  相似文献   

This work discusses the constitutionalization of rules in macroeconomic policy-making in the European Union (EU) with reference to European monetary integration. The analysis deals with two main monetary arrangements, the European Monetary System (EMS) and the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), and focuses on one country - Italy. Using an interdisciplinary perspective and a constitutional political economy approach, three sets of factors are identified to explain how and why policy-makers may decide to self-limit their sovereignty in monetary and fiscal policies, as they have done in the process of European monetary integration. It is argued that such factors influenced the dynamics and evolution of the European monetary arrangements, shaping the path to EMU.  相似文献   

Scholars of financialisation have argued that the emergence of finance-led grow regimes requires new instruments for effective conduct of economic policy. In this scholarship, central banks have been seen as the most promising actors to utilise one of the most synergetic policies, the maintenance of high and stable prices of financial assets. Since the financial crisis of 2007–8, central banks of the developed world have adopted various unconventional monetary policy measures that serve this function. But will these unconventional measures become institutionally legitimate and institutionalised as conventional practice, as suggested necessary by scholars of financialisation? In this paper, we answer to this question by studying the institutional legitimation of the Federal Reserve’s Quantiative Easing (QE) programmes. We argue that the QE programmes have been legitimated successfully but with institutional legitimation strategies, which cause institutional pressures that question the potential of QE from becoming a regular policy instrument and practice.  相似文献   

Francesco Forte dedicated three books to the figure of Luigi Einaudi. The first was published in 1982, the second in 2009, and the third in 2016. Through these books he provides a comprehensive analysis of the liberal thought of Einaudi. This article focuses on Forte’s exploration and comments regarding Einaudi’s views and proposals for the European Federation (Einaudi 2011) and the European Central Bank’s unconventional monetary policy. Forte’s analysis of Einaudi has the merit of exalting one of the most prominent and lesser known features of his thought. Einaudi appears as the architect of what we call today the European Union. However no historian, economist, or politician has ever recognized the fundamental role of Einaudi. This lack of recognition should be extended to the Eurotower banker whose unconventional monetary policy has drawn so much from Einaudi’s theory of financial stability.  相似文献   

《Journal of economic issues》2012,46(4):1152-1169

The incentives banks face, such as the Basel Capital Accords, motivate them to favor lending with collateralized assets, rather than lending to Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs), with associated profound economic consequences for society. Since the 1970s there has not been any direct oversight of whether or not credit contributes to GDP. We need a macroeconomic policy tool that can discriminate among different categories of credit extended to curb speculation in existing assets (non-GDP) and promote new business investment (GDP).

Government money creation and private credit growth are often presumed the only two ways to enhance nominal demand, yet the Swiss Economic Circle (Wirtschaftsring-Genossenschaft or WIR) is a Swiss Bank whose creation of purchasing power for SMEs has counter-cyclically stabilized the Swiss economy for over 80 years. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) should create localized credit-creation architectures utilizing a Swiss-WIR type currency to funnel credit that reflects systemic and macroeconomic risks that individually will never be rational for banks left to themselves.  相似文献   

Taking the enterprise survival ability and the development ability as a basis, this paper constructs the financial appraisal index system of enterprise competitiveness. Also, it draws the overall impression of the enterprise competitiveness through selecting listed f'u'ms' financial index of the equipment manufacturing industry, with the aid of factor analysis model, using the principal components analytic method, making rotation of varimax, and arranging the synthesizes enterprise competitiveness from the financial angle. After the empirical analysis, the paper completes appraisal and analysis which based on company's competitiveness from financial index.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):272-296

The paper investigates the effect of financial sector opening on financial constraints based on the experiences in China. We firstly review the policy of China’s financial sector opening and set up exogenous policy measures. Then based on the panel data of listed firms from 2010 to 2015, we calculate four indices to measure China’s firm-level financial constraints through internal and external finance channels. We find that China’s financial sector opening alleviates financial constraints and upgrades the financing structure for China’s listed firms. Financial sector opening also eliminates ownership discrimination and promotes financing efficiency, to alleviate financial constraints of private enterprises and profitable enterprises. The mechanism of the effects of financial sector opening on financial constrain is mainly through the collateral channels and the elimination of information asymmetry.  相似文献   


The integration of small states into the international financial system has constrained their ability to enact the traditional macroeconomic tools of fiscal and monetary policy. As systems of mortgage credit are tightly integrated into global capital markets and influence flows of capital between states, this paper uses Denmark as a case study to explore whether domestic mortgage sector reforms have been used to build financial capacity to compensate for the loss of economic policy autonomy. The results of this analysis suggest that the Danish government has actively used mortgage credit to meet three specific macroeconomic objectives since the 1980s: (1) mortgage credit was restricted in the 1980s to resolve Denmark's persistent balance of payments problem; (2) liberalisations of mortgage credit in the 1990s and 2000s allowed the Danish government to stimulate the economy via privatised/house-price Keynesianism and reduce their sovereign debt burden; and (3) mortgage credit has been used as a form of privatised monetary policy, allowing Denmark to break-free from the ‘iron-cage’ of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma. It is in these specific ways that the Danish government has used mortgage reforms to achieve macroeconomic policy autonomy and navigate economic challenges whilst adhering to the constraints of the international financial system.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) both before and after the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008. In the literature, researchers typically select one Taylor rule-based model to analyze monetary policy of central banks and to derive determinants for the interest rate setting. However, uncertainty about the choice of this respective model is typically neglected. In contrast, we apply a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach to extend the Taylor rule to account for model uncertainty driven by heterogeneity in the ECB’s decision-making body, the Governing Council. Our results suggest the following: First, the ECB focuses on the inflation rate when setting interest rates. Second, economic activity indicators were in the focus of the ECB before the financial crisis. Third, over the last decade, the role of economic activity decreased, indicating that inflation is the main driver of monetary policy decisions in the post-crisis period. Fourth, when setting interest rates, central bankers appear to consider more than one model.  相似文献   

Psychological insights have been present in institutional economics since its beginning. Recently, cognitive aspects of institutional economics have been highlighted. The proposal of this paper is to offer other psychological insights related to institutional economics, which are complementary to a cognitive approach. The goal is to emphasize elements of Psychological Social Learning Theory as a possible foundation of Institutional Economics. This paper argues that people vicariously learn by the observation and interpretation of exemplary behaviors. Vicarious learning relies on the comprehension of people about who/what models are. Vicariously, people are motivated to behave as a model; when they succeed, models are reinforced. As something socially and cumulatively acceptable and/or desirable, exemplary behaviors can take place repetitively and become a habit. Institutions arise as outgrowths of those habits. In this logic, a working definition of institution is a cognitive inertia about the typifications of foreseeable regularities in behaviors of people in a society.  相似文献   

Using the time comparable matrix data from Sleuwaegen and Veugelers (2001), this paper investigates the impact of concentration and intra-EU distribution of multinational production on productivity growth in European manufacturing. In line with previous research, our estimation results indicate that market structure is indeed an important determinant. Productivity growth is significantly reduced through increasing concentration, while it is increased in industries with growing competitive pressure, e.g. from import penetration. The increasing intra-EU dispersion of multinational production likewise fosters productivity growth: Multinational firms promote technological change and transfer their firm-specific assets across countries.JEL codes: L11, F23  相似文献   

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