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The transformation of socio-technical systems to more sustainable states is more policy induced than market driven. Reflecting this, the potential for governments to direct system transformation has been widely debated. However, this debate concentrates on supply side policies and under analyses the potential for public buyers to steer system innovation. This paper draws from ideas on system innovation, transition management and public procurement to explore how a major public buyer was able to do just this. The paper describes the transformation of the Greater Manchester (UK) waste system from a relatively simple landfill model to a highly complex, multi-technology solution of intensive recycling, composting and energy production. The paper draws three main conclusions: (1) it is possible to orchestrate system innovation through public procurement in certain circumstances; (2) this involves developing the required interdependencies between technologies, institutions and practices; (3) system transformation can be orchestrated from within the incumbent regime. 相似文献
Growth Effects of Bubbles in an Endogenous Growth Model 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This paper examines the possibility of the existence of bubbles and their effects on the growth rate by using an endogenous growth model. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of steady-state equilibrium with bubbles is provided. If non-zero rates of the useless asset supply are allowed, a steady-state equilibrium with bubbles exists even if the growth rate of the bubbleless equilibrium is lower than the market interest rate. The growth rate in the steady state with bubbles depends positively on the supply rate of the useless asset. Dynamic properties of bubbles are also analysed.
JEL Classification Numbers: E52, O41, O42. 相似文献
JEL Classification Numbers: E52, O41, O42. 相似文献
粤港澳大湾区城市建设用地和经济规模增长格局演变及协同关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章研究了1990—2017年期间粤港澳大湾区各城市建设用地增长情况及经济规模变化情况,并对二者之间的协同关系进行了分析。主要结论如下:1990—2017年,粤港澳大湾区各城市建设用地增长速度总体呈加快态势,各城市在不同时期建设用地增长速度的变化与城市所处发展阶段的变化密切相关。大湾区内城市经济规模多数在广东—港澳范围内排行前列,且位序逐渐攀升,仅有肇庆和澳门在1990—2017年经济规模在广东—港澳范围内排序明显下降。以1990年为基期,至2017年,大湾区整体建设用地与经济规模增长的协同度一直处于上升的态势,有序性不断增强,上升速度2010—2017年期间与之前相比有明显的下降,体现出近年来随着城市化进程的不断推进,建设用地增长和经济规模增长二者之间的相互依赖程度有所下降。各城市间建设用地与经济规模增长的协同度演变差异性十分明显。深圳、珠海、中山三个城市建设用地增长对经济规模增长的作用效率在研究期间不断上升,其他多数城市研究期间该效率在2000—2010年期间达到最高,2010—2017年期间均出现明显下降。各城市间产业的发展阶段以及目标定位的不同造成了建设用地和经济规模增长协同性... 相似文献
Status, the Distribution of Wealth, and Growth 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
We analyze a simple model of endogenous growth in which individuals care about both consumption and their rank in the distribution of wealth. We show that the steady-growth rate of the economy increases with both the strength of the status-seeking motive and the initial equality of the wealth distribution. Contrary to the basic model of endogenous growth, the equilibrium growth rate is not necessarily smaller than in the social optimum, and we identify the circumstances under which the two coincide. 相似文献
陈述了改革开放以来我国的人口迁移规律,从理论上分析了人口迁移的动态变迁过程,并结合一般均衡理论、新古典增长模型说明了人口迁移过程中的经济发展水平变动特征。构建含带人口迁移因素的内生增长模型,对人口迁移的内生增长作用机制作出了解析,并以此为基础实证分析了我国省域近10年来人口迁移对经济增长的内生影响特征与变动趋势。二元人口迁移存在明确的动态均衡过程,受其影响,会导致城乡两部门出现产出的一般均衡状态,而这一状态符合新古典增长模型所设定的假设条件与稳态结论。从实际情况看,我国省域间的城乡二元人口净迁移具有明确的经济增长效应,同时不同省份、四大区域总体上表现出增长效应递减特征。 相似文献
Environmental and Resource Economics - Within an R&D-driven growth model, this paper studies how an environmental tax and its cost both for firms and consumers affect individuals’... 相似文献
本文分别建立了引入金融部门的新古典增长模型和内生经济增长模型,并对金融发展的增长效应和水平效应进行比较分析.文章首先,在新古典增长模型中分析了金融发展的水平效应和增长效应.其次,分别在资本外溢、技术创新和人力资本积累等代表性内生经济增长模型中,探讨了金融发展的增长效应和水平效应.最后,概括总结全文观点.本文认为,在新古典增长模型中,金融发展只有水平效应,而无增长效应,在内生经济增长模型中,金融发展既有水平效应又有增长效应. 相似文献
This paper examines intertemporal risk-taking in a stochastically growing economy with externalities in human capital accumulation where agents have preferences for social status. In order to isolate the effects of status concerns on long-run expected growth, the analysis is embedded in a non-expected utility setting, which disentangles the effects from risk aversion and intertemporal substitution. We examine the interaction between status desire and risk, risk aversion and intertemporal substitution. The externalities generated by the status game are able to correct the allocative distortions from the knowledge spillovers.Acknowledgement The author would like to thank an anonymous referee for his valuable comments. 相似文献
Erich Gundlach 《Empirica》2003,30(3):237-270
The East German experience after unification in 1990 probably comes close to what might be called a controlled experiment for assessing the growth effects of EU membership. This article uses an open-economy neoclassical growth model as a measure of reference against which the actual performance of the East German economy can be evaluated. With no obvious differences in institutions and technology, and with physical capital accumulation in East Germany exceeding the West German rate, differences in human capital remain as the major reason for differences between the theoretical and the actual East German growth rate. Simulation results suggest that East Germany's stock of human capital per worker reaches only about one third of the West Germany level. The main lesson from the East German experience for other EU accession countries is that catching up may come to a halt below the EU average, even under pretty favorable institutional and financial conditions. 相似文献
经济波动对经济增长的减损效应:中国的经验证据 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文在简单文献回顾的基础上,利用GARCH和TARCH-M模型分析了中国经济波动对经济长期增长水平的影响.得出:对外开放和市场化改革不仅提高了中国经济的长期增长水平,而且也降低了经济增长的波动风险;中国经济波动对长期经济增长具有减损效应,但统计上并不显著,同时,与Stilianos et al.(2004)的分析结论相一致,中国经济波动对经济增长的减损效应在经济波动的不同阶段具有明显的对称效应.本文的政策含义是,继续扩大对外开放和深化市场化改革,加强宏观调控,对保持中国经济的持续稳定增长无疑具有非常重要的意义. 相似文献
本文以两个相互独立的具有全国代表性的微观家庭调查数据库为数据基础,在采用多重估计方法对流动性趋势进行估计的基础上,引入流动性分解方法对代际流动性趋势的构成进行分解。估计结果显示,我国代际流动性呈现的倒U型趋势,在城镇人口和农村人口中都同时存在;约20世纪60年代前出生的子代,代际教育流动性呈现上升趋势,对于在60年代中期后出生的一代人,其代际教育流动性呈现下降趋势。对代际流动性趋势构成的分解结果显示我国的代际流动,主要来源于增长效应,即由社会阶层分布在时间维度上的变化所引起的流动,是社会总量发展的结果;排序效应所引起的流动性水平次之;离散流动对总体流动性贡献不大。增长效应的变化趋势是总体代际流动性变化趋势的主导因素;将增长效应从总体流动中剔除后,代际流动性的变化趋势变得较为平稳。 相似文献
论对外贸易在中国经济增长中的地位和作用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
建国特别是改革开放以来,中国对外贸易发展取得了巨大成就。通过对中国对外贸易发展与国民经济增长的相关性进行分析,证明对外贸易极大地促进了我国经济增长。对外贸易是经济增长的发动机,在我国经济增长中具有重要的地位和作用,我们应加强对外贸易的发展。 相似文献
在本文中,我们用变化产出函数来研究教育在20世纪90年代对中国经济增长的影响。通过研究我们发现,人力资本投资的增加对中国经济的增长起到了显著的作用,1990—2000年人力资本投资约占了国内生产总值的19%。此外本文通过进一步的研究发现教育与经济增长是起到了互补作用而不是阈限作用,而且教育投资增加与教育技术进步的互补效应可以为教育对经济增长的影响提供一个合理的解释。 相似文献
Roger Wilkins 《The Australian economic review》2004,37(4):359-382
Using the Australian Bureau of Statistics 1998 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, this study examines the effects of disability on four labour market outcomes: not in the labour force, unemployed, part‐time employed and full‐time employed. The detailed information on health available in the dataset also facilitates investigation of the dependence of effects on the characteristics of the disability, including severity, impairment type and age of onset. Disability is found to have substantial effects on labour force status, on average acting to decrease the probability of labour force participation by one‐quarter for males and one‐fifth for females. For males, the decrease in fulltime employment accounts for almost all of the decrease in labour force participation associated with disability; for females, disability has negative effects on both full‐time and part‐time employment. Analysis of disability characteristics shows that adverse effects on labour force status are increasing in the severity of the disability and are also worse for those with more than one type of impairment and for those who experience disability onset at older ages. There is evidence that the adverse effects of disability are lower for males who completed their education after the onset of the disability. 相似文献
The accumulation of pollution negatively impacts human health. Extreme increases in pollution, in particular, may have lethal implications for human beings, and, indeed, all living organisms. This paper thus devises a new model of economic growth that takes into account these lethal effects of accumulated pollution via a pollution threshold to show two key results. First, if an abatement technology is relatively inefficient, there exists a stationary steady state in which consumption and pollution stop growing. Second, if the abatement technology is sufficiently efficient, there exists a path along which pollution decreases at an accelerating rate until it finally reaches zero. In this case, consumption grows at a constant rate. 相似文献
Effectiveness versus Efficiency: Growth-Accelerating Policies in a Model of Growth without Scale Effects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bettina Büttner 《The German Economic Review》2006,7(3):297-316
Abstract. Recent R&D growth models without strong scale effects imply that long-run growth rates depend only on parameters that are usually taken to be exogenous. However, integrating human capital accumulation into models of this type, Arnold (2002) demonstrates that subsidizing education accelerates growth. The present paper addresses welfare issues in Arnold's model. The main theoretical finding of the paper is that a system of subsidies that implements the optimal balanced growth path as a decentralized equilibrium includes zero subsidies to education, while R&D activity should be either subsidized or taxed. To shed further light on the latter result, the model is calibrated and it turns out that along the balanced growth path, the decentralized economy underinvests in R&D, i.e. R&D activities should be subsidized. 相似文献
WAI CHIU WOO 《Journal of Public Economic Theory》2013,15(2):229-248
Free markets may support too many or too few firms. Traditional analysis does not provide unambiguous conclusion in this respect. This paper introduces status effects of consumption into the model. It shows that a sufficiently significant status effect tends to support too many firms. Two conditions are required for this result. First, complementary effect between status and consumption is not significant. Second, a higher average status consumption level makes everyone more difficult to get the same degree of gain in status. Both conditions appear to be realistic. 相似文献
反哺与分配:金融中介对经济增长的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业家能力与物质资本的结合可以促进经济增长,而这两种要素禀赋可能由不同的个体持有,因此,只有在个体间合理分配这两个要素的报酬,经济才能增长。本文给出微观机制来表明企业家能力异质的一群个体如何形成金融中介联盟,并在个体层面引进无穷期动态拉姆齐模型,个体通过优化自身的选择而促进整个社会的经济增长。我们还给出了富人扶持穷人的价格涓流效应和反哺涓流效应,来描述金融中介对经济增长以及收入分配影响的途径。 相似文献
21世纪以来,我国部分竞争性行业的企业更替和生产率增长促进了国民经济的健康发展,而行业内部的竞争实际是不同生产率的企业竞争,竞争过程中生产率较低的企业退出,生产率增长较快企业取代生产率增长较慢企业的市场份额,企业更替的过程不断重复,使得行业生产率保持不断增长的趋势.我们用近年来相关行业的数据研究表明,企业更替不仅通过选择效应,而且通过激励效应促进了行业生产率的增长.然而,随着进入潮的逐渐消退,选择效应的作用有所降低;但企业更替主要通过选择效应中的动态转移效应和激励效应推动行业生产率不断增长. 相似文献