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当前,我国正处于全面建成小康社会的攻坚阶段,贫困作为制约全面建成小康社会的短板日益受到全社会的关注。党的十八大以来,在"精准扶贫"思想的指导下,平均每年超过1000万人脱贫,扶贫成效显著。但是,由于注重原生贫困问题的解决而忽视了再生贫困问题(即"返贫"问题),返贫现象频发,出现了断血式返贫、传递式返贫、转移式返贫等返贫多发现象,成为"精准扶贫"战略实施中的"夹生饭"。文章以当前扶贫攻坚战略实施中的返贫现象为研究出发点,通过透析返贫问题的成因并提出相应的应对措施,以完善当前"精准扶贫"保障体系,为阻断贫困人口返贫通道,更好实现"精准脱贫",进而促进全面建成小康社会高质量目标实现提供政策支持和学理支撑。  相似文献   

2020年我省全面完成脱贫攻坚任务,消除绝对贫困,但这并不意味着贫困的完全消除,相对贫困、多维贫困将成为贫困主要表现方式,我省扶贫开发的重点和方向必须转型. 一、我省扶贫开发转型的新特征 贫困是客观存在的现象,贫困线和贫困标准也在不断变动,巩固脱贫攻坚成果并有效防止返贫依然任重道远.  相似文献   

巩固扶贫成果有效遏制返贫贫困乡村基本实现脱贫之后,如何有效地防止和遏制返贫现象发生,巩固脱贫攻坚成果,带领群众阔步奔向小康?我们最近就此作了些调查与思考。我们在调查中,发现许多贫困乡、村的干部群众在满怀喜悦地庆幸脱贫攻坚胜利的同时,也流露出对于返贫的...  相似文献   

文章基于农村贫困人口分布的地理空间变化,描述了地缘性贫困特征的显现和显著化问题;从贫困聚居、贫困生成及返贫等方面分析了地缘性贫困的表现特征;从生计资源状况、市场机会与利益、具有可替代性的人力资源和政策手段等方面论证了自然环境条件阻抗所造成的贫困因素累积问题和治贫路径障碍,探讨了治理地缘性贫困的现实路径及政策措施。  相似文献   

我国返贫现象及原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
返贫是当前影响我国扶贫攻坚的突出难题,本文重点探讨我国出现的返贫现象及其原因。文中首先对返贫的内涵作出了符合我国国情的理解、阐述了我国返贫现象的四个特征,接着从自然灾难、基础设施、脱贫户观念、扶贫政策、贫困地区优惠政策、扶贫主体行为、社会保障、农民负担等八个方面分析了我国返贫的原因。  相似文献   

随着国家扶贫标准的进一步提高,一方面,贫困人口大幅增多,我市贫困人口从48.6万人增加到百万之多,另一方面,相对贫困问题日益突出,脱贫成本趋高,返贫致贫原因呈现多样化和复杂化。由此,扶贫开发将进入以消除绝对贫困现象和缓解发展差距为奋斗目标的新阶段。  相似文献   

我国持续多年的主要依赖于以政府为主导的扶贫政策,主要通过外部对贫困人口实行救济。这些以救济为主要形式的扶贫措施没有从贫困的本源上寻找消除贫困的突破口,在一定程度上减缓贫困的同时也累积了再度返贫的风险。据民政部部长李学举最近在全国民政工作年中分析会议上说,中国  相似文献   

中国农村贫困与反贫困制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章认为,新形势下农村贫困问题复杂:绝对贫困大有改善,相对贫困日益突出,返贫现象凸显严重,追根溯源权利贫困是导致农村贫困的根源。文章透过制度分析,通过重塑农村组织,深化市场体制,完善制度创新,强化运行机制,厉行执行监督系统化措施,构建农村反贫困长效治理机制,强化制度之间的联动效应,将农村贫困治理融入区域和整体社会、政治、经济、文化以及环境协调与可持续发展框架内,实现农村扶贫工作的良性发展。  相似文献   

大余县通过17项举措应对新冠肺炎疫情,解决当前脱贫攻坚重点难点工作。“四项举措”化解致贫返贫风险。落实“两不愁三保障”政策,在疫情防控和脱贫攻坚全过程,全面落实精准扶贫政策措施,筑牢贫困群众稳定脱贫防线。对因疫情影响出现返贫和新发生的贫困人口,按照“缺什么、补什么”原则,因户因人精准施策、及时帮扶,严防疫情影响稳定脱贫。  相似文献   

2004年9月22日-27日,科技部主办的科技扶贫15年交流暨总结会在陕西召开。这是与贫困长期斗争中的一次重要的交流与反思。 多年来,中国政府为扶贫付出了极大的努力,也取得了相当的成功--解决了2.2亿贫困人口的温饱问题,使贫困发生率从30.7%下降到3%。但由于种种原因,没有能够完成1994年确定的在2000年基本解决贫困人口温饱问题的工作任务,而且在2003年反而增加了80万贫困人口。 目前,中国仍然有低于绝对贫困标准的人口近3000万。此外,还有近6000万的人口没有实现稳定脱贫,遭到天灾人祸,他们最容易重新返贫。 如何使贫困人口稳定脱贫和大规模返贫现象不再发生,是中国扶贫机制面临的巨大挑战。脱贫和返贫的背后,留给人们的是深深的思考……  相似文献   

城市贫困空巢老人精神需求满足程度较低,社会救助政策给贫困的空巢老人减轻了一些物质负担,但离巢带来的精神生活不足几乎没有缓解。我们在缓解贫困空巢老人经济生活困境的同时,应实提升其精神生活质量。  相似文献   

In frictionless capital markets with complete information and rational investors, stock prices adjust to new information instantaneously and completely. However, a substantial body of research studies information imperfections such as asymmetric information and incomplete information. Information imperfections potentially hinder timely price discovery and are likely associated with delayed stock price adjustment to information. Our first research question therefore is whether the quality of accounting information (or “accounting quality”) is one such information imperfection that is associated with cross‐sectional variation in stock price delay. We define accounting quality as the precision with which financial reports convey information to equity investors about the firm’s expected cash flows. Poor accounting quality is likely associated with higher expected returns through uncertainty about stock valuation parameters and incomplete information. Our second research question therefore is whether the accounting quality component of price delay is associated with higher future stock returns. Consistent with our hypotheses, the results show that poor accounting quality is associated with delayed price adjustment and higher future stock returns. Thus, accounting quality plays a role in timely stock price discovery.  相似文献   

This paper empirically estimates the effects of infrastructure investments on the level and distribution of impoverished households' income, utilizing the arguably exogenous investment shock from the Targeted Poverty Alleviation program in China. We focus on the agricultural income of poor rural households. We also examine whether these infrastructure investments increase or decrease income inequality within the impoverished group. We distinguish among different types of infrastructure investment, aiming to identify the investments effective in promoting growth in agricultural income, especially for the poorest. Based on a comprehensive household-level administrative dataset and econometric analysis, we find that electricity infrastructure significantly increases poor households' agricultural income and that the income benefit is equally distributed among the poor; agricultural irrigation infrastructure raises agricultural income significantly and delivers more benefit to the poorest households. An examination of the mechanism shows that both electricity and irrigation infrastructure increase the probability of participating in agricultural work and therefore increase agricultural income. These findings imply that, through increasing the utilization of agricultural land and the labor of impoverished households, electricity and irrigation infrastructure investments in rural impoverished areas are likely to lead to pro-poor and sustainable development.  相似文献   


This paper examines the link between country-level governance and global stock market returns. We find a negative relation between governance quality and equity return. Countries with low governance scores, on average, have higher equity returns than those with high governance scores after controlling for global risk factors known to influence international equity returns. This implies that investors associate low governance quality with increased risk and thus demand higher risk premium. We find that the quality of governance as measured by Political Stability and Absence of Violence is key governance dimension affecting international equity returns, suggesting that heightened investor concerns over political risks have profound impact on equity markets. Interestingly, we find no evidence that variation in equity returns is affected by the governance indicator representing Voice and Accountability. The findings of this study provide important policy implications.  相似文献   

西藏深度贫困地区的贫困治理是有效缓解并全面消除中国区域性贫困的最大挑战。从西藏实际情况看,农牧区贫困有其成因,自治区采取综合扶贫措施、精准扶贫,取得了显著成效,但还存在一定的问题。就金融精准扶贫来说,还存在金融机构网点数量少、市场评估机制不完善,数据整合机制效率低、精准扶贫对象识别难,政策受众认知意识弱、“扶贫”援助经常为“济贫”等问题。西藏农牧区金融精准扶贫应优化金融扶贫资金结构,完善扶贫对象瞄准机制,强化扶贫对象脱贫意识等,实现全面脱贫的目标。  相似文献   

村委会组织法正式实施以来,村民自治取得很大的成绩,在中国政治体制改革和民主建设中均占有一定地位.但是,在贫困农村无人愿意担任村干部,村民自治成为空架子.为此,必须理顺村委会与乡镇政府的关系,提高经济收入和村干部的整体素质,才能在贫困农村实现真正的村民自治.  相似文献   

周治勇 《改革与开放》2011,(18):150-151
贫困是与发展如影随形的一种社会现象,始终困扰着人类社会.社会资本的缺乏与贫困有着紧密联系,社会资本的缺乏产生贫困、加剧贫困、再生产和固化贫困.因此,从社会资本的视角的反贫困工作,应该从培育家庭外的社会资本、消除社会排斥和构建贫困者的社会支持网络等方面着手.  相似文献   

The literature on the aid–growth relationship has recently been reinvigorated through the application of growth equations that seek to explain growth as a function of institutions, policies and aid. This approach has generally led to the conclusion that aid has contributed to growth, albeit with decreasing returns. Some studies have found that there is only a positive relationship between aid and growth when there is a favourable policy environment—a finding that has been used to provide a reason for the reallocation of aid to better-performing countries and an increased emphasis by donors on aid conditionality. It is unclear whether these conclusions apply to the Pacific island countries given their unusual features: notably, small populations, remote locations and a high level of aid. This paper draws on the recent literature in examining the aid–growth relationship in seven Pacific island countries. A positive relationship between aid and growth is identified, although it is subject to decreasing returns. The study is unable to provide an adequate explanation for the role of institutions and policy in growth in the countries studied, or determine whether aid only contributes to growth when favourable policy environments are in place.  相似文献   

By incorporating imprinting theory into a political–economic framework, this paper studies the role of local political leaders in poverty reduction. Exploiting exogenous turnovers of city-level party secretaries in China, I find that city secretaries with early-life poverty experiences are more likely to increase the incomes of poor families in their jurisdictions. I further find that the effect of city secretaries' poverty experiences on the income of the poor is more pronounced in the counties that are not officially categorized as impoverished by the central government and among the families living above the poverty line set by the Chinese government but below the international poverty line proposed by the World Bank. It is suggested that local political leaders affect poverty reduction outcomes by instilling their personal preferences, which can be shaped by their early experiences, into their economic decisions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the temporal effect of domestic monetary policy surprises on both returns and volatility of returns of the South African rand/U.S. dollar exchange rate. The analysis in this “event study” proceeds using intra‐day minute‐by‐minute exchange rate data, repo rate data from the South African Reserve Bank's scheduled monetary policy announcements, and market consensus repo rate forecasts. A carefully selected sample over the period August 2003 to November 2017 ensures that the change in monetary policy is exogenous to the exchange rate. We find statistically and economically significant responses in intra‐day high‐frequency South African rand/U.S. dollar exchange rate returns and volatility of exchange rate returns to domestic interest rate surprises, but anticipated changes have no bearing on exchange rate returns and their volatility. The empirical results also indicate that there is an instantaneous response of the rand/dollar exchange rate to monetary policy surprises and that monetary policy news is an important determinant of the exchange rate until at least 42 minutes after the pronouncement – suggesting a high degree of market “efficiency” in its mechanical sense (although not necessarily in the deeper economic‐informational sense) in processing this information. Essentially, the asymmetric GARCH results exhibit no leverage effects – positive and negative information shocks have symmetric effects on conditional variance.  相似文献   

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