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加强企业内部沟通提高企业激励员工的有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王彦军 《价值工程》2004,23(10):42-44
本文从激励理论出发指出了沟通在员工激励中的必要性,从企业激励方案制定、实施的实践活动中指出了沟通的重要性,最后提出加强企业内部沟通提高企业激励员工有效性的一些建议.  相似文献   

企业管理的核心本质就是沟通。企业中,对员工的管理正是以沟通为基础,有效的沟通实现和保证现代企业管理。在企业管理中,通过沟通来改善个人、团队的决策,促使员工协调合作,激励员工工作,建立良好的人际关系与氛围,激励员工工作,加强组织与外部的联系,通过这些方面有效实现企业的管理。本篇论文简单论述了企业管理与沟通的概况,主要论述了沟通对企业管理的重要作用,并为企业建立良好的沟通提出建议,最终保证企业做到有组织和有目标的管理。  相似文献   

在现代信息社会中,企业管理的本质和核心是沟通,管理的难题也是沟通的难度问题。管理沟通作为企业组织的生命线,对于企业的发展具有不容忽视的战略意义。随着知识经济的发展,管理沟通作为一种精神层面的激励愈来愈被广大企业员工所追求。文章试从管理沟通和激励入手,探讨管理沟通在企业激励中的运用。  相似文献   

指出运用心理契约理论是提升物流企业人力资源管理效能的有效方法,在此基础上,通过分析物流企业人力资源管理中导致契约失衡的信息、承诺、沟通等因素,从员工的招聘、培训、激励等角度给出物流企业人力资源管理的契约构建路径.  相似文献   

在企业持续不断的组织结构调差中强调对员工激励的必要性在于调整本身容易对员工造成伤害,“结构调整赶走人”的事实使员工心理急剧波动。文章对此分析后指出,企业应该采取远景激励、培训激励、晋升调迁激励、参与激励、授权激励、职业生涯规划激励等激励手段,从精神上安抚、从能力上支撑员工,从而激励员工,实现企业组织结构调整和员工健康发展的双赢。  相似文献   

员工情绪管理是现代企业管理中新的课题。文章从组织的角度出发,将员工情绪分为个体情绪、组织情绪、企业情绪三个层次,对相关概念进行了界定。研究了激励理论与员工情绪管理的关系。将相关理论应用到实践当中,论述进行员工情绪管理应当遵循匹配和疏导的原则,并从引导员工树立正确的情绪管理、采取多种激励手段与员工积极进行沟通、丰富企业文化内涵等方面提出了具体对策。  相似文献   

人才是企业成就事业的根本,尤其是企业的核心员工,是企业顺利发展的关键资源。本文对烟草基层企业核心员工培训激励的重要性进行了分析,深入分析企业培训激励存在的问题,在有效沟通、培训需求分析、激励模式应用、职工职业生涯规划等方面进行探索,通过多方面的改进,形成培训激励有效机制,解决基层烟草核心员工的培训激励问题。  相似文献   

本文立足激励与企业绩效关系分析,指出激励效果好坏直接决定着企业的经营绩效。阐述了员工的行为过程特性,揭示了激励手段发生效用以员工优势需要的满足为前提。在此基础上剖析了企业激励员工实践中存在的问题,提出了运用非成本激励手段促进企业发展的对策。  相似文献   

本文首先指出了对知识型员工的激励研究对企业发展的重要意义和企业目前激励知识型员工的现状,介绍了知识型员工的基本概念和特征以及管理激励理论和制度激励理论,其次,通过大量的文献阅读、以及问卷调查等方法对企业知识型员工的激励因素进行了实证研究,最终得出究竟哪些因素对知识型员工的被激励程度具有显著的影响。最后,针对这些激励因素构建完善的高新技术企业的激励模式。  相似文献   

通过对服务性企业的实证调查发现,大多数服务性企业的激励缺失是导致一线员工工作满意度低、离职率高的根本原因。文章突破常规的思维模式,结合服务性企业的行业特点,从满足一线员工真实需求的角度指出服务性企业应从最大化效果的薪酬激励、基于信任和发展的工作激励、授人以渔的培训激励、积极向上的文化激励、一家人般的情感激励等五个方面去构建自己的激励方略。  相似文献   

企业社会责任报告评价体系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前国外对企业社会责任报告的评价模式有两个理论基础:利益相关者理论和可持续发展理论。前者着眼于企业的不同利益相关者对信息的需求,从外部对企业的社会责任报告进行评价;后者则着眼于企业战略,从企业可持续发展的角度评价企业社会责任报告,是从内部进行评价的模式。与此对应的具有代表性的两个国际标准是AA1000与G3。对比分析发现,这两种模式和两个标准各自都存在着优缺点。结合我国的实际状况,我们构建了企业社会责任报告的3R评价体系。该体系的建立将有助于我国企业社会责任报告准则的建立,并为企业社会责任信息质量的实证研究提供可行的框架。  相似文献   

This paper reports research on relationship between firm's knowledge sourcing strategy and green innovation. The data are taken from Spanish Technological Innovation Panel survey during 2007–2011. The study contributed to the literature by focusing on the moderating role of firm size on the relationship between knowledge sources and green innovations. Results from over 5,000 firms indicate a shift in the focus from internal knowledge to external knowledge when developing green innovations as firms grow in size. Despite benefits from broad knowledge search on green innovations, the relationship has an inverted U shape. The diminishing returns of knowledge breadth on green innovations are present for smaller firms and disappearing as firms get larger. Government policies promoting more coordination and knowledge complementarity between private and public sector will help to influence more knowledge transfer, ensuring a more sustainable and green economy.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We survey the theoretical literature on privatization and efficiency by tracing its evolution from the applications of agency theory to recent contributions in the field of political economy. The former extend the theory of regulation with incomplete information to address privatization issues, comparing state-owned enterprises with private regulated firms. The benefits of privatization may derive either from the constraints it places on malevolent agents or from the impossibility of commitment by a benevolent government because of incomplete contracts. Contributions dealing with political economy issues separate privatization from restructuring decisions. They either explore bargaining between managers and politicians or analyse the impact of privatization shaped by political preferences on efficiency. The theoretical results regarding the relation between privatization and efficiency do not lead to any definitive conclusion. Privatization may increase productive efficiency when restructuring takes place whereas its effects on allocative efficiency still remain uncertain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to understand whether firms apply different human resource management systems to different occupations within the same organization (HR differentiation) and how the extent to which they do so may influence firm and employee outcomes. We conducted two studies pertaining to these questions. The first study was based on data collected from managers, and the results suggest that firms differentiate their HR investments based on the strategic value of occupations to the firm, which was further associated with the human capital of those occupations. Differentiation in human capital was also associated with firm performance. The second study was based on data obtained from nonmanagement employees. The findings indicated that employees who were recipients of less HR system investment had lower fairness perceptions, which were further associated with higher turnover intentions and lower organizational citizenship behavior. Although the evidence from these studies suggests that firms may realize benefits from strategic HR system differentiation, managers should carefully consider how to balance the effects of differentiation on firm performance and employee well‐being before implementing such systems.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the extent of the impact from changes in asset price and risk on corporate investment behaviors as well as the real economy. The results support the unidirectional causality effects from asset price fluctuations on the macro-level. By applying quarterly data of Chinese listed companies, we further find the existence of balance sheet effect on the firm-level, which suggests that the changes in asset prices and risk affect the net asset value, and consequently influence corporate investment decisions. More importantly, the balance sheet effect appears to be much more significant after the implementation of new fair value accounting standards in 2007. The impact on the real economy from asset price risk is found to be more prominent as well.  相似文献   

以2000—2012年房地产上市公司为样本,从微观视角分析股权结构、董事会治理、高管激励对企业绩效的影响,发现房地产上市公司治理对企业绩效的影响整体上显著;采用因子分析法构造公司治理综合排名指标G1和企业绩效综合排名指标JX,从宏观视角审视公司治理与企业绩效之间的关系,发现房地产上市公司治理综合排名提高会导致企业绩效显著上升。  相似文献   

东莞市民营经济发达,民间资本庞大。中小企业对资金的巨大需求推动了东莞市民间借贷的发展。本文主要在模式、安全性等方面,从盈利性民间借贷行为的侧重点以及盈利性民间借贷的中介机构的角度对东莞市民间借贷市场进行了深入的考察,并为合理引导东莞市民间资本,健康发展东莞市民间借贷市场提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The chief objective of this paper is to develop suggestions as to how to learn from best practices in HRM across national borders. The analysis is based on survey data gathered from 232 HRM managers from American, Japanese and German top 500 companies. The managers provide information on how the HRM model of their respective country is characterized and from which of the other two country models they seek inspiration. The concrete attributes of the models considered worth adopting are described in detail and future developments with regards to convergence of the HRM models explored. The empirical data suggest that HR managers from all three countries expect a partial convergence towards a hybrid model. Curiously, the model that comes closest to this hybrid – the German one – is also the one that rates lowest as a source of inspiration. An argument is made that in order to better understand learning from best practice and resulting convergence tendencies, research should seek more insights regarding the knowledge of managers about foreign management models, their perceptions of these models, and how these perceptions are generated.  相似文献   

This article offers a new and interesting perspective on organizational buying behavior by focusing on the simultaneous existence of both cooperation and competition, that is, coopetition. Coopetition may bring undesired knowledge leaks, opportunism, and weakened competitive advantage, and it is therefore important to understand how coopetition develops over time through interrelated activities on multiple levels. The article aims to improve our understanding of the development of organizational buying behavior through adopting a multilevel perspective on coopetition. The empirical study is based on exploratory case study research involving a single case from the manufacturing sector featuring a large multinational buyer and its supplier. The findings of the study show that organizational buying behavior in coopetition develops through interrelated activities on the individual, the organizational, and the relational level. Over time, dominating activities evolve from being ambivalent on an individual level to become authoritative on a company level and finally to being opportunistic on a relational level. Theoretically, this study contributes to organizational buying behavior literature by examining coopetition from a multilevel perspective. From a managerial perspective, the findings establish the importance of recognizing individual-, and organizational-level activities.  相似文献   

This article focuses on antecedents of vertical integration. A model of vertical integration derived from transaction cost economics and the resource-based view is tested empirically with data from the mechanical maintenance services market in the hydroelectricity industry. The results show that asset specificity and closeness to present competence are positively related to vertical integration, while tacit knowledge is negatively related to vertical integration. The positive interaction effect between asset specificity and closeness to present competence on vertical integration is also supported, indicating that the decisions on insourcing and outsourcing can benefit from using transaction cost economics and the resource-based view in tandem.  相似文献   

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