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通过对2005年9月西安旅华背包客旅游决策行为调查的第一手资料,从行为分割空间角度初步研究了环境感知因素对旅华背包客决策行为的影响,研究揭示:现阶段,旅华背包客决策行为主要受个人相关因素影响,旅游目的地环境感知因素传递受旅游客源国环境感知因素影响,当旅游者确定国际旅游后,旅游目的地感知因素对旅游者决策行为影响高于客源国环境感知因素.  相似文献   

国外会展旅游研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李旭  马耀峰 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):85-89
本文通过对在世界三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关会展旅游的文献进行梳理,认为会展经济影响、会展地点选择、会展旅游者决策行为和会展目的地营销组织--会议旅游局是国外会展旅游研究的四犬主题,对每一个主题进行回顾与总结,探讨了会展旅游未来的研究重点和方向.  相似文献   

我国自驾车旅游者行为研究——以华北地区为例   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
自驾车旅游以自由、自主、自助的突出特点被旅游者广泛接受和喜爱,是我国近几年快速发展的专项旅游.本文以华北地区自驾车旅游者为主要研究对象,用历时一年多的时间对大量自驾车旅游者进行了旅游行为问卷调查和访谈记录,获得千余份有效问卷,在此基础上开展了自驾车旅游者的行为研究,对自驾车旅游者的旅游动机、决策影响因素、消费行为等作了深入分析,并对自驾车旅游者的行为特征进行了总结.  相似文献   

残障人士是无障碍旅游市场的核心,深入理解残障人士旅游行为是促进这一细分市场发展实践的必要前提。文章聚焦残障人士旅游行为,按照旅游者决策过程和旅游者行为影响因素系统梳理了源自Web of science和Scopus数据库的78篇英文文献,构建了残障人士旅游行为研究框架并对未来研究进行展望。研究发现:研究样本选择往往不区分残障类型,主要分布在亚欧、美洲等发达国家和地区;研究内容碎片化,研究缺少理论支撑,研究方法多样化,数据获取以问卷调查和访谈为主;残障人士旅游决策过程比一般游客多经历“接受与重新融和”和“协商”的过程,其行为受到旅游者特征、群体支持、旅游服务、社会支持、辅助工具等五个因素的影响。未来研究应吸取多学科研究范式和理论依据,考虑社会和文化的差异性,重视残障人士的旅游经历和心理活动,按照残障类型进行研究。  相似文献   

旅游者决策是旅游者行为研究的核心问题之一.以源自社会心理学和消费者行为学的自我一致性理论为基础,文章构建了自我形象一致影响旅游者决策行为的理论模型,把旅游者在旅游前、中、后不同阶段所面临的多种决策行为纳入一个整合性框架之中.分析了品牌/企业认同、消费情绪和感知风险等变量的中介作用,以及个人因素、情境因素和文化因素的调节作用,探讨了自我一致性效应发挥的内在机制及其情境/边界条件,并提出了一系列可供检验的研究命题.从而为深入理解旅游者决策行为提供了一个可供选择的理论视角,研究结果有助于促进旅游者决策理论的发展与完善.  相似文献   

旅行社对旅游者行为影响的初步研究   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
旅行社是联结旅游者与旅游目的地的纽带,旅行社对团队旅游者的旅游行为有着多方面的影响。本文分别就旅行社对旅游者的决策行为、时间-空间行为、消费行为、心理行为的影响进行了初步的分析,并在此基础上探讨了旅行社对旅游者行为影响研究的实践意义。  相似文献   

组团旅游空间规律及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文彤 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):77-78
随着我国旅游事业的迅猛发展,国内旅游研究也日益增多.对于旅游主体--旅游者的旅游决策过程和空间行为规律的问题,已经有许多学者进行过探讨.但是,目前大部分研究都是从个体的角度进行调查分析,对于主要由旅行社进行设计、旅游者极少参与决策而被动选择的组团旅游(包价旅游)问题,则极少有人涉及.作者分析了旅行社组团旅游线路设计的影响因素,比较了组团旅游与个体旅游在空间规律上的异同及这些特点在实际应用中的意义.……  相似文献   

旅游学科是一个建立在时空视角下的学科,旅游行为是游客闲暇时间在非惯常环境下的休憩和游玩行为。然而,目前关于旅游时间的学术研究主要关注客观时间,旅游学术界对主观心理时间的研究较为缺乏。文章基于时间主客观性及时间属性(时距、时序、时点)构建了旅游心理时间研究框架,并在系统文献评述的基础上,提出4个基于心理时间框架下的旅游研究方向:旅游者时序知觉与时点知觉对旅游决策及旅游体验的影响、旅游心理时间与时间记忆的相互关系、跨文化差异对时间框架下旅游心理及旅游决策的影响、旅游者时间稀缺感与时间压力的影响。文章提出的旅游心理时间研究框架勾画了旅游时间研究的逻辑框架,为后续旅游心理时间研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

白凯  李天顺 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):34-39
本文从影响旅游者出行的隐性相关因素角度,以2003年截面数据为准,选取了17个国家和6项同旅游者出境旅游及花费相关的隐性相关因素进行了因子和聚类分析.分析结果显示:旅游者出境人数和花费主要受客源国人均GDP、国民教育水平、消费水平和稳定的消费环境、民用航空业发达程度因素的影响;我国17个主要客源国因隐性相关因素的影响而聚合为5大类;其来华旅游人数和其总体出境旅游人数相比还处于较低水平;短期内我国入境游客源国的开发重点应该是1-4类国际客源国.  相似文献   

旅游过程作为一种时序性、多节点的谱状和网状相联结的结构,决定了旅游者的感知与决策行为的复杂性和续贯性,影响着旅游体验的质量,由此构成了一个重要的研究课题。文章着眼旅游者个体在选择城市景观作为体验对象时的感知-决策过程,利用扎根理论的方法,以国内15个知名旅游街道的线上评论和相关网络游记为材料,分析旅游者街道景观的感知-决策过程,发展出"景观迭代"这一用以解释该过程的核心范畴。研究表明,第一,旅游者的城市景观感知-决策是一个"城市景观-街道景观-街道构景"的景观迭代过程,每次迭代都遵循相似的"感知-对比-选择"程序;第二",凸起感"是每一层级旅游决策的核心所在,各次迭代过程中的决策行为都建立在对"凸起感"感知的基础上;第三,旅游决策过程中交织着预算型决策和冲动型决策两种类型,从城市景观到街道场景进而到街道构景的整体决策迭代过程中,越接近具体的旅游情境,冲动型决策的特征越明显。研究进一步将旅游决策的情境化取向这一命题予以巩固,在一定程度上深化了对旅游体验的感知及决策过程的认识,对理解旅游者的行为、指导城市旅游景观尤其是街道场景、街道构景的规划和营销,均有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

琼达  赵宏杰 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):108-115
旅游目的地选择模型建构的研究多数以微观经济学、认知心理学与市场营销学等为基础理论,较少从个体与地方感情连结的视角探讨游客旅游目的地选择决策行为。文章以旅游目的地选择为研究主轴概念,结合地方情感概念中的旅游目的地意象和地方依恋,根据研究文献梳理结果、基础理论界定模型建构的路径变量与逻辑框架,进而提出基于地方情感的旅游目的地选择模型及模型过程步骤。文章建构模型表明,游客旅游目的地选择始于旅游目的地意象的形成,随着整体认知意象的深化,游客对旅游目的地将产生地方认同感,再通过选择决策行为选择意向的旅游目的地从事旅游活动,通过对旅游目的地旅游体验的功能满足产生依赖感,最终形成对旅游目的地的地方依恋感。研究成果对于旅游目的地选择具有交叉研究的创新价值,对于旅游目的地市场战略规划实践活动而言具有参照价值。  相似文献   

Internet technology has become a prominent distribution channel in the tourism industry. Any insight into decision making behavior in the online environment could be critical to business success. We explore the behavior of Iranian tourists in the online environment to specify how different factors affect tourists' decision to use online hotel booking websites. We use a Dominance-based rough set (DRS) in order to model tourists' choice. Besides the novelty of the model being used, this paper is one of the first to explore Iranian tourists' on-line behavior and it also deepens our general understanding of on-line decision making.  相似文献   


The meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) sector of tourism is growing rapidly worldwide and particularly in the Asia Pacific region. One of the important challenges posed by rapid growth of this sector is to maintain service standards in a context of intense competition for this form of tourism. In particular, the development of skills in information technology is regarded as essential to the provision of quality service to tourists. After providing a brief outline of the MICE sector and its major stakeholders, the paper proceeds to highlight the importance of information technology in tourism generally and MICE tourism specifically. It then addresses issues of concern and identifies areas for further research to help the nation's MICE sector achieve competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Traditional economic and psychological theories suggest that having more options is beneficial to decision makers. However, according to the choice overload concept too many choices can sometimes cause contradictory results, such as consumers making ‘no choice’ or experiencing increased perceived regret. Considering that tourism suppliers offer an extensive variety of products, the primary objective of this study was to identify whether the choice overload phenomenon exists for tourism products. Using a scenario method, respondents were randomly assigned to one of ten different scenarios (2destination types × 5choice sets). The results of this study showed that having more than 22 choices increased the likelihood of making ‘no choice,’ regardless of destination type, suggesting that choice overload exists in the tourism industry. This study also demonstrated that when fewer than 22 choices were provided participants who made a choice perceived less regret than those who made ‘no choice’. However, the opposite results were found when tourists were provided with too many choices. Further discussion and implications are provided in the main body of this paper.  相似文献   

Although the decision to invest in MICE tourism is tentatively multifactorial, it has been also addressed as being regionally diverse. Thus, this study examines the perspectives of the Jordanian stakeholders on the attributes of the city of Aqaba that would instigate the investment in MICE. The sample of the study comprises 253 stakeholders and uses structural equation modeling for the purpose of examining the effect of destination attributes on the decision to invest on the one hand, and the relationship between exogenous and endogenous constructs of the model on the other hand. The results show a statistically significant and positive correlation between destination attributes, either weak or strong, and decision making although the former tends to augment recognition. Theoretical and managerial implications are also suggested in the study.  相似文献   

Tourism and immigration: Comparing Alternative Approaches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using survey data from ex-Soviet Union tourists visiting Israel and eligible for immigrant status, this article investigates alternative factors which affect the probability of a tourist making an immigration decision. The developed tourism-immigration model is based on predictors associated with push-pull migration, social capital, and tourism theories. The results of cumulative logistic regression models suggest that the probability of an immigration decision is based on a set of mutually reinforcing factors: well-established and supportive relatives at the destination along with intentions to own property and engage in business activities. Motivations are found as primary contributors to explaining and predicting a probable immigration decision.  相似文献   


Hong Kong and Singapore have been the leading cities for hosting MICE in Asia. Every year, thousands of events are held, both by local and international organizers, in Singapore and Hong Kong. Despite the significant economic contributions of MICE to a local economy, hospitality and tourism literature seldom analyzes Hong Kong and Singapore in terms of MICE promotion. The absence of published articles is particularly true in the context of virtual promotion. This paper reports on a study examining events promotion in the Web sites of the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the Singapore Tourism Board. The paper also analyzes the performance of the official Web sites in providing useful site selection information to event organizers and meeting planners. Empirical results of a content-based analysis indicate that the information provided by the Singaporean Web site is more comprehensive than its Hong Kong counterpart.  相似文献   

饮食旅游动机对游客满意度和行为意向的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张涛 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):78-84
饮食旅游是近年来发展最快的旅游类型之一,但有关游客动机和行为的研究却很少.文章构建结构方程模型,剖析饮食旅游的推动和拉动动机要素,明确旅游动机对游客满意度和行为意向的作用机制.在澳门进行问卷调查获得368个有效样本后,检验假设模型,发现饮食旅游的推动动机为休闲放松、饮食猎奇和文化探索,拉动动机包括饮食产品和配套服务;休闲放松、文化探索和饮食产品对满意度有正向影响,饮食猎奇要素对行为意向有正向影响.文章从供求两方面明确了饮食旅游的参与原因及其后续效应,为发展饮食旅游、提升游客满意度和忠诚度提供了指导.  相似文献   

The problem of technology overuse - and related mental health and addiction issues – has spilled over into the tourism context. Recent literature has also suggested that heavy use of technology while travelling could potentially have negative impacts on the overall tourist experience; and that tourists might search for “disconnection” while travelling. As a result, this study focuses on the recently emerged and scarcely understood phenomenon of “digital free tourism” (DFT), exploring participants' motivations for voluntarily abstaining from, or limiting their use of, technology on their travels. The findings aid relevant theory by identifying four main factors that motivate tourists to participate in DFT – escape, personal growth, health and well-being, relationships – and highlight several exploratory subthemes underlying these motivators. Considering DFT not as an inconvenience but a travel choice, this study can finally aid practitioners to better promote DFT as a tourism product; maximizing the participants’ related benefits and positive experiences.  相似文献   

东莞厚街镇会展业影响的社区感知研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
罗秋菊 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):77-82
对会展业影响的社区感知研究有助于指导决策者和组织者规划、营销、管理和经营会展业.本文以展览业发达的东莞厚街镇为例,研究了厚街镇居民对会展业的影响感知,以及当地居民对会展业的态度.研究表明,社区对会展的影响感知体现在六个方面,既有正面感知,又有负面感知;社区居民对待会展的态度分为热爱者、中立者、理性者和漠视者四种类型.另外,研究结果还显示,与社区旅游和大型事件活动的影响感知相比,居民对待会展的态度表现为两个不同点,第一,漠视者取代了极端的憎恨者;第二,热爱者的比率非常高.  相似文献   

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