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This paper describes an empirical model of brand equity for international nonprofit organizations and offers nonprofit managers suggestions for the management of their brands. The main areas of interest include:
  • A review of the importance of branding for nonprofits, the lack of a brand equity models specifically for nonprofits, and the key differences between for‐profits and nonprofits.
  • A proposed nonprofit brand equity model, based on a grounded theory and system dynamics approach.
  • A series of specific managerial recommendations, for building nonprofit brand equity.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Brands provide a number of benefits that can make them a powerful tool for the nonprofit sector. Among other things, they make it possible for organisations to convey a consistent overall positioning while tailoring offerings for multiple publics. They also facilitate the development of trust between the nonprofit and its constituencies, provide insulation from competitive pressures and raise the organisation's profile. Brands are not appropriate for all nonprofit organisations, however, and the decision to adopt a branding strategy is one that requires careful consideration. This paper explores the pros and cons of nonprofit branding, and describes the balancing act that managers face when deciding whether and how to adopt abrand. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

This study investigated three kinds of business support for nonprofit organisations—donations, sponsorship and coalignment deals (a commercial venture between the two partners), among a sample of major Australian corporates. Most businesses were more likely to donate to a charity if their competitors were known to do so. A similar finding was observed for the sponsorship of charities, cultural and sports organisations. Businesses expected charities to be genuine in their concern about social issues, but businesslike in their dealings with their supporter organisations. Pressures for the increased commercialisation of the relationship were observed, leading to dilemmas for the nonprofits. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

  • Nonprofit organizations are as susceptible to crisis as any organization as exemplified by Livestrong's attempts to outlive Lance Armstrong's downfall and Planned Parenthood (PP) overcoming Susan G. Komen for the Cure's (SGK) policy to defund organizations under investigation. The public battles held on social media during crises such as these have forced organizations onto new battlegrounds. Supporters for each of these nonprofits proudly shared their thoughts via tweets (e.g. #IstandwithPP) and status updates, as the organizations raced to control the situation. PP had tweeted SGK's policy change creating a bevy of support while sending SGK into a reversal that is still costing racers. Surveys were distributed following Armstrong's performance-enhancing drug use confession and SGK's funding policy announcement to determine attitudes toward giving after organizational crisis. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used to assess the strength of attitude, social norms, and perceived behavioral control on the intent to donate to these organizations. The use of TPB expands nonprofit marketing horizons by helping better understand stakeholder intentions and their causes. On the basis of the findings, best practices for nonprofits handling crisis were identified. In particular, organizations need to know their target audiences, know what will make supporters remain, look at crises as opportunities for renewal, be honest, and apologize when appropriate.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ethnic minority communities in the UK are an increasingly powerful force. But UK charities have not had a great deal of experience in approaching this market, despite a readily acknowledged desire to increase their own levels of cultural diversity. How many want a better ethnic representation among their donor base? How many want greater cultural diversity among volunteers, let alone staff? This paper examines the Asian communities within the UK, and suggests that these are groupings with which UK charities should be engaging. The communities are identifiable, with strong philanthropic traditions, they have increasing economic power and they are accessible. The paper also looks briejly at a positive response generated by one organisation-the Aga Khan Foundation (UK) — to a non-denominational, intercommunal appeal for funds from the Asian Communities in the UK.  相似文献   

We study the market for child care services, with a special focus on examining competition between for- and nonprofits. We estimate a two-stage oligopoly model of product differentiation. The first stage estimates a model of endogenous market structure and the second stage corrects for market structure to examine the prices charged and capacity choices for child care centers. We find that the actions of “same-type” providers have a statistically significant impact on a provider’s entry and pricing decisions but we fail to find evidence that the actions of “other types” have a significant impact. Nonprofit child care providers and Head Start centers do not appear to crowd out for-profit providers. Further, we find that for-profits and nonprofits respond differently to market characteristics generating spatial differences in the types of center available in a market. Our data suggest that for-profits are more likely to enter markets with higher percentages of economically disadvantaged students, but they primarily serve those who work, rather than live, in the market. The prevalence of disadvantaged students does not impact the entry decision of nonprofits leaving disadvantaged areas with relatively fewer non-profit options to serve residents. Policies to encourage for-profit daycare would likely lead centers to locate in markets where they can provide service for workers, whereas a policy to encourage nonprofit entry might be more effective in providing low cost care for nearby residents.  相似文献   

In practice and research pertaining to charitable giving, the emphasis has been on identifying the characteristics and motivations of donors, but few have asked why donors continue to support a particular nonprofit. This study examines the relationship between renewing donors and nonprofits and their impact on charitable giving levels using identity salience and relationship satisfaction as key mediators of nonprofit relational exchange. In a survey of 719 repeat donors in the United States, to a broad range of nonprofit organizations, identity saliency and relationship satisfaction are introduced as mediating constructs, and the results confirm that both constructs partially guide donor motivations and charitable giving. Theoretically, this suggests that the more a donor identifies with a nonprofit organization and the more satisfied the donor is in the relationship with the organization, the higher their intention to donate. This finding supports previous research in segmentation strategies and service‐dominant logic in the nonprofit sector. Managerial implications of this research include indication of a paradigmatic shift from relational exchange to transformational exchange (or value cocreation) in nonprofit organizations' approach to donor cultivation.  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of the legal prohibition of age discrimination in New Zealand, based on a survey of the recruiting practices of individual organisations. Its findings indicate that many firms continue to breach the law through a continued emphasis on age during the recruitment process. Age‐related information is directly or indirectly requested from a sizeable percentage of job applicants. The findings highlight the importance of the socio‐economic context in which legislation is enacted. As with unwritten rules, the impact of law in a specific context is inevitably circumscribed by the deeply embedded nature of practice, especially if enforcement is lax.  相似文献   

The fact that they need to deliver more essential social services is accepted by most professionals working in nonprofit organisations. Yet, needing to become more competitive, increasingly ‘businesslike’ and to start creating partnerships with profit‐driven businesses may require a quantum leap to take place. This hard reality imposed by recent changes in government policy is challenging for many social service workers still coming to terms with a decade of turbulent and changing times. From origins of ‘she'll be right mate’ and a community‐held belief that it is the government's responsibility to finance all essential social services, today's nonprofits are increasingly fighting over smaller funding budgets and feeling the pinch as they have to implement business practices that will ultimately make them more accountable, profitable and attractive to prospective business partnerships. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to present an option to larger Australian nonprofit organisations keen to move away from a dependency model of service delivery and open to exploring the possibility of implementing a marketing communications charter which includes the appointment of a business development manager. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

一、标准化地方立法的必要性 (一)标准化法律制度 所为标准化法律制度,是指由标准化法律、行政法规、部门规章以及地方性法规和政府规章等所构成的有机整体.  相似文献   

Since 1997 there has been a significant extension in the legal regulation of the employment relationship reflecting social and economic policy objectives. This article summarises key findings from research into the impact of this legislation and identifies factors affecting legislative impact and employer compliance. Tensions and priorities in the pursuit of the twin policy objectives are discussed.  相似文献   

  • This study examines connections between the conceptual frameworks of compassion fatigue (burnout toward social issues) and related stewardship strategies that are used as a form of best practices to address the issue of compassion fatigue. A content analysis of 117 health nonprofit websites (457 web pages) investigates how nonprofit health organization websites are framing their communication to various stakeholders and how the strategies of stewardship are employed online. Findings indicate that although health nonprofits are using positive frames and multiple stewardship strategies, more could be done by nonprofit marketing practitioners to facilitate positive, long-term relationships with stakeholders in an environment of increased communication and compassion fatigue.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • In this increasingly competitive environment for the individual donor's time and money, it is especially important for AIDS‐related nonprofits to understand why people choose not to give. Voluntary donations to organizations serving persons with HIV/AIDS could be negatively influenced by the social stigma that continues to be associated with the disease. Using the empathy‐altruism hypothesis from social psychology, the impact of gender, homosexuality, promiscuity, and drug use on donor cognitive situational empathy, emotional situational empathy, and altruism is examined. The findings have significant implications for nonprofits. Understanding the impact of these behaviors on giving is a first step in gauging the magnitude of challenges that AIDS‐related nonprofits may face in fund‐raising activities. Additionally, this information should be invaluable in the development of educational and/or promotional strategies to increase private sector support. Finally, initiatives in communication and marketing strategy are discussed to improve fund‐raising efforts.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浅议成人教育立法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了成人教育发展所受制约的大环境 ,论述了成人教育立法的必要性以及成人教育立法的思路。  相似文献   

A policy which could raise wages in the low-wage labour market without job losses would be remarkable. Employers will respond to a wage floor not only by changing the employment level but by altering the other components of job packages. The'new economics'of the minimum wage largely ignores such effects.  相似文献   

Nonprofit economists have always assumed that income is a precursor to giving. In contrast, many philosophical and religious teachings have asserted that it is giving that leads to prosperity. This article seeks to test the non-economic hypothesis, using data from the 2000 Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey. It identifies strong evidence that money giving does, in fact, influence income. This is consistent with extant psychology research which clearly shows that volunteering leads to positive mental and physical health outcomes. The implication of these findings for researchers and managers is that the value of charity is not limited to those who receive the services that giving makes possible. On the contrary, charity unleashes substantial benefits to the givers themselves.  相似文献   

Here the authors review changes in employment law in Britain since 1979 within an international perspective and with reference to underlying philosophical debates. They comment on current legislative developments and the extent to which these constitute a continuation of the Thatcherite approach and conclude that the 1993 Act may be even more damaging for trade unions, particularly their finances.  相似文献   

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