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The past few years have seen a revival in the academic debate over the economic functions of German banks. This paper takes the position that large non-financial firms have become highly autonomous of the banks, and the corporate governance role of banks, while still important, is much less significant than widely presumed. German banks, however, do fulfill certain economic functions to a greater degree and in a different manner than banks in other countries. These bank functions of long-term commercial financing, comprehensive management consulting, and supporting diversified quality production strategies are made possible by the institutional character of the banking system itself and the institutional context in which it operates. A complex web of government laws, regulations, and government financial aid combine with bank group competition to create an extensive and successful financial support system for German SMEs. This system faces various adjustment challenges — from international financial market integration to EU regulatory harmonization — but it has thus far managed to adapt while sustaining its core functions.  相似文献   

随着世界经济的发展,金融逐渐成为各国经济发展的核心部分,商业银行作为特殊的金融群体,在地方经济发展中的地位越来越重要。对商业银行的操作性风险传导的原理和规律进行探讨,为风险规避措施的实施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

立足于我国监管部门大力整治银行业市场乱象的现状,文章系统梳理了不同类型行政处罚对银行风险承担的影响机制,并利用手工整理的2008-2018年银行行政处罚数据,对理论假说进行实证检验。经验结果显示,“仅机构处罚”不能显著降低银行风险承担水平,“双罚”可以有效抑制银行风险承担,并且这种抑制作用具有长期效应。异质性检验表明,“双罚”对大银行、国有银行和全国性银行风险的抑制作用更明显。机制检验发现,减少理财产品、同业业务等影子银行规模是“双罚”降低银行风险承担的重要渠道。研究还发现,随着责任人处罚严厉程度的上升,“双罚”对银行风险承担的抑制效果越好。政策启示在于,加大责任人问责力度,整治影子银行乱象,是监管部门防范银行风险的关键所在。  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinants of African bank profitability while controlling for bank capital regulation. Using static and dynamic panel estimation techniques, the findings indicate that bank size, total regulatory capital, and loan loss provisions are significant determinants of the return on assets of listed banks compared to non-listed banks. Also, regulatory capital has a more significant (and positive) impact on the return on assets of listed banks than non-listed banks particularly when listed banks have sufficient regulatory capital ratio. We also find that higher regulatory thresholds have a negative impact on the return on asset of non-listed banks.  相似文献   

税收制度与会计准则的差异与协调是市场经济的产物,是各国都要面对的现实。我国应进一步完善市场经济体制,积极参与到税收国际协调和会计国际化的进程中,认真吸收经济发达国家在协调二者差异时的做法,深化并完善我国税收制度与会计准则改革,促进其协调发展。  相似文献   

Although harmonization of EC banking laws has only just started, it does already have some practical significance, because in adjustments of national laws account is taken to some extent of the ideas developed on the level of the Community. Nevertheless, a number of problems make it doubtful that a meaningful harmonization in that field can be realized in the near future.  相似文献   

The Italian water sector is characterized by the presence of several water companies, with different ownership types; Fabbri and Fraquelli (Empirica 27:65–82, 2000) and Antonioli and Filippini (Util Policy 10:181–187, 2001) have analyzed the presence of economies of scale and scope in the sector while Abrate et al. (Journal of Productivity Analysis 35:227–242, 2011) have assessed the role of the heterogeneity in this sector. In recent years, the Italian water sector has been subject to a large reorganization, following the implementation of the EC Directive 60/00 for the harmonization of the pricing rules and polluting principles of the Member States. However, the reorganization of the sector is far from being accomplished, and the Italian water companies still face strong regulatory uncertainty associated with the absence of an independent authority. The lack of clear regulatory principles and the presence of almost 100 different companies managed differently across the territory requires the re-analysis of the possible sources of inefficiencies, in order to understand what kind of policy measures might be implemented to improve the performance of the water utilities and take them into account when the final tariff is fixed. This paper estimates a stochastic frontier to empirically investigate the main sources of inefficiency for a sample of 65 Italian water companies. First, this paper investigates whether a positive relationship exists between the firm’s ownership type and efficiency by using different estimation methods; second, this paper investigates whether the presence of economies of scale in the Italian water sector still exist after the merging process that recently took place as part of the sector reorganization. The estimation results show that ownership is not related to the firm’s performance and that the Italian water sector is still characterized by the presence of economies of scale. This result indicates that local communities may benefit from merging into larger water districts.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of bank internationalisation, of the world's largest banks from the period 1980–2007. The purpose of the article is twofold. First, we show how a mixed-methods research design, in which we combine a variables-based research with three case studies, can contribute to the field of business history. The variables-based research helps to detect general trends, but the statistical analysis alone only provides a limited understanding of the factors that drive the trends. By analysing selected case studies, we provide a context within which the statistical results are better understood. The second purpose is to understand trends in the internationalisation strategies of banks from different regions, and during different time periods. Contrasting with prior research, we find that Japanese and US banks have exhibited different internationalisation pattern as opposed to the European banks. Also, the determinants of bank internationalisation differ in importance over time. Using case studies, we show the importance of the changing regulatory environment.  相似文献   

试论我国货币基金的发展及其政策问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
袁东 《财贸经济》2004,(2):22-27
货币基金是伴随货币市场发展而出现的新型金融产品,目前,我国各有关方面也在积极推进货币基金的开展.货币基金依赖于货币市场的一定发展,有着同其他共同基金与金融产品不同的特点,尤其是在税收制度、流动性安排方面,都有其独特之处.即使在发达市场上,货币基金也并非没有风险,其投资组合也有着既定的原则,对此,需要正确认识.由于我国目前的货币市场较为落后,银行储蓄以及中央银行对商业银行的信用往来制度尚不同于发达国家,因而货币基金在我国的引进就面临着一些急需在政策上予以协调和明确的问题,否则,推出的货币基金将很难在短期内有效运行,也可能起不到应有的预期效果.  相似文献   

欧洲经济一体化不仅在经济、贸易合作方面取得令人瞩目的成就,同时在内部法律趋于一致方面也作出了富有成效的探索.欧洲共同体通过提出解决法律冲突的原则,确立特殊司法程序,制定对各成员具有拘束力的规则等方式,使成员之间、成员与共同体之间不同的法律制度趋于一致,有效地保障了经济一体化的进程.欧洲经济一体化过程中积累的经验,不仅对传统的立法、司法制度产生了重大的冲击和影响,对于正在实施中的中国内地、香港、澳门的更紧密经贸关系也具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

In recent years, an increasing number of quantitative researches have been conducted in the field of international harmonization of China Accounting Standards(CAS). However, differences even contradictions do exist in the conclusions due to different research perspectives, samples, variable and period selection as well as the method adopted. Firstly, this paper systematically reviews the quantitative research literature on the international harmonization progress of CAS from the following four aspects: the degree of harmonization of specific items in CAS with that of in International Accounting Standards (IAS), differences in accounting numbers, accounting information, and earnings quality in various financial reports compiled based on CAS or IAS respectively. Lastly, suggestions for future research are provided. Translated and revised from Kuaiji Yanjiu 会计研究 (Accounting Research), 2006, (2): 14–18  相似文献   

We study the positive implications of commodity taxation and tax harmonization under the destination and origin principles when firms are monopolistic competitors facing variable demand elasticity and segmented markets. Our emphasis is on the international location of firms in the presence of market size asymmetries and trade costs. Under the destination principle, an increase in the tax rate of a country always causes some firms to relocate to the other. This effect may be reversed under the origin principle when economic integration is deep enough. Under tax harmonization the choice of a common tax principle is irrelevant for the market outcomes and for the global tax revenues. It affects, however, the distribution of revenues between small and large countries.  相似文献   

无论在发达国家还是发展中国家,中小企业在促进经济发展、技术创新、增加税收、创造就业等方面都扮演了越来越重要的角色。然而,近几年国际金融形势动荡。经济下行压力增大,国内银根紧缩银行信贷规模受限,致使中小企业的发展遇到诸多困难。融资租赁作为一种新型的融资工具,以其门槛低、交易灵活、期限长等特点和优势,在提供融资、促进技术改造、优化资本机构、促进销售等方面为中小企业的发展起到重要的促进作用.越来越受到中小企业的重视。  相似文献   

The law regulating consumer protection in the Republic of Croatia began its intensive development through the process of harmonization of Croatian legislation with EU law. Apart from the approximation of Croatian legislation with the acquis, in the pre-accession process, Croatia also undertook obligations to introduce and develop corresponding mechanisms for the efficient enforcement of consumer protection in practice. The development of consumer protection policy was recognized as a priority area in Croatia, and even before full membership, the process of implementing new directives in the area of consumer protection ran almost in parallel to and at the same pace as that of the Member States. Alongside the harmonization of its legislation with the EU consumer acquis, Croatia started developing a regulatory enforcement structure, including a whole series of mechanisms to achieve individual and collective protection of consumer rights. Among other things, the satisfactory development of regulatory enforcement activities in consumer protection was one of the preconditions for the successful completion of the accession negotiations and for signing the accession treaty. At the same time, the article suggests that in the area of both the individual and collective realization of consumer protection, there is a need for further progress through, on the one hand, developing administrative capacities and enhancing access to justice, as well as developing a system of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes on the other.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的爆发引发了理论界对货币政策是否影响银行体系稳定更为广泛的关注。文章基于异质性视角构建动态面板数据模型对货币政策与银行风险承担行为之间的关系进行估计,研究结果表明:2003-2011年,货币政策变量对银行风险偏好的影响具有时滞性,贷款利率提高有助于抑制银行风险,货币供应量增加会刺激银行更加冒险;不同银行对货币政策冲击会做出异质反应,随着资本充足率的提高,货币政策对银行风险承担行为的影响效果减弱。因此,加强中国人民银行在宏观审慎监管中的主导作用、建立逆周期的货币政策和资本监管协调机制是后金融危机时代我国监管当局的重要议题。  相似文献   

The sub-prime crisis has rejuvenated a public dialogue about the regulation of financial systems. This paper examines the impact of culture on the regulation of bank entry. Based on data from 53 countries, the paper's empirical estimations are inconsistent with the prediction of ‘public choice theory’, while supporting the ‘social choice view’ that cultural value has significant influence on regulatory policy and bank performance. The estimated structural model also suggests that social context can affect the formulation of cultural values across countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact that ownership and governance structures have on how Chinese banks react to regulatory pressure. We find that the current regulatory regime induces banks to increase their capital, but its effectiveness in doing so varies based on whether the bank is listed or not, and also who is the majority shareholder. We also find that the degree of central government ownership and the political ties the chief executive officer of the bank has play an important role in the risk‐taking behavior of banks. Overall, our results have a number of policy implications supporting the need to further reduce state ownership of banks in China to mitigate the prevailing moral hazard and dual‐agency problems that arise from the government being both the regulator and the majority shareholder.  相似文献   


A major weakness of bank regulation is “regulatory forbearance,” which is partly attributable to the scope for discretionary intervention by bank regulators. Therefore, bank regulation might be improved by subjecting intervention policy to a set of rules, such as the “Prompt Corrective Action” (PCA) rules in the US. The introduction of PCA rules is under consideration in a number of developing countries (DCs), stimulated by costly bank failures. This paper examines the potential benefits and feasibility of incorporating PCA rules into banking regulation in DCs. The paper concludes that PCA rules can improve bank regulation in DCs if introduced as part of a comprehensive set of prudential reforms which strengthens the operational independence of the bank regulators, improves their on-site examination capacities, strengthens accounting standards and raises public and political understanding of the need for strong and impartial bank regulation.  相似文献   

湖南省无论从率先开展银行卡助农取款服务,还是推广银行卡升级换代等都取得了一定成就。但也存在着持卡人用卡情况仍欠佳、用卡领域狭窄、服务欠完善、环境欠佳、法规环境欠优化等诸多问题。已成为银行卡产业发展的瓶颈。改变信用卡发展严重滞后现状,增加居民收入与改变消费观念,加大银行卡推广力度,加快银行卡产品创新,创造良好的银行卡受理和法规环境。拓展并规范信用卡市场无疑是一条有效途径。同时,应大力培养消费者良好用卡理念,避免“睡眠卡”的出现,提高持卡人用卡频率,增强用卡安全意识。推动银行卡产业的发展。  相似文献   

赵金龙 《商业研究》2011,(12):193-199
如何加强对债权人的保护是学术界一直在研究的论题,有种观点认为公司的管理者在公司资不抵债时应当由对股东负责转为对债权人负责;公司的主要目的是为股东创造收益,破产的目的是保护债权人的利益。因此,应当废除公司领域中对债权人的保护,使其尽快回归到专门为债权人服务的破产领域,让公司法和破产法各司其职,使股东利益和债权人的保护得到强化。  相似文献   

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