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NFT数字藏品基于区块链技术,利用其不可篡改、可追溯和去中心化的特点,有效解决了数字资产的确权和流通问题。受限于NFT数字藏品的异质性特征和炒作现象,新兴的NFT数字藏品市场存在诸多估值难题尚未解决。本文通过对NFT数字藏品的发展状况、内在特征、价值来源和估值难点进行分析,建立了NFT数字藏品的评估框架;分析NFT数字藏品具有的稀缺性、实用性、保护性和风险性特征,建立NFT数字藏品的经济价值、艺术价值、技术价值和社会价值四维价值维度并将其价值维度进一步分割,形成评估框架和评估公式,提出各价值影响因素的量化方向,利用因子分解机算法对评估公式进行了优化改进。本研究提供了NFT数字资产的评估方法,有助于数字资产管理和保值增值,有益于维护NFT数字藏品创作者和所有者的权益,促进数字产业发展。  相似文献   

市场法是企业价值评估中最重要、最直接的方法,但受到可比公司选择的客观性和可比性等因素制约,市场法的运用和准确性受到一定的限制和质疑。本文针对市场法在可比公司的选择中所存在的限制及运用困境,提出运用因子分析法来优化和解决可比公司的选择问题,并以河北省HG股份公司为例,演绎运用因子分析法优化后的市场法进行企业价值评估。研究发现,运用因子分析法优化后的市场法评估企业价值,能够使得评估结果更加准确,在一定程度上解决了相关的运用困境,为市场法进行企业价值评估提供了优化路径。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代发展速度的日趋加快,人力资源资本化成为企业财务管理的一项重要内容,其人力资本价值的确定、价值计量问题以及人力资源评估方法,成为实现企业人力资源价值的关键所在,本文对此进行了分析。  相似文献   

李珏 《时代金融》2013,(15):207
交通运输企业的人力资源管理对于交通运输企业自身,对于我国交通运输业的发展,都有很重要的影响。在新形势下,科学地实现交通运输企业人力资源管理是企业管理者必须要考虑的问题。企业管理者应当结合其人力资源管理现状来分析和解决当前人力资源管理中存在的问题。  相似文献   

笔者结合工作实际,分析了制约我国人力资源管理外包发展的因素,包括企业所有制的影响,现代人力资源管理体系没有确立,人力资源管理制度落后,雇员规模和劳动力成本的制约以及外包服务供应商发展滞后等五个方面。分析了人力资源管理外包风险控制模式从探索阶段、商议阶段、转型阶段和评估阶段讨论了人力资源管理外包的基本流程,在此基础上进一步分析人力资源管理外包的风险机制的建立。  相似文献   

基层水利服务是水利管理中的重要方面,是确保基层水利建设发展的关键。在新时期如何加强基层水利服务机构管理,成为了一个重要问题。由于种种因素的影响,在基层水利服务机构人力资源管理过程中遇到很多问题,这些问题的存在大大阻碍了机构的建设和发展。为了能够确保基层水利服务机构更稳定的运行,推动基层水利建设与管理工作的顺利开展,就需要对其人力资源管理存在的现状进行分析,从而制定出良好的对策。文章以问题探讨为主,就当前基层水利服务机构建设中遇到的人力资源管理问题进行分析,同时提出有效解决措施,以促进基层水利服务的发展。  相似文献   

在知识经济的时代,人力资源是经济发展中一个决定性因素,建立人力资源成本核算已迫在眉睫。如何正确认识人力资源在经济中存在的价值和问题,已成为我们需要解决的重点。  相似文献   

本文结合医疗卫生行业的特点,从概念、特征、价值影响因素、评估方法四个方面分析了医院非专利技术的特殊性,提出了评估中应该注意的问题。非专利技术是无形资产的一种形式。由于我国医疗卫生事业的公益性质和医院的经营特征,医院非专利技术的价值评估存在着诸多问题。本文将对医院非专利技术的概念、特征、价值影响因素和评估方法等方面进行分析。  相似文献   

企业人力资源管理是企业科学管理的组成部分,在企业战略性发展和不断成长的过程中,人力资源始终处于关键性的中心环节。因为企业人力资源管理开展的时间相对较短,在进行企业人力资源管理的层次不够深入,会在人力资源管理的具体环节和实际操作中存在各类隐患和问题,应该全面认识企业人力资源的价值,扩展企业人力资源管理的影响和功能,进一步挖掘人力资源管理的专业优势和效率优势,力求在形式方面取得企业人力资源的突破,鉴于此,本文主要分析信息化背景下的企业人力资源管理。  相似文献   

贾方亭 《财会学习》2016,(23):179-180
完善农村商业银行人力资源管理体系可以提高其在新形势下同行业务竞争实力,实现银行管理的现代化,实现员工自我价值具有重要有意义.本文首先就国内外商业银行人力资源管理进行综合概述.以农村商业银行人力资源管理现阶段的实际情况为基础,分析其人力资源管理的现状,得出其人力资源管理中存在的一些问题,同时也制定了具有针对性的解决对策.  相似文献   

企业自主创新能力对创新绩效的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从企业微观层面和自主创新流程的角度选取了研发能力、生产制造能力、市场营销能力和组织管理能力4个变量来构建企业自主创新能力评价指标体系,结合来自合芜蚌创新试验区152个企业的有效问卷调查数据,对企业自主创新能力指标进行了探测性因子分析,明确了企业自主创新能力指标的因子构成;然后对自主创新能力因子同企业创新绩效进行了多重线性回归分析,研究结果表明:研发能力对企业创新绩效贡献最大,其次是管理能力和营销能力,最后是生产制造能力。因此,企业对于自主创新能力不同的影响因素应给予不同的关注和资源配置。  相似文献   

商业银行人力资源管理中的潜规则及其运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗明忠 《金融论坛》2007,12(11):59-63
潜规则与显规则一起渗透在商业银行人力资源管理一系列活动的各个环节,成为指导、左右并决定每一环节活动顺利进行和成功实现其目标的关键因素.同时,潜规则在商业银行人力资源管理中的表现多种多样,其功能发挥与约束条件不同于显规则.由此,在商业银行人力资源管理实践中,必须在重视正式规则建设的同时,注意加强非正式规则的建设,改善商业银行的软环境.既要发挥显规则的硬约束功能,又要运用好潜规则的软约束效应,为改进商业银行人力资源管理创造良好的条件和基础.  相似文献   

潜规则与显规则一起渗透在商业银行人力资源管理一系列活动的各个环节,成为指导、左右并决定每一环节活动顺利进行和成功实现其目标的关键因素。同时,潜规则在商业银行人力资源管理中的表现多种多样,其功能发挥与约束条件不同于显规则。由此,在商业银行人力资源管理实践中,必须在重视正式规则建设的同时,注意加强非正式规则的建设,改善商业银行的软环境。既要发挥显规则的硬约束功能,又要运用好潜规则的软约束效应,为改进商业银行人力资源管理创造良好的条件和基础。  相似文献   

Currently knowledge is considered an essential resource to contribute to the creation and generation of competitive advantage in organizations. The human factor as an intangible resource of a company has become a main value generator, and even though both knowledge management and intellectual capital are intangibles that can be measured in the financial reports of companies, their position as main value generators is not reflected in financial information. In Mexico, industrial sector companies need to promote the creation of intellectual added value based on its own abilities, which reside on their intellectual capital. The value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC?), with its components, is a tool that contributes to achieving this goal, and helps to identify the positive impact on key factors such as financial profitability, market capitalization and level of share value.  相似文献   

While contemporary auditing standards such as ISA 315 provide broad categories of client risks, prior research regarding audit resource allocation decisions has been based on individual client risks. This study contributes to the literature by using factor analysis to examine how individual client risks are categorized into broad risk factors and by examining the extent to which such broad risk factors are associated with audit engagement planning decisions. These issues are important because auditing standards direct auditors to consider risk patterns and interrelationships in addition to individual risks. Finally, we consider additional individual client risks that reflect those relevant to contemporaneous audit approaches and have not been examined in prior studies. Based on archival data extracted from the working papers of 228 clients of a Japanese audit firm, we find that individual client risks empirically group together in a way that is similar to categories discussed in recent auditing standards. We also find significant relationships between audit resource allocation decisions and broad risk factors that have not been found in prior studies which use individual risk assessments in their models. Finally, we find that client risks that are emphasized in holistic audit approaches such as aggressiveness of forecasts and industry decline also have a significant impact on audit resource allocations.  相似文献   

我国高校人力资源管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前由于大多数高校仍未摆脱传统人事管理的束缚,在人力资源的管理过程中还存在着一些不容忽视的问题,不能满足国家和时代发展的需要。因此,有必要加强高校人力资源管理的理论与实践研究,在丰富和完善人力资源管理理论的同时,促进高校健康发展,奠定国家可持续发展的基础。  相似文献   

本文从影响风险投资中企业家人力资本定价的因素分析入手,针对其多层次、多维度的特点,建立了一个有内在逻辑关系、能够较全面反映企业家人力资本定价影响因素的理论框架.并采用协方差结构模型分析(CSM)方法,对这些因素进行了实证研究.结果表明,在风险投资中,企业家的控制权对企业家人力资本定价影响因素的解释率最高,其次是企业经营绩效,企业经营规模的解释率较低.  相似文献   

There have been many approaches that have sought to identify the principles of best practice organizational management. The Horizontal Organization (HO) has been proposed as a method that draws on ideas from marketing, production, organizational behaviour and human resource management. It identifies specific value propositions with a customer-oriented focus and then develops process efficiency and continuous improvements, flattened structures with a team-based focus, human resource policies concerned with empowerment and a supportive and committed culture to help institutionalize change. The key distinguishing feature is to move away from traditional vertical, functional structures to lateral structures, processes and information to support the HO. This essay reviews three approaches, which when taken together, distil the key elements of the HO. These are Ostroff (1999). The horizontal organization, New York, Oxford University Press; Schonberger (1996). World class manufacturing: The Next decade, New York, The Free Press; and Galbraith (2005). Designing the customer-centric organization, a guide to strategy, structure, and process, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. Of particular interest is how these authors envisage a role for management accounting in the design and application of the HO. The essay will review the essence of HO and critically examine the extent to which there have been complementary developments in management accounting, and how effective practice and research have been in developing a horizontal dimension to management accounting. It is concluded that innovations in management accounting, such as activity-based accounting and holistic performance measurement like balanced scorecards, have not had any significant affects on those developing ideas related to HO. Reasons why this is so are canvassed and areas where accounting innovations may provide valuable input to implementing the HO are discussed. Recent developments in management practices that elaborate on HO and implications for a horizontal dimension to accounting are examined.  相似文献   

Social activism, including movements towards equal pay, gender rights, and racial equality, has heightened public scrutiny, exerting pressure on firms to reassess and reform their human resource practices to ensure they align with current social and ethical norms. Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) have a potentially important role in defining and promoting appropriate human resource practices through human resource disclosures in corporate annual reports. We empirically examine the effect of CHROs on expanded human capital resource (HCR) disclosures, recently mandated by the SEC. We find that CHROs have a greater effect on the quality of HCR disclosures when they belong to the top management team, and less so when they belong to groups that are more poorly represented in top management, such as women, racial or ethnic minorities, or non-US nationals, and CHROs holding a liberal arts degree. Jointly considering the characteristics of CHROs, CEOs, and CFOs, we additionally find that pro-democratic political ideology is related to higher quality HCR disclosures. This study contributes to the literature by introducing a generalizable measure of HCR disclosure quality, uncovering significant heterogeneity in HCR disclosure quality across large US firms, and highlighting the role of CHROs in this process. In doing so, this study documents evidence that individual top executives in addition to the CEO and CFO can have a measurable effect on voluntary financial disclosures.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The purpose of this short paper is to alert teachers of management accounting to a perceived inadequacy in the prevailing textbook treatment of a commonly taught and examined management accounting technique, the limiting factor rule, which, in many textbooks, functions as a preface to the exposition of linear programming. Having explained the manner in which the use of the limiting factor rule can lead to the discovery of the optimal production plan where there is just one constrained resource, it is common to assert the necessity of using linear programming in situations where there are multiple resource constraints. In this paper, the possibility of applying the limiting factor rule where more than one resource is constrained is explained more precisely than in existing textbooks. The significance of this discussion, it is suggested, lies as much in its contribution to intellectually sound exposition in textbooks as in its practical significance.  相似文献   

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