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中国货币政策绩效的短期分析与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据对经济的不同作用,货币政策可分为紧缩的货币政策和宽松的货币政策。在过去的6年里,中国的货币政策一直处于相对稳健的状态。中国经济之所以取得了持续稳定的增长,就是因为实施了稳健的货币政策。通过对2004年中国经济金融形势的回顾及对货币政策及其工具的实施效果的分析,我们判断,在2005年或今后的一段时间里,我国将继续实行稳健的货币政策。  相似文献   

我国经济运行的宏观及微观环境发生了显著变化,我国的货币政策已经逐渐由稳健转向宽松,随着我国经济出现的新一轮回升,人民银行不宜采用紧缩货币进行打压,相反,为摆脱经济下滑和通货紧缩的影响,应坚持推行适度从宽的货币政策以推动经济持续高速发展。本文主要论述了如何完善我国的货币政策。  相似文献   

马勇  王莹曼 《金融评论》2022,(2):1-20+123
本文基于国内97家商业银行2009~2019年的面板数据,考察了货币政策及其稳定性对银行风险承担的影响,实证结果显示:(1)政策利率降低和货币政策波动性增加都会导致银行风险承担水平上升;(2)货币政策对银行风险承担的影响具有异质性,资产规模越大、资本充足率越低、资产负债率越高的银行,在宽松货币政策下的风险承担行为相对更为激进;(3)货币政策的银行风险承担效应在不同的经济金融周期形势下具有非对称性,具体表现为,货币政策对商业银行风险承担水平的影响在宽松货币环境、信贷扩张期和经济下行期的作用,要分别强于紧缩货币环境、信贷紧缩期和经济上行期;(4)在宽松货币政策条件下采取扩张性财政政策,会导致更加激进的银行风险承担行为;(5)在宽松的货币政策条件下加强宏观审慎政策调控,可以显著降低银行的风险承担水平,这说明基于“双支柱”的组合式调控确实能在一定程度上弥补单一货币政策无法兼顾多重目标的不足。  相似文献   

陈宁 《发展研究》2017,(12):8-12
2008年金融危机以来,各主要国家央行为了应对全球金融危机,先后采取了超宽松的货币政策.近期,世界经济出现向好势头,发达经济体的货币政策开始转向,但各央行所处政策转向的阶段有所不同.受此影响,国际金融市场风险资产价格已处于高住,存在不确定性增加.今后一段时期,发达经济体央行货币政策的收紧可能进一步加大全球金融市场的潜在风险.我国也将面临包括资本外流、汇率波动、国际货币政策外溢、国际金融市场动荡等一系列问题.然而,因为发达经济体政策紧缩过程缓慢,总体影响有限.我国货币政策应立足国内,并与供给侧结构性改革相结合,同时加强政策问协调,强化监管,防范我国金融市场潜在风险.  相似文献   

当央行实施宽松货币政策时,银行信贷规模增加,外部融资约束程度减缓,企业可得筹融资额度上升,这使得企业实现对外扩张战略成为可能。对于公司管理层来说,在宽松货币政策环境下,加大投资的决策必须要谨慎,企业应合理利用宏观宽松货币政策的积极效应,同时也应注意其蕴含的不良影响,因为宽松的货币政策并不是可持续的外部因素。而当进入紧缩货币政策时,因为投资的滞后性和不可逆性可能对企业现金流运行产生较强负面冲击,迅速加大企业财务风险,使得企业陷入财务困境。  相似文献   

刘芹 《时代经贸》2009,(12):90-91
适度宽松的货币政策有力地保障经济的恢复发展,但其实际运作的操作力度和尺度为经济持续稳健增长埋下隐患。为此,本文提出在当前保增长背景下执行适度宽松货币政策的思路。  相似文献   

目前我国经济在诸多因素的支持下已经积累了较强的内生性增长动力,经济偏热和通货膨胀风险不容忽视,宏观调控的任务十分艰巨。实行从紧货币政策,必然要求加大货币政策的紧缩力度,创新完善政策工具,健全政策传导机制,进一步发挥货币政策在宏观调控中的重要作用,达到"两防"的目的,化解经济运行中的潜在风险,促进国民经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

当前“名稳实紧”的货币政策已经不能适应我国宏观经济现状,货币政策总体思路亟待调整。过高的债务率所导致的债务-紧缩效应以及目前市场上所采取的“杠杆率硬着陆”的方式不仅加剧了金融市场的潜在系统性风险,而且还导致货币政策陷入传导困境。金融市场上财务软约束、刚性兑付现象大量存在,抬高了无风险利率,而且导致市场丧失风险定价功能。基于上述分析,我们认为当前货币政策取向应该从“名稳实紧”调整为“适度宽松”。在“杠杆率软着陆”的思路下,通过创新货币政策目标,配合市场化改革,尝试探索新型货币政策工具并结合市场监管体系的完善,早日实现经济复苏。  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,美国持续量化宽松货币政策所带来的溢出效应已对中国资产价格调整产生实质性影响;美国货币政策变动后可通过利率和国际资本流入进行传导,能直接引起中国股票市场价格的剧烈波动并间接推动房地产价格的上涨;在中国房地产市场正处于深度调控背景下,美国货币政策的进一步放宽将对中国货币政策的适度紧缩形成强烈制约,使中国资产价格调控面临巨大的风险和隐患。  相似文献   

连平 《资本市场》2011,(5):8-11
我国稳健货币政策的调控应更加灵活和审慎;政策工具的运用频率可以适当减低,力度可以适当减弱。未来应该创造条件大力发挥央票的作用,使得央票和准备金率这两项工具并肩运用。  相似文献   

张超林  杜金岷  苏柯 《经济前沿》2013,4(5):140-151
宏观经济政策如何影响公司微观行为是最近几年比较新的领域。本文运用中国上市公司2001—2011年的年度数据,探讨了货币紧缩政策对公司现金持有的影响以及产权性质对这种影响的作用。本文发现,货币紧缩政策对公司的现金持有具有负向影响,即处于货币政策紧缩阶段,公司的现金持有会显著减少。相比于国有企业,货币紧缩政策对民营企业的现金持有影响更大,民营企业的现金持有在货币紧缩阶段减少得更多。本文进一步分析发现,在货币紧缩阶段,公司当期投资并未出现下降。这说明在货币紧缩阶段,为确保当期投资顺利进行,公司会使用自有现金来补充由于银行信贷减少引起的资金不足。  相似文献   

This paper examines empirically whether the expected and unexpected components of monetary policy have nonlinear impacts on the dynamics of REIT returns. Empirical results find the nonlinear response of REIT returns to expected and unexpected components of monetary policy. The unexpected component of monetary policy plays a more prominent role in influencing REIT returns than does the expected component of monetary policy. Specifically, unexpected contractionary monetary policy has a significantly adverse impact on REIT returns, and the adverse effect in a bust market is stronger than in a boom market. In addition, the unexpected monetary policy will also affect the boom-bust dynamics of REIT returns through its effect on the time-varying transition probability matrix. The tightening of the expected and unexpected components of monetary policy will enhance the probability that the REIT market will stay in the bust regime.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence of the credit channel of monetary policy often relies on the observance of flight to quality during monetary tightening. The identification assumption is that the typically smaller firms facing financing constraints, are disproportionally affected by the stance of monetary policy. I argue that when credit constrains are widespread, as may be the case in Emerging Markets, flight to quality should not be expected during monetary contractions. Indeed, in my model, among constrained firms, those with tighter financing constraints are less responsive to monetary conditions. I find evidence supporting my model in a sample of firms from the Emerging Market of Chile.  相似文献   

企业、企业家等微观主体对货币政策的反应,在较大程度上影响货币政策的效果。货币政策可通过对企业家信心的影响,进而对公司投资效率产生作用。基于中国2007—2016年40个季度A股上市公司样本的实证研究表明:企业家信心在货币政策传导过程中有不可忽视的作用。企业家信心增强或者货币政策宽松时会加剧过度投资,减轻投资不足;企业家信心减弱或者货币政策紧缩时可以有效抑制过度投资,但会加剧投资不足。其中,国有企业对企业家信心和货币政策松紧的敏感性更强。进一步,货币政策对企业投资效率的影响,也会通过货币政策和企业家信心的交互作用而发挥作用。这种作用在国有企业和非国有企业之间无显著差异。  相似文献   

Record levels of domestic and global stimulus during the COVID-19 pandemic years helped to mitigate largely unparalleled downside risks. Post-COVID-19, inflation surged in Australia due to overseas factors such as the war in Ukraine, and domestic factors such as COVID-related backlogs in the construction sector. To constrain inflation, the Reserve Bank shifted to a phase of aggressive monetary policy tightening in 2022. There are, however, cost of living ramifications associated with tighter monetary policy. Looking forward, there is significant uncertainty about the rate at which inflation will normalise, and the spending response of consumers to higher interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the implications of macroprudential and monetary policies for credit cycles, housing market stability and spillovers to consumption. We consider a countercyclical loan‐to‐value (LTV) policy that responds to a credit‐to‐income ratio, and we compare its effectiveness with a permanent tightening of the LTV ratio and a monetary policy rule that responds to credit. To this end, we construct a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with housing market, household debt and collateral constraints, and we estimate it with Canadian data using Bayesian methods. Our study suggests that a countercyclical LTV ratio is a useful policy to reduce spillovers from the housing market into consumption and to lean against housing market boom–bust cycles. It performs better than the permanent tightening of the LTV ratio—a policy that has been used in a number of countries—and the monetary policy rule, both in terms of the stabilization of household indebtedness and spillovers into consumption. Monetary policy that leans against the wind is the least desirable due to its large adverse consequences on the real economy.  相似文献   

This article argues that the recent implementation of monetary policy in Australia has been dominated by the response to a large range of unanticipated shocks. In the process of trying to minimise the adverse effects of such shocks, considerable uncertainty has been created about likely outcomes in the medium term. This makes medium-term objectives harder to achieve. Taking the reduction of inflation as an example of an appropriate medium-term objective, simulations are presented using the Murphy model of the Australian economy. The simulations demonstrate that a tightening of monetary policy will reduce inflation more slowly if private agents believe that the tightening is unlikely to be sustained for long. Under uncertainty, monetary policy will have to be tighter and real GDP significantly lower to achieve a given reduction in inflation. A confingency rule of medium complexity is suggested as one way in which appropriate medium-term objectives might be achieved while allowing some flexibility to react to unexpected outcomes in the short run.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a long-standing political debate as how effective is monetary policy to stabilise food inflation. While a wealth of theoretical literature suggests a stabilising role of monetary policy via aggregate demand channel, there exists hardly any empirical consensus on this issue. Very recently, a limited strand of empirical literature has attempted to shed light in this arena. The present study contributes to this literature by analysing the effectiveness of aggregate demand channel in presence of production cost channel of monetary policy transmission, affecting prices positively via supply side, in a panel of developed and emerging economies for the period 2006 Q1 to 2016 Q2. We find that an unexpected monetary tightening has a positive and significant effect on food inflation in both advanced and emerging economies. Our findings suggest that in the backdrop of inflationary pressure stemming from the food sector, a monetary tightening may turn out to be destabilising for the food as well as overall inflation in the economy.  相似文献   

利用NK-SVAR模型就我国货币政策的非对称性效应进行研究,结果表明,紧缩性货币政策的效果比较明显,而扩张性货币政策效果较弱.货币冲击的紧缩效应强于扩张效应,这表明抑制经济的过快增长时紧缩性的货币政策效果显著,但扩张性货币政策无法摆脱经济的恶性衰退.  相似文献   

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