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1 992‘993‘994摇葬裱弄揣弄百万公吨期初库存世界总计9 .2218 .6136 .9327 .6518 .759 .45中国大陆3 .2042 .9642 .1263 .0434 .163 .91美国0 .8071 .0150 .7690 .5770 .571 .01净出口4 .0183 .9 103 .2203 .0043 .053 .85净进口5 .2034 .7033 .7114 .6475 .705 .59产量世界总计17.98116 86918.6701 9.8611 9.951 9.86中国大陆4 .5 103 .7394 .3424 .7674 .104 .10美国3 .5313 5134 2813、8974,203.85印度2 .3802 .0952 .3552 .6182 .602 .54巴基斯坦1 .5391 .3681 .4781 .7851 .761 .80乌兹别克1 .3061 .3581 .2481 .2501 .211 .22土耳其…  相似文献   

书产.~杏·欢4~~加介·(冲心.0.。‘伪~.~伪巴~.之书伪~啼亡.弃.。气 飞.。.0.。.。!。.。。!。.。.?0.。.心。l?。.?令厂 杭州机床集团有限公司 中国一拖 厂。.。.。:。.。.。.。.。.。。。 .人︾叉﹀叉︾哭︺-人﹀.0.0.0、 、。.。.心-。-v-。-。.0.心.。.心.0.。.心.心黑﹀.  相似文献   

商“名称像嘿本月最高价本月最低价584.47 586.121485.02 1489.81584.220 .0011431.780 .01尿素农用地膜农用薄膜烧碱橄酸氢按籽米聚乙烯粕米小麦大豆面粉到二棉纱2 .032 .082 .01241{.912414 552407.950,0010112.3812.1912 081 1.762675.542679 232673 350 .00112l2.3088.53 1253067.52265.912273.52253.50 0030 .590 .6 59.451 473,171 477.51468.130 0033 .483 .522776.412790.5627700 .00310082.96102509955.562 .92 .92,88标准差系数 0 .011 0 .009 0 .013 0 .007 0 .004 0 .006 0 .01 0 .002 0。005 0 .034 0 .006 0 .001焦炭皮棉柴油…  相似文献   

0 .0仲0 .0寸00呀0 .0叻0 .0门0 .0仍0 .0门O冲的门0 .0钧0 .0怕00妈ON一O们l0.的工O的1O山洲O价tO的一OON00闪0 .0议0 .ON0 .ON0 .ONOON0 .0闪0 .ONO由闪0.帅NO的闪0.的一O曰︹0.璐︹0.的工0.的曰O的工0 .N州0 .N洲0.闪l0 .N工O的工0.的工0.的︹0.的︹0.的一0.的洲0.的l0.叮洲O们洲O内工0.门︻O,价︻01的︹O旧︹O,的工0.曰︹O!O的0 .0的00昨0 .0甲0 .0碑00仲0 .0呼00的0 .0卜0 .0卜0 .0卜OON0 .0仍口O仍O卜O妇00牡0 .0扣0 .0妇0.叮NO的N0.明N0的N0.的N勺价N0.曰闪0.的N0.的闪0 .0的00门0 .0门0 .ON0 .ONOON0 .0人0…  相似文献   

序号展览会名称展期l.国际美容美发及化妆品展览会3 .8一3.122.北京国际化妆博览会3 .8一3.123.首届文化娱乐产品博览会3 .10一3.164.中国机械定货会3 .13一3.185.意大利包装展3 .14一3.186.第二届国际大型水电设备与施工机械展3 .14一3.187.95年北京服装服饰展3 .14一3.228.首届国际核电及原子能和平利用展3 .14一3,189.北京国际博览会4 .4一4.1010.第三届国际铸造、锻造工业炉及冶金装备展4 .21一4.261 1.大理石展4 .19一4.2312.国际家具展4 .19一3.2313.中国运输与物流国际博览会5 .3一5.2014.德国化工展5 .15一5.2015.国际机械工程展5 .…  相似文献   

而杆扬侧而洲坏济将特续增长全球各大机构调高对今年中国经济增长预测(%)助国象乃困留 蜀价车叱脆芝牟 北能岸中国大陆7 .37 .07 .4中国香港0 .12.14 .8中国台湾一1 .92 .8 4 .0韩国3 .04.86 .0印度尼西亚3 .33 .03 .6马来西亚0 .44 .25 .8菲律宾3 .44.04 .5新加坡一2 .03 .76  相似文献   

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★新加坡马来西亚沙巴州菲律宾宿务印度尼西亚雅加达韩国汉城日本福冈Datuk.WongAspEngineeringpteLtd10LindenDriveSingapore1128CauRaWOOKAFAH.BamlShippingSDN.BHD.P.O.BOX1326488836KotaKinabaluSabanMalaysidDATUKH.GWongATAENGINEERING&TECHNOLOOGYCON-SORTIUMINCABTECHBUILDINGOSWENAVILLAGEMAGUIKAYMANDAUECITYCEBU.PHILS.PeterLeeP.T.QUADRASAKTINO.T.TLMadramanDalamDjakartaBesar.株东北亚经济产业研…  相似文献   

СказочноеозероСайлимунаходитсяв 90 км. кюго -западуотгородаБолэСиньцзян -Уйгурскогоавтономногорайона,вДжунгарскойкотловине. Озерорасположенона 2073 м. надуровнемморя. Длинасвостокавзапад– 30 км. Ширинасюгавсевер–25 км. Общаяплощадь– 455-460 кв. км. Глубинаводы– 92 м. ЭтосамоевысокогорноеисамоекрупноепообъемуводногозеркалаозеровСиньцзяне. ПоюжномуберегуозераСайлимупроходитшоссеУрумчи -Или. ВокругОзерасуществуетхорошеепастбище.  相似文献   

杨建梅 《中亚信息》2006,(10):26-26
出口贸易进口贸易进出口贸易差额,亿美元贸易额,亿美元是2005年同期的%贸易额亿美元2005年上半年2(X)6年上半年与独联体国家的贸易阿塞拜疆亚美尼亚白俄罗斯格鲁吉亚哈萨克斯坦吉尔吉斯斯坦摩尔多瓦俄罗斯”塔吉克斯坦乌克兰4 .120 0 .887 37 .932 2 .323 24 .992 1 .688 2 .104 191 .763 0 .835 52862 7 .746 3 .097 68 .228 6 .234 45 .906 4 .172 4 .579 94 .951 5 .570 95 .889 1 14 135 143 159 126 142 1 13 107 148 117 ~4 .147一1.料8一15 .417一2 .191一14.798一1 .608一1 .479 56 .495一3.肠5一32 .965一3 .626一2 .210一30 .2…  相似文献   

杨建梅 《中亚信息》2007,(12):24-25
﹄一…﹄一一﹄一…消费性支出项目1998年粮食和面包土豆瓜类和蔬菜水果和浆果肉和肉制品鱼和鱼类制奶和奶制品2 .13 5 .25 45 .7 5 .28 32.2 8 .88 39 .5 0 .19 0 .40 3 .5 0 .68 0 .77 3 .4 0 .38 0 .74 6 .4 3 .9 10.9 1 1 .5 2 .19 9 .7片了连几..占左几八己一吕月了OU 0 .  相似文献   

The situation with currency markets in the CIS countries in 2009 was characterized by considerable fluctuations in national currencies against the background of the major problems in the financial sector, economic recession in most countries, slowing inflation in the consumer market, and deflation in prices of manufactured goods.  相似文献   

We investigate the gender employment gap in the expanding non‐subsistence sector of the economy in Mozambique, a country still characterized by a large subsistence agricultural sector. We show evidence that the gender gap has widened over time and we identify two structural factors strongly associated with it. One factor is the still relatively lower level of female human capital, with less attained education, as well as literacy and Portuguese proficiency rates. The lower conditional employment probabilities of married women, as compared with men, is the other factor. These findings point at expanding women´s education and facilitating the access of married women to the emerging labour market as the most effective ways of achieving a more inclusive growth path that does not leave women behind.  相似文献   

G. Vissering 《De Economist》1895,44(2):689-726
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Women frequently constitute the largest section of the adult population in rural communities of developing areas. For this reason, rural development can only take place if women at grassroots level are drawn to the centre of the arena, and their traditional concerns recognised and used as the starting point. In Venda, this approach is showing some positive results.  相似文献   

Hysteresis in unemployment in the Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
J. J. Graafland 《De Economist》1988,136(4):508-523
Summary The Dutch labour market situation in the eighties can be characterized by the hysteresis phenomenon, i. e. a rising natural rate of unemployment as a result of the rise of actual unemployment in the past. It appears that the hysteresis phenomenon is more important in The Netherlands than in France and the United States and as relevant as in Germany and the United Kingdom. Because of the steep rise of unemployment in The Netherlands the natural rate of unemployment may have risen more than in Other European countries. As a consequence, the wage depressing effect of the current high unemployment rate has diminished rapidly.I thank J.C. Siebrand, D.P. Broer and C.B. Mulder for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

5月,主城气温持续走高,春天的脚步渐远,夏天悄然而至.而此时的石柱黄水春意正浓,在那里,依然可以清晰地聆听到春天的花语,即使在一米阳光之内,也能感受到春天的美丽. 踏青赏花揽春色,风景这边独好 以“万亩森林、万亩石芽、万亩草场、万亩火棘”四大景观著称的千野草场,这时候总是澄澈的蓝天陪衬着悠悠白云,碧绿的草地映衬着逍遥牛羊.这里不但有北国草原的粗犷,亦有南方草地的妩媚.  相似文献   

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