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In the rational expectations analysis of Lucas and Barro, the quantity of money is subject to random shocks that are specified to be unanticipated and permanent in character. The present note provides some simple examples of alternative money supply specifications that lead to non-neutrality of perceived temporary monetary growth through the channel of expected inflation. Subsequently, the discussion demonstrates that this non-neutrality is not robust to an alternative specification of private monetary behavior, the permanent balance model. The key difference is that the initial model involves commodity supply and demand which depend on current real balances while in the subsequent model these depend on permanent balances. Some final remarks are directed to the idea that the distinction between current and permanent balances in this simple model could be linked to alternative roles of money in more detailed, optimizing analyses.  相似文献   

Previous models of rules versus discretion are extended to include uncertainty about the policymaker's ‘type’. When people observe low inflation, they raise the possibility that the policymaker is committed to low inflation (type 1). This enhancement of reputation gives the uncommitted policymaker (type 2) an incentive to masquerade as the committed type. In the equilibrium the policymaker of type 1 delivers surprisingly low inflation — with corresponding costs to the economy — over an extended interval. The type 2 person mimics this outcome for awhile, but shifts eventually to high inflation. This high inflation is surprising initially, but subsequently becomes anticipated.  相似文献   

This paper uses contemporaneous monetary data to carry out econometric tests of the ‘equilibrium’ approach to modelling the relation between monetary disturbances and macroeconomic fluctuations. The theoretical analysis introduces into an equilibrium macroeconomic model the availability of preliminary data on current monetary aggregates and the process of accumulation of revised monetary data. The econometric analysis tests two hypothesis derived from this extended model. One hypothesis concerns the neutrality of perceived monetary policy. The econometric results imply rejection of this hypothesis. The other hypothesis concerns the non-neutrality of errors in preliminary monetary data. The econometric results fail to reject the contrary of this hypothesis. These tests provide strong evidence against the reality of the equilibrium approach.  相似文献   

A structural factor model for 112 US monthly macroeconomic series is used to study the effects of monetary policy. Monetary policy shocks are identified using a standard recursive scheme, in which the impact effects on both industrial production and prices are zero. The main findings are the following. First, the maximal effect on bilateral real exchange rates is observed on impact, so that the “delayed overshooting” puzzle disappears. Second, after a contractionary shock prices fall at all horizons, so that the price puzzle is not there. Finally, monetary policy has a sizable effect on both real and nominal variables.  相似文献   

The paper studies the interaction of fiscal and monetary policy within an Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Results suggest that, in a model in which bonds and money are counted as net wealth, an important source of cross-country heterogeneity in response to a common monetary shock is the differences in national economies' budgetary positions. In particular, we note that centralising seigniorage revenues may lead, in the long term, to wealth redistribution across countries. Although institutional arrangements such as the Stability Pact might not be necessary to ensure fiscal sustainability, its strict enforcement is shown to be associated with overall ever-lasting benefits. Transition to the new steady state is, however, likely to be remarkably costly for high-debt EMU countries. Finally, different degrees of efficiency characterising European credit markets do not seem to play a major role in explaining asymmetric responses.  相似文献   

Empirical tests of the neutrality of money growth found in recent literature are tests of the joint hypothesis of rational expectations and structural neutrality. Although tests of this joint hypothesis are informative, it is also important to gain information on the accuracy of its constituents. This paper presents the application of a methodology capable of providing information on the empirical validity of the rational expectations, structural neutrality, and joint hypotheses. Tests of these hypotheses are performed on the basis of FIML estimation of an extended version of a model recently presented by Robert Barro, using U.S. data for 1946–1973.  相似文献   

The paper extends the well-known, two-class model of economic growth by incorporating a monetary sector. Thus capitalists and workers not only save different proportions of their incomes and earn dividend income on capital assets but also have different demands for money. This is turn alters the portfolio composition in a dissimilar way. It is shown that when a monetary sector is added, the condition for the so called Pasinetti Paradox is empirically more plausible. The paper also examines the stability of the model.  相似文献   

A model of unconventional monetary policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a quantitative monetary DSGE model with financial intermediaries that face endogenously determined balance sheet constraints. We then use the model to evaluate the effects of the central bank using unconventional monetary policy to combat a simulated financial crisis. We interpret unconventional monetary policy as expanding central bank credit intermediation to offset a disruption of private financial intermediation. Within our framework the central bank is less efficient than private intermediaries at making loans but it has the advantage of being able to elastically obtain funds by issuing riskless government debt. Unlike private intermediaries, it is not balance sheet constrained. During a crisis, the balance sheet constraints on private intermediaries tighten, raising the net benefits from central bank intermediation. These benefits may be substantial even if the zero lower bound constraint on the nominal interest rate is not binding. In the event this constraint is binding, though, these net benefits may be significantly enhanced.  相似文献   

We assess the role that monetary policy plays in the decision to default using a General Equilibrium model with collateralized loans, trade in fiat money and production. The monetary authority extends long-term credit against risky collateral along with its traditional monetary operations. The value of collateral depends on traditional monetary policy and agents can optimally choose to default depending on the relative value of the collateral to the face value of the loan. Default results in foreclosure, higher borrowing costs, inefficient investment and a decrease in total output. We show that pre-crisis contractionary monetary policy interacts with Fisherian debt-deflation dynamics and can increase the probability that a crisis occurs.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the international welfare effects of monetary policy. I develop a New Keynesian two-country model, where central banks in both countries follow the Taylor rule. I show that a decrease in the domestic interest rate, under producer currency pricing, is a beggar-thyself policy that reduces domestic welfare and increases foreign welfare in the short term, regardless of whether the cross-country substitutability is high or low. In the medium term, it is a beggar-thy-neighbour (beggar-thyself) policy, if the Marshall-Lerner condition is satisfied (violated). Under local currency pricing, a decrease in the domestic interest rate is a beggar-thy-neighbour policy in the short term, but a beggar-thyself policy in the medium term. Both under producer and local currency pricing, a monetary expansion increases world welfare in the short term, but reduces it in the medium term.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes an important class of models in which expectations play an important role. Topics included in the analysis are tests of: (1) rationality of forecasts in either market or survey data, (2) capital market efficiency, (3) the short-run neutrality of monetary policy and, (4) Granger causality in macroeconometric models. The common elements of these tests are highlighted. In particular, cross-equation tests for rationality or the short-run neutrality of money are shown to be equivalent to more common regression tests in the literature. These results demonstrate that the exact specification of the relevant information set used in rational forecasts is not necessary for the cross-equation tests to have desirable asymptotic properties. Also discussed are the conditions for identification of coefficients and testability of hypotheses.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that the Taylor rule possesses desirable properties in terms of generating determinacy and E-stability of rational expectations equilibria under sticky prices. This paper examines whether this policy rule retains these properties within a discrete-time money-in-utility-function model, employing three timings of money balances of the utility function that the existing literature contains: end-of-period timing and two types of cash-in-advance timing. This paper shows: (i) even a small degree of non-separability of the utility function between consumption and real balances causes the Taylor rule to be much more likely to induce indeterminacy or E-instability if this rule responds not only to inflation but also to output or the output gap; (ii) differences among the three timings strongly alter conditions for the Taylor rule to ensure both determinacy and E-stability.  相似文献   

We consider optimal monetary stabilization policy in a New Keynesian model with explicit microfoundations, when the central bank recognizes that private-sector expectations need not be precisely model-consistent, and wishes to choose a policy that will be as good as possible in the case of any beliefs close enough to model-consistency. We show how to characterize robustly optimal policy without restricting consideration a priori to a particular parametric family of candidate policy rules. We show that robustly optimal policy can be implemented through commitment to a target criterion involving only the paths of inflation and a suitably defined output gap, but that a concern for robustness requires greater resistance to surprise increases in inflation than would be considered optimal if one could count on the private sector to have “rational expectations.”  相似文献   

In September 2008, a six-year-old article about the 2002 bankruptcy of United Airlines' parent company resurfaced on the Internet and was mistakenly believed to be reporting a new bankruptcy filing by the company. This episode caused the company's stock price to drop by as much as 76% in just a few minutes, before NASDAQ halted trading. After the “news” had been identified as false, the stock price rebounded, but still ended the day 11.2% below the previous close. We explore this natural experiment by using a simple asset-pricing model to study the aftermath of this false news shock. We find that, after three trading sessions, the company's stock was still trading below the two-standard-deviation band implied by the model and that it returned to within one standard deviation only during the sixth trading session. On the seventh day after the episode, the stock was trading at the level predicted by the asset-pricing model. We investigate several potential explanations for this finding, but fail to find empirical evidence supporting any of them. We also document that the false news shock had a persistent negative effect on the stock prices of other major airline companies. This is consistent with the view that contagion effects would have dominated competitive effects had the bankruptcy actually taken place.  相似文献   

Using a familiar monetary model with nontraded goods, we derive the stability properties of the price level and reserve stock when the exchange rate is partially or completely indexed to the home price level divided by foreign prices. In the stable case, it is shown that indexing results in a system with properties of both fixed and flexible regimes. Our method is to impose conditions of short-run (but not long-run) equilibrium in a discrete period model. The model is tested with monthly data from Brazil.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of a monetary policy shock in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with sticky prices and financial market frictions. First, we examine the shortcomings of monetary models emphasizing these frictions individually. The model then is specified to limit the response of prices and savings to a current period monetary disturbance. Our results show that this model can account for the following key responses to an expansionary monetary policy shock: a fall in the nominal interest rate; a rise in output, consumption, and investment; and a gradual increase in the price level. Finally, a detailed sensitivity analysis shows the model's results depend on the parameters assigned to critical structural features.  相似文献   

How does anticipated inflation of fiat money affect the real return of a near money—an asset with real value used to mediate trades? This essay studies a search model in which decentralized trade takes place under a fixed bargaining rule. The essay analytically studies the comparative statics of a near money's real return as it varies with inflation. The effects diverge markedly over the parameter space. There exist parameters for which higher inflation lowers the real asset return, as suggested by asset substitution theories. There also exist parameters for which inflation has the opposite effect.  相似文献   

In a discretionary regime the monetary authority can print more money and create more inflation than people expect. But, although these inflation surprises can have some benefits, they cannot arise systematically in equilibrium when people understand the policymaker's incentives and form their expectations accordingly. Because the policymaker has the power to create inflation shocks ex post, the equilibrium growth rates of money and prices turn out to be higher than otherwise. Therefore, enforced commitments (rules) for monetary behavior can improve matters. Given the repeated interaction between the policymaker and the private agents, it is possible that reputational forces can substitute for formal rules. Here, we develop an example of a reputational equilibrium where the outcomes turn out to be weighted averages of those from discretion and those from the ideal rule. In particular, the rates of inflation and monetary growth look more like those under discretion when the discount rate is high.  相似文献   

This paper shows how to represent a vector autoregression (VAR) in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of its companion matrix. This representation is used to impose the exact restrictions implied by the expectations hypothesis on the VAR for short and long term interest rates and to calculate the restricted maximum likelihood estimates. The first difference representation for short and long rates used by Sargent (1979) is shown to be inconsistent with the expectations hypothesis, but a VAR with two unit roots is constructed that satisfies the exact restrictions and leads to similar restricted estimates.  相似文献   

Bank equity is exogenous in the standard deposit-and-loan-expansion multiplier model, so that model is inappropriate for analyzing the interaction between monetary and bank regulatory policies. This paper examines the effect of a binding capital requirement on the loan expansion process. We evaluate how the conflict between the monetary and regulatory authorities evolves when bank equity adjusts to a binding capital requirement. We find that capital requirements are not innocuous for monetary policy. Nevertheless, the monetary authority can assert control over the loan expansion process in the long run, although multiplier values will differ considerably from those in the standard multiplier model.  相似文献   

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