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对外直接投资对中国产业结构影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究目标:检验对外直接投资对产业结构升级的影响方向及作用强度。研究方法:使用2004~2013年各省份对外直接投资数据与产业结构数据,选取面板回归、空间计量等方法检验对外直接投资对产业结构升级的影响。研究发现:对外直接投资显著地促进了产业结构升级,且对外直接投资对产业结构升级具有显著的滞后效应;前期产业结构的改善会进一步促进当期产业结构的优化;对外直接投资在促进本地区产业结构升级的同时,对其邻接区域的产业结构升级也具有显著的促进作用。研究创新:考察了对外直接投资对产业结构升级的动态影响过程及前后期产业结构调整之间的联系。研究价值:从对外直接投资的角度为我国产业结构升级提供了政策建议。  相似文献   

吴启  谢嗣胜 《价值工程》2010,29(1):123-125
以江苏省1990~2007年的相关数据为研究对象,运用多元回归分析的方法,对国内投资、外商直接投资以及经济增长带来的就业效应进行估计,并对实证研究结果进行分析,发现国内投资与外商直接投资的就业效应有着明显的差异性,根据这一结论进一步探讨江苏省合理安排投资,促进就业的相应对策。  相似文献   

吴启  谢嗣胜 《价值工程》2010,29(2):123-125
以江苏省1990~2007年的相关数据为研究对象,运用多元回归分析的方法,对国内投资、外商直接投资以及经济增长带来的就业效应进行估计,并对实证研究结果进行分析,发现国内投资与外商直接投资的就业效应有着明显的差异性,根据这一结论进一步探讨江苏省合理安排投资,促进就业的相应对策。  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of the Asian crises and economic problems in the Japanese economy on a UK region with a high dependence on employment in Asian manufacturing transplants. The paper examines the development of the Asian transplant sector in the case region (Wales), and maps out the economic significance of the sector on the local economy. Following a review of the potential impacts of economic problems in Asia on the local transplant sector, the paper uses local case evidence to explore recent changes in the Asian manufacturing base in Wales. Recent reversals in the transplant sector have largely been caused more by local manufacturing conditions. The paper concludes with a discussion of factors that are most likely to affect the trajectory of the Asian transplant sector in the case region in the new millennium.  相似文献   

汇率调整对外商直接投资的影响——基于理论和实证的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文基于市场导向和成本导向两类外商直接投资,建立了两个汇率影响理论模型,并证明对这两类直接投资,汇率变动会有不同的影响,人民币升值将会促进市场导向型直接投资、抑制成本导向型直接投资。并对日、关两国对中国直接投资进行实证检验,得到与理论相符的结论。构造了直接投资总体实证模型,分析了汇率变化对直接投资总额的影响,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract Japanese private investors have recently established a remarkable presence in the Chinese economy. While the comparative performance of Japanese direct investment can be attributed to managerial, economic, social and political factors, the present article shows that elements of Japanese culture have also played a role. An intercultural comparative analytical framework is developed. Aggregate data and survey reports suggest that Japanese cultural factors have contributed to the performance of Japanese direct investment (1985–1993), relating to level, pattern and managerial behavior. This study points to 1) the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of Japanese direct investment including its cultural element, and 2) the necessity for the Western investors to pay close attention to the cultural aspect of a successful investment in China.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which foreign investment in the UK generates wage spillovers in the domestic sector of the economy using a simultaneous dynamic panel data model and focusing on the electronics sector, possibly the most ‘globalized’ sector of UK manufacturing. It finds evidence that the higher wages paid by foreign firms cause wages in the domestic sector to be bid up. This phenomenon is, however, largely confined to the region where foreign direct investment takes place.  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment in China: Determinants and Effects   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
《Economics of Planning》1998,31(2-3):175-194
This paper attempts to assess the determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in China and its effects on the whole economy. After presenting the main theoretical contributions and the previous works done about China’s inward-FDI, an empirical study has been implemented extending the previous ones with a different data set (more recent) and with different methodologies. The traditional determinants of FDI seem to be relevant for China: domestic market size, cost advantages and openness to the rest of the world. Concerning the consequences of FDI on the Chinese economy, our empirical evidence supports the view that FDI affects China’s growth through the diffusion of ideas. Through the introduction of new ideas, multinational firms develop technical progress and hence long-run economic growth. The transmission of ideas seems to have had a positive effect on the Chinese growth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although managerial knowledge spillovers have long been claimed to be a major benefit of foreign direct investment (FDI), such spillovers have not yet been systematically analysed. This paper adds to the literature by analysing the nature and extent of managerial knowledge spillovers from FDI through the diffusion of management practices. Taking into account the tacit and explicit elements of management practices and distinguishing between industry and non‐industry specific practices, the paper identifies different types of spillovers and discusses their transmission mechanisms. Evidence from establishment‐level panel data from the UK attests to the existence and significance of intra‐industry, linkage, and non‐linkage based inter‐industry spillovers of managerial knowledge from foreign to local firms, although the strength varies for different types of practices. The spillovers are geographically localized, especially in channels without supply chain linkages. Local firms are selective in the adoption of individual practices and the spillover effects are more significant at the cluster and management system level. Reverse spillovers from local firms to MNEs from industrialized countries appear to be limited despite significant spillovers of practices amongst local firms.  相似文献   

欧盟外商直接投资审查条例构建了信息交换、双重审查和合作协调机制,是欧盟在国际投资格局重构中平衡投资自由化与投资规制权的立法实践。条例的实施将引发制度外溢效应,导致中国对欧盟的投资面临更复杂的外部环境,客观上导致审查范围扩大,引发对中国投资项目更严格、更广泛的审查,增加中国对欧盟投资的不确定性。此外,欧盟成员国内部差异性和中欧双边市场的客观需求对促进中国对欧盟投资的增长也有积极影响。中国应积极对待欧盟外商直接投资审查条例改革,加强沟通对话,增强政治互信,注重规制研究,提高中国企业应对欧盟投资合规审查的能力。  相似文献   

Monetary policy reaction functions are estimated for the UK over three periods – 1985–90, 1992–97 and 1997–2003 – in order to disentangle two effects: the switch from an emphasis on exchange rate stabilization to inflation targeting, and the introduction of instrument-independence in 1997. The external factors considered include US as well as German interest rates, and this leads to the identification of 'domestic' and 'international' models of the reaction function. The results suggest that it is the changes in the institutional arrangements rather than those in the targeting regime which have been decisive in the development of policy in this period.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore what determines the decisions of emerging‐market multinational corporations (MNCs) to invest in Africa and whether this is any different from their counterparts in mature markets, focusing on the HRM context. More specifically, we explore the effect of potential host‐country wages, local capabilities, and the relative rights of owners versus workers on foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions, as well as other relevant factors such as mineral resources and corruption. We found that emerging‐market MNCs were not deterred by relatively weak property owner rights (as indeed, was also the case for their counterparts from mature markets); hence, any weakening of countervailing worker rights is unlikely to unlock significant new FDI. However, emerging‐market MNCs were more likely to invest in low‐wage economies and did not appear to be concerned by local skills gaps; the latter would reflect the relative de facto ease with which even partially skilled expatriate labor can be imported into many African countries. At the same time, a reliance on low‐wage, unskilled labor, coupled with the extensive usage of expatriates, brings with it a wide range of challenges for the HR manager, which a firm committed to cost‐cutting may lack the capabilities to resolve. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

李洁 《价值工程》2014,(2):175-176
自从改革开放以来,利用外资是我国经济发展的主要动力之一。外商直接投资的比重,尤其是进入90年代以后,呈现逐年上升趋势。随着我国的外商直接投资的增多,各种利弊也逐渐的显示出来,本文将从风险的概念入手,进而引出外商直接投资的风险的定义。并指出外商直接投资的特点,以及其产生风险的根源,进而引申到我国的经济现实,提出对我国的外商直接投资风险的分析。  相似文献   

外商直接投资与中国对外贸易间关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国的对外经济活动中,东亚的新兴工业化国家和美国都是中国的重要伙伴。文章把新加坡和泰国作为新兴工业化国家的代表与高度发达的美国相对应,采用协整分析和误差修正模型研究了中国对这些国家的贸易与其在华直接投资两者间的关系。研究结果显示,这种关系在两类不同国家间存在较大差异,长期以来,美商在华直接投资与我国对美出口之间具有双向格兰杰因果关系,而另外两个国家则只具有单向的格兰杰因果关系。  相似文献   

传统的外商直接投资带来的都是标准化的陈旧的技术,以市场换技术已不再适应中国发展的需要。中国企业通过对外直接投资,去接近技术源,获得技术外溢,能否促进技术进步?文中通过格兰杰检验,对1985~2009年中国对外直接投资和技术进步间的关系进行研究,发现中国对外直接投资是技术进步的原因,即对外直接投资促进了国内技术进步。  相似文献   

张晴  徐宪政 《价值工程》2012,31(14):130-132
外商直接投资与经济增长的关系一直是国内外学者研究的热点。本文运用向量自回归(VAR)模型、脉冲响应函数、方差分解等计量经济学方法,基于2002年至2011年的季度数据,对外商直接投资与经济增长的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明:从长期来看,外商直接投资的增加有助于促进经济增长,但是短期这种促进作用并不明显;经济增长有助于外商直接投资的增加。  相似文献   

We estimate quarterly dynamic housing demand and investment supply models for Sweden and the UK for the sample period 1970–1998, using an Error Correction Method (ECM). To facilitate comparisons of results between Sweden and the UK we model both countries identically with approximately almost the similar type of exogenous variables. The long–run income elasticities for Sweden and the UK are constrained to be 1.0, respectively. The long–run semi–elasticity for interest rates are 2.1 and 0.9 for Sweden and the UK. The speed of adjustment on the demand side is 0.12 and 0.23, while on the supply side it is 0.06 and 0.48 for Sweden and the UK, respectively. Granger causality tests indicate that income Granger causes house prices for Sweden, while for the UK there is also feedback from house prices to income. House prices Granger cause financial wealth for Sweden, while for the UK it is vice–versa. House prices cause household debt for Sweden, while for the UK there is a feedback from debt. Interest rates Granger cause house prices for the UK and Sweden. In both countries Tobin's q Granger cause housing investment. Generally, the diagnostic tests indicate that the model specifications were satisfactory to the unknown data generating process.  相似文献   

Colocation may result in positive performance effects because of agglomeration benefits or in negative outcomes because of fiercer competition. Using the notions of industrial organization economics, this study offers a comprehensive industry‐specific analysis on the performance effects of international colocation. We predict that bigger firms will benefit more from colocation of foreign firms in a host country. Considering industry and home country peers, the analysis suggests that positive effects dominate for manufacturing firms whereas service firms are negatively affected. However, these effects are mitigated by a firm's size in a location. A large‐scale empirical analysis on firm‐level data supports the hypotheses. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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