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This paper studies the optimal factor tax incidence in a neoclassical growth model with a given share of government expenditure in output. In the Ramsey planner's optimization, the effect of next period's capital on government expenditure equals the given share of the marginal product of capital. Capital accumulation reduces the discounted net marginal product of next period's capital by way of increasing government expenditure. In order to internalize the distortion, it is optimal to tax capital income in the long run.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically examine whether the assumptions and predictions of the Hotelling model are consistent with patterns observed in data. We consider nonlinear functional forms for the extraction cost and resource demand to develop an empirical Hotelling model with technological progress and stock dependent extraction costs. Using panel data on fourteen nonrenewable natural resources to estimate this empirical Hotelling model, we get qualitatively different results as compared to the related literature. We find evidence of stock-dependent extraction costs for most resources. There is no evidence against the linearity of the optimal extraction rate in the resource stock for almost all resources studied. Furthermore, the Hotelling model may sustain a zero long-run growth rate in resource prices. These results depend on whether firms use different extractive technologies or whether the structural break observed on resource prices is taken into account.  相似文献   

Should housing capital be taxed like other forms of capital? We analyze this question within a version of the neoclassical growth model. We derive the optimal tax treatment of housing capital vis‐à‐vis business capital allowing for relatively general household preferences. In the first‐best, the tax treatment of business and housing capital should always be the same. In the second‐best, in contrast, the optimal tax treatment of housing capital depends on the elasticities of substitution between nonhousing consumption, housing, and leisure. This is because housing taxation may be used to alleviate the distorting effect of taxing labor. As a result, the optimal tax treatment of housing capital may be different from that of business capital. We complement these analytical results with a numerical analysis.  相似文献   

The impact of residential mobility and competitive housing markets on long run growth is examined using a two-sector general equilibrium overlapping-generations model in continuous time. There is an infinity of agents with finite lives who adjust their housing consumption by moving, which is costly. We explore the model's steady-state properties, first with a free housing market, then under rent control when the market clears through restrictions on the frequency of moves. Rent controls do not just reduce welfare; they may increase the steady-state capital-labor ratio.  相似文献   

This paper shows that allowing factor income share differences across countries in a modified Solow model can imply differences in output growth rates across countries. Using cross‐sectional data for 52 countries, an empirical illustration shows that the parameters of the modified model are intuitively plausible, jointly significant, and possess modest explanatory power (R2 around 0.25). The paper emphasizes the methodological importance of simplifying assumptions on applied theory.  相似文献   

We study a dynamic version of Meltzer and Richard's median‐voter model where agents differ in wealth. Taxes are proportional to income and are redistributed as equal lump‐sum transfers. Voting occurs every period and each consumer votes for the tax that maximizes his welfare. We characterize time‐consistent Markov‐perfect equilibria twofold. First, restricting utility classes, we show that the economy's aggregate state is mean and median wealth. Second, we derive the median‐voter's first‐order condition interpreting it as a tradeoff between distortions and net wealth transfers. Our method for solving the steady state relies on a polynomial expansion around the steady state.  相似文献   

新古典模型中收入和财富分配持续不平等的动态演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王弟海  龚六堂 《经济学》2006,5(3):777-802
本文讨论了当个人劳动能力和偏好存在差异的情况下,资本收入和劳动收入分配的差异如何通过遗产机制影响收入和财富分配的持续性不平等程度。论文分析表明:在偏好、个人劳动能力和个人收入的随机冲击的影响下,如果市场是完善的,整个经济系统存在收入和财富分配的稳定不平等状态,而且,这种稳定的不平等状态与初始的财富分配的不平等和一次性的产权配置都是无关的。最后,本文分析了资本收入税和劳动收入税对持续不平等程度的影响,通过分析指出:从长期来看,在劳动能力和初始财富存在差异而偏好没有差异的情况下,征收劳动收入税比征收资本收入税更有利于改善由于能力差异所造成的持续不平等。  相似文献   

Jensen和Meckling早在1976年就指出股权结构影响企业价值,而这一过程是通过影响投资实现的,但是一直缺乏有说服力的经验结果的支持。本文以2004~2007年1039家上市公司共4156个观察值为研究样本,从第一大股东股权的视角出发,研究了股权结构与公司投资水平之间的关系。研究发现,中国上市公司第一大股东的持股比例与公司的投资支出之间存在“下降-上升-下降”的“倒N”型的非线性关系;进一步研究后发现,持股比例在10%~20%的区间投资水平达到最小值,在60%~70%的区间达到最大值。但是这种“倒N”型的非线性关系只存在于非国家控股的公司,当第一大股东为国家股时,这种非线性关系会变得不显著。本文的研究为治理当前我国企业普遍存在的非效率投资、提升企业价值提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

Abstract. We analyze a generalized neoclassical growth model that combines a normalized CES production function and possible asymmetries of savings out of factor incomes. This generalized model helps to shed new light on a recent debate concerning the impact of factor substitution and income distribution on economic growth. We show that this impact relies on both an efficiency and a distribution effect, where the latter is caused by the distributional consequences of an increase in the elasticity of substitution. While the efficiency effect is always positive, the sign of the distribution effect depends on the particular savings hypothesis. If the savings rate out of capital income is substantial so that a certain threshold value is surpassed, the efficiency effect dominates and higher factor substitution accelerates the accumulation of capital and works as a major engine of growth.  相似文献   

家族企业已经越来越受到人们的重视。在现有文献的基础上,论文以所有权和控制权为两维对家族企业做了严格的定义和划分,并把研究对象界定在拥有高控制权的家族式企业。通过将家族式治理和公司理财分析范式结合分析,家族式治理中的网络式组织结构、封闭式的股权结构和作为家族意愿体现的董事会治理机制对家族企业理财行为产生影响。家族式治理对公司理财行为产生正面影响,但由于其自身的局限性和家族企业所处环境的变化,家族式理财必须进行变革:非家族化的理财方式变革,家族规则与现代市场游戏规则的融合,引入有效专家理财制度,以及对家族式理财的扬弃。  相似文献   

我国上市公司的投资行为研究:基于新古典理论的检验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何青 《当代财经》2006,(2):25-31
从新古典投资理论出发,通过研究我国上市公司投资行为对资本成本的响应程度以及企业投资规模与利润水平的关联程度,笔者发现:(1)我国上市公司的投资行为总体上符合新古典经济理论所期望的利润最大化目标下的企业投资行为范式;(2)由于存在较大的资本存量调整成本,新古典经济理论倡导的干预投资的经济政策对我国企业的投资行为在长期内会发生调节作用,但短期内的作用非常有限。  相似文献   

基于顾客需求的隐性营销模式及适应性边界   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
隐性营销是针对顾客的隐性需求层次,侧重于提升顾客对产品的认知和顾客的心理满足,进而促使其自主地改善其购买决策行为.但是,对于不同的产品层次和产品利益,隐性营销模式有其适用的边界,并且依条件的不同,隐性营销与显性营销具有一定的互补性和替代性,企业应对此做出有效的选择.  相似文献   

隐性保险体制下城市商业银行的市场约束行为   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
许友传  何佳 《财经研究》2008,34(5):40-51
文章分别从价格约束、数量约束、外部环境对市场约束的影响等角度,研究了基于隐性保险体制下的我国城市商业银行的市场约束行为。研究发现:(1)我国地方城市商业银行的储蓄市场不存在显著的价格约束效应,但没有证据表明一定不存在数量约束效应。(2)政府隐性保险对银行债权人的价格决策和数量决策均有显著影响,且价格决策比数量决策、短期储蓄比长期储蓄受到政府隐性保险更大的影响。(3)省会城市城商行的市场约束力度要弱于非省会城市的城商行。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the usefulness of the dominant firm model of price leadership to serve as a benchmark for organizing behavior in laboratory markets. This well established model, whose origins can be traced back over a hundred years, has been recently applied to such landmark antitrust cases as Standard Oil and Alcoa and more recently to the analysis of deregulated markets for electric power. Our results indicate that in posted offer markets the dominant firm quite often produces more than the model's benchmark and sometimes at much greater prices. With sealed offer auction rules and a low elasticity of fringe supply, the dominant firm produces the theoretical output at a price greater than the prediction. However, with a high elasticity of fringe supply, the dominant firm produces more output over a wide range of prices that includes the predicted price.  相似文献   

当企业遭遇了持续性绩效衰退所带来的生存危机时,是否会采用战略创新行动来复苏绩效,拯救命运?研究认为,这取决于作为企业战略决策者的高层管理者(TMT)如何认识与理解企业的衰退情境、现有战略以及创新可能带来的结果。由此,并进一步提出,TMT对企业衰退原因的归因模式体现了其构思战略创新方案的意愿,而TMT自身知识结构的复杂性和聚焦性则体现了其构思战略创新方案的能力。但是,TMT的归因模式与知识结构受到了TMT异质性、薪酬、规模、变革以及CEO任期等与其自身经历特征相关因素的影响。总之,归结为TMT的认知调节了企业衰退与战略创新之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper studies the implications of union deviation by reducing effort in the context of a repeated game model. We find that a failure to account for the possibility of union deviation may lead to an overestimation of the possibility of cooperation. In contrast to the existing literature, we find that unions may reach the efficient outcome despite wage hikes because they work harder under cooperation. We also find that when effort is an endogenous variable, the cooperative wage is likely to be higher than otherwise. Finally, our model predicts that if the union alone deviates, effort will fall as the endgame approaches. However, wages could either rise or fall.  相似文献   

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