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恒生指数和沪深300股指期货套期保值效果对比研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文利用OLS、ECM、ECM-GARCH模型对沪深300股指期货和恒生指数期货的最优套期保值率进行了估算,并在风险最小化框架下对它们的套期保值效果进行了对比研究。结果发现:无论是哪种股指期货,不考虑期现货间存在的协整关系会使估算的最优套期保值率偏高,影响套期保值效果;其次是虽然在样本内外,沪深300股指期货的套期保值效果比恒生指数期货的好,但是沪深300股指期货套期保值效果的稳定性比恒生指数差。此时,ECM-GARCH和OLS模型分别为样本内外投资者利用沪深300指数期货进行套期保值时的最佳选择;对于恒生指数股指期货,最优模型是ECM。 相似文献
We apply cointegration methodology to the New Zealand and Australian 90-day, three-year and 10-year debt and futures markets. We compare traditional methods of calculating hedge ratios with those computed by using univariate and multivariate error correction models. We use out-of-sample forecasting to determine which approach is the most effective. Contrary to recent research, our results show that univariate and multivariate error correction models do not outperform more traditional methods of constructing hedges. 相似文献
This paper aims to determine optimal hedge strategy for the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)-30 stock index futures in Turkey by comparing hedging performance of constant and time-varying hedge ratios under mean-variance utility criteria. We employ standard regression and bivariate GARCH frameworks to estimate constant and time-varying hedge ratios respectively. The Turkish case is particularly challenging since Turkey has one of the most volatile stock markets among emerging economies and the turnover ratio as a measure of liquidity is very high for the market. These facts can be considered to highlight the great risk and, therefore, the extra need for hedging in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The empirical results from the study reveal that the dynamic hedge strategy outperforms the static and the traditional strategies. 相似文献
Dynamic Hedging Effectiveness in South Korean Index Futures and the Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper focuses on the impact of the 1997 Asian financial market crisis upon hedging effectiveness within the KOSPI 200 stock index and index futures markets. The paper utilizes the inter-temporal relationship between the two markets to examine the characteristics of several minimum variance hedge ratios. It also examines the performances of alternative hedging strategies for dynamic portfolio management in the presence of cointegrated time-varying risks. The results show a decline in the persistence of conditional volatility within market prices after the crisis. This decline leads to the relative performance of utilizing constant hedge ratios to increase, though not significantly so to guarantee a superior performance over more sophisticated time-varying hedge ratio strategies. 相似文献
Jari Käppi 《European Financial Management》1997,3(3):321-332
This paper investigates the pricing of the two year old Finnish bond futures market. We show that the market has mispriced the futures contracts during the test period with the futures contracts being underpriced most of the time. We also measure whether the futures market has prediction power over the bond market. Our results suggest that there is a lead-lag relationship between the Finnish bond and the futures markets. 相似文献
Ex ante hedging effectiveness of the FTSE 100 and FTSE Mid 250 index futures contracts is examined for a range of portfolios, consisting of stock market indexes and professionally managed portfolios (investment trust companies). Previous studies which focused on ex post hedging performance using spot portfolios that mirror market indexes are shown to overstate the risk reduction potential of index futures. Although ex ante hedge ratios are found to be characterised by intertemporal instability, ex ante hedging performance of direct hedges and cross hedges approaches that of the ex post benchmark when hedge ratios are estimated using a sufficient window size. 相似文献
This study examines the distributional properties of futures prices for contracts traded on LIFFE. A filtering process is employed to remove day of the week and holiday effects, a maturity effect, moving average effects and the influence of an asset's conditional variance from the raw returns series. Alternative distributional models from the stable paretian and ARCH families are examined for their applicability to futures data using a stability under additions. The results conclusively reject the hypothesis that futures returns are normally distributed with findings in favour of two related hypotheses – the mixtures of stable distribution and the ordinary stable distribution. 相似文献
Shang-Wu Yu 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》1997,24(5):593-614
The quality option for Japanese Government Bond Futures contracts is analysed using a term structure approach based upon a two-factor Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1990b) model. The option value is found to be 0.12%–0.2% of par three months prior to delivery. Also, analysis of variance confirms that the quality option has a negative theta . 相似文献
This study examines the distributional properties of futures prices for contracts traded on LIFFE. A filtering process is employed to remove day of the week and holiday effects, a maturity effect, moving average effects and the influence of an asset's conditional variance from the raw returns series. Alternative distributional models from the stable paretian and ARCH families are examined for their applicability to futures data using a stability under additions. The results conclusively reject the hypothesis that futures returns are normally distributed with findings in favour of two related hypotheses – the mixtures of stable distribution and the ordinary stable distribution. 相似文献
随着商业银行之间的竞争日益激烈,国内各家商业银行已经逐步认识到中间业务的重要性.笔者通过对商业银行中间业务发展现状的中外对比分析,发现我国商业银行与西方发达国家商业银行相比在中间业务收入方面还有相当大的差距,因此,对于我国商业银行来说挖掘中间业务的隐性需求,开发出新兴、高附加值的中间业务产品就显得非常重要.在此基础上,作者根据产品生命周期理论分析了各个时期的消费者特点,提出银行在导入期应采用试探型营销策略,在成长期应采用抢占市场占有率的营销策略,在成熟期应引入创新、市场细分及营销组合,在衰退期则有维持、收获和放弃等几种策略可供选择. 相似文献
This paper examines the hedging performance of the Shanghai futures market, with the London futures market acting as the channel for volatility spillover. Taking into consideration structural change, basis effects, and return and volatility spillover effects, the authors find that the estimated hedging performance is not improved. Their findings suggest that the effectiveness of the hedging performance of aluminum futures contracts in China is not affected by the magnitude or direction of return and volatility spillovers. Therefore, even when the magnitude and direction of volatility spillover from other markets can be correctly predicted, the hedging performance of a futures contract cannot be significantly improved. This paper uses precise measures of return spillovers and volatility spillovers based directly on the framework of vector autoregressive variance decompositions. The study also includes an analysis of both crisis and noncrisis episodes, with modeling on bursts in spillovers. 相似文献
近年来,我国农产品期货市场日益规范,交易规模扩大,交易品种增加,但仍然存在交易品种少、体系不完善、法律法规不健全、投资主体结构不合理、合作组织及中介机构发展落后等问题。为推动我国农产品期货市场健康发展,必须不断开发新上市品种,进一步优化市场结构;加强农产品期货市场秩序整顿,加快立法,完善监管;加强对农户的教育和培训,塑造成熟的投资主体;通过建立农户自组型期货合作社、企农联合型期货合作社和信农互动型期货合作社等期货合作模式,帮助农户利用农产品期货市场增加收益。 相似文献
Frankie Chau Phil Holmes Krishna Paudyal 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2008,35(1-2):227-249
Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of the introduction of Universal Stock Futures (USFs) on underlying market dynamics (volatility and the level of feedback trading). Analysis of USFs provides a number of advantages compared to investigation of index futures, leading to reliable and wider ranging insights into the impact of derivatives. Specifically: (i) any impact of derivatives is more likely to be evident in the behaviour of individual stocks; (ii) with USFs it is possible to directly trade the underlying; (iii) USFs have multiple introduction dates within a given market; (iv) differential country/industry effects can be identified; and (v) the endogeneity issue can be addressed using control stocks. Findings suggest limited feedback trading in USF stocks, but listing has reduced this further. While news has less impact and persistence and asymmetry effects are more evident post-futures, control stock results suggest these changes are not futures induced. Differences are evident across industries. The need for analysis of an appropriate (industry based) control sample is highlighted if reliable policy conclusions are to be reached. 相似文献
股指期货是连接证券市场和期货市场的纽带,为证券市场提供了有效的避险工具。通过对股指期货犯罪行为的分析,笔者认为,操纵股指期货的行为必须纳入刑法规制范畴,同时还应当警惕并防范股指期货挂牌交易后因设计缺陷所产生的"新型老鼠仓"行为。并且单独罪名无法有效防止犯罪行为发生,应当建立综合性证券、期货犯罪防范体系。 相似文献
Mark Bertus Harris Hollans Steve Swidler 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2008,37(3):265-279
Until the recent introduction of real estate futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), there have been few opportunities
to manage house price risk. This paper examines whether house price risk can be effectively hedged in Las Vegas, one of the
CME contract cities. The analysis considers hedging from the viewpoint of real estate investment groups, mortgage portfolio
investors, builder/developers and individual homeowners. For investment groups and mortgage holders holding a mix of new and
existing home assets, CME futures would have reduced house price risk by more than 88% over the 1994–2006 period. Similarly,
homeowners implicitly hedging price volatility of existing homes also would have fared well over the sample period. However,
builder/developers worried about new home price appreciation would have been much less successful in managing their risk.
One important caveat, minimum variance hedge ratios change over time and may cause hedge performance to suffer.
Steve Swidler (Corresponding author)Email: |
We compare the performance of firms affiliated with diversified business groups with the performance of unaffiliated firms in Turkey, an emerging market. We address the question of whether group-affiliated firms create internal capital markets or control large cash flows. Our findings indicate that group affiliation improves a firm's accounting performance, but not stock market performance. Deviation of cash-flow rights from voting rights has a negative but insignificant effect on accounting performance, but a significant effect on market performance. We also find that a firm's accounting, but not stock market, performance increases with the level of group diversification. Our results show that internal capital markets play an important role for the existence of business groups in an emerging market context. 相似文献
我国推进期货市场走出去及国际化战略须以跨境期货交易法律机制构建为前提。文章通过厘定跨境期货交易内涵边界及监管正当性,省思主要法律困境及应对思路,提出应致力于跨境期货交易立法监管理念创新,确立跨境交易监管认同机制,提升跨境期货衍生品交易经纪能力,适度扩大衍生品跨境投资参与主体范围,逐步取消QDII投资品种限制,并从跨境期货交易运行保障、立法监管、风险控制以及解纷机制等方面建构系统法律保护体系,切实保障跨境交易整体性金融安全。 相似文献
Martin Young Warren Hogan Jonathan Batten 《International Review of Financial Analysis》2004,13(1):13-25
This study investigates the effectiveness of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)-traded Japanese 10-year JGB futures contract to hedge portfolios of Japanese bonds of differing maturity and credit quality. The bond portfolios examined are Government, AAA-, and AA-rated Eurobonds with maturities of 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 20 years. Consistent with the recent literature, the study employs univariate methods for calculating hedge ratios based on levels, first differences, and percentage change of each series. Out-of-sample forecasting is used to determine the effectiveness of the calculated hedge ratios for each of the bond portfolios and to determine which approach to calculating hedge ratios is the most effective. The results show that this particular futures contract does provide a good hedge, particularly for those bond terms closest to the 10-year term of the contract. There is some evidence, although not strong, that JGBs are better hedged than AAA and AA bonds. Investors should take some caution when using this futures contract to hedge bond portfolios of different maturities and credit ratings. 相似文献
吴亚楠 《上海金融学院学报》2010,(3):47-52
本轮金融危机中,金融衍生品成为众矢之的。对场外衍生品和场内衍生品不加区分,造成了人们对场内衍生品的误解。数据分析表明,以期货为代表的场内衍生品市场在此次金融危机中表现稳定,继续发挥功能作用。危机之后,大力稳步发展以期货为代表的场内衍生品,将有助于提高我国的国际影响力和在国际大宗商品定价中的话语权。 相似文献
In this paper, we analyze the influence of hedging with forward contracts on the firm's probability of bankruptcy (POB). The minimization of this probability can serve as a substitute for the maximization of shareholders' wealth. It is shown that the popular minimum variance hedge is generally neither necessary nor sufficient for the minimization of the firm's POB. Moreover, our model suggests a correction of the widespread view that a reduction in the variance of the future value of the firm is inevitably accompanied by a reduction in its default risk. We derive an analytical solution for the variance-minimizing hedge ratio of a firm exposed to both input and output price uncertainty that takes into account the issue of correlation. Based on this solution, we provide a graphical analysis to prove our claim that there is a fundamental difference between hedging policies focused on bankruptcy risk and those following conventional wisdom even if positive correlation constitutes a “natural” hedge. 相似文献