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混合动力车最适合中国国情 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一种几乎没有污染的氢动力燃料电池汽车重新定义了汽车,这就是我们常说的"混合动力车",所谓"混合动力车"就是在纯电动汽车上加装一套内燃机,其目的是减少汽车的污染, 提高纯电动汽车的行驶里程。混合动力汽车有串联式和并联式两种结构形式。 相似文献
去年6月1日开始实施的《关于开展私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点的通知》中,油电混合动力车被归于"节能汽车"类别,只给予了3000元的象征性补贴,与前二者过大的反差一直为业界所诟病。而在科技部日前出台的电动车"十二五"规划中,油电混合动力汽车有望被政策惠顾。 相似文献
当节能环保成为行业共识,绿色低碳成为社会民生大势所趋,新能源汽车自然也成为了公众的注目焦点。作为中国首款量产三核插电式混合动力轿车,荣威550Plug—in不仅拥有领先的混合动力系统。同时,享受新一轮国家新能源政策的相关补贴后,新车的性价比大为提升。 相似文献
子女教育基金市场开发潜力大 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对中国的新富人群来说,子女教育是比个人消费更重要、投入更大的市场。在当今这个财商盛行的时代。父母养育孩子的观念早已不再被简单地定义为将其抚养成人.更重要的是要为孩子的长期发展提供一个良好的环境。子女教育基金作为一种理财工具正日益受到富有群体的青睐。根据招商银行和零点远景投资共同发布的2005年金葵花理财指数报告,高收入人群认为子女教育基金是最钟爱。未来最有可能提高投入的理财产品。 相似文献
This article examines whether cluster analysis can be used to identify groups of Finnish residents with similar housing preferences. Because homebuilders in Finland have been providing relatively homogeneous products to an increasingly diverse population, current housing may not represent the occupiers' preferences so a segmentation approach relying on socioeconomic characteristics and expressed preferences may not be sufficient. We use data collected via questionnaire in a principal component analysis followed by a hierarchical cluster analysis to determine whether different combinations of housing attributes are important to groups of residents. We can identify four clusters of housing residents based on important characteristics when looking for a house. The clusters describe Finnish people in different phases of the life cycle and with different preferences based on their recreational activities and financial expenditures. Mass customization of housing could be used to better appeal to these different clusters of consumers who share similar preferences, increasing consumer satisfaction and improving profitability. 相似文献
老龄产业的性质主体属于市场性质,这是研究老龄产业农村市场的出发点.老龄产业农村市场的潜力虽然巨大,但农村老龄市场的实现还有很多障碍,主要是经济能力障碍,其次是消费水平障碍、消费观念障碍和消费环境障碍.农村老龄市场的开拓,厂家和商家处于主导地位,政府处于重要地位.开拓的方略是针对需求,批次推进;启发需求,引导消费;政府支持,扶持发展. 相似文献
老龄产业的性质主体属于市场性质,这是研究老龄产业农村市场的出发点.老龄产业农村市场的潜力虽然巨大,但农村老龄市场的实现还有很多障碍,主要是经济能力障碍,其次是消费水平障碍、消费观念障碍和消费环境障碍.农村老龄市场的开拓,厂家和商家处于主导地位,政府处于重要地位.开拓的方略是:针对需求,批次推进;启发需求,引导消费;政府支持,扶持发展. 相似文献
Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Pascal Lamy arrived in Beijing as he tries to revive the stalled Doha trade talks. 相似文献
新医改下的中国医药市场潜力 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正>20多年来,我国农民和城市居民可支配收入增长不到20倍,但所负担的医疗费用却增长了133倍,我国居民看病贵问题突出。益普索(Ipsos)——全球著名研究集团调查中显示,只有51.7%的消一、中国医改的背景描述 相似文献
旅游产业集聚作为旅游产业结构动态调整的空间组织形态,其对旅游业发展具有复杂的影响机制.近年来,此领域逐渐引起理论界的关注.传统的产业外部性理论主要适用于产业间的空间作用关系对于产业发展的重要性,但却鲜有研究深入到单一产业内部来探究细分行业间的外部性作用.鉴于此,本文基于一般性的产业外部性分析方法,在旅游产业内部,探究外部性对于旅游业发展的影响.研究结果表明,在全国样本范围内,多样化的旅游业发展环境显著促进旅游业发展,支持了Jacobs外部性,但拒绝了MAR外部性与Porter外部性假设;旅游专业化与旅游业发展之间存在一种非线性关系;在与旅游多样化和旅游市场潜能等因素相互配合作用下,旅游专业化对旅游业发展的影响转变为正向促进效应存在一定滞后性;此外,在新经济地理学框架内,构建了旅游市场潜能变量,研究发现,其可以强化旅游专业化与旅游多样化对旅游业发展的正向促进效应. 相似文献
近年来,由于PET包装产品所具有的广泛用途和节约能源、利于环保的特性,在发达国家被越来越广泛地使用。随着包装产业的不断发展和新兴企业的不断崛起,同行业竞争日益激烈,企业赢利空间缩小,经营效益不容乐观。本文在深入调查的基础上,对国内外行业环境进行了剖析,指出PET包装产品的行业经济特点,并分析了市场状况,包括市场的需求特性、购买者决策特征和本行业的工业购买者特征等。在此基础上,根据波特的竞争理论分析了行业的五种竞争力,希望对行业内的中国企业做出一定的借鉴和参考。 相似文献
The Chinese stock markets were extremely volatile during the period 2005–08. The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index increased more than sixfold from 1,012 in 2005 to 6,124 by the end of 2007. It then declined continuously to reach a low of 1,929 on 17 September 2008, or a drop of 70 per cent from its peak in less than 10 months. Although the market downturn may have been affected by the financial crisis in the United States and the rest of the world, the extreme fluctuations of stock prices signify a big market bubble, and the burst of that bubble must be explained by intrinsic characteristics or the economic psychology of Chinese investors. Based on a detailed market data analysis, this paper attributes the development of the stock market bubble to three key psychological factors: ‘greed’, ‘envy’ and ‘speculation’, and the burst of the bubble to three contrasting factors: ‘fear’, ‘lack of confidence’ and ‘disappointment’. It concludes that only after Chinese companies become really commercialised and profitable and investors become rational can the stock markets become stable without extreme volatility as seen in the past. Government policies can play a role in soothing market volatility detrimental to shareholders and the wider economy, but investors should not depend on government for making their own investment decisions. 相似文献