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商业演出。作为被称为“朝阳产业”的文化产业中的类别之一。近几年在陕西日渐繁荣。众多演出公司、演出中介公司以及民营演出团体遍地开花。丰富了城市和农村的文化生活。更让陕西文化演出市场收获了史无前例的辉煌。[编者按]  相似文献   

木卜 《上海经济》2004,(2):44-45
自上世纪90年代开始,中国演出经过几番曲折,逐渐进入增长期。国内诸多表演艺术团体,积极创作积极演出;演出中介机构大胆引进国外优秀艺术团体来华演出。各种媒体,尤其是娱乐媒体争相报道、介绍、追捧,忙得不亦乐乎、煞是热闹……然而,步人新世纪以来,演出  相似文献   

高仕娟 《中国西部》2014,(12):113-113
<正>春寒料峭,骑着单车的我在呼啸的北风里一路穿过,机械运动的双脚早已麻木,可心里只有一个念头:早点回家。只顾匆匆忙忙地回家,却不明白自己看到的是什么。是门前老槐树刚抽出的新芽?是母亲鬓边的白发?抑或是满园里追逐争食的鸡鸭?或许所想的只是早点找回那久违的回家的感觉。  相似文献   

许多年前,余秋雨在一篇《关于年龄》的文章里有一句诘问:“为什么把择定终身的职责,交付给半懂不懂的年岁?为什么把成熟的眼光,延误地出现在早已收获过了的荒原?”这是一个作为“过来人”的中年男人的困惑,当然还有点懊恼。但余先生实在没想到现在的女子们把他们这茬收过了的庄稼又重新翻晒了一番,至于他有没有资格懊恼,实在还是个问题。  相似文献   

封禅作为专制王朝的最高国家大典,早已随着最后一个王朝的消亡而烟消云散。泰山连同它无尽的自然美景、无穷的文化魅力回到了人民的手中,泰山褪去了高贵的皇家外衣,崇拜活动却进一步扩大,普通黎民百姓无不知神山泰山。  相似文献   

姚伟杰 《宁波通讯》2011,(16):35-35
科技正以无与伦比的速度改变着我们的世界。就在三年前,相信除了乔布斯本人,世人绝难料苹果能够在短期内风靡全球,给我们的生活烙上深深的时代印痕。2007年以来,乔布斯史无前列地推出苹果系列(IPhone)手机,  相似文献   

近日,清华大学附属小学接受了伦敦奥组委的邀请,与来自全球200多个国家的艺术团体一起到奥林匹克公园进行艺术表演。8月2日,清华附小师生来到了沃克里城堡进行奥运表演的预演,学生们在古朴庄重,室内满是盔甲珠宝的城堡里展现着自己的风采。  相似文献   

新兴战略性产业正在成为各地政府关注的焦点。  相似文献   

大型卡通动漫音乐剧《白雪公主》演出团体:大连七色画艺术剧院演出时间:2014年7月2日(三)19:30大型卡通动漫音乐剧《白雪公主》是一部不容错过的儿童剧,将给观众带来震撼的艺术感受和视觉效果。将会带着无忧无虑的童年欢乐时光,营造梦幻迷离的童话王国。小丑嘉年华演出团体:国际滑稽明星表演团演出时间:2014年7月9日(三)19:30小丑嘉年华邀请俄罗斯、乌克兰等多个国家的滑稽表演大师来华巡演,演出包括幽默哑剧、滑稽木偶、滑稽杂技和滑稽舞蹈等多种形式。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, economics departments in South Africa have seen major changes and a certain level of disruption. Much of this can be attributed to the integration of our discipline into the global arena after a period of academic isolation. This paper presents a survey of economics departments and covers everything from staff profiles and qualifications to curricula, and research output. This paper indicates that there has been some improvement in the state of economics at South African universities since 2003 when the previous survey was conducted. Research output is largely up as is the proportion in international journals, and more researchers are producing in leading international economics publications. However, the gap between South African economics departments and their international counterparts remains large.  相似文献   

The deteriorating performance of first-year economics students has become a concern at many South African universities. Addressing the issue requires an understanding of the factors influencing students' success. Studies analysing academic performance use the education production function approach. This approach identifies inputs that are crucial to learning and to achieving certain outputs. Factors that have been investigated in other studies include the impact of lecture attendance on performance, school-leaving exam (matriculation) results, particularly performance in mathematics, and the gender and age of students.
This study adds to existing local empirical research by analysing the impact of the tutorial programme as an input. The case study investigates the tutorial programme for first-year economics students at Stellenbosch University using quantitative analysis. Results confirm what previous studies have found, namely that lecture attendance, gender, and matriculation results contribute positively to the performance of first-year economics students. The main finding of the paper is that tutorial attendance also contributes positively to academic performance.  相似文献   

One of the most important microeconomic policy reforms of the 1990s was the restructuring of the Australian electricity supply industry. This process was encouraged by the perception that the state-owned electricity authorities performed poorly in the 1970s and 1980s. This article observes the long-term performance of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria over the course of most of its life. In particular the growth in demand for electricity in Victoria, the productivity growth of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, as well as electricity prices, profits and debt levels are presented over the longer term.  相似文献   

We construct a small open‐economy New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for South Africa with nominal rigidities, incomplete international risk sharing and partial exchange rate pass‐through. The parameters of the model are estimated using Bayesian methods, and its out‐of‐sample forecasting performance is compared with Bayesian vector autoregression (VAR), classical VAR and random‐walk models. Our results indicate that the DSGE model generates forecasts that are competitive with those from other models, and it contributes statistically significant information to combined forecast measures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of acquisitions on companyperformance using a large panel of UK-quoted companies observedover a long time period. The results indicate that acquisitionshave a detrimental impact on company performance and that companygrowth through acquisition yields a lower rate of return thangrowth through internal investment. Given the penchant for takeoversin the UK, as witnessed by the record level of takeovers onthe London equity market last year, our findings suggest thatneither firms nor shareholders are being best served by theexisting financial and industrial system.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of educational interventions made in the first‐ and second‐year microeconomics courses on academic development students' final mark in the second‐year course. It also addresses issues of methodology, specification, and statistical analysis with respect to other studies in the field. The results suggest that the educational interventions in the first‐year had a positive impact on the academic performance of the academic development cohort, relative to the mainstream cohort for the first period (2000‐2002). The results also suggest that the educational interventions introduced in the second period (2003‐2005), in the form of voluntary workshops, improved the academic performance of the academic development and mainstream cohorts.  相似文献   

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