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星巴克(Starbuck)是100多年前美国一个家喻户晓的小说的主人公,20世纪70年代,三个美国人把它变成一家咖啡店的招牌来推广美国精神,自那以后,一杯一杯的星巴克咖啡使整个世界为之着迷。星巴克的成功是一个令人称道的壮举,是一个令人惊羡的奇迹,它从美国西雅图的一家不起眼的小公司,发展成了拥有5000多家门店、  相似文献   

星巴克——来自美国西雅图派克地市场的一家专卖咖啡豆的商店.用了不到三十年的时间.发展成为集咖啡豆、罐装咖啡饮料、咖啡馆、CD和咖啡器具等多方经营为一身的跨国企业。如今.在北美、欧洲和环亚太地区已拥有8700家分店(截至2005年2月的统计数字.信息来源:北京日报).预计年底突破一万家。它那墨绿色美人鱼LOGO已成为美国家喻户晓的商标.更是顶级浓缩咖啡的象征。在中国.星巴克是时尚的代名词.是小资们的精神圣殿。  相似文献   

2008年是星巴克转折过渡的重要时期。对于星巴克而言,2008将成为它的经营历史中最有意义的数字。在2008这一年,给众多消费者的感觉就是,星巴克在重新创业,重新找回辉煌。星巴克采用创业策略来对其组织进行了转折性的变革——在人力资源和财务方面结构的重新组合。  相似文献   

历时3年,星巴克咖啡公司(以下简称星巴克)终于于近19完成了对上海统一星巴克、广东美心星巴克和北京美大星巴克的股权回收,增持的股权分别达到了50%、51%和90%。这意味着星巴克已经完全夺回了其在中国地区的市场控制权和话语权。  相似文献   

“我不在办公室,就在星巴克;我不在星巴克,就在到星巴克去的路上。”这句著名的广告辞绝妙地诠释出星巴克(Starbueks)“第三生活空间”(Thethirdplace)悠闲、舒适和浪漫的意境。  相似文献   

美国连锁企业--星巴克在中国运作模式的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘博妮 《辽宁经济》2004,(12):50-51
改革开放以来,一些大型国际商业企业纷纷进入中国市场,美国的星巴克咖啡公司就是其中之一.他们先进的经营理念、强劲的资本运作能力、发达的世界营销网络、丰富的跨国经营经验,在给中国零售业带来机遇的同时又带来了巨大的挑战.美国星巴克咖啡公司运作模式和经营理念十分值得我们借鉴.  相似文献   

【日本《东洋经济周刊》10月29日】星巴克(Starbacks)和宜家(IKEA)当初进入中国市场的时候着实风风火火了一阵子。从那时至今,几年时间过去了。它们在中国现在经营的情况又是怎么样呢?如果把它们在中国的销售业绩作一个对比的话,就会发现是截然不同的两种结果。  相似文献   

在当前爆发的对保护主义的担忧中,有两个名字人们提得最多:威利斯·郝利(Willis Hawley)和里德·司莫特(Reec Smoot)——用这两位美国立法者的名字命名的1930年法案全面提高了美国的贸易关税。  相似文献   

正2013年年底,星巴克躺着中枪。许多人一致认为的观点是,星巴克其实卖的不是咖啡,而是一种生活方式、一种文化,一杯咖啡成本没多少钱,但人们就是愿意掏钱买星巴克,这是本土企业应该思考的。当然,不管怎么样,当中国人开始学着磨咖啡的时候,外国人却开始热衷喝起茶来了。甚至,当星巴克在中国遭遇暴利说的时候,它却高调地在美国开设第一家茶吧来。星巴克以6.2亿美元收购了茶叶品牌Teavana,并在纽约开了第一家茶吧,正式进军茶市场,并打算5~10年内在美国开1000家店。在谈及星巴克与茶之前,再说说星巴克咖啡。  相似文献   

去年12月10日,星巴克这家全球最大的咖啡连锁公司在线上举办了两年一度的投资者日活动,交出了疫情之年的“中国成绩单”。根据财报显示,在上一财季,星巴克在中国内地市场史无前例地开出了259家新店,创下了季度开店总数的新纪录,并将在2021财年承诺新开600家门店——星巴克正在以“中国速度”适应“新常态”。  相似文献   

1971年在西雅图开设第一家专卖咖啡豆和香料的星巴克在其而立之年敲开了中国的大门.至2014年底,中国已成为除美国之外星巴克最大的海外市场.星巴克进驻中国不单是销售咖啡,而是要让中国人了解咖啡文化,进而创造中国的咖啡文化.从经营方面来看,跨国企业的经营管理、营销战略必然要面对不同国家和地区的文化差异.星巴克在中国的成功是这个国际品牌本土化创新经营的经典示范.  相似文献   

杨倩 《特区经济》2014,(11):79-80
作为全球颇具影响力的咖啡连锁企业,星巴克在华遭遇到了前所未有的争议。设在故宫博物院"九卿朝房"内的一家星巴克咖啡馆,成了众矢之的。由于一位著名记者的抗议博客而遭到了网民的抵制,继而引发了全国性的风波,最终不得不关闭在故宫的门店。本文从文化冲突的角度来分析这一事件,提出在社交媒体时代,跨国企业应如何正确认识文化差异,改进企业文化管理方法,不断调整自己的战略来应对快速变化的媒体环境,更好的适应中国的市场。  相似文献   

一个好的品牌需有一个好的故事。它可以是一个商业品牌,就像伊利、海尔、耐克、三星……同时,它也可以是一个城市品牌,就像"山城"重庆、"湖城"鄱阳、"泉城"济南……正是由于其内涵的复杂性决定了品牌不仅仅只有一个刻板的定义。什么是品牌?时至今日,似乎都没有一个准确的定义。在许多人看来,品牌不过是一个产品、一个企业或者一座城市的代名词.  相似文献   

“European mining is done by companies, and company's money is almost like government money…. Machinery is bought, houses are built, in fact the capital of the company is spent…. After possibly a series of great hardships to the staff and disasters to the company, it is found that the tin raised is infinitesimal in value when compared with the rate of expenditure, and that the longer the work goes on the greater will be the losses. This is usually discovered when the paid-up capital is all but exhausted. The company is wound up and the State gets a bad name with investors, and the only people who really enjoy themselves are the neighbouring Chinese miners who buy the mine and the plant for an old song and make several large fortunes out of working on their own ridiculous and primitive methods.”  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to outline the salient features of the Indonesian coffee industry, and to examine the economics of smallholder coffee production on Sumatra and the other Outer Islands. The evidence presented demonstrates that the return to smallholder coffee production on these islands, both real and relative, has been very favourable throughout the last twenty-five years and it is suggested that significant economic rents are accruing to smallholders. The paper argues that it is the availability of these economic rents which stimulates the growth of coffee output. The conclusion is that coffee exports are a promising source of foreign exchange for Indonesia, and that in the light of the recent rise in coffee prices on world markets and suspension of ICO quotas, Indonesia should embark upon a vigorous promotion and extension campaign.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of Indonesia's coffee exports has been a priority of government and the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters for some years. Efforts to achieve this objective have, however, been hampered by misconceptions about the reasons why coffee producers and traders at each point in the marketing network do not deliver a higher quality product. The research reported here shows that price premia for higher quality coffee are not large enough to encourage greater quality enhancement. The world market for low to medium grades, used in the production of instant coffee, is much larger than that for high-quality coffee, and this preference is transmitted in the form of low incentives to improve the product. Failure to understand this has led to government policies which at best do not solve the quality problem and at worst exacerbate it.  相似文献   

Land reform frequently refers to government policies which expropriate large farms and fragment them into smaller units; however, land reform can also refer to the opposite process, that of consolidation of farms which are too small for efficient production. In the latter sense, that of land consolidation, land reform may or may not be socially desirable and prompt government intervention. Possible gains in efficiency accruing from land consolidation may not be desirable if it entails agricultural unemployment and accelerated rural-urban migration, in which case governments may try to intervene. This paper looks at land reform in the context of one crop, coffee. New techniques of coffee cultivation will increase output-labour, output-land and labour-land ratios, offering the prospect for higher coffee employment and output. However, economic and institutional barries will preclude higher output; as a result coffee employment and small coffee farms will be threatened. This paper examines the economic implications of the new coffee technology in the context of Columbia.  相似文献   

Farmer Participation in Market Authorities of Coffee Exporting Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cari An Coe 《World development》2006,34(12):2089-2115
How has commodity market liberalization and the privatization of market regulatory institutions since the 1990s affected the political influence of farmers in directing policy? Examining the case of coffee exporting countries, this paper explores how farmer participation in the coffee authority affects market outcomes for farmers. Using the producer share of the world price for coffee, this analysis tests whether the farmer share of the world price is higher in countries where farmer groups participate in the country’s coffee authority. The results of a robust regression indicate that producer participation in the coffee authority has a positive impact in arabica-producing countries.  相似文献   

During the period spanning independence in 1822 to mid-century, Brazil's south-east shifted from specializing in the export of cane sugar to coffee. This article explores the mechanism underlying this shift by exploiting a wealth of new monthly data on the Brazilian and international coffee and cane sugar markets during the period 1827–40. It argues that the timing of the coffee boom was driven by a rapid increase in foreign market potential associated with the abolition of the tariff on coffee in the US. It estimates that American tariff reform served to increase coffee exports and African slave imports by around one-fifth. American firms, with indirect links to the slave trade, rapidly became major players in the export market in Rio de Janeiro, while non-American firms, traditionally specialized in continental European destinations, turned their sights on the American market.  相似文献   

Coffee, money and inflation in Colombia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between coffee, money, inflation and international competitiveness in Colombia. The basic hypothesis being investigated is that higher (lower) prices of coffee will tend to result, through the accumulation of international reserves, in higher (lower) inflation. In turn, this higher inflation will generate, for a given rate of devaluation of the nominal exchange rate, a reduction of the real exchange rate, with the consequent loss of competitiveness in the non-coffee tradable goods sector. A ‘Dutch-disease’ type of model is developed to discuss analytically the relationship between coffee prices, money creation and competitiveness in the short and long run. Empirical results for 1952–1980 are presented. These results support the hypothesis that there has been a positive relationship between the price of coffee, money creation and inflation in Colombia.  相似文献   

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