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Book reviewed in this article:
A Quest for International Order. By Jackson H. Ralston.
Shakespeare and Democracy. By Alwin Thaler.
Revolt in Arcadia. By Gosta Larson.
Reminiscences of a German Bodenreformer. By Otto Juliusburger.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Article
Appraising Capital Works . By E. J. Broster
Financial Accounting and Control . By C. C. Magee
Cost and Management Accountancy for Students . J. Batty (Ed.)
Developments in Management Accountancy . J. Batty (Ed.)
Basic Marketing: Programmed Text and Cases . By Robert S. Raymond
Chemical Market Research . N. H. Giragosian (Ed.)
The Human Equation in Marketing Research . By Dietz Leonhard
Personal Selling: Behaviourial Science Readings and Cases . James H. Bearden (Ed.)
Advertising and the Community . Alexander Wilson (Ed.)
Marketing Management for Europe . By C. S. Deverell
Corporate Planning . By John Argenti
Corporate Planning in Industry . By Aris Presanis
Technological Forecasting and Corporate Strategy . By Gordon Wills, B. Taylor
Basic Operational Research . By P. G. Moore
The Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Operational Research . D. B. Hertz and J. Melese (Ed.)
Linear Programming . By K. Williams
Operational Research French–English English–French Vocabulary . A. L. Oliver (Ed.)
An Exercise in Redeployment . By Ron Thomas
Decision Making . By R. A. Chapman
Decision Making in Poverty Programmes . By Melvin Herman and Michael Munk
Theories of the Bargaining Process . By Alan Coddington
Creative Person and Creative Process . By Frank Barron
Corporate Excellence through Grid Organization Development . A Systems Approach.
Managerial Control Through Communication . By G. T. Vardaman and C. C. Halterman
Management Information and Systems . By A. G. Donald
Management in the Textile Industry . The Textile Institute
The Management of Computer Programming . By C. P. Lecht
Computers for Management . By Humphrey Sturt and Ronald Yearsley
The Numerate Manager . By Fred Keay  相似文献   

THE BUSINESS EXECUTIVE Executive Compensation in Large Industrial Corporations. By Wilbur G. Llewellen The Exceptional Executive: A Psychological Conception. By Harry Levinson Management Science in Action. By William T. Morris Man-in-Organization: Essays of F. J. Roethlisberger. By F. J. Roethlisberger INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Trade Unions and Industrial Relations. By N. Robertson and J. L. Thomas Shop Stewards in British Industry. By J. F. B. Goodman and T. G. Whittingham Productivity Agreements and Wage Systems. By D. T. B. North and G. L. Buckingham Industrial Relations and the Personnel Specialists. By Peter Anthony and Anne Crichton Incentive Payment Systems. By R. Marriott A National Minimum Wage: An Inquiry. Department of Employment and Productivity Is Britain Really Strike Prone? By H. A. Turner MANAGEMENT Management and Macbiavelli. By Antony Jay The History of Management Thought. By Claude S. George , Jr Modern Industrial Management. By S. Benjamin Prasad The Effective Executive. By Peter Drucker Is Scientific Management Possible? By Joe Kelly Pattern for Success. By Walter Wingo MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING Organizational Necessities and Individual Needs. By R. J. Hacon Skills Analysis Training. By W. Douglas Seymour Training and Work. A Study in Employment Attitudes. By L. R. Parker Assessment Through Interviewing. By George Shouksmith Leaving School and Starting Work. By Ethel Venables PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Industrial Relations. The Role of the Trade Unions. By J. E. Mortimer The Manager's Guide to Industrial Relations. By L. F. Neal and Andrew Robertson The Theory and Practice of Personnel Management. By Maurice W. Cuming Personnel: A Behavioral Approach to Administration. By Leon C. Megginson PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Manufacturing Management: A Quantitative Approach. By Robert A. Olsen . The Management of Production, 2nd Edition. By J. D. Radford and D. B. Richardson  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Operations Research . By N. SIEMENS, C. H. MARTING and F. GREENWOOD
Industrial Operations Research . By W. J. FABRYCKY, P. M. GHARE and P. E. TORGERSEN
Operations Auditing . By R. A. LINDBERG and T. COHN
An Approach to General Systems Theory . By G. KLIR
Brain of the Firm . By S. BEER
Management Control . By S. EILON
Systems Anabsis . Edited by S. OPTNER
Bargaining for Change . Edited by B. TOWERS, T. G. WHITTINGHAM and A. W. GOITSCHALK
Pay, Productivig and Collective Bargaining . By ROBERT B. MCKERSIE and LAURENCE C. HUNTER
Management Motivation in the Smaller Business . By M. K. J. STANWORTH and J. CURRAN.
Small Manufactwing Btlsiness in N. Ireland . By J. BATES and hl. BELL
The Needs of the Manager in the Small Compay . By M. B. CUMBERS
Manpower Training and Development . By J. P. J. KENNEY and E. L. DONNELLY
Problems in Adult Retraining . By EUNICE BELBIN and R. MEREDITH BELBIN
Training in Industry: Management of Learning . By BERNARD M. BASS and JAMES A. VAUGHAN
Group Training for Individual and Organizational Development . Ed. C. L. COOPER
Modern Theory and Method in Group Training . Edited by WILLIAM G. DYER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
Cooper, C. L. and Payne
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Cooper. C. L. and Payne. R.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Davis, L. E. and Taylor
Santa Monica, California: Goodyear Publishing Co. Inc.
Schein, E. H. Organizational Psychology
Watson, T. J. Sociology
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1980. pp
Miles, R. H. Macro Organizational Behavior
Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall International
Miles, R. H. Macro Organizational Behavior
Hemel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall International
Cooper, C. L. The Executive Gypsy: The Quality of Managerial Life
London: Macmillan Press
Sell, R. G. and Shipley, P. (Eds.) Satisfactions in Work Design
Basingstoke: Taylor and Francis Ltd., 1979. pp. 202
Davis, L. E. and Taylor
Santa Monica, California: Goodyear Publishing Co. Inc.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Article Morgan , Gareth (Ed.) Beyond Method: Strategies For Social Research. Earl , Michael J. (Ed.) Perspectives On Management - A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Karabadse , Andrew The Politics of Management. Poole , M., Brown , W., Rubery , J., Sisson , K., Tarling , R. and Wilkinson , F. Industrial Relations In the Future: Trends and Possibilities In Britain Over the Next Decade. Bradley , Keith and Gelb , Alan Worker Capitalism: the New Industrial Relations. Durcan , J. W., Mccarthy , W. E. J. and Redman , G. P. Strikes In Post-War Britain: A Study of Stoppages of Work Due to Industrial Disputes, 1946-73.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
On Competition in Economic Theory . By P. W. S. Andrews
The Pricing of Manufacturers . By Ronald Barback
Product Analysis Priciny . By W. Brown and E. Jaques
An Introduction to Management Science: Deterministic Models . By Daniel Teichroew
Elementary Business Statistics, The Modern Approach . By John E. Freund
The Milton Plan . By Alan Fox
Power and Conflict in Organizations . Edited by Robert L. Kahn
Organizational Stress: Studies in Role Conflict and Ambiguity . By Robert L. Kahn, Donald M. Wolfe, Robert P. Quinn, J. Diedrick Snoek, R. A. Rosenthal
Casebook on Interpersonal Behavior in Organizations . Abraham Zaleznik and David Moment
A Behavioral Theory of the Firm . By Richard M. Cyert and James G. March
Social Structure and Learning Climate — the First Year at the Harvard Business School . By Charles D. Orth
Asci Case Collection — First Series . By A. R. Towl and M. S. Dorai-swami
Biography in Management Studies . By Humphrey Lloyd
Investment Appraisal . N.E.D.C. (H.M.S.O. 1965. Pp. 14, 1s. 9d.).
Discounted Cash Flow: Principles and Some Short Cut Techniques . By A. M. Alfred and J. B. Evans
Tavistock Publications has acquired the British Commonwealth rights in Administering Research and Development by Charles D. Orth, Joseph C. Bailey and Francis W. Wolek  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: COMPUTERS Making Computers Pay. By JOHN GRAHAM Choosing and Keeping Computer Staff. By ANTHONY CHANDOR A Practical Approach to Computer Simulation in Business. By L. L. CARTER and E. HUZAN Computer Application in Business. By SIMON LAMBOURN Managing the Computer. By GEORGE W. RADLEY Computer for Management; Language and Concepts. By R. G. A. BOLAND and R. M. OXTOBY Computer in Business Studies. By HAROLD LUCAS Business Systems and Data Processing Procdures. By FRANK J. CLARK, RONALD GALE and ROBERT GRAY Cobol for Studnt. By ANDREW PAKKIN Basic, a Compute Programming Language with Business and Management Application. By C. CARL PEGELS MARKETING Intrnational Marketing Management. By JAMES M. LIVINGSTONE Product Policy and Management. By MICHAEL J. BAKER and RONALD McTAVISH Pricing. By F. LIVESY Marketing Management Cases (2nd edn) By WILLIAM M. WEILBACHER Exercises in Marketing - Projects and Case Studies. By RICHARD H. BUURMAN Advertising Management. by C. WEINBERG, P. ROYLE, P. LAW and K. SIMMONDS Product Management. Edited by P. LAW, C. WEINBERG, P. ROYLE and K. SIMMONDS THE MULTINATIONALS Economic Analysis and the Multinational Entrprise, Edited by JOHN H. DUNNING The Future of the Multinational Entrprise. By PETER J. BUCKLEY and MARK CALLSON The International Enterprise. By JAMES M. LIVINGSTONE The Multinational Company. By E. J. KOLDE THE JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES The Multinational Man. The Role of the Manger Abroad. By THOMAS AITKEN BUSINESS AND SOCIETY Business stratgies for Survival. Edited by W. K. PURDIE and B. TAYLOR The Corporate Society. Edited by ROBIN MARRIS Social Responsibility and the Business Predicament. Edited by J. W. McKIE Political Responsibility and Industry. By EDMUND DELL Business and Socity. By THOMAS KEMPNER, KEITH MACMILLAN and KEVIN HAWKINS Management Scienc and Urban Problems. By MICHAEL J. C. MARTIN ET AL. Management and Morality. By JOHN ADAIR  相似文献   

Book review in this article:
Y oung , D avid W. The Managerial Process in Human Service Agencies
P oole , M ichael and M ansfield , R oger (Eds) Managerial Roles in Industrial Relations
C hang , Y. N. and C ampo -F lores , F ilemon Business Policy and Strategy
G odiwalla , Y ezdi M inoo , M einhart , W ayne A. and W arde , W illiam D. Corporate Strategy and Functional Management
H art , P. E. and C larke , R. Concentration in British Industry 1935–75
W ild , R ay Management and Production
S izer , J ohn (Ed.) Readings in Management Accounting
P en J an Modern Economics
P inder , C raig C. and M oore , L arry F. (Eds) Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations
K elly , J oe Organizational Behavior: Its Data, First Principles, and Applications
W oodward , J oan Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (2nd edition)
C ummings , T homas G. Systems Theory for Organization Development
McF arland , D alton Innovation in the Metropolitan Hospital
S case , R ichard and G offee , R obert The Real World of the Small Business Owner
G arrett , J ohn Managing the Civil Service
C ooper , C ary L. (Ed) Developing Managers for the 1980s
R ivett , P atrick Model Building for Decision Analysis
J amieson , I an Capitalism and Culture: A Comparative Analysis of British and American Manufacturing Organizations
K ennedy , T homas European Labor Relations
I.D.E. (Industrial Democracy in Europe) Industrial Democracy in Europe
A.C.A.S Industrial Relations Handbook
C layre , A lasdair (Ed) The Political Economy of Cooperation and Participation-A Third Sector  相似文献   

WORKPLACE REFORM—Improving the Quality of Working Life D. Guest and K. Knight WOMEN IN BRITISH TRADE UNIONS 1876–1976 by N. C. Soldon, Gill & Macmillan TRAINING FOR NEGOTIATING by Bromley Kniveton and Brian Towers, Business Books JOBS AND COMMUNITY ACTION Gary Craig, Marjorie Mayo and Nick Sharman, eds. Routledge & Kegan Paul  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Forester, John 1993: Critical theory, public policy and planning practice: toward a critical pragmatism. Gilbert, Alan 1993: In search of a home: rental and shared housing in Latin America. Helms, Hans G. (ed.) 1992: Die Stadt als Gabentisch. Beobachtungen der aktuellen Städtebauentwicklung (zwischen Manhattan und Berlin-Marzahn). Mathey, Kosta (ed.) 1992: Beyond self-help housing. Sonenshein, Raphael, J. 1993: Politics in black and white: race and power in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bagguley, P., J. Mark-Lawson, D. Shapiro, J. Urry, S. Walby and A. Warde, 1990: Restructuring: place, class and gender. Dunford, M.F., 1988. Capital, the state and regional development. Harloe, M., C. Pickvance and J. Urry (eds), 1990: Place, policy and politics: do localities matter? Henckel, D. (ed.), 1988: Arbeitszeit, Betriebszeit, Freizeit. Auswirkungen auf die Raumentwicklung. Henckel, D., B. Grabow, H. Kunert-Schroth, E. Nopper and N. Rauch, 1989: Zeitstrukturen und Stadtentwicklung. Rodriguez-Lores, J. and G. Fehl (eds), 1988: Die Kleinwohnungsfrage. Zu den Ursprüngen des sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Europa. Schildt, A. and A. Sywottek (eds), 1988: Massenwohnung und Eigenheim. Urry, J., 1990: The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. Wheelock, J., 1990: Husbands at home: the domestic economy in a post-industrial society.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Article
M organ , G areth . Images of Organization.
C usumano , M. A. The Japanese Automobile Industry.
H alberstam , D. The Reckoning.
W illiams , K., W illiams , J. and H aslam , C. The Breakdown of Austin Rover, a Case Study in the Failure of Business Strategy and Industrial Policy.
E dwards , P. K. Managing the Factory.
M ole , R. H. Basic Investment Appraisal.  相似文献   

S jöstrand , S ven -E rik (Ed.). Institutional Change: Theory and Empirical Findings .
M itchell , G. The Practice of Operational Research .
H andy , C. The Empty Raincoat .
T homas , A. B. Controversies In Management .
S chmitz , C. J. The Growth of Big Business In the United States and Western Europe, 1850–1939 .
S torper M. and S cott , A. J. (Eds). Pathways to Industrialization and Regional Development .
M orris , N. Management, Leadership and Command .
L incoln , J. R. and K alleberg , A. Culture, Control and Commitment: a study of work organisation and work attitudes in the United States and Japan .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Cases and Materials in Company Law . By L. S. S ealy
Measurement and Control of Indirect Work . By D. A. W hitmore
A Design for Business Infelligence . By C. W. S ymonds
Modern Marketing Management . Edited by R. J. L awrence and M. J. T homas
Consumer Behaviour . Edited by A. S. C. E hrenberg and F. G. P yait
Multinational Business Management . By H ow M artyn
The Multinationals . By C hristopher T ugendhat
Capital, Inpation and the Multinationals . By C harles L evinson
The Multi-national Enterprise . Ed. J ohn H. D unning
Transnational Indurtrial Relations . Ed. H ans G unter
Management and the Social Sciences . By T om L upton
The Social Scientist in American Industry: Self Perception of Role, Motiuation and Career . By M atthew R adom
Work, Creatiuio and Social Justit . By E lliott J aques
The Management of Supervisors . By A nthony F. D onovan
The Successful Supervisor in Guvemnient and Business . By W illiam R. van D ersal  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Readings in production and Operations management. By Elwood S. Buffa
Analysis for Production and Operations Management. By Edward H. Bowman and Robert B. Fetter
Consumer Decision Processes. By F. N. Nicosia
International marketing: A comparative Systems Approach. By David carson
Consumer Behaviour and the Behavioural Sciences: Theories and Applications. By S. H. Britt
Marketing Management: analysis, Planning and Control. By Philip Kotler
World Marketing: A multinational Approach. By J. K. Ryans Jr. and J. C. Baker
Bonds of Organization. By E. Wight Bakke
Executive Leadership. By Chris Argyris  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Allen, J. and L. McDowell, 1989: Landlords and property; social relations in the private rented sector. Brake, K. 1988: Phönix in der Asche - New York verändert seine Stadtstruktur. Bratt, R. 1989: Rebuilding a low-income housing policy. Castells, M. 1989: The informational city. Chase-Dunn, C. 1989: Global formation: structures of the world-economy. Coleman, W. and H. Jacek (eds) 1989: Regionalism, business interests and public policy Damer, S. 1989: From Moorepark to Wine Alley - The rise and fall of a Glasgow housing estate. Gottdiener, M. and N. Komninos (eds), 1989: Capitalist development and crisis theory: accumulation, regulation and spatial restructuring. Hardoy, J. and D. Satterthwaite, 1989: Squatter citizen: life in the urban third world. Hirson, B. 1989: Yours from the Union: class and community struggles in South Africa 1930–1947. Lai, B.B. 1990: The romance of culture in an urban civilization: Robert E. Park on race and ethnic relations in cities. Mackenzie, S. 1969: Visible histories: women and environments in a post-war British city. Maguire, M. 1990: Work, employment and new technology: a case study of multinational investment in Northern Ireland. Montgomery, J. and Å. Thornley (eds), 1990: Radical planning initiatives: new directions for urban planning in the 1990s. Pennington, S. and B. Westover, 1989: A hidden workforce: homeworkers in England, 1850–1985. Prigge, W. and W. Kaib (eds), 1988: Sozialer Wohnungsbau im internationalen Vergleich. Schultz, S.K. 1989: Constructing urban culture: American cities and city planning, 1800–1920. Slater, D. 1989: Territory and state power in Latin America: the Peruvian case. Stewart, J. and G. Stoker (eds) 1989: The future of local government. Ward, D. 1989: Poverty, ethnicity, and the American city, 1840–1925: changing conceptions of the slum and the ghetto.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mccarthy, W. (Ed.). Legal Intervention In Industrial Relations: Gains and Losses .
Brown, R. Understanding Industrial Organisations .
Giordano, L. Beyond Taylorism .
Sak, O, M. Prices, Qualify, and Trust: Interfirm Relations In Britain and Japan .
Anderson, N. and Shackleton, V. Successful Selection Interviewing .
Ferner, A. and Hyman, R. (Eds.). Industrial Relations In the New Europe .
Argyris, C. On Organisational Learning .
Edwards, P. and Whitston, C. Attending to Work .
Stagey, R. Strategic Management and Organizational Dynamics .  相似文献   

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