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零售金融商运用和担当渠道商的现象日见增多,渠道关系也日趋复杂,使得零售金融商间的渠道问题更加突出.对于渠道设计的期望能否成为现实,取决于渠道执行能否有效地处理渠道冲突以顺畅渠道流.渠道冲突源于渠道成员目标的差异,这就要求具有渠道权力的成员促成合适的解决冲突的方式,采取适当的行为影响策略来改善渠道的绩效.本文给出了一个如何改善渠道执行的应用模型,并且以零售银行为例探讨了如何运用该模型来改进零售金融商问(包括银证、银基、银保及银信)的渠道执行,并提出了未来零售金融商间渠道的发展趋势.  相似文献   

零售银行业务在银行业的地位日渐显要,在未来数年,改善零售银行业绩将成为银行业的首要任务。渠道既是零售银行市场营销的载体,也是零售银行的核心竞争力。零售银行要能有效地运用多渠道集成来管理多样化的渠道,才能使多渠道发挥市场功效。为此,本文提出了一个多渠道集成的模型作为零售银行多渠道集成的实用性框架,此模型由五步骤组成,即识别细分客户群的渠道需求,设计产品的市场覆盖组合,改进渠道对客户群的适应性,制定渠道的功能迁移策略及管理渠道的迁移。另外,本文还以一个区域分行的年度汇款业务为案例,展示了运用该模型进行多渠道集成的成效。  相似文献   

零售银行的渠道挑战与多渠道集成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
零售银行业务在银行业的地位日渐显要,在未来数年,改善零售银行业绩将成为银行业的首要任务。渠道既是零售银行市场营销的载体,也是零售银行的核心竞争力。零售银行要能有效地运用多渠道集成来管理多样化的渠道,才能使多渠道发挥市场功效。为此,本文提出了一个多渠道集成的模型作为零售银行多渠道集成的实用性框架,此模型由五步骤组成,即识别细分客户群的渠道需求,设计产品的市场覆盖组合,改进渠道对客户群的适应性,制定渠道的功能迁移策略及管理渠道的迁移。另外,本文还以一个区域分  相似文献   

大多数生产者并不直接将产品出售给最终的用户.于是,就有了营销渠道的出现,营销渠道就是在生产者和最终顾客之间、有着不同名称、执行着不同功能的营销中间机构.由于营销渠道是由若干个渠道成员所组成,这些成员构成了营销渠道的相互依存的组织,通常包括生产商、中间商、零售商和最终用户.然而,不同的渠道成员是一个个特定的市场活动主体,他们都有自己的利益追求,都有自己特定的市场活动目标和相关的资源条件,于是不可避免地会因为他们各自构成或参与营销渠道的动机和方式的不同,而产生营销渠道的冲突.关于营销渠道冲突问题,不同的研究者有不同的认识和解释.笔者以三星数码相机为例,从市场营销和渠道管理的角度出发,以在数码相机行业从事多年销售管理工作经验为基础,开展对三星数码相机营销渠道的冲突及应对的分析与研究.  相似文献   

丁莉 《金卡工程》2009,13(6):165-165
本文运用系统整合思想,从供应链管理的环境以及分销渠道中各主要成员的关系入手,从理论上对分销渠道管理中的冲突进行分析,进而通过建立博弈模型对我国企业分销渠道存在的现状进行解释,并引入激励机制对改进现有约束机制提供分析和建议.  相似文献   

朱国强 《中国外资》2010,(6):116-117
大多数生产者并不直接将产品出售给最终的用户。于是,就有了营销渠道的出现,营销渠道就是在生产者和最终顾客之间、有着不同名称、执行着不同功能的营销中间机构。由于营销渠道是由若干个渠道成员所组成,这些成员构成了营销渠道的相互依存的组织,通常包括生产商、中间商、零售商和最终用户。然而,不同的渠道成员是一个个特定的市场活动主体,他们都有自己的利益追求.都有自己特定的市场活动目标和相关的资源条件,于是不可避免地会因为他们各自构成或参与营销渠道的动机和方式的不同,而产生营销渠道的冲突。关于营销渠道冲突问题,不同的研究者有不同的认识和解释。笔者以三星数码相机为例,从市场营销和渠道管理的角度出发,以在数码相机行业从事多年销售管理工作经验为基础,开展对三星数码相机营销渠道的冲突及应对的分析与研究。  相似文献   

本文在传统零售渠道的基础上,研究了增加直销渠道对供应链成员最优决策以及利润的影响。研究结果表明,与传统的零售渠道相比,双渠道结构总是损害零售商的利益。然而,双渠道结构是否有利于制造商与供应链取决于直销渠道的成本。此外,本文在零售商可以阻止制造商增加直销渠道的情况下,提出一种双边支付机制来提高供应链效率,该机制可以在一定程度上实现双方的帕累托改进。  相似文献   

基于价值分享角度的分销渠道冲突管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渠道冲突主要表现为分销商之间的冲突和制造商与分销渠道成员之间的冲突,其产生的原因主要有渠道结构性因素、渠道沟通因素、经济因素、渠道设计因素。制造商和渠道商之间所面临的问题,要求制造商必须摒弃过去常用的利益分享的渠道设计思路,从团队建设、价值链增值、价值分享角度来理解和运作与渠道商的关系,通过渠道整合、厂商联盟、资本渗透等手段,在沟通、协作、双赢的目标指引下,为渠道商提供有价值的服务,建立良好的关系型、协同型的渠道关系,从而提高整体营销渠道的质量和效率,实现共赢的营销战略意图。  相似文献   

胡康晋 《时代金融》2014,(9Z):86-86
当市场利率化、金融脱媒、互联网金融对我国银行业冲击日益严峻的时候,建立社区银行、转型零售业务成为银行应对冲击最为有效的途径。社区银行如何在符合我国监管部门的规定下立足市场成为各家银行现阶段面临的最大挑战。本文拟从4Ps理论中的渠道视角,揭示社区银行现有渠道建设中的问题并给出相应的策略建议。  相似文献   

当市场利率化、金融脱媒、互联网金融对我国银行业冲击日益严峻的时候,建立社区银行、转型零售业务成为银行应对冲击最为有效的途径。社区银行如何在符合我国监管部门的规定下立足市场成为各家银行现阶段面临的最大挑战。本文拟从4Ps理论中的渠道视角,揭示社区银行现有渠道建设中的问题并给出相应的策略建议。  相似文献   

论保险电销渠道与传统渠道的整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在保险产品日趋同质的背景下,保险营销渠道成为国内保险公司竞争的焦点。与传统渠道相比,保险的电销模式具有不同于传统渠道的特征,电话销售渠道正在快速地发展。目前电销渠道与传统渠道的隔绝产生了矛盾,造成保险公司资源的浪费,也不利于电销模式的持续健康发展。未来的发展趋势必然是各种销售渠道的整合,本文进一步提出了电销渠道与其他渠道有效整合的具体思路。  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed and estimated a model of the Thai firm during the crisis. Our results indicate that firms with the highest debt-equity ratios suffered the steepest declines in earnings per share during the crisis from the financial distressed costs. We take this result as strong evidence for the credit channel. Surprisingly, firms with the largest market capitalizations suffered more than the smaller firms owing to their capital structure and financial leverage effect. We also witness asymmetric impact between the industries—exporters, importers and intermediate. We take this as evidence of different scale-effects on different industries, a feature that we do not explicitly model. In other words, the production effect is more pronouncing in import related industries than the export-oriented one. Note that firms that import intermediate goods also suffered greatly from the crisis from both credit and production channels. Taken together, our overall results indicate that the crisis damaged the earnings per share of firms more on credit channels than the production channels. There exists a peculiar tradeoff between benefits from currency devaluation to promote exports and severe adverse impact on both credit channel and asymmetric impact on production channel.  相似文献   

运用博弈方法构建由单个制造商和单个零售商组成的两阶段供应链模型,研究有无再制造情形下制造商直销渠道的入侵策略和入侵时机问题。结果表明:无再制造情形下,在渠道竞争较弱且入侵将平分市场时,制造商不会开通直销渠道,否则会选择在第一阶段开通直销渠道;再制造情形下,在渠道竞争较弱且入侵将平分市场时制造商同样不会开通直销渠道,但竞争较弱且零售渠道占比较大时会选择在第二阶段开通直销渠道,否则其会在第一阶段开通直销渠道;无论是否进行再制造,制造商的渠道入侵都可能会损害零售商的利润,但是在竞争较强且零售渠道占比较大时渠道入侵却能使制造商和零售商均获益,且再制造情形下实现共赢的可能性更大。  相似文献   

China's growth model suggests that the 2008 financial crisis may have affected the Chinese economy differently from what one observes in mature market economies. In this paper, we examine how Chinese corporate investment responded to the financial crisis by using 1689 listed nonfinancial firms during Q12006–Q32010. We document that (1) the overall impact of the financial crisis on Chinese corporate investment is negative; (2) among three channels conveying the effect of the financial crisis, namely, the demand channel, the financial constraints channel, and the uncertainty channel, the demand channel dominates; (3) financial assets held by a nonfinancial firm are important in explaining the firm's fixed investment behaviour; (4) as compared to non-state firms, state-controlled firms are less affected by the financial crisis and more active in engaging in financial assets investment; and (5) foreign ownership can be seen as a buffer against the negative effect of the financial crisis and foreign-involved Chinese firms are less active in financial assets investment as compared to domestic firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines how competition among suppliers affects their willingness to provide trade credit financing. Trade credit extended by a supplier to a cash constrained retailer allows the latter to increase cash purchases from its other suppliers, leading to a free rider problem. A supplier that represents a smaller share of the retailer’s purchases internalizes a smaller part of the benefit from increased spending by the retailer and, as a result, extends less trade credit relative to its sales. In consequence, retailers with dispersed suppliers obtain less trade credit than those whose suppliers are more concentrated. The free rider problem is especially detrimental to a trade creditor when the free-riding suppliers are its product market competitors, leading to a negative relation between product substitutability among suppliers to a given retailer and trade credit that the former provide to the latter. We test the model using both simulated and real data. The estimated relations are consistent with the model’s predictions and are statistically and economically significant.  相似文献   

We characterize collusion involving secret vertical contracts between retailers and their supplier—who are all equally patient (“vertical collusion”). We show such collusion is easier to sustain than collusion among retailers. Furthermore, vertical collusion can solve the supplier's inability to commit to charging the monopoly wholesale price when retailers are differentiated. The supplier pays retailers slotting allowances as a prize for adhering to the collusive scheme and rejects contract deviations. In the presence of competing suppliers, vertical collusion can be sustained using short-term exclusive dealing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether a firm's relationship with its principal customers/suppliers affects its payout policies. A firm has customer–supplier relationships when its business depends on a small number of major customers/suppliers. The extant literature indicates two channels through which customer–supplier relationships might negatively affect a firm's dividend payments: 1) the high financial distress costs associated with relationship-specific investments and 2) the information certification effect of the principle customer. Consistent with expectations, our study reveals a negative relationship between a firm's dependence on customer–supplier relationships and its dividend payments. This result is robust to various model specifications and consistent with evidence regarding the time-series properties of dividends. Moreover, we find that high financial distress costs associated with relationship-specific investments are the key channel through which a firm's customer–supplier relationship affects its dividend payments. Overall, our results suggest that a firm's relationship with its non-financial stakeholders, such as principal customers/suppliers, is an important determinant of its shareholders' income.  相似文献   

Choice and change of measures in performance measurement models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses management control, resource-based, systems-based and contingency-based strategy theories to describe a large U.S. manufacturing company's efforts to improve profitability by designing and using a performance measurement model (PMM). This PMM includes multiple performance measures relevant to its distribution channel for products, repair parts and maintenance services. The PMM is intended to reflect the company's understanding of performance relations among strategic resources, operational capabilities, and desired financial outcomes. The PMM also reflects its intended distribution strategy, the types of performance necessary to achieve that strategy by its distributors, and its desired financial outcomes. Furthermore, the company uses the model to evaluate its North American distributors and intends to use these evaluations as a partial basis for annual and long-term rewards. Thus, the PMM embodies the measurable portion of the firm's management control system of its distribution channel.The study addresses four research questions: (1) Are measure attributes important considerations for performance measure choice? (2) Does the importance of attributes differ according to firm strategy? (3) Does the importance of attributes for design and use differ according to firm strategy? (4) Does a company trade-off some individual attributes for others? The questions are investigated using qualitative and quantitative analyses of archival documents and interviews with top managers and distributors. Principal findings are that measure attributes are important considerations for choice and change of performance measures, design attributes are more important than use attributes, the importance of attributes does not appear to differ according to strategy, and some individual attributes are traded-off for other attributes.  相似文献   

Technological advances have resulted in financial service companies being able to make use of alternative channels such as call centres and the Internet to deliver their services to their customers. At the same time, there has been a major growth throughout Europe in the grey market consisting of people who grew up in an age of face-to-face contact with service suppliers. This paper reports on a programme of qualitative research looking at the grey market's perceptions of the call centre delivery channel. It discusses the difficulties encountered by this market and the negative views that are held. It also highlights the need for further research into this area if financial service organisations are going to address the issues raised and effectively satisfy the needs of this growing market segment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of different financing channels—bond issuance or bank loans—as well as debt maturity and the quality of financial reporting on the cost of debt in China. The authors find that conservative accounting is an important characteristic of high-quality financial reporting that can reduce the cost of longer maturity debt such as bank loans and bonds. Even state-owned enterprises, which have fewer financial constraints than non-state-owned enterprises, benefit from accounting conservatism's ability to reduce financial costs. Moreover, the findings indicate that bond investors are concerned about the issuer's fundamentals, while banks are more likely to focus on the operation and bankruptcy risk of borrowers.  相似文献   

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