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英国是当前国际上开展绩效审计水平较高、较成熟的国家,而我国在政府绩效审计中经验十分有限。我们应该积极探索,逐步发展,结合实际,借鉴他们开展绩效审计的经验,实现与国际现代审计接轨,开展有中国特色的绩效审计,促进资源的有效配置和合理利用。 相似文献
英国政府绩效审计特点和启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
英国是当前国际上开展绩效审计水平较高、较成熟的国家,而我国在政府绩效审计中经验十分有限.我们应该积极探索,逐步发展,结合实际,借鉴他们开展绩效审计的经验,实现与国际现代审计接轨,开展有中国特色的绩效审计,促进资源的有效配置和合理利用. 相似文献
本文分析荷兰审计的国际活动,其丰富的审计经验有助于我国借鉴,促进绩效审计发展.介绍荷兰绩效审计的国际活动、发展历史,通过审计目标、审计对象、审计内容,聚焦荷兰绩效审计的代表性审计即环境审计的审计依据,来了解荷兰绩效审计最新发展状况.然后,从荷兰绩效审计的最新发展中得到六点启示,最后提出对我国绩效审计开展的四点建议,以期... 相似文献
美国是绩效审计发展比较成熟的国家.其绩效审计准则以风险导向理念为指导,阐述了绩效审计的审计目标、评价标准、审计证据、审计报告等要素。我国的政府绩效审计处于初级阶段,缺乏绩效审计准则、评价标准及具体可行的操作指南。为了推动我国政府绩效审计的发展.制定完善的绩效审计准则.本文认为应当加强准则制定主体与其它审计组织的合作,结合风险导向审计理念,采用三段式的准则框架,涵盖审计计划、内部控制评价、审计证据及其获取、重要性与审计风险及审计建议五个方面。 相似文献
国外政府绩效审计的发展概况及对我国的启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,我国的政府绩效审计越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注,通过在一些省市的实践探索积累了一些经验。但从总体水平来看,我国的政府绩效审计仍处于起步阶段,在绩效审计理论研究、实践应用等方面与发达国家存在差距。本文通过对美国、英国、瑞典三国政府绩效审计开展状况的介绍,总结了国外政府绩效审计的特点及其对我国的有益启示,以期为我国开展政府绩效审计实务提供参考。 相似文献
政府作为一个特殊的公共服务团体,公共部门经济是市场经济的重要组成部分,我们可以通过借鉴美国政府成熟的绩效审计经验,为我国审计力量生成模式转变提供新思路。 相似文献
近年来,我国审计机关积极开展和探索跟踪审计,跟踪审计较好的融合了财政财务收支审计和绩效审计两种审计方式.有利于发挥审计的“免疫系统”功能。文中简要介绍了英国绩效审计发展的一些成功做法和经验,并提出了完善我国跟踪审计的建议。 相似文献
国外政府绩效审计,为我们提供了以下经验:第一,确立绩效审计的法律地位,明确制定绩效审计的相关法律法规;第二,传统审计与绩效审计关系处理得当,各司其职,共同发展;第三,重视完善政府预算机制;第四,政府责任制度普遍建立。 相似文献
《Journal of East-West Business》2013,19(3):95-113
Abstract This paper reports on a study of the audit profession in Russia in 1996. It builds on the work of Badykova (1996) in the examination of audit in Russia in the mid-1990s in comparison to the United Kingdom. The paper concurs with the above previous research regarding the moves made towards the internationalization of auditing standards, the role of the auditor in compliance work, and the nature of the users of audited information. The paper is set in a business context, which includes social and economic changes, to offer a perspective on the lack of any historical evidence of independent audit in Russia and emphasizes the recent change (by Presidential Decree) towards the legal enforcement of auditing standards. The motives for control and inspection are examined in the context of the twin objectives of legal compliance and certification. The role of the auditor in court is considered in terms of impartial fact finding and re-qualification of approved individuals compared with the adversarial system in the United Kingdom. The mandatory nature of audit in Russia by the court or public prosecutor is compared with the powers of the regulatory bodies in the United Kingdom and the findings identify an apparent lack of separation between the business entity and individuals. The paper further examines the independence of the audit firm and the nature and content of the audit report in Russia along with sanctions for non-compliance. In conclusion, an attempt is made to evaluate the implications of the key differences identified as a basis for consideration of possible developments in Russia. These conclusions are placed in the context of the educational developments in the teaching of auditing processes and the Russian work ethic. The paper emphasizes the necessity to strengthen and regulate the audit profession at all levels by tightening up eligibility and entry qualifications with indigenous Russian auditors potentially replacing seconded staff from western audit organizations. The social and economic changes that Russia has experienced in recent years include the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), policies of 'glasnost' (publicity) and 'perestroika' (economic and social reforms) introduced by Gorbachev (Hosking, 1992), along with the opening up of Russia to traders and travelers alike. 相似文献
This article examines how social identity links institutional pressures and audit quality. Combining institutional theory and social identity theory, we theoretically argue that the interaction between social and institutional forces shapes audit quality. Through an analysis of Chinese audit firms from 2000 to 2007, we show that isomorphic imitation has a more significant effect on firms belonging to the same-identity group than firms across cross-identity groups; foreign-affiliated audit firms are more willing to conform to normative pressure from professional networks than local firms; and foreign-affiliated firms are coerced to adapt to the local government’s expectation, particularly when they have a geographically concentrated customer base. We further reveal that a larger customer base attenuates within-identity group imitation but strengthens cross-identity group imitation. The results shed light on the role of social identity in shaping conformity in the audit industry, thus contributing to international convergence–divergence literature and institutional theory. 相似文献
近年来,区块链技术受到了各行各业的关注。在此背景下,把区块链技术应用在审计领域中成为一个值得思考的问题。通过分析区块链技术的特点,找到区块链技术在审计中应用的优势。同时从储存成本、人员培训、信息安全、制度规范、核心技术五个方面提出区块链技术在审计领域应用面临的问题,给出相应的解决对策,以期为区块链在审计中的应用提供切实可行的帮助。 相似文献
在审计理论研究和审计实践工作中,通常会运用到大量的审计概念,如审计独立性、审计重要性、审计风险等。这些审计概念往往都没有十分精确的定义,而含有极大的模糊性。这就为注册会计师职业判断的产生和运用提供了极大的空间。事实上,在审计的各个环节,无不含有注册会计师丰富的职业判断在内。因此,揭示审计概念的模糊性与审计人员职业判断之间的依存关系显得十分必要。 相似文献
分析师预测是市场进行投融资决策的重要依据,因此分析师职业受到更多关注。以2011-2018年上市公司的数据为样本,研究了审计质量与分析师预测两者之间的联系。研究结果发现,审计质量对上市公司分析师预测有显著影响。进一步研究发现,在董事会规模较大的公司中,审计质量与分析师预测关系更显著。 相似文献
随着国家经济的发展,公共财政体制体系的改革、建立和完善,政府投资已逐渐退出了竞争和有利可图的行业,重点向公共工程等公益性项目靠拢,在提高人民生活质量的同时拉动了经济增长。在这个进展中显现出了许多必须重视的情况,重点是投资成果不理想,重复建设,工程效率低下,偶尔有经济犯罪发生。面对这些情况,国家审计机关应当针对投资过程中的违法违规行为进行审计。 相似文献
德国发展循环经济对我国的启示 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
传统的经济发展模式已经越来越不能满足当今社会发展的需要,发展循环经济重要性日益突出。我国应借鉴德国发展循环经济的经验,结合具体国情选择发展循环经济的突破点,集中力量组织关键技术和装备的攻关,建设循环经济的技术支撑体系;在资源回收体系建设中,要发挥社会中介组织的作用,尽快建立完整、配套的法律政策体系及有效的监督机制,确保我国循环经济的健康发展。 相似文献