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网购退货运费险是2010年华泰保险为淘宝网量身打造的新型险种,其主要用于解决网络购物中买卖双方由于信息不对称所导致的退货纠纷问题。本文以淘宝网为例,通过分析网购退货运费险存在的问题,如网购退货运费险经营主体较少、网购退货运费险造成退货率波动等,提出了相应的对策及建议,使得退货运费险能够更好地为买卖双方提供更大程度上的便利,从而促进网络购物市场和电子商务市场的完善与发展。  相似文献   

跨境商品销售后会因为各种问题退回,增加海外仓二次销售压力。为保障收益,通常将商品进行二次销售和海外仓订货结合起来。本文分析了影响海外仓无缺陷退货最优订购量的因素,给出基于成本最小化报童模型的期望,构建了包含无缺陷产品退货和第二次销售考虑回购的二次最优订货报童模型。通过对实例的分析,找出最优订货量与无缺陷退货量之间的关系。研究结果表明:产品的最优订货量随参数Cr、r、的增大而减少,总成本的期望值下降;最优订货量随参数V1的增大而增加。  相似文献   

在经典报童模型基础上,引入期权机制,建立基于期权的报童模型。研究发现,在分散决策型供应链中引入期权机制,可以通过制定合适的价格策略,在供应链的整体利润达到最优的同时增加零售商和供应商的利润,从而实现帕累托最优。  相似文献   

陆永明 《商业科技》2008,(32):43-45
在经典报童模型基础上,引入期权机制,建立基于期权的报童模型。研究发现,在分散决策型供应链中引入期权机制,可以通过制定合适的价格策略,在供应链的整体利润达到最优的同时增加零售商和供应商的利润,从而实现帕累托最优。  相似文献   

针对可用库存低于一定阈值水平时,客户不愿意购买产品这一现象,研究了考虑消费者的止步行为的易逝品供应链系统。本文通过分析消费者止步行为对供应链系统的最优决策及整体利润造成的影响,运用报童模型,探讨考虑消费者行为因素的各参数间关系,并通过算例对结论进行了验证。  相似文献   

"网购潮"后遭遇退货难退货率是电商的痛点 "双十一"刚刚过去,消费者就遭遇了"退货难"。记者近日采访发现,尽管新消法中已经确定了网购"七天无理由退货"的原则,但在实际操作中仍面临诸多障碍。20日,上海市人大通过修改《上海市消费者权益保护条例》的决定,"七天无理由退货"明确纳入地方立法。畅通无理由退货还要过几道坎?  相似文献   

<正>"网购潮"后遭遇退货难退货率是电商的痛点"双十一"刚刚过去,消费者就遭遇了"退货难"。记者近日采访发现,尽管新消法中已经确定了网购"七天无理由退货"的原则,但在实际操作中仍面临诸多障碍。20日,上海市人大通过修改《上海市消费者权益保护条例》的决定,"七天无理由退货"明确纳入  相似文献   

双边市场用户规模及营销服务水平是社交电商平台核心竞争力。研究双边市场用户的定价问题对社交电商平台稳健发展有重要意义。本文基于效用模型和Hotelling模型构建社交电商平台在垄断、双寡头竞争情形下的定价模型,研究发现:(1)消费者信息分享度与平台双边用户定价及平台利润呈正比;(2)消费者社交成本与消费者定价成反比,与商家定价成正比。信息接收者对信息的负效应与双边市场定价成正比,与社交电商平台利润成反比;(3)社交电商平台营销服务水平与平台双边用户定价均成正比,平台利润随营销服务水平增长呈先增后减的趋势;(4)商家对消费者的交叉网络外部性与消费者定价成反比,消费者对商家的交叉网络外部性与商家定价成反比;(5)单归属和多归属情形下,社交电商平台利润差随平台间营销服务差异增大呈现先增后减趋势。基于研究结论,社交电商平台应采取倾斜式定价、交叉价格补贴、差异化定价策略,以增强用户粘性,获得市场竞争力。  相似文献   

网购时代的到来,运费问题由谁来承担一直制约着买卖双方的在线交易过程,尤其在退货过程中一直存在由谁来承担运费的纠纷与顾虑,买家退货运费险的出现为在线买家多提供了一种选择,减少了这种顾虑的可能性。本文运用最大效用原理研究了在线买家的退货运费险策略问题。  相似文献   

网络购物已经成为互联网时代购物的一种主流选择,退换货则是网络购物的痛点问题,保险业推出的退货运费险给网络购物消费额带来了新的增长率,与此同时,赔付率也居高不下。 退货运费险需要进行更细致的定价方式谋求利润最大化,并合理保障买家和卖家的权益。 采用线性函数,聚类分析,条件期望对退货运费险的定价进行讨论,制订买家和卖家退货运费险定价准则,建立理赔模型,降低保险公司赔付率,对道德风险,逆向选择产生的不均衡市场进行合理规范,促进公平交易。  相似文献   

Returns and consumer fairness concerns put a huge pressure on manufacturers who sell their products online. The optimal selling format and return freight strategy become particularly important for manufacturers in an e-commerce supply chain. Therefore, we build game models for the following scenarios under different selling formats: the seller bearing the return freight costs or the return-freight insurance premiums, consumers buying insurance for themselves, and no one buying insurance. By comparing the optimal solutions of the game models under reselling and agency formats, several conclusions are derived. In the agency format, if the return-freight insurance premium is higher than a particular threshold, then the optimal strategy of the manufacturer is to decrease the selling price to encourage consumers to purchase the insurance, otherwise, the manufacturer should purchase the insurance. As the level of consumer fairness concerns and platform commission rates increase, the manufacturer should gradually move from the agency to reselling format. In the reselling format, if the return-freight insurance premium is lower than a particular threshold, then consumers will purchase insurance and this will make the platform more profitable, and conversely, the platform should bear the return freight costs.  相似文献   

With the development of e-commerce, online shopping has become increasingly common, and as a result, consumers inevitably encounter the problem of returns. Therefore, pricing, return policy and return insurance strategy have attracted considerable research attention. In this paper, we construct four models to study pricing, return policy and return insurance strategy. We show that when a product's net residual value is greater than or equal to zero, online retailers should offer a money-back guarantee (MBG) return policy; however, they do not have to offer free return insurance because the latter does not increase their market share and profit, nor does it increase consumer surplus. The optimal strategy of insurance providers is unaffected by whether the policyholder is an online retailer or a consumer and should be neutral, which helps insurance providers gain the trust of policyholders. Consumers should buy products only when online retailers offer an MBG return policy; however, consumers should not do so if the online retailer provides free return insurance.  相似文献   

With the continuous development of the Internet and information technology, online shopping has become a popular purchase mode. The in-depth analysis of consumer decision-making in online shopping is an important issue. Our purpose is to study how the factors of the shopping web pages corporately affect online purchase decisions and determine which are the core factors that affect consumer purchase decisions. We screen the influencing factors on the shopping webpage and deploy e-commerce network evolution based on various weight combinations of these factors to generate sales distributions of online products. By comparing these simulated sales distributions to the real data, the optimal weight of each factor is obtained. The results show that sales volume and the number of high-quality negative comments are the most important factors influencing consumers' decision-making, the number of comments and the number of comments with pictures are relatively minor factors, store type and video presentation of the products have the least impact. The optimal simulated sales distribution is very close to the real case and verifies that the introduced network evolution technology is applicable. The proposed model can be used as a uniform evaluation platform for correlational study, which is an important link in the purchase research chain.  相似文献   

Online retail platforms significantly impact consumers' purchasing decisions. Satisfaction, purchase intent, and repeat online shopping drive the platform's purchasing decisions. In contrast, individuals do not purchase products due to dissatisfaction and lack of purchasing intent. It will cause hesitation and spread negative feedback to influence online consumer behaviors. This research proposes a conceptual model incorporating the Status Quo Bias (SQB) and the Negative Online Purchase Decision-Making Process (NOPDMP) to suggest a new framework for evaluating the maintained consumer behavior of online shopping platforms. The questionnaires following the proposed conceptual model were collected from the sample data from participants of 384 experienced respondents using online shopping platforms. Data were analyzed for the causal relationship using Structural Equation Model. The implications of the assessment framework that incorporates the influence of negative factors can weigh the decision to purchase products and improve and reduce shopping cart abandonment on e-commerce platforms. This framework can also describe instances of negative perspectives regarding incentive alignments with actual behaviors.  相似文献   

This study investigates the mediator effect of network structural embeddedness between customer experience and consumer purchase intention in the context of cross-border e-commerce. 321 copies of online questionnaires unfold cross-border online shopping experience. The structural equation model is built to analyze the mediator effect of network structural embeddedness. Network density, Network centrality separately plays a mediating role between website ease of use, website relationship service and consumer purchase intention. In contrast, both of them play a mediating role between customer cost and consumer purchase intention. The research suggests developing the relationship between consumers and e-commerce websites for cross-border e-commerce platforms from a network standpoint, but not only marketing.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of e-commerce, the problem of pricing conflicts between online and offline channels has become increasingly prominent. And the in-sale service has become an important factor influencing consumers' purchase decisions. To study the impact of in-sale service, this paper establishes a dual-channel supply chain model considering offline in-sale service. Using Stackelberg's game theory and backward induction, it solves the optimal pricing of supply chain members and makes comparisons in both cooperative and non-cooperative situations. Finally, it coordinates the supply chain through a two-part tariff contract. The results show that (1) The optimal wholesale price and offline retail price are positively correlated with in-sale service quality. And the opposite of the optimal online direct selling price. (2) With the quality of in-sale service improving, the retailer's profit will increase and then decrease but the manufacturer's profit will always decrease under non-cooperation. The total profit of the supply chain will rise and then fall under cooperation. (3) The two-part tariff coordination maximizes profits with the manufacturer reducing the wholesale price and the retailer paying a transfer cost. (4) Cooperative decision is better than the non-cooperative decision in terms of the supply chain as a whole.  相似文献   

The dotcom era has infused a rapid increase in the usage of e-commerce in India, making online shopping the new way of retailing. This study investigates online consumers’ e-store patronage intentions, specifically modeling the ties from broad dispositional traits including choice overload, Internet shopping anxiety, and impulse purchase tendency among online shoppers. Based on the responses of 243 online shoppers, the findings suggest that consumers’ e-store patronage has a positive relationship with choice overload such that availability of larger assortments online results in a higher possibility of consumers’ patronage toward such e-tailers. Choice overload in the online context was also found to positively influence consumers’ impulse purchase tendency and showed a positive effect on Internet shopping anxiety. Furthermore, results indicate that the impulse purchase tendency of online shoppers had a significant positive effect on e-store patronage intentions, while Internet shopping anxiety was found to negatively affect the patronage intentions of shoppers.  相似文献   

The provision of outstanding delivery service is increasingly critical for retailers engaged in e-commerce. As a result, many are interested in switching from their existing carrier to one that is more highly capable in order to better serve their customers. In making this switch, the retailer faces a dilemma: Better carriers cost more, so they will either have to accept a reduction in profit or increase the shipping charge to their customers. While research shows that shoppers recognize certain carriers as superior—and both theory and empirical evidence suggest that people are willing to accept certain cost-justified increases to what they are charged in a transaction—studies also show that online shoppers loathe shipping charges. Thus, what is an e-retailer to do? Through a series of vignette experiments, we examine the question of how online shoppers respond to a shipping charge increase when the retailer switches to a more highly perceived delivery carrier. Our findings show that shoppers are not particularly accepting of the switch, and while they are not likely to complain, resulting purchase intentions are notably low. Alternative strategies for implementing the carrier switch are also explored.  相似文献   

互联网技术的不断发展进步使得越来越多的消费者选择通过电子商务网站购买服装产品,消费者对网购有用性、网购易用性、网购风险规避和服务质量等提出了更高的要求。本文以技术接受模型为理论模型,加入网络交易成本作为调节变量,对原模型加以改进,验证了网络交易成本在变量感知网上购买服装产品有用性、感知网上购买服装产品易用性、感知网上购买服装产品存在风险、感知网上购买服装产品的服务质量与消费者网上购买服装产品意愿的关系中具有显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

Live streaming shopping, as a novel sales channel, has caught much attention from researchers and practitioners. Its unique features, such as the commission rate, fixed fee and number of followers of the live streamer, appear different from traditional wholesale-contract sales channels. But few studies have examined the impact of these factors on manufacturers’ opening live streaming shopping channel decisions. To address this gap, we develop game theoretic models to examine whether a manufacturer should hire a live streamer to open a live streaming shopping channel on an e-commerce platform where the manufacturer's direct channel and third-party e-retailer co-exist. We consider the impact of the commission rate, fixed fee and number of followers of the live streamer on the operating decisions and profits of the manufacturer and e-retailer. Then we identify the threshold-conditions where the manufacturer and e-retailer are better off or worse off by opening a live streaming shopping channel. We show that opening a live streaming shopping channel may hurt or harm the manufacturer's profit, depending on the interaction of above three factors. The manufacturer may be willing to open a live streaming shopping channel when the commission rate and fixed fee are both small, or when the commission rate and number of followers are both large and the fixed fee is small. The e-retailer could also benefit from opening a live streaming shopping channel. These insights appear novel in the literature. We further show that opening a live streaming shopping channel could improve the consumer surplus. We extend our model to price competition to verify our main conclusions. These insights may help manufacturers decide whether or not to open live streaming shopping channels and help manufacturers and extant retailers develop optimal operating decisions and improve profits when participating in live streaming shopping.  相似文献   

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