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普天万向物流技术股份有限公司是国内规模较大的物流技术和装备专业企业,在分拣技术领域具有较强的实力。早在1972年,其前身——贵阳普天通信机械厂就研制出我国第一台分拣设备。目前,普天万向公司是科技部批准的我国分拣技术的技术依托单位,分拣系统共有8大类、20多个系列,并全部拥有自主知识产权,其中,烟草分拣关键技术——高效出烟方法等一批技术获国家发明专利。凭借30多年从事物流规划设计、物流信息管理和物流系统集成的丰富经验,普天万向为烟草、图书、医药、邮政、民航海关等行业领域的数百家大中型企业提供了完整的物流系统解决方案。作为公司主管技术和营销工作的副总经理,赵汝雄有18年的物流系统规划设计、研发和工程实施经验,对行业的特点和需求以及行业物流发展走向和技术发展方向有有较深刻的认识。 相似文献
贵阳普天物流技术股份有限公司(以下简称“贵阳普天”)是中国普天信息产业集团公司的理事成员,主要提供物流成套设备、相关解决方案及系统集成服务。近年来,贵阳普天以市场调研和行业预测为基础,加大了科技开发力度,先后自主开发出智能推挂系统、物件传输快速处理系统、立体停车库、图书销退系统、塔式分拣机等一系列物流行业新产品,部分产品的技术参数达到国际先进水平。特别是在物流中心的分拣系统方面,贵阳普天以邮政行业为基础,目前已将业务范围扩展到商业、民航、图书、食品、烟草、医药、铁路等行业,开发了“高效出烟法”等一系列技术发明专利,其图书物流分拣系统(如带式分拣、电子标签辅助拣选、RF拣选系统等)已成功应用到出版社物流、新华书店物流和图书第三方物流等多个领域。 相似文献
行业发展状况 同国外一样,我国最早研制和使用分拣设备也是在邮政行业,只是比国外约晚20年左右。邮电二所(现归属邮政科学规划院)、邮电三所(现国家邮政局上海研究所)、邮电539厂(现普天万向物流技术股份有限公司)、苏州轻工机械厂等是我国较早研制分拣设备的单位。 相似文献
11月2日,斗山工程机械(中国)有限公司在苏卅l举行了“感恩中国感动如一——2007年斗山叉车交流会”。中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会秘书长苏恩一先生、韩国Doosan InfracoreCPS负责人黄海淡先生、斗山工程机械(中国)有限公司叉车事业负责人南容大先生与斗山叉车用户等百余人参加了此次交流会。与会嘉宾深切地感受到了斗山公司对中国社会及各界人士浓厚的感恩之情。 相似文献
行李分拣系统的设计是机场行李处理系统设计的关键,在规划建设过程中,要结合机场的定位、投资、运营特点等方面进行综合考虑. 相似文献
We formulate a microeconomic model of the dual-track price system for households and use it to analyze ‘transitional policy’ reforms, i.e., a rise in the plan-track price and a reduction in the plan-track quantity. Each of these reforms has a negative effect on the market price, but a positive effect on the weighted average price (CPI). Under fairly mild assumptions, if households are heterogeneous and resale of goods can occur, transitional policy reform creates losers (state employees) as well as winners (non-state employees). Thus, although the transition from central planning to DTP potentially occurs with no losers, further reform is painful for some. 相似文献
This article discusses changes in approach to the study of business relationships, and sees the paradigm concept as constituting an inadequate basis for describing gradually evolving changes in the perception of business. The frequent references to paradigms appear to focus more on state aspects than on change aspects of theory building. The article attempts to trace some of the changes in the perception of markets preceding the emergence of network theories, and relates the presence of an interactional approach to business studies to the concept of problem shifts (Lakatos). The development of interactional approaches in marketing is seen as representing a shift away from theory building commonly found in economics and organizational theory. Changes in the approach to the study of business relationships are interpreted as theoretical or empirical problem shifts, and are thus related to the a priori and a posteriori relevance of the continual evolution of alternative business theories. The article explores some of the epistemological relevance of the network theories to the study of market relationships, and the potential impact on continual changes in approach to the study of markets. 相似文献
Many marketers find their programmes fall victim to disinvestment, both financial and psychological. While most marketers are avid students of consumer psychology, they tend to overlook the dynamics of organisational psychology, just as the literature on market orientation often fails to emphasise the organisational identity politics and power struggles that frustrate marketing. Discussions of market orientation focus on leadership and team‐building issues, favouring highly visible cases of organisational success at the expense of analysing common factors in marketing failure, many of them grounded in organisational psychology. Allied with knowledge of organisational epistemology, market research can be used as a critical resource in marketers' internal marketing programmes to strengthen market orientation. Ongoing collaborative market research can build positive organisational alliances that contribute to the internal support needed to sustain a successful marketing programme. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications 相似文献
No one can find friends by sitting at home, and no relationship can develop without plenty of interaction between the people involved. However, charities with large numbers of donors and volunteers cannot be expected to have day-to-day contact with more than a handful of their key supporters. This paper illustrates how market research can be used by charities as the conduit between charities and their supporters — not only to show how the relationship between the two sides can be developed to best effect, but also to identify the most appropriate target groups to find new support. 相似文献
中国物流技术协会信息中心 《物流技术与应用》2011,16(4):80-82
随着智能电网和物联网的发展与落实,电力行业应用物流系统集成将迎来新的发展,并将成为物流系统集成市场新的盈利增长点. 相似文献
目前我国立法部门正在进行<证券法>、<公司法>等有关法律的修改,重点是如何保护中小投资者的利益、如何规范做空机制、如何完善民事诉讼制度以及如何增强<公司法>的创造性、竞争性与可操作性等方面.在<证券法>、<公司法>修订出台之前,笔者就会计信息披露的规范问题谈一些自己的看法. 相似文献