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This article reviews recent developments in macroeconomic theoryand considers their relevance for developing countries. Particularemphasis is given to the rational expectations revolution. Thearticle asks whether government policies are systematic andsuggests the need to study the expectations on which governmentsbase their decisions. Also discussed are the neo-Ricardian theorem,the implications of real wage rigidity and of supply side modelswith sectoral income effects, and recent models involving largegroup interaction.   相似文献   

The short-run adjustment problem in developing countries involvesboth the improvement of the current account and the reductionof inflation. In both cases, the usual reason for adjustmentis shown to be the fiscal deficit. The article distinguishesprimary adjustment costs, which are inevitable, from secondarycosts, which result, for example, from failure to devalue orfrom real wage rigidity. The article then analyzes the effectsof expenditure reduction and currency devaluation on varioussectors of the economy. Reducing inflation involves both aninflation tax replacement and a price adjustment problem, and"heterodox" policies designed to deal with the latter are discussed.If the fiscal deficit cannot be reduced, the article argues,improving the current account may be at the cost of increasinginflation and likewise reducing inflation may be at the costof worsening the current account.   相似文献   

The article focuses on the design of stabilization measuresto correct excessive balance of payments deficits and moderatethe rate of inflation. It distinguishes three sources of balanceof payments difficulties—excessively expansionary aggregatedemand policies; domestic supply shocks stemming, for example,from increases in real wages in excess of productivity growth;and external terms of trade shocks. It also analyzes the effectsof devaluations. The second part of the article discusses policiesaimed at reducing the rate of inflation and summarizes the theoreticalliterature on the dynamics and the transitional costs of adjustmentto lower rates of inflation in closed economies. Evidence onthe adjustment costs of disinflationary policies is reviewed,and the discussion is extended to some recent analysis of adjustmentin open economies.   相似文献   

How is the attempt of the European Community (EC) to createa single market going to affect the developing countries? Thisarticle argues that the net direct effects of EC-92 may be rathersmall: the trade creation and trade diversion effects broughtabout by the program may cancel each other out, with few repercussionsfor the developing countries as a group. The expected changesin trade flows arising from relatively small changes in nominalprices and aggregate incomes, the changes in market structure,the removal of internal barriers, and a predicted 5 percentincrease in EC output may be important to European policymakers,but they are rather remote from the developing countries. The threat of EC-92 to the developing countries lies elsewhere:from diversion of investment from those countries to the ECand from the resurrection of protectionism by the EC, especiallyin the form of nontariff barriers, toward the outside world.   相似文献   

This article surveys the experiences of commodity-exportingcountries faced with resource discoveries and widely fluctuatingworld prices. Favorable developments of the commodity exportmarket often prove to be a mixed blessing, as poor boom managementleads to major internal and external economic imbalances. Manydeveloping countries overconsume during boom periods. More oftenthan not, the unsustainable increases in spending are initiatedby the public sector. When the boom ends, tardiness in decreasinggovernment spending and in increasing revenues from nonboomingsectors creates fiscal deficits and monetary control problems. In the 1970s many booming economies allowed regulated pricestructures, and particularly exchange rates, to deviate substantiallyfrom free market levels, discouraging efficient resource allocationand greatly compounding the problems of adjustment to subsequentdrops in export prices. Countries that managed booms well weretypically those that (a) did not allow fiscal variables, exchangerates, agricultural producer prices, and wages to get badlyout of line, (b) avoided indulging in wasteful and inefficientinvestment or investment that involved burdensome recurrentcosts, (c) limited increases in government spending to levelsconsistent with long–term trends in revenue collection,and (d) maintained prudent external borrowing and foreign exchangereserve policies.   相似文献   

Dual exchange rates and black markets for foreign exchange arecommon in developing countries, and a body of evidence is beginningto emerge on the effects that such parallel foreign exchangesystems have on macro-economic performance. This article presentsa simple typology of parallel systems, discusses their emergence,and looks at why countries prefer these arrangements to themain alternatives. The article examines the ability of parallelmarkets to insulate international reserves and domestic pricesfrom shocks to the balance of payments. Drawing on the findingsfrom eight detailed case studies, the authors discuss the determinationof the parallel premium in the short and long terms, the relationshipbetween the premium and illegal transactions, and the fiscaleffects of parallel rates. They compare the experiences of countriesthat have attempted to unify their foreign exchange marketsand discuss the implications for policy alternatives.   相似文献   

This article analyzes the theory of equilibrium real exchangerates and defines misalignment as a deviation of the real exchangerate (RER) from its equilibrium level. The role of macroeconomicpolicies is then analyzed under three alternative nominal exchangerate regimes: predetermined nominal exchange rates, floatingnominal rates, and dual or black market nominal exchange rates.This discussion points out how inconsistent macroeconomic policiesoften lead to real exchange rate misalignment. Corrective measures,including nominal devaluations and several alternative approaches,are then evaluated.   相似文献   

This paper presents new data on poverty, inequality, and growthin those developing countries of the world for which the requisitestatistics are available. Eco-nomic growth is found generallybut not always to reduce poverty. Growth, however, is foundto have very little to do with income inequality. Thus the "economiclaws" linking the rate of growth and the distribution of benefitsreceive only very tenuous empirical support here.   相似文献   

Although many countries have adopted freer trade regimes orare in the process of reforming quantitative restrictions, suchreforms are not without shortterm costs. Sudden removal of quantitativerestrictions can release a surge of demand for imports thatcan deplete foreign exchange reserves and force rapid adjustmentby domestic industries. Five methods to more gradually liberalizequantitative restrictions are discussed: raising quota ceilingsuntil they are non-binding; eliminating quotas product by product;converting quotas to equivalent tariffs and then reducing them;auctioning quota licenses; and converting quotas to tariff quotas,and then liberalizing these. The various instruments are evaluatedaccording to their implications for the adjustment period, forgovernment revenue, for the balance of payments, and for theextent to which they are likely to produce political disruptions.   相似文献   

The reallocation of resources, either across sectors or acrossproducers within a sector, can serve as a potential source ofproductivity growth. New research findings exploit comprehensivemicroeconomic data on the manufacturing sectors of Chile, Colombia,and Morocco to document resource shifts as producers enter,expand, contract, and exit operation. The micro-level adjustmentis substantial; between 25 and 30 percent of the total numberof manufacturing jobs turn over each year. In the short run,the productivity effects of this turnover are modest becausethe new plants that come on line are only slightly more productivethan the ones they replace—and both are typically small.In the longer term, however, the turnover generates more substantialincreases in productivity because the new firms that surviverecord substantial productivity gains in their early years.Moreover, firms that exit are typically on a downward productivityspiral and would probably have dragged down sectoral efficiencyfarther if they had continued in operation.   相似文献   

Although fiscal adjustment was urged on developing countriesduring the 1980s to lead them out of economic malaise, considerableuncertainty remains about the relations between fiscal policyand macroeconomic performance. To illustrate how financial markets,private spending, and the external sector react to fiscal policies,the behavior of holdings of money and public debt, private consumptionand investment, the trade balance, and the real exchange rateis modeled for a sample of ten developing countries. The studiesfind strong evidence that over the medium term, money financingof the deficit leads to higher inflation, while debt financingleads to higher real interest rates or increased repressionof financial markets, with the fiscal gains coming at increasinglyunfavorable terms. Consumers respond differently to conventionaltaxes, unconventional taxes (through inflation or interest andcredit controls), and debt financing, in ways that make fiscaladjustment the most effective means of increasing national saving.Private investment—but not private consumption—issensitive to the real interest rate, which rises under domesticborrowing to finance the deficit. Contrary to the popular presumption,in some countries private investment increases when public investmentdecreases. There is strong evidence that fiscal deficits spillover into external deficits, leading to appreciation of thereal exchange rate. Fiscal deficits and growth are self-reinforcing:good fiscal management preserves access to foreign lending andavoids the crowding out of private investment, while growthstabilizes the budget and improves the fiscal position. Thevirtuous circle of growth and good fiscal management is oneof the strongest arguments for a policy of low and stable fiscaldeficits.   相似文献   

This article provides a framework for appraising new financialinstruments and evaluating the extent to which they can helpalleviate problems of incomplete credit markets and contingentclaims markets in developing countries. Although the issuesinvolved apply to any new financial instrument, we give particularattention to commodity-linked securities because many developingcountries specialize in producing a handful of primary commoditiesand are therefore exposed to substantial commodity price risks.The article looks at the supply of, demand for, and pricingof commodity-linked securities and discusses some issues thataffect their use by developing countries: their special legalstatus as sovereign debt; their feasibility (since to becometruly effective they will require liquid secondary markets);and the construction of an optimal portfolio of external debtobligations. It also discusses the potential for new financialinstruments—particularly commodity-linked securities—asa tool for risk management in developing countries.   相似文献   

The MFA provides for bilateral quotas against textile and clothingexports from developing countries. Thus, although it is administeredunder the auspices of GATT, the MFA derogates two GATT principles:nondiscrimination and the avoidance of quantitative restrictions.The impact of the MFA on developing countries is examined inthe article. Four important short-term effects of the MFA onexporting developing countries are (a) the forgoing of exports,(b) the transfer of quota rents, (c) the shift to unrestrictedexporters, and (d) the upgrading of products. In the long termthe MFA discourages newcomers from becoming successful exportersof textile and clothing products. Although it also encouragesforeign investment in unrestricted developing countries, ingeneral the MFA is harmful to current and potential exportersof textiles and clothing in developing countries, and it benefitsdomestic producers of textiles and clothing in the importingindustrial countries.   相似文献   

Rapid growth in many developing-country cities is strainingthe capacity of their shelter delivery systems. Governmentshave chosen a variety of implicit and explicit policies to amelioratethese strains. However, these policies are not always consistentwith their objectives, often because of a lack of knowledgeof how housing markets actually work and how policies affectand are constrained by market behavior. This paper reviews recentresearch on housing market behavior in developing countries,including the demand for housing and the pattern of housinginvestment across countries, the financing of housing by low-incomehouseholds, and the willingness to pay for secure tenure. Commonhousing policies are then examined, including public housing,sites and services projects, and slum clearance versus upgrading.Rent controls, measures to improve the supply of finance andinfrastructure, and building codes and standards are also discussed.   相似文献   

A comprehensive macroeconomic adjustment program is expectedto have the following objectives: a sustainable current accountposition, a stable and high rate of economic growth that wouldallow for a steady rise in per capita consumption, a reducedrate of inflation, and a manageable level of foreign debt. Thepackage designed to meet these objectives would typically includepolicy measures that simultatenously restrain aggregate demandand increase the availability of resources. These policies maybe grouped as follows: demand-management policies, structuralpolicies, exchange rate policies, and external financing policies.This article describes how these policies can be expected toachieve the goal of macroeconomic adjustment. The focus is primarilyon the theoretical and empirical links between policy instrumentsand ultimate objectives. An examination of these links is necessarybefore issues of the appropriate mix of demand-management, structural,exchange rate, and external policies, and the sequencing ofthese policies in a program, can be properly addressed.   相似文献   

银行保险发展环境比较及我国银行保险业发展模式选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
温燕 《金融论坛》2001,(6):17-21,31
银行保险是金融服务业在日益激烈的竞争中走向全球化和一体化的产物.随着金融创新的发展、金融管制的放松以及国际金融业购并浪潮的兴起,出现了大批综合化金融服务集团.各国的银行和保险业纷纷突破原有界限,在混业经营趋势下彼此利用对方的销售网络和技术优势,展开了广泛、深入的合作乃至合并.但是银行保险业这种融合发展,在很大程度上还受到每个国家具体环境因素,如法规、金融、税收环境等的制约,于是呈现了不同的发展路径和水平.本文分别分析了上述环境因素对欧洲、北美、亚洲等不同国家银行保险业发展状况的影响,并以此探讨我国银行保险发展的条件,进而提出我国银行保险发展的对策思路.  相似文献   

Seven case studies—from Bolivia, Colombia, Indonesia,Mexico, Nicaragua, Taiwan (China), and Turkey—demonstratethe feasibility of conducting rigorous impact evaluations indeveloping countries using randomized control designs. Thisexperience, covering a wide variety of settings and social programs,offers lessons for task managers and policymakers interestedin evaluating social sector investments. The main conclusions are: first, policymakers interested inassessing the effectiveness of a project ought to consider arandomized control design because such evaluations not onlyare feasible but also yield the most robust results. Second,the acute resource constraints common in developing countriesthat often make program rationing unavoidable also present opportunitiesfor adopting randomized control designs. Policymakers and programmanagers need to be alert to the opportunities for buildingrandomized control designs into development programs right fromthe start of the project cycle because they, more than academicresearchers or evaluation experts, are in the best positionto ensure that opportunities for rigorous evaluations are exploited.   相似文献   

In recent years suggestions for reforming the provision andfinancing of infrastructure services in developing countrieshave focused on private participation. This alternative to publicfinancing is seen as a way both to minimize the inefficienciesof public administration and to avoid the need for externalborrowing. In fact, for much of the nineteenth century, infrastructureprojects were privately financed and built. This approach, however,did not obviate the need for government intervention and foreigncapital. Because of the difficulties of assessing projects,investors were reluctant to commit their funds, and governmentsturned to subsidies and loan guarantees to encourage investment.Often, however, government intervention only replaced one setof problems with another. Investors with government-guaranteedloans had no incentive to monitor the firm's performance—alimitation that led to the diversion of funds and frustratedthe public interest. This article draws out the implicationsof this experience for policymakers in developing countriestoday.   相似文献   

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