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上市公司并购是资本重新配置的重要方式,而并购动机对并购又有着显著的影响。文章在分析目前我国上市公司并购动机研究现状的基础上指出深化行为公司金融在我国研究的意义,进而从行为公司金融视角研究了投资者非理性行为导致股票误定价,以及管理者过度自信对公司并购活动的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用累计超额收益率和持有异常收益率法分别计算了并购企业短期与长期的股票收益,并据此分析这类企业承担社会责任是否能带来更多收益.结果发现,从短期来看,投资者在承担社会责任的企业并购宣布后5天内均能获得超额收益.特别是当并购企业是民营企业、进行非跨行业并购或采取股票支付方式时,承担社会责任均能显著提高股票收益.从长期来看,承担社会责任的企业在第3和第4年获得了显著正长期异常收益.此外,当承担社会责任的并.购企业是民营企业时能显著增加长期异常收益.  相似文献   

企业社会责任、投资者行为与股票流动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以企业社会责任相关理论和投资者行为理论为基础,从股票流动性的视角考察我国上市公司社会责任履行与投资者行为之间的关系。研究结果表明:上市公司社会贡献值与股票市场的买卖价差和换手率显著负相关,与股票的交易量、交易额显著正相关,说明上市公司履行社会责任对投资者的行为是有影响的,上市公司社会责任履行度越高,该公司的股票流动性越好,越易受到投资者的青睐。同时也间接地证明了企业追求股东利益最大化与履行社会责任是互相促进而不是相互矛盾的。  相似文献   

笔者从投资者交易行为视角,以2010年年报披露期内发布社会责任报告的384家上市公司为样本,检验了企业社会责任披露质量对买卖价差、换手率以及股票收益波动率的影响后发现:企业社会责任披露质量越高,买卖价差越低,而且投资者比较重视社会责任披露的整体性和内容性质量;企业社会责任信息披露质量、整体性质量、内容性质量以及技术性质量均与股票换手率呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

限售股流通与股价效应关系的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯玲 《技术经济》2008,27(9):98-104
本文运用事件研究法对限售股上市流通的股价效应进行了实证研究。研究结果袁明:限售股的上市流通带来负的股价效应;样本公司的特征及股票的交易特性显著影响股价效应;在累积超额收益率为正的样本中,累积超额收益率与净资产收益率负相关,与区间日均股票换手率、股票每股收益正相关;在累积超额收益率为负的样本中,累积超额收益率与IPO到限售流通股上市流通的时间、账面市值比、区间日均成交量负相关。  相似文献   

同美国市场投资者情绪与截面股票未来收益短期正相关、长期负相关的现象不同,中国A股市场两者之间短期内就呈现负相关特征。本文认为这主要与中国A股市场以个人投资者为主体且做空套利受限严重有关,因此与以机构投资者为主体的美国市场存在明显差别。考虑到A股独特的市场交易结构与投资者行为特征,本文提出非主力资金买卖不平衡指标(BSI),通过捕捉散户的资金流向实现对个股投资者情绪的测算。实证结果表明,股票组合收益率与非主力资金BSI指标存在明显的单调递减特征,且无法由通常衡量投资者情绪的换手率因子所解释,与换手率的市场异象也有显著差异,后者表现出换手率特别高的股票组合收益明显更低的非对称特征。本文的理论与实证也进一步指出,有限套利是A股市场投资者情绪异象的主要原因之一,在套利受限更为严重的股票组合中,投资者情绪与股票收益截面负相关的现象更为明显。同时,市场极端情绪和极度乐观情绪下的投资者情绪股价异象更为明显。  相似文献   

区别于国内以股票价格为对象揭示IPO股票特征的研究,文章以投资者为研究对象,研究中国IPO股票上市初期机构和个人投资者的交易行为差异。IPO交易研究是目前IPO研究的一个前沿领域。文章利用沪深股市2002年IPO股票的账户交易数据建立Logistic回归模型发现,中国IPO股票上市首日的高成交量与高换手率由投资者逐利行为造成;在上市后3日的交易中,个人投资者由于资金限制和信息获取能力不足等原因,对股票收益的判断能力明显弱于机构投资者,在交易中被机构投资者所利用。  相似文献   

笔者以2006年~2008年在深圳上市的1119家A股公司为样本,研究了机构投资者关注对上市公司股票流动性的影响。结果发现:机构投资者关注度高的公司股票的换手率高、交易量大,机构投资者关注对机构投资者持股比例低、流通市值小的公司影响更大。  相似文献   

张炜  刘方池 《当代经济》2007,(11):90-91
随着沪深两市成交屡创历史天量,股指一路攀升,中国内地股市迎来了1990年股市开市以来最大的牛市上涨行情.本文结合中国股市特定的现状,提出如今的全民炒股热潮孕育着一场非理性繁荣的质疑,采用股票市场典型的投资者非理性行为--从众行为来测度股市中是否存在非理性的投资行为,并且以突破万点的深成指包括的40只股票为样本股票,采用收益率离散度的方法进行回归分析检验以判断"散户时代"的中国股市是否存在从众行为的非理性因素,最后结合实证检验结果,分析全民炒股的热潮下非理性繁荣出现的原因和培养理性的投资者对理性繁荣的重要性.  相似文献   

逯东  付鹏  杨丹 《财经研究》2016,(2):73-84
文章实证检验了机构投资者是否存在通过管理媒体报道来获取超额收益的行为。研究发现:(1)媒体报道对股票价格的影响符合“注意力驱动效应”,即媒体报道数量与股票超额收益显著正相关;(2)机构投资者会利用媒体报道的这一效应来获取股票超额收益,即机构投资者存在利用媒体来制造信息噪音以引导市场热点的短期炒作行为,进而验证了“主动媒体管理”假说;(3)机构投资者的媒体管理行为会提高其所持有股票未来大幅下跌的可能性,即带来更大的股价崩盘风险。文章将机构投资者行为和媒体报道进行了有机结合,拓展了相关领域的研究文献,而且研究结论为进一步规范机构投资者行为和媒体报道提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of stock market fluctuations on money demand in Italy from a long‐run perspective. The money demand function estimated by Muscatelli and Spinelli (2000) for a long time span is utilized as a benchmark, adding to the specification information on share prices from the Milan Stock Exchange Reform of 1913 to recent years. For a shorter time period (1938–2003), annual observations on stock market capitalization and turnover velocity are also considered. The empirical findings suggest that stock market fluctuations help to explain temporary movements in liquidity preference, rather than its secular patterns. Overall, a positive association emerges between an index of stock market prices that includes dividends and real money balances; however, the estimated long‐run relationship is unstable. In a dynamic, short‐term specification of money demand, the estimated coefficient of deflated stock prices is positive, and therefore compatible with a wealth effect, in the years 1913–1980, while in the last two decades a substitution effect has prevailed and the correlation between money and share prices has been negative. This is likely to reflect a change in financial structure and the increasing role of opportunity costs defined over a wider range of assets. These results are confirmed by data on stock market capitalization. Moreover, in the recent period, stock market turnover and money growth are positively correlated .  相似文献   

This paper tests a composite empirical model of cross-border acquisitions involving UK firms between 1987–1995 using panel data analysis. The empirical model includes capital market variables and regulatory variables derived from the existing literature. The results show that models that explain cross-border acquisitions through capital market imperfections are not significant. Cross-border activity has a strong relationship with the level of the UK stock market suggesting that crossborder acquisitions are, in some part, an extension of domestic activity. Corporate tax differentials also have significant impact on activity.  相似文献   

王立文 《当代经济科学》2011,(5):99-108,128
论文基于2005—2009年中国A股上市公司年报数据的实证研究发现,当投资于发放现金股利的公司股票时,机构投资者持股比例与上市公司股票换手率、股票收益波动率、股价同步性等反映和衡量股票市场稳定性的三个渐次递进维度的指标都显著负相关;而当投资于不发放现金股利的公司股票时,机构投资者持股比例与衡量股票市场稳定性的指标显著正相关抑或不具有显著影响关系。这些结果表明上市公司的现金股利政策直接影响着机构投资者是选择长期的价值投资行为还是进行短期频繁的投机炒作,进而影响机构投资者稳定股票市场功能的有效发挥。论文的研究结论对于股票全流通时代发展机构投资者、引导投资者的长期价值投资行为以促进中国资本市场的健康稳定发展具有重要的启示和政策意义。  相似文献   

The primary function of a stock market is to allocate resources to the most profitable investment opportunities. If stock prices provide accurate signals for resource allocation, firms are able to make correct production–investment decisions, and investors are able to choose the most suitable stocks for investment. These choices are only possible if the market is efficient, that is, if stock prices ‘fully reflect’ all available information.

Hong Kong is now an international financial centre. Although Hong Kong's stock market is ranked as one of the five largest in the world in terms of turnover, little research has been devoted to the behaviour of its stock prices. This is a study of the efficiency of Hong Kong's stock market. It is based upon two widely accepted statistical tests, namely, serial correlation analysis and runs tests. Data used cover the daily prices of 28 major Hong Kong stocks over a period of four years from 1977 to 1980. The evidence is mixed; it does not provide clear support for the efficient market hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stock market reaction to announcements that utilities are converting to utility holding companies. There are negative abnormal returns associated with these announcements. Holding companies permit these utilities to diversify beyond the utility industry, and the announcements of their formation may signal the market of their intentions to diversify. The negative abnormal returns associated with these announcements and the negative abnormal returns associated with subsequent announcements of acquisitions are consistent with other research showing that diversifying bidders lose more (or gain less) than non-diversifying bidders.  相似文献   

This paper studies the correlation between output growth and lagged stock returns in a panel of emerging market economies and advanced economies. It finds that the proportion of countries in which this correlation is significant is the same for emerging market economies as it is for advanced economies using yearly data, and somewhat lower using quarterly data. Asset prices therefore seem to contain valuable information to forecast output also in emerging market economies. Moreover, the paper finds that the strength of the correlation between output growth and lagged stock returns is significantly related to a number of stock market characteristics, such as a high market capitalization to GDP ratio and, less robustly, English legal origin and the number of listed domestic companies and initial public offerings.  相似文献   

In the first step, the research analyzes the different European waves of mergers and acquisitions and the restructuring market characteristics. It is followed by a study of such corporate restructuring methods as divestitures, spin-offs, split-ups, split-offs, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), and equity carveouts, paying special attention to corporate mergers and acquisitions, the different types and their diversity of targets. The European situation regarding mergers and acquisitions, their different characteristics, and the way to do them are studied in the tables.  相似文献   

股票市场正相关影响通货膨胀的路径分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
股票市场与通货膨胀的变动关系主要有四种:通货膨胀正相关影响股市;通货膨胀负相关影响股市;股市负相关影响通货膨胀;股市正相关影响通货膨胀。之前对于两者的变动研究得出的结论主要是负相关。1992—2008年中国股票市场与通货膨胀的数据显示,06年以前二者在趋势上基本呈负相关。但是,06年至今两者呈现出了滞后正相关的变动关系,并且是CPI滞后于股票市场同向波动。本文通过对股票市场参与结构的历史比较,总结出了股票市场正相关影响通货膨胀的路径。  相似文献   

陈煦江  刘婷婷 《技术经济》2021,40(6):140-148
本文以2014—2017年沪深股市11个行业的上市公司为样本,对企业社会责任管理能力、实践能力及其协同作用对公司绩效(财务绩效与市场绩效)的影响进行了理论分析与实证检验.通过固定效应模型分析发现:企业社会责任管理能力对财务绩效具有显著的负向影响且具有滞后性,但与市场绩效不相关;企业社会责任实践能力与财务绩效存在当期正相关和滞后负相关关系,并与市场绩效负相关;企业社会责任管理与实践能力对财务绩效与市场绩效均具有长期协同促进作用.研究结论为我国上市公司协同推进社会责任管理与实践提供了经验证据.  相似文献   

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