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Based on a graphical and statistical analysis of 1993 survey data, this article shows that educational inequalities among black school-age children were substantial and systematically associated with socio-economic status. Children of more affluent, better educated and metropolitan parents progressed better in schools, thus attaining higher levels of education, and also outperformed others who had progressed as far in terms of cognitive outcomes (measured by literacy and numeracy test scores). Thus, educational inequalities may become enduring, as the ability to benefit from education is usually transmitted across generations (better educated individuals obtain better jobs, and their children are again better educated). The abysmal educational quality of the largest part of the school system therefore has to be improved drastically, to allow poor children to overcome their socio-economic deficits and to benefit from education.  相似文献   

This paper explores gender differences in intergenerational patterns of education attainment in China. Using the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) survey for 2016, we find that intergenerational ‘persistence’, as reflected in high regression and correlation coefficients between an individual's and their parents' education levels, is higher for females than males for the entire sample and for each of four age cohorts. This result stems primarily from the relative lack of upward mobility among females from families with low levels of education, as confirmed by a series of educational mobility matrices and a multinomial logistic regression analysis. The results offer novel insights into gender differences in the unequal transmission of education across generations, with significant implications for gender inequality more broadly in Chinese society.  相似文献   

We examine the persistence of socioeconomic status across generations, measured by educational attainment, among urban Chinese born between 1930 and 1985. The persistence of status follows a pronounced, robust U-shaped pattern, falling among cohorts educated following the Communist revolution of 1949, and rising among cohorts educated following the reforms of the late 1970s. The pattern is not driven by the Cultural Revolution or by changing associations between education and income. The U-shape also appears in complementary datasets covering rural China. We discuss the policies behind a non-monotonic relationship between educational expansion and social mobility across the institutional regimes we study.  相似文献   

This study examines how perceptions of shifts in the U.S. political economy such as those associated with the Great Migration(s), the Civil Rights Movement, and various housing policies influenced the lives of three generations of African American families and children. This study looks at the experiences of families living in Chicago, Illinois who participated in the Gautreaux Assisted Housing Program, which was a direct result of the Civil Rights Movement. A qualitative analysis is employed that analyzes the perceptions of Gautreaux participants (N?=?25) about how changes in the U.S. political economy affect their life course development and the life courses of their parents (N?=?50) and children (N?=?72). Added to the perceptions of Gautreaux participants is an intergenerational analysis of educational achievement and occupational attainment in the context of a changing U.S. political economy from the Jim Crow era to the post-Civil Rights era. The findings suggest that in many cases participants perceived expanding opportunities but also recognized the persistence of structural constraints. They identified several structural changes that they believed influenced their families’ educational and occupational opportunities: industrial jobs in the North, civil rights protests by African Americans against employment and housing discrimination (and the resulting policies like “affirmative action”), as well as increased government funding for job training and education. The intergenerational analysis of educational and occupational achievement revealed that each Gautreaux generation has higher rates of college attendance and post-high school training, as well as a greater range of occupations. I argue that the interplay between changing structural forces and bundled acts of resistance over the three generations created pathways that significantly improved life course development within and across the generations.  相似文献   

俄罗斯是世界音乐强国,有着世界一流的音乐人才,全民音乐素质也非常高,这与俄罗斯的音乐教育政策和合理音乐教育体系是密不可分的。俄罗斯现代音乐教育体系中,学前音乐教育、学校音乐教育、校外音乐教育和专业音乐教育各有特点,并且不可替代,它们相互结合,成为一个有机的整体,使俄罗斯音乐教育走在世界最前沿,这一完整的音乐教育体系对我国以及世界音乐教育的发展起着极其重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

实现教育公平是构建和谐社会的基石,实现教育公平既是目标又是过程,需要强调教育的均衡发展,合理配置教育资源,深化教育改革。本文旨在从教育公平的发展意义、国外的教育公平、我国教育公平的成就和问题以及促进我国教育公平发展的对策四个方面,分析如何正确认识教育领域存在的不公平问题,以便更好的实现我国教育的和谐发展。  相似文献   

学界对于现代教育的界定说法不一,但多数学者认为现代教育的基本特征是培养全面发展的人、教育与生产劳动相结合、科学精神与人文精神相结合、教育的民主化等。传统的教师角色如果不改变已经不能适应现代教育的要求。因此,现代教育下的教师角色应重新定位。  相似文献   

从财政性教育投资占GDP的比重、教育投资的层级结构分析和政府教育经费占政府支出比率等角度考察了台湾地区教育经费投资的现状。同时,根据时间序列动态均衡关系分析方法,运用协整理论、误差修正模型等计量分析工具,对1981—2011年台湾地区教育投资与经济增长的关系进行实证研究。结果表明:台湾地区教育投资与经济增长之间具有长期正向的动态均衡关系,教育投资对经济增长具有较强的拉动作用。  相似文献   

学校体育随着社会经济的发展和教育目的的不断变化,与之相对应的教育内容和教育方法也应随之变化。在实施素质教育的今天,如何在体育教学中对学生进行体育欣赏教育就成了摆在学校体育教育工作者面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

In this paper we use human capital theory to follow the links from educational attainment to civic engagement, and to other pro-social behaviors such as charitable giving and volunteering, and in so doing we offer a cautionary explanation for observed racial differences in civic participation, giving, and volunteering. Our argument is that when, in a racialized society such as the U.S., the costs and benefits of education differ by race, and when innate ability is an unmeasured source of heterogeneity across individuals, controlling for educational attainment and not for ability will create spurious race effects in empirical studies of behaviors that depend on both education and ability. Because (1) blacks at any level of educational attainment are predicted to be of higher average ability than equally educated whites and (2) higher ability is associated with higher levels of civic participation, a regression of civic participation on educational attainment and race will produce a positive coefficient on the dummy variable that takes on a value of one if the subject is African American. Using data from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, we find strong support for the interpretation of race effects as spurious artifacts of having included data on educational attainment without measures of innate ability.  相似文献   

文章在对学费的内涵进行全面界定的基础上,探讨了学习主体交纳的学费与教育公平与效益之间的矛盾。笔者认为依据社会经济发展的需求建立知识体系和学历结构,建立现代化的社会教育体系,提高教育效益和合理分配有限教育资源,实施有偿教育以维持教育供求平衡是协调这一矛盾的有效  相似文献   

文章利用1997-2011年30个省级行政区的面板数据,估计了地区收入水平、经济总量、教育存量以及政府教育投入对该地区教育获得分布的影响。研究发现,在控制了时间趋势和难以观测的地区特征的影响后,人均收入的增加会扩大教育差距,而经济总量的增长以及地方政府教育经费支出的增加都有利于降低教育不平等。此外,文章还发现,教育存量与教育不平等之间存在U型关系,即当平均受教育水平低于10年时,教育差距会随着平均受教育水平的提高而减少,但超过这一临界水平后,教育差距就会随着教育水平的提高而扩大。研究结果为政府制定提高教育公平的政策提供了经验依据。  相似文献   

余瑞  黄涛 《科技和产业》2024,24(8):9-14
为探讨人才成长过程中教育环境所发挥的作用,运用履历分析法对湖北省81位院士群体的教育环境进行解读和分析,揭示其不同教育阶段的成长特征:除了自身努力,扎实的基础教育、多元复合的高等教育、自由开明的家庭教育、优秀导师的培育等均对人才成长起着关键作用。由此提出培养和造就科技领军人才的对策,即发挥基础教育奠基作用,充分释放科技人才潜力;发挥高等学校优势作用,全面提升科技人才培养质量;确保稳定坚实的家庭环境支撑,营造自由开明的家庭氛围;注重师承效应的发挥,加强科技创新团队建设。  相似文献   

房磊 《科技和产业》2024,24(11):109-122
我国人口规模与教育资源配置形成了恶性循环。以社会宏观动力学为分析框架, 基于2000—2019年面板数据,采用Vensim PLE软件,构建人口规模与教育资源配置互动机制系统动力学模型。研究表明:2024年开始,人口规模下降速度将逐年加快,教育市场将出现结构性萎缩,教育资源投入总量和速度将提高;人口规模对生产水平敏感;教育资源市场配置对人口增速、权力巩固程度、权力中心化程度、物力教育资源敏感。基于研究结论,提出两者良性互动的调适策略:保持经济高质量发展,降低生育养育成本;将生育权还给家庭,全面放开生育;巩固“双减”政策成效,引导教育需求;降低权力中心化程度,利用教育市场优势;加大教育资源投入,促进优质教育资源均衡。  相似文献   

张何平 《魅力中国》2011,(14):251-251,239
作为近年来颇受青睐的教育研究新方向,教育叙事研究根植于日常的教育教学生活实践,为教师专业发展开创出良好的前景。本文通过探讨教育叙事研究的内涵进而说明其对教师专业发展的重要性,并针对教师专业发展的困难,初步探讨如何在教师专业发展中推行教育叙事研究。  相似文献   

A traditional education system, based on the Confucian classics, was a pillar of imperial China's social structure for centuries, preparing elites for a series of highly competitive exams conferring gentry status and civil service positions. Reformers in late imperial China called for the modernization of educational institutions, seeing in Western education the skills necessary to develop China's economy. In the late 19th century, the traditional education system was joined by a “modern”, Western track, which offered teaching in science, math, social science, law, and engineering. In this paper, early 20th century employee records from the Tianjin-Pukou Railroad are analyzed to identify differences in labor market outcomes associated with study in the traditional and modern educational systems. The employee records reveal that modern and traditional education were both associated with wage premiums, but that these were significantly larger for individuals trained at high levels in the modern system, especially those trained in engineering. Individuals trained in the traditional system worked disproportionately in the clerical department of the railroad, while those with modern education were more often in managerial and technical roles. Qualitative and quantitative evidence suggests that these results are not driven by sorting into educational institutions according to ability. These findings indicate that beyond years of schooling, the content of schooling can play an important role in the process of economic development.  相似文献   

《庄子》一书蕴涵着极其丰富的教育思想,它以其深邃的智慧、独特的语言方式潜移默化地发散其教育功能,并形成了与儒家教育相对应的独特的教育思想。庄子充分尊重人的个性,提倡对受教育者进行个性化的教育,强调教育者本身的道德自律,高度重视教育的人性化内涵,例如辩证施教,德育唯上等等,这些重要思想,对解决过分强调竞争、成绩唯一、功利唯上等现代教育存在的问题具有救弊施治的积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

The impact of the brain drain on the educational systems of the countries of origin is examined, with particular reference to governmental decisions concerning education subsidies and the market for educational services. Two hypothetical cases are considered, one in which governments increase expenditures for education in the presence of a widespread brain drain, the other in which they decrease such expenditures.  相似文献   

教育价值观是教育价值主体对教育价值的一种看法或观点,教育价值观是一种主体性的选择,但其正伪只能由教育实践来检验。  相似文献   

The widening gap between the average educational achievementof boys and girls has been the subject of much discussion. Thisgap is especially controversial for students taking nationalexams at the end of their compulsory education. However, thegender gap is also apparent at earlier and at later stages ofeducation. In this paper, we analyse changes over time in thegender achievement gap at the different stages of compulsoryeducation in English schools. We first use a combination ofdata sources to paint a picture of how gender gaps have evolvedover time and in what context they are most marked. Then weconsider possible explanations for the observed gender gaps.We look at the relevance of school inputs, teaching practice,and the examination system for explaining the gender gap. Wealso discuss the potential influence of wider social and economicchanges as reflected, for example, in the much higher educationlevels of mothers relative to those of previous generations.Analysis of this issue is important in the context of researchon the gender wage gap. However, it is also raises policy-relevantissues in relation to whether changes in the school system caneffect a change in the gender gap in educational achievement. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: s.machin{at}ucl.ac.uk, s.mcnally1{at}lse.ac.uk  相似文献   

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