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世界紫菜消费大国日本长期对紫菜产品进口实施配额管理,对其进口施加数量和原地限制。2004年12月1日,韩国政府向世贸组织贸易争端解决机构申诉与日本就紫菜配额管理进行磋商。韩日两国分别于2004年12月23日和2005年1月21日进行了磋商,但均以失败告终。随后,韩国依照《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》(DSU)有关规定,于2005年2月7日正式上诉世界贸易组织贸易争端解决机构,理由是日本实施的紫菜进口配额制度违反了日本按照1994年关税与贸易协定(GATT1994)、农业协定和进口许可程序协定的规定所承担的义务,  相似文献   

一、多边原则。世贸组织成员承诺 ,不针对其认为违反贸易规则的事件采取单边行动 ,而诉诸多边争端解决制度 ,并遵守其规则与裁决。二、统一程序原则。该机制规定了统一的争端解决程序。三、协商解决争端原则。一般情况下 ,如果一方向另一方提出磋商的要求 ,接到要求的一方应该在1 0天内给予答复 ,并在 30天之内进入磋商程序 ,以达成双方满意的结果。四、自愿调解与仲裁原则。世贸组织争端解决机制中的调解程序名为“斡旋、调解和调停”。斡旋是第三方以各种方式以促成当事方进行谈判的行为 ;而调停则是以第三方的中立身份直接参予有关当事方…  相似文献   

美国棉花补贴所引起的WTO贸易争端及启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
20 0 4年 6月 1 8日 ,WTO争端解决机构裁定美国棉花补贴违反了WTO规则。起诉方巴西对美国棉花补贴违背WTO规则的大部分主张被判成立。了解这次贸易争端的前因后果 ,不仅有助于更好地理解WTO规则 ,更好地制定新一轮谈判中的重要规则 ,对于有理有力地回应一些WTO成员对我国棉花补贴的指控 ,也有非常重要的参考价值。本文对本次贸易争端的基本情况、特点、具体内容等进行分析 ,并提出有关启示  相似文献   

2019年2月世界贸易组织(WTO)发布美国诉中国农业国内支持争端案件(DS511)的审查结论,裁定中国在2012—2015年对部分粮食产品如小麦和水稻的国内支持违背其入世承诺。由于WTO农业协议涉及国内支持测算的条文规定之间自身就存在实质性冲突。因此,相较于审查结论中所谓的"谁输谁赢",透过此次争端事件厘清国内支持文本规定的争议点,确认WTO关于模糊性规定的解读则显得更为重要。本文基于农业协议国内支持规则可能的文本解释,分析了国内支持计算方式中可能存在的争议点、文本依据的优先序和一致性等问题,具体剖析中美农业国内支持争端中的关键分歧及各自主张,并进一步研究裁决报告对于关键分歧的审查依据、审查结论及其中可争辩之处。基于研究结论,本文提出中国农业国内支持政策的后期调整、适应国际规则约束以及参与国际规则谈判与制定的可能策略选择。  相似文献   

WT0争端解决机制是保障国际贸易规则被WT0成员方相对普遍遵守的重要原则,也是保障WTO得以顺利运行的支柱之一。其对世界贸易组织乃至世界经济发展贡献有目共睹。正确认识和了解WTO争端解决机制的程序及其主要特点,对我国更好地参与竞争和防范风险有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

能源合作是促进上合组织经贸合作的突破口和重点。合作可能产生纠纷,中俄石油管道线路案即是典型。为保障成员国间的能源合作顺利进行,有必要在上合组织框架下建构能源合作争端解决机制。为此,本文在考察该案基础上,对其进行法律解读。进一步考察现有的国际能源争端解决机制,认为上合组织能源合作争端解决机制的建构应借鉴吸收NAFTA、CAFTA、ECT相关规定。  相似文献   

转基因农产品国际贸易争端的法律规则背景及解决机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各国基于对转基因农产品安全性的考虑采取了谨慎又有所区别的贸易管制措施。多边环境条约《生物安全议定书》支持对转基因农产品实施贸易措施,WTO有关协议中的规定是贸易措施的约束条件,它对风险预防、科学证据充分等规定和解释与《生物安全议定书》存在差距。通过对文本和案例分析发现,这些约束和差距导致冲突发生。分析表明WTO争端解决机制将可能处理转基因农产品国际贸易争端,使实施环境贸易措施的缔约方受到压力。为有效解决转基因农产品国际贸易争端,需要在贸易体制中渗透环境因素,逐步提高多边环境条约地位,最终达成贸易与环境体制的平等协调共存。  相似文献   

在"一带一路"背景下,沿线国家大力推广PPP模式,究其原因无外乎此种模式既能弥补"一带一路"沿线国家资金缺口,缓解政府财政压力,又能提高沿线国家基础设施的建设和运营效率,拉动沿线国家经济增长,解决项目所在国劳动力就业难题;同时为包括中国企业在内的国内和国际社会资本提供投资新机遇,最终提升全球资本配置效率。PPP模式的优点不言而喻,但争端也在所难免。究其原因即为沿线国家独特的经济、政治、文化特点及对本国国家安全的考虑。然而,当前的单一性争端解决机制和多元兼容性争端解决机制因为相关条约和法规制定滞后、双边和多边合作法律机制欠缺、国际司法合作交流机制缺失而没能发挥出应有的作用,亟待良性的改进。因此建立更为健全、高效的争端解决机制成为了沿线各国的共同目标。  相似文献   

2019年2月以来,巴西、澳大利亚、危地马拉三国分别就印度对甘蔗和食糖的国内支持超出入世承诺向WTO争端解决机构发起了诉讼。目前这三起案件正在等待WTO争端解决机构的裁决。三起案件争议的焦点在于对《农业协定》国内支持规则,尤其是市场价格支持(MPS)计算方法中关键变量的选取口径与取值范围存在不同的主张。文章在回顾这些案件的背景与进展的基础上,对相关争议点进行系统梳理,并结合有关数据就相关争议点对于案件裁决结果的影响进行量化比较与辨析。基于研究结论,进一步探讨了这些案件对于中国农业国内支持政策改革完善及参与国际规则谈判的相关启示和建议。  相似文献   

SPS协议,即WTO《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协议》的简称。在该协议中,基于科学依据基础之上的风险评估具有基础性的地位。根据该协议第5条第1款和第2款的规定,成员采取任何SPS措施必须基于风险评估。所以,风险评估是采取SPS措施的重要依据。而在实践中,从WTO争端解决机制已有的涉及SPS措施的案件来看,  相似文献   

This article examines the agricultural policies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) through the prism of the disciplines on agricultural domestic support in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Although the BRIC are often grouped collectively as an emerging force in the world economy, divergent agricultural interests are reflected in different approaches towards agricultural policy both through international dispute settlement and notification of their own support. We examine the support notified to the WTO for verification of compliance with their legal commitments, which under the complex WTO rules often differs significantly from measurement of support in economic terms. We note the resulting difficulties of these disciplines in establishing limits on trade‐distorting support. Implications of a Doha agreement are examined. Although the prospect of adoption of new Doha disciplines has become remote, the negotiated provisions are informative about the future policy space the BRIC sought to maintain. Russia’s domestic support commitments under its 2012 WTO accession extend the international disciplines but share the complexity of the other cases.  相似文献   

WTO rules on state trading operating through provisions on state trading (Article XVII) and on tariff bindings (Article II) discipline import protection in line with countries' tariff bindings as long as sufficient information is available to monitor the behavior of state trading enterprises. China's economic reforms have left state trading a minor part of its trade regime overall, although it applies to trade in important agricultural commodities, and oil. China's commitments in its WTO accession package will make policy much more transparent and allow China to develop a highly efficient agricultural sector. This policy stance also highlights the pressing need for improved policies to counter rural poverty.  相似文献   

Article XVII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is the main World Trade Organization (WTO) vehicle for regulating trade-distorting policies implemented through state trading enterprises (STEs). The effectiveness of Article XVII depends on how WTO dispute panels and the Appellate Body interpret the provisions. This study examines the 2003 WTO trade dispute case between the United States and Canada over Canadian grain imports and the practices of the Canadian Wheat Board, an export STE. We conclude that the WTO panel and Appellate Body rationales for their findings demonstrate that Article XVII needs substantial revision for the WTO to discipline STE trade-distorting practices.  相似文献   

We explain the interplay of law and economics in the successful WTO challenge by Canada of U.S. mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) measures for beef and pork, which hinged on origin of livestock used in U.S. meat production. Canada mounted a successful legal and economic strategy to convince WTO adjudicating bodies that the United States had violated specific WTO provisions. Canada's economic evidence shows that through costs of segregation the COOL measure harmed the competitive position of Canadian cattle and hogs in the U.S. market. Economic evidence was built into the strategy and cited by the WTO Panels in support of their legal findings that the COOL measure violated U.S. obligations under WTO agreements. Canada was awarded rights to more than one billion Canadian dollars in retaliation and the United States responded by eliminating the offending COOL measure. The COOL case demonstrates how economic and econometric evidence can be used in complex dispute settlement proceedings dealing with technical trade barriers. Economics is especially valuable in the initial stage of framing the effects at issue, in the intermediate stages of documenting empirical causation and in the final stage of litigation, which was to calculate and defend the amount of retaliation.  相似文献   

Terroir, the concept of an essential link between location of production and a specific quality attribute, is emerging as a contentious issue in trade negotiations and disputes. This issue is manifest through disputes and disagreements about appropriate protection of ‘geographical indications’ (GIs). This paper explores the differences in approach taken by the EU and the US towards GI protection, and illustrates the nature of the legal and economic arguments. The transatlantic dispute is spreading to other countries through the inclusion of GI protection in regional and bilateral trade pacts. It also has implications for the eventual conclusion of the WTO Doha Round negotiations, as the terroir issue arises in both the agricultural and the Trade‐Related Intellectual Property (TRIPS) agendas, once again pitting the US and EU as protagonists. But there are signs of change in these positions as the GI system in the EU comes under review and producers in the US reconsider the possible advantages of location‐based identifiers. These issues are important in a number of food sectors, and are likely to be persistent. They deserve more attention from practising applied economists than they have yet received.  相似文献   

研究目的:为中国空间建设用地使用权的设立实践提供制度建议。研究方法:对比研究法、法条解释研究法、历史研究法。研究结果:空间建设用地使用权的设立主体只能是国家;地表建设用地使用权可利用土地空间以外的部分是国家设立空间建设用地使用权的客体范围;空间建设用地使用权的出让审批程序需增加地质勘察、编制详细城市规划等前置程序;设立空间建设用地使用权时,还需要通过完善城市规划、增加告知异议程序、事先约定不动产相邻关系等方式协调既存不动产权利人利益。研究结论:中国空间建设用地使用权和地表建设用地使用权设立程序应有一定差异。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析美国联邦政府在土地收支管理方面的法律制度,探求对中国土地出让收支管理的借鉴。研究方法:文献分析法和归纳法。研究结果:美国联邦土地收支管理的法律规定是在公共预算观念下的制度选择。研究结论:美国在预算观念、体制设置、制度安排、监督和责任机制等方面,对中国土地出让收支管理法律制度的构建具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从一起林权转让纠纷的定性为切入点,深入探讨民事合同欺诈与合同诈骗罪的含义、特征,分析二者的区别,即民事合同欺诈与合同诈骗罪在主观目的、客观表现、数额要求、法律责任等方面不同,指出执法实践中特别应注意审查欺诈行为人主体资格是否属实,弄清欺诈行为人客观上有无实际履约能力,查清欺诈行为人有无实际履约行为,核实行为人不履行合同的原因,查明行为人资金和财务流向等问题。  相似文献   

The paper outlines EU policy on bioenergy, including biofuels, in the context of its policy initiatives to promote renewable energy to combat greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The EU’s Member States are responsible for implementing EU policy: thus, the UK’s Renewables Obligation on electricity suppliers and its Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation and road‐fuel tax rebates are examined. It is unlikely that EU policy is in conflict with the WTO Agreement on Agriculture or that on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, but its provisions on environmental sustainability criteria could be problematic.  相似文献   

"党的领导"是社会主义法治的政治原则和立法准则,政治属性是立法工作的第一属性。立法践行"党的领导"原则,"把党的领导融入法律制度",体现在立法工作和实际操作的诸多方面:党领导和控制立法项目的确定和启动;立法以党的组织机构作为工作核心主体,展开起草、修改和协商等工作程序;法律法规草案制定需要以党的精神、理念和主张作为基本依循来明确立法理念、目的和制度设计;立法将"党言党语"转化为"法言法语",形成条款内容;立法以各种规范形式明确表述和保障"党的领导"。通过立法机制、程序和法文本,体现党对法律制度的领导力和法律制度对"党的领导"的融入水平。  相似文献   

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