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The economics of formal business networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the under-researched issue of formal business networks comprising voluntary groupings of entrepreneurs who share knowledge and experiences between themselves. Economic analysis is used to show how formal business networks which enable entrepreneurs to share good and bad practice can improve efficiency and social welfare. The paper also derives conditions for the existence and equilibrium size of formal business networks. Two principles of network design are proposed to promote their stability and to avoid their collapse.  相似文献   

Trust is important for fostering successful relationships, reducing uncertainty and risk, and increasing willingness to purchase. This study tests the replications in the mobile banking (m-banking) industry and the influence of trust on purchase intention via investigating the relationships between disposition to trust, and trust antecedents to trust in forming trust in m-banking services, which in turn leads to behavioral intention to adopt those services. In spite of numerous studies being focused on the critical role of trust in recent decades, the topic of multidimensional trust antecedents in m-banking, as well as the effects of disposition to trust on m-banking adoption intention has been relatively neglected. Based on the data collected in Taiwan, the results reveal significant positive relationships between disposition to trust, trust antecedents, and trust. Meanwhile, the relationship between trust and behavioral intention are positively significant. Contributions and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Historically, home economics (HE) in general, and the consumer education sections in particular, have been criticized for transferring norms and values of conservative elites to the masses. This is in stark contrast to contemporary theoretical views of a modern HE aimed at educating emancipated and critical citizens, and also to modern curricula that emphasize the consequences of consumption rather than dogma. A previous study has indicated that formally unqualified teachers see the transfer of consumption norms and values without support in the curriculum as an important objective of HE teaching, a practice that is questionable from a democratic perspective. This follow‐up study investigates to what extent formally qualified HE teachers show intentions to transfer consumption norms and values without support in the curriculum to students, using content analysis of 201 survey responses from Swedish qualified HE teachers and comparing to data from a previously published study on formally unqualified teachers. It is concluded that the qualified teachers demonstrate intentions to transfer unsupported norms and values, though, to a lower degree than unqualified teachers. The results are interpreted by adopting a values education perspective on HE. This indicates that the observed emphasis on norms and values could be seen partly as a lack of a proficient professional metalanguage among the teachers, and partly as a consequence of the focus on developing a pre‐defined moral of consumption in HE literature. The implications on how to develop HE teacher education to reduce norm and value transfer intentions are discussed based on the empirical findings and the theoretical framework.  相似文献   


A comparative examination of mainstream economic doctrines and their recent developments is undertaken with a view to find out how ethics has been treated in these. The principal focus here is to identify the new paradigm that can treat ethics endogenously in preference formation, the market and the economic order. The quest for this paradigm leads us to an examination of Islamic economics. Islamic economics is presented in terms of its epistemological roots. Thereby, a general systems view of interactions, integration and creative evolution among economic and social possibilities is shown to lead to the paradigm of Islamic political economy. Some Islamic financial and economic instruments are examined to bring out the pervasive causality of the principle of universal complementarity across diversity in a general systems perspective of Islamic political economy as premised on its epistemological roots.  相似文献   

This study is the first to examine the relationships among Machiavellianism, social norms and taxpayer intentions to fraudulently overstate their deductions. We theorize and empirically document that (a) high Machiavellian taxpayers report significantly less ethical social norms, suggesting that reported social norms are influenced by cognitive biases such as social projection and Machiavellian cynicism; (b) reported social norms are, in general, significantly associated with tax evasion intentions; (c) social norms partially mediate the relationship between Machiavellianism and evasion intentions. Our findings imply that experimental research that controls for key personality traits such as Machiavellianism will be necessary to test the effectiveness of potential interventions designed to enhance social norms and tax compliance. Our findings also raise questions regarding the validity of certain social norm measures used in recent studies, particularly in the case of high Machiavellians. In contrast to much prior research, gender was not associated with the likelihood of committing tax fraud in our multivariate models, suggesting that the higher levels of tax compliance often associated with females may be eroding.  相似文献   

The effects of motivations, trust, and privacy concern in social networking   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study proposes and tests a model that uses privacy concern, trust, and motivations to explain the process leading to information disclosure and the intensity of social network services (SNS) use. Use of SNSs has been shown in our investigation to be negatively correlated to a user??s privacy concern but positively correlated to a user??s trust and motivations. Furthermore, by using a hierarchical regression model, we show that trust accounts for a significant additional amount of variance in SNS use after controlling the variance explained by privacy concern. In addition, motivation accounts for a significant additional amount of variance in SNS use after controlling the variance explained by both privacy concern and trust.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of advergame customization features and trust in the brand advertised in the advergame on players’ brand attitude and personal information disclosure. Moreover, we examine to what extent players’ privacy concerns moderate these effects. Drawing on self-determination theory and uncertainty reduction theory, we developed and tested a game with varying levels of customization features and brand trust. Results show that customization possibilities and brand trust may have a positive influence on advergame persuasion outcomes, but this influence is strongly conditioned by consumers’ privacy concerns. When privacy concerns are low, a game containing customization features leads to a more positive brand attitude. However, when privacy concerns are high, the effect becomes negative. Additionally, we find that different levels of privacy concerns do not affect players’ responses toward high trust brands, but toward low trust brands. For low trust brands, players with high privacy concerns show more negative game responses than players with low concerns. These findings set the boundaries for several theoretical and practical implications regarding advergame effectiveness.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):815-816

The economics of interdependence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We need to tone down the emotional content of the discussion of welfare and deal with facts. The author points out that public assistance takes two principal forms: crude and subtle. The former includes aid to the needy; subtle aid is given regardless of need. In the minds of many, crude programs are welfare, but the subtle programs are not. Statistics reveal that of the 14 million who receive direct aid, only 1 percent are unemployed males. Therefore, no significant group can be identified as undeserving. The system, as it now stands, humiliates the recipients, offers inadequate benefits, lacks fairness and uniformity and perpetuates poverty. The author offers six corrective measures that should be taken.  相似文献   

This research investigates the response consistency error which may be induced by certain common methodological practices in tests of predictive models such as the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980). Specifically, the physical presence of a questionnaire was expected to provide respondents an inducement and basis for maintaining consistent responses. In addition, the practice of presenting all measures of a given construct together seemed likely to heighten correlations among constructs, resulting in heightened predictions. Two experiments were conducted in which respondents completed measures of the theory of reasoned action for a variety of behaviors using either a paper or computer-administered questionnaire with items in standard or random order. The results of these studies indicate that, contrary to expectations, the degree of attitude-intention consistency across behaviors may be attentuated in standard paper administrations.  相似文献   

Are natural resources getting scarcer? How should the limited reservoir of non-replenishable raw materials such as metals and fossile fuels be utilized by successive generations? What possible solutions are proposed by economics in the face of diminishing reserves of raw materials? These are the questions which occupied German and foreign economists at the meeting of Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften—Verein für Socialpolitik—in Mannheim on September 24–26, 1979. The following report on the crucial issues raised at the meeting is not claimed to cover the full range of the discussion.  相似文献   

Although various empirical works have attempted to explain the gap between consumers' ethical judgments and actual purchasing behaviours, the role of moral certainty has received relatively little attention. Moral certainty refers to the subjective sense of conviction or confidence one holds about his/her ethical judgment of an object. This study contributes to the ethical consumption literature by empirically examining whether the associations among consumers' ethical judgment, intention, and actual purchasing of ethical products (EPs) vary according to their level of moral certainty. We also examined the effect of subjective norms under the same conditions. The results of regression analysis revealed that the ethical judgment of EPs has a stronger effect on consumers' intention when consumers are more confident or convinced that buying EPs is fundamentally right, as compared to moral ambiguity. The effect of subjective norms was less effective under a high level of moral certainty. Nevertheless, the results indicated that there is no evidence for the claim that consumers’ intention towards EPs has a stronger effect on the actual purchasing of EPs under a high level of moral certainty. We discuss the implications of these findings to theory and practice.  相似文献   

Ambiguity averse suggests consumers to prefer risky options over ambiguous ones. In this study, the authors propose that consumer–brand relationship types influence consumers’ ambiguity aversion. Specifically, compared with consumers in exchange relationships with the focal brand, consumers in communal relationships are more likely to trust the focal brand and thereby be less averse to ambiguity. These proposals were tested in two experiments. In experiment 1, participants in communal relationships showed less ambiguity aversion than those in exchange relationships. In experiment 2, participants in communal relationships had higher perceived trust with the focal brand than the participants in exchange relationships, and they showed less dislike for tensile promotions. Experiment 2 also tested for and confirmed the mediating effect of perceived trust. This study concludes with a discussion of the theoretical contributions and practical implications of the results.  相似文献   

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