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我国金融发展与地区经济收敛   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文研究了我国金融发展与地区经济差距之间的关系,研究认为:我国高度垄断的金融结构、政府对金融系统的不当管制与干预,以及"一元货币政策"和"二元金融制度"并存所引起的地区金融发展水平失衡等因素对地区间资本配置效率和资本形成能力的负面作用是引起我国地区差距的重要原因.并在新古典经济增长理论收敛假说的基础上,对1988~2002年我国地区间金融发展水平同经济增长率进行了实证检验,实证结果很好的支持了本文的理论假说.  相似文献   

黑龙江省金融深化与经济增长关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融深化是金融发展的主要指标之一,研究黑龙江省金融深化与经济增长的辩证关系,有助于我们更加科学地制定宏观金融政策,促进经济加快发展。文章首先分析了黑龙江省金融深化与经济增长之间相互促进、相互制约的关系,解析了黑龙江金融业的现状,同时对黑龙江金融深化中存在的问题作了综合评价,针对进一步进行金融深化的"拦路虎"提出了相关解决策略,以最终实现经济增长和金融发展的良性循环。  相似文献   

我国银行存差扩大成因的实证分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
关于存差问题的理论讨论越来越多,本文试图通过理论与实证相结合的方法,找出一些影响存差变化的重要因素.通过实证分析我们发现:"存款和资本金共谋的特殊资本结构假说"得到了较为有力的支持,此外金融深化假说也得到了一定的支持,而其他假说对存贷差的解释能力并不强.银行存差扩大成因更多源于中国特殊金融制度安排所造成的"存款和资本金共谋的特殊资本结构",而较少来自于金融深化进程.特别值得注意的是,我国存贷差扩大应该归因于金融深化进程的减缓,而不是金融深化进程加速所带来的金融资产和负债业务多元化的结果.  相似文献   

金融深化是缓解金融压抑、促进经济增长的重要手段,广义的金融深化是以金融自由化为核心内容和重要手段的一系列促进金融部门发展的政策组合,但金融深化不能简单地归结为金融自由化。在我国经济转型发展的关键时期,必须坚定不移地、积极谨慎地推进金融深化,最大限度发挥其对经济增长的积极作用。在金融深化过程中,同时需要通过改革金融体制、加强金融监管和开展国际协调等多种手段防范金融风险。  相似文献   

金融结构与经济增长关系的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒙丹 《经济与管理》2006,20(7):64-67
对中国金融结构的现状作定性分析发现,货币金融资产比重过大和金融市场结构不完善是目前存在的主要问题,通过增加非货币金融资产比重,深化资本市场,增加融资渠道可以降低金融风险,提高金融安全性,促进经济增长。  相似文献   

民营经济增长中的发展逻辑与金融制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民营经济的增长需要金融结构的支持,由于民间融资的规模无法满足民营经济增长的需求,而正规金融机构对民营经济的支持力度较弱,民营经济发展受到融资制度约束。开发性金融作为连接政府与市场的有效金融制度安排,为解决这一长期困扰金融组织的难题找到了解决路径。  相似文献   

金融业是现代经济的制高点,被誉为国民经济之"血液"。金融一方面可以调整市场供求关系,提高资金配置效率;另一方面可以促进经济增长,创造财富。在中国经济新常态的大背景下,经济的中高速增长成为未来的趋势。传统金融行业在作为支持地方经济发展主力军的同时,由于体制、管理、风险管控等方面的原因在给实际经济融资方面存在一定弊端。第三方支付、P2P、余额宝、众筹等互联网金融,以及民营银行、金融租赁公司、民间资本管理公司等各种新型金融业态的出现,给实体经济带来了新的融资方式,也给投资者带来新的理财手段。文章基于对浙江省长兴县在新经济状态下新型金融业态发展情况调研的基础上,对新型金融业态进行客观与理性的分析,针对新型金融业态在发展中出现的问题,提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

基于Baker的经济政策不确定性指数和平滑转移向量自回归模型,分析了经济政策不确定性对宏观经济的影响及其传导机制。研究表明:经济政策不确定性的冲击通过实物期权机制对投资和产出造成短期的负面影响,加大了宏观经济的波动性;金融摩擦使经济政策不确定性冲击对宏观经济的影响具有非对称性;金融摩擦的程度以外部融资溢价水平来衡量,在外部融资溢价水平"高"的情况下,经济政策不确定性的冲击对宏观经济的不良影响更大。  相似文献   

金融环境不佳、金融支持不到位及融资体系不健全等问题已严重制约我国科技企业的发展,金融机构在科技企业的成长中处于缺位状态。应充分发挥政府对科技企业融资的推动作用,构建多层次的金融体系,拓展科技企业融资渠道,形成"政府推动——拉动科技产业发展——刺激经济增长"的良性循环。  相似文献   

研发创新是决定长期经济增长的关键因素。研究与开发结果的不确定性和收益回报周期长特点,使其高度依赖于外部融资,因而需要金融市场有效发挥要素配置功能。有效率的金融市场是影响研发的重要因素。利用中国分省企业经营环境指数和中国省级宏观数据研究金融市场化对地区自主研发创新的影响,是一个新尝试。研究结果表明,金融市场化通过改善外部融资环境有效地提高了地区研发创新水平,平均而言,正规金融融资便利化程度提高1个标准差,人均专利申请量和人均专利批准量分别提高19.23%和16.39%;民间金融便利化程度提高1个标准差,人均专利申请量和人均专利批准量分别提高25.84%和21.05%。  相似文献   

The interconnectedness of financial deepening and income inequality has been a highly controversial discussion which has not been concluded despite many empirical and theoretical studies up to date. One of the basic building blocks for many research designs is the reliance upon the Kuznets inverted U-shaped curve which postulates that in the first phase of economic growth income inequality increases, peaks and then decreases to a tolerable level in the later phase after a certain income level had been attained. The role of financial deepening in financing economic growth is an indispensable and necessary condition enabling us to easily draw an analogy between financial deepening and income inequality in a financial version of the Kuznets curve. In spite of 30 years of economic and financial reforms in China, which represents a fairly young history of economic growth and development, there are many indicators that Chinese experience significantly deviates from the presupposed inverted U-shaped curve trajectory and its final equalizing effect. This paper relies on financial deepening data measured by monetary aggregate M2/GDP and domestic banking credit/GDP ratios in its claim that they significantly correlate with rising income inequality. The author’s intention consists not in claiming that financial deepening per se causes income inequality, but provides a political economy analysis of the specific institutional and power configuration which leads to their positive relationship. This configuration is determined by the prevailing banking model, the hukou system, financial repression and the decentralized authoritarian system. On the other hand, the absence of inequality-narrowing institutitons further aggravate the problem. All the aforementioned factors are geared at avoiding mechanical and spurious claims that financial deepening increases or decreases income inequality across countries. A historical institutionalism approach to explain China’s path related to the Kuznets curve prediction shows the central validity of open and inclusive institutions in generating inequality-narrowing benefits of financial deepening.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to investigate the domestic components of the financial liberalization process in Pakistan and develops an index of domestic financial liberalization capturing the important dimensions of reform process. Employing the multivariate co-integration technique and error-correction mechanism, the results indicate a positive impact of the index on economic growth in the long run, while its short run impact is found to be negative. Empirical findings highlight the importance of further financial deepening and financial intermediation, in a conducive environment, that are essential components to successfully implement reforms for growth stimulation.  相似文献   

The core of Shapley–Shubik games and general equilibrium models with a Venn diagram is applied for a theory on the role of real finance in economic growth among advanced economies. Then the dynamic computable general equilibrium (DCGE) models for Germany, France, the UK, Japan and the USA are constructed to assess the validity of the over-financing hypothesis that has reappeared after the financial crisis of 2008. Actual financial deepening ratios observed in the nonconsolidated balance sheet of the OECD exceeded by factors of 3.5, 2.4, 5.1, 11.6 and 4.8 than the optimal financial deepening ratios implied by DCGE models, respectively, in these countries because of excessive leveraging and bubbles up to 19 times of GDP which were responsible for this great recession. Containing such massive fluctuations for macroeconomic stability and growth in these economies are not possible in conventional fiscal and monetary policy models and require a DCGE analysis like this along with adoption of separating equilibrium strategy in line of Miller–Stiglitz–Roth mechanisms to avoid problem of asymmetric information in the process of financial intermediation so that the gaps between actual and optimal ratios of financial deepening remain as small as possible.  相似文献   

金融深化、资本深化及其互补性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究了金融深化、资本深化及其相互关系,提出金融深化是资本深化的被动反应,同时又通过渠道效应促进了资本深化。文章在1952~2004年的时间区间上验证了上述假说,并分析了导致这种资本深化的经济和体制因素。  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the causal interactions between financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries. We construct a composite indicator for financial deepening and use it to detect Granger causality within a modified Vector Autoregressive/Vector Error Correction Model (VAR/VECM) framework. We find almost no evidence for the popular hypothesis of finance-led growth. Evidence of bidirectional finance–growth causality is stronger but mostly instable in the long run. Most results indicate a demand following or insignificant causal relationship between finance and growth. There is also no evidence that finance indirectly induces growth via the channel of trade openness. Hence, policies that prioritize financial and trade sector development cannot be supported.  相似文献   

我国金融发展与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
金融发展与经济增长的模型显示,金融发展对我国的经济增长具有积极的推动作用,但力度有限;不同发展阶段的金融变量对经济增长表现出不同的作用效果。我国的金融发展滞后于经济增长,加快金融深化和金融体制改革有助于推动经济增长。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义金融发展与经济增长的伟大实践走过了一条不同于传统金融发展与经济增长理论所描述的经济和金融自由化之路。中国特色社会主义金融发展与经济增长理论的逻辑是,强调中国共产党对金融工作的领导,强调通过国有所有权来实施金融控制战略,通过金融控制来有效降低或阻隔金融市场上的"羊群效应"和"传染效应",从而最大限度地去解决金融监管始终滞后于金融创新带来的现实或潜在系统性风险难题,牢牢守住不发生系统性风险的底线。新时代中国特色社会主义金融发展与经济增长理论在持续深化。在进一步寻求金融控制程度和降低金融系统性风险之间的最佳组合上,在让金融回归服务于实体经济的本质属性上,在发展普惠金融弥补市场天生之不足、促进公平增长上,都取得了重大进展。中国特色社会主义金融发展与经济增长理论和实践有助于实现金融发展与经济增长之间的良性互动,是中国特色社会主义金融发展与经济增长关系的政治经济学。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the dynamic relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania using two tests. In the first test, we examine the impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening using a financial deepening model. In the second test, we examine whether the financial deepening, which results from interest rate reforms, Granger‐causes economic growth – using a trivariate model. The empirical findings of our results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania. However, the results fail to find any support for finance‐led growth.  相似文献   

对中国金融发展与收入差距的关系进行分析发现:(1)中国居民收入差距与金融深化进程遵循倒“U”曲线的演化路径;(2)我国金融深化与收入差距之间存在着扩大的库兹涅茨效应。对此考察后,我们认为:随着金融的发展和现代部门在经济中比重的提高,政府在利用金融体系调控经济中的政策倾向在一定程度上诱导了这一现象的发生。同时,我们预计我国居民收入差距呈扩大趋势并将延续一段时期。  相似文献   

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