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郑欢  刘春杰 《商业研究》2002,(6):130-133
滑雪场建设是滑雪旅游产业发展的基础,它依托房地产开发建设,又拓宽了房地产开发市场;它对雪场周边城镇的经济发展也是有力的促动。为此,雪场及其周边城镇的房地产开发建设要围绕滑雪旅游这个中心,突出冰雪文化特色和生态特色,推动雪场及周边城镇的经济发展。  相似文献   

旅游业的发展是促进一个地区经济发展的重要力量,也是十二五期间我国很多省份和城市发展经济的重要战略点,借助地理资源发展滑雪旅游成为很多地区促进经济发展的建设性建议。本文就滑雪旅游的国内外营销和开发路径之间的异同做全面的总结。  相似文献   

城郊型旅游资源非优区开发探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城郊型旅游资源非优区是指位于大中城市郊区的旅游资源非优区。本文以城郊型旅游资源非优区的特征、旅游发展的动力机制作为出发点,通过分析其旅游发展的优势与劣势,提出其主要目标客源市场应是毗邻的大中城市,其产品主要满足周边城镇居民短途、经常性游憩需求,宜采取以市场需求导向,建设短途游憩地的开发模式。最后,以上海市南汇区为例作了案例研究。  相似文献   

我国滑雪旅游营销服务单一,应当立足于滑雪场的旅游效率提高、旅游收益增值出发,从增加滑雪旅游营销项目、组织竞技观赏赛事营销活动、开设大众滑雪体验营销活动、实施滑雪旅游场的常年营销等多元营销开发路径,促进各地滑雪场以滑雪旅游为背景的旅游发展。  相似文献   

西岭是我国设施较好的大型自然滑雪景区,其在旅游开发中具有明显的优势,也具有不可忽视的问题和不足,应当从西岭雪山滑雪旅游的可持续发展出发,以前瞻性的眼光,积极实施滑雪旅游发展的策略,这在我国滑雪旅游发展具有重要的实践参考和理论借鉴价值。  相似文献   

滑雪旅游需求障碍使众多潜在滑雪者不能参与到滑雪旅游体验中去。非忠诚市场、重新参与市场与非滑雪市场的需求障碍存在很大的差异性。根据这些差异化的需求障碍,提出无差异滑雪旅游市场、女性滑雪旅游市场、非滑雪者旅游市场以及滑雪技能差异市场的开发对策,以期通过有效市场手段降低或转化这些消极影响,保障滑雪旅游市场的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

大众滑雪运动的蓬勃兴起,不仅促进了滑雪产业的发展,还填补了烟台冬季旅游的"空白"。滑雪旅游作为一个新的经济增长点,在增加就业机会、带动经济发展等方面的作用已显现无疑。但是目前烟台滑雪旅游的发展现状,制约了滑雪产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

近些年来中国滑雪旅游市场发展迅速,在其推动下滑雪旅游目的地建设也进入了新的发展时期。从市场供给角度来讲,滑雪旅游目的地产品服务组合是目的地服务提供商对滑雪旅游需求者提供不同质量和服务的过程,包括滑雪与住宿相关要素、旅游接待环境与公共服务要素。尽管滑雪旅游为目标市场提供了卓越的价值,但这并不能否定其市场发展过程中存在的需求障碍因素。应细分市场的利益要求,依托资源优势进行市场定位,提供差异化的产品服务组合,提升滑雪旅游产品价值,努力培养和扩大滑雪旅游忠诚市场。  相似文献   

大学生是滑雪旅游市场中一个巨大的潜在市场群体,其在滑雪旅游市场竞争中的地位至关重要。通过对采用抽样调查法构建的大学生滑雪旅游感知模型的研究可知,大学生游客对滑雪旅游价格的满意度感知低于50%,对餐饮、交通、住宿等的质量感知相对较高,表明大学生游客对价格较敏感,而对需求层次的要求则较低。为更好地开发与经营大学生旅游市场,滑雪旅游企业应开展有针对性的营销活动,通过差异化的滑雪旅游产品组合树立形象,在交互式沟通的基础上培育大学生的忠诚度,从而实现自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

西北地区由于独特的地理位置和旅游资源优势,一直是我国西部旅游的重要地区。滑雪旅游需要得天独厚的自然资源和人文景观,在西北大发展的背景下,西北地区旅游市场必将迎来自己的繁荣,而滑雪旅游是其中非常重要的一部分内容。那么,如何开发和利用滑雪资源就显得尤为重要。本文从西北地区滑雪旅游市场的现状、优势、发展路径、存在的问题和营销策略等方面进行分析,并结合前人研究成果提出营销策略。  相似文献   

黑龙江省滑雪旅游业可持续发展分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王民  刘宝巍 《商业研究》2004,(6):168-170
滑雪旅游作为旅游产业的重要组成部分 ,在西方国家已有百年之久 ,并已成为人们最重要的旅游方式之一。在中国 ,滑雪旅游业刚刚产生 ,还很不成熟。黑龙江省作为国内最早开展滑雪旅游的省份 ,在国内已有一定的影响 ,滑雪旅游产业已初步形成。利用现有条件 ,寻找发展对策 ,走可持续道路 ,是黑龙江省滑雪旅游发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

滑雪旅游目的地市场营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合相关文献对滑雪旅游市场需求及需求障碍做出了初步的分析,并以此为基础对滑雪旅游目的地的产品服务组合策略、价格策略、渠道策略以及促销策略做出了进一步研究,以期为国内各滑雪旅游目的地的市场营销提供经营层面上的参考。  相似文献   

日本出境旅游现状及我国拓展日本客源市场对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凌强 《商业研究》2006,(23):169-171
我国国际旅游业的发展与日本客源市场有着非常密切的关系。日本旅游者主要前往亚洲国家旅游,目前韩国是接待日本旅游者最多的国家。我国可以采取改善旅游基础设施,提高服务质量,培养精通日语的服务人才,开发温泉旅游和滑雪旅游等措施拓展日本客源市场。  相似文献   

东北地区通用航空,其航空器拥有量和作业量都占到了全国的五分之一强,在中国通用航空界占有举足轻重的地位。但东北地区通用航空人力资源发展还存在著空地勤专业技术人员严重短缺和老龄化等问题以及许多体制与管理上的问题。“十二五”时期,东北地区通用航空的发展措施是:建设一支素质优良的飞行员队伍和一个功能齐全的作业机队。培养一批技术过硬的空地勤专业通航人员;加快体制改革,打造一流的通用航空营运人。  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this review was to determine the extent to which the effectiveness of countermeasures for preventing alpine skiing injuries has been evaluated. Methods The methodology involved a critical review based on the available international literature and sports equipment standards, as well as consultation with experts in the field. Where possible, the review focused on controlled trials. Results Key injury countermeasures in skiing identified in this review include physical conditioning programmes, ski-bindings and their timely release, professional adjustment of ski-bindings and the use of mechanical testing devices for this, design of ski pole handles, helmets for children (and adults), ski patrollers, skier education, speed control on the slopes and safe lifting equipment. A tabular categorisation of the types of evidence for the effectiveness of injury countermeasures is presented. This demonstrates that the weight of evidence is generally based on a combination of data-based or biomechanical testing evidence and informed opinion/anecdotal evidence. There is minimal evidence based on controlled trials in the field. The most evaluated countermeasures are ski bindings and ski pole handles. Properly adjusted ski bindings have the potential for a 3.5-fold reduction in lower extremity injuries, particularly knee injuries. Ski pole handle design needs further innovation and attention. An immediate concern is the generally poorer standard of children’s equipment, ski bindings and their adjustment. Conclusion Skiing is a sport that is growing in popularity, but with a need for controlled trials of its injury prevention countermeasures. This review provides a basis for further action in injury prevention research, development and implementation.  相似文献   

国际金融危机不仅充分暴露了中国纺织业长期以来依靠低成本扩张的粗放型发展模式,也给中国纺织业带来了一些新的困难;同时,这次国际金融危机也为中国纺织工业抢占新的制高点提供了难得的历史机遇。面对重重困境,加快产业的转型和升级成为后危机时代中国纺织业的必然选择。  相似文献   

Development of services is a demanding task and requires new perspectives as well as appropriate tools and techniques. This paper forms an overview of the concept of service design, which has recently gained ground. This concept is applied to an empirical study, which explores how professional designers develop services. The main method of the study is participant observation taking place in an architect's office. As a result, the study describes in detail how services are designed in the context of architecture. The study suggests that professional designers apply several methods, which could increase our understanding of service design and service development.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate perceptions of snowfield resort visitors about injury risk regarding alcohol, fatigue and recreational drug use. Visitors to a resort village in a large Australian snowfield region completed a brief survey about fatigue, alcohol and recreational drug use and injury risk perception. Participants stated their ability to ski or snowboard and drive safely following a lack of sleep, alcohol and recreational drug use. Intoxicated snowfield resort visitors were compared with non-intoxicated visitors. Safety beliefs across snow sport and transport were compared. Participants reported that they generally slept less than usual and 30% reported both drinking alcohol and using drugs more than usual while visiting the snowfields. Participants perceived driving as a greater injury risk than skiing/snowboarding (p < 0.001). Fatigue was perceived as a relatively weak injury risk factor, particularly whilst skiing and snowboarding. Awareness needs to be raised among snowfield resort visitors about the contribution of alcohol, fatigue and recreational drug use to snow sport and transport-related injury risk.  相似文献   

Objectives. To evaluate the incidence and the pattern of skiing and snowboarding injuries in South Tyrol and their impact on the emergency medical system in the winter season 2001–2002 in an attempt to rationalize and improve the emergency care and assist in prevention strategies.

Methods. All medical records of patients referred to our emergency department (ED) that sustained a skiing or snowboarding injury during the study period were retrospectively reviewed. Age, sex, local or non-local residency, type of injury, data and time of accident, type of transport to the hospital, hospital admission or ED discharge, Injury Severity Score, outcome (including mortality) were evaluated. On site mortality data were obtained from the emergency call-center registry. Ski resorts utilization was estimated from the data published by the Regional Office of Cable Transport.

Results. For the period analyzed approximately 2,500,000 skier and snowboarder days were recorded in the whole region of which about 500,000 were attributed to the four nearby ski resorts that refer to our hospital. Of the 1087 patients, 794 were skiers and 294 were snowboarders. Snowboarders were younger than skiers (mean age 20 and 36 respectively, p = 0.001). Females were equally represented in the two groups. Male patients, children, senior skiers and non-local residents suffered from more severe injuries than their corresponding classes (p < 0.01, p = 0.002, p = 0.02, p = 0.000 respectively). Critical injuries (ISS ≥ 25) were homogeneously spread in the groups, with the exception of the non-local resident patients that showed a higher incidence (p < 0.02). No difference in severity was found between skiers and snowboarders. The incidence was 2.05 per 1,000 skier-days. Mortality rate was 1.6 per 1,000,000 skier-days. The pattern of injury was different: snowboarders showed more forearm and wrist trauma and skiers more lower extremity injuries. 208 patients were hospitalized and the mean length of stay was 4.5 days. Head trauma and fractures were the most common diagnosis of admission. The lack of field triage led to 12% of unjustified helicopter transfer and 9.6% of avoidable ambulance transport.

Conclusions. Incidence, pattern of injuries and mortality from skiing and snowboarding accidents in South Tyrol resemble those reported in other part of the world. Nevertheless, strategies for prevention are needed. The routine use of helmets should be enforced by law. Dangerous behaviors should be prosecuted. Skiers and snowboarders should be made aware that skiing beyond their technical ability can be life-threatening.  相似文献   

在地面移动通信迅猛发展的新形势下,提供相似业务的卫星移动通信的发展动态和趋 势值得关注。首先介绍了国外卫星移动通信市场发展动态,然后分别介绍了静止轨道、中轨 道和低轨道三类卫星移动通信系统的最新进展,其中静止轨道卫星移动通信发展最好,中低 轨道卫星移动通信系统发展相对不景气;最后探讨了卫星移动通信的发展趋势,指出通过星 地集成以及相关技术的不断融合,最终将实现个人通信的终极目标,同时,卫星移动宽带、 终端综合化、星上处理等都是卫星移动业务技术发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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