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论农村零售业态创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析目前我国农村零售业态组织特征的基础上,提出要根据农村经济发展水平和农民消费趋势进行零售业态创新,并对农村零售业态创新提出对策措施。  相似文献   

为了克服农村零售市场开拓过程中可能存在的恶性循环,必须让农民消费实现4A's(可获得性、可购性、可接受性、可察觉性)。结合农民消费的特点,本文提出了一种基于自助组织的零售业态模式,这种模式的最大优点在于可以实现农民消费的4A's,从而持续性地渗透农村市场。文章分析了这种业态模式在价格、沟通组合、商品种类、选址、服务、店铺陈列等零售组合方面的特点,并结合联合利华在印度开拓农村市场的案例验证了该业态模式的有效性。  相似文献   

本文从回顾改革开放以来我国零售业态的发展历程入手,分析目前我国零售业态发展现状及存在问题,并提出未来我国零售业态发展对策。  相似文献   

供应链建设是零售企业管理的重点,在竞争激烈的市场环境下显得尤为重要。常态化的疫情防控,限制了企业商品流通和人员流动管理。如何在新零售背景下寻找到零售企业新的出路,优化供应链建设已经成为了零售企业发展的难题。本文对高鑫零售有限公司在采购、仓储、销售、物流等环节供应链建设进行分析,为同类企业提出了聚焦核心品类建设、重构大卖场,数字化升级和强化供应链能力、发展仓储会员店模式几点启示,期望能为实体零售企业解决问题。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术日趋成熟,零售行业产生一种新型的线上线下融合的新零售业态模式O2O.面对竞争,如何紧跟互联网时代特征开创新的商业模式是最大的发展难题.本文通过分析在"互联网+"背景下新零售盒马鲜生成功运营的具体实例,获得具有一定参考意义的结论.  相似文献   

后疫情时期,《中共中央国务院关于做好2022年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作的意见》提出,要大力推进数字乡村建设。新零售助力农村药品市场良性发展,既是推进数字乡村建设实践的重要体现,也是促进乡村全面振兴发展的重要环节。当前,新零售业态助力农村药品市场发展过程中还面临药品质量存在安全隐患、服务标准化水平有待提升,专业人才资源匮乏、医药产品流通不畅、监管机制有待完善等严峻挑战。实践表明,新零售将“三农”带入了信息社会,对其发展中面临的挑战及对策进行研究不仅可以促进农村药品市场高质量快速发展,同时也加快了我国全面乡村振兴建设的步伐,并对相关政策制定和同类研究提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

本文分析传统零售与电子商务发展中所面临的问题,分析O2O模式解决二者冲突、结合二者长处、规避二者短板的具体方案。传统零售与电子商务势必相互融合,让我们的生活更高效、更便捷。  相似文献   

随着科技在金融业的进步,金融业的服务模式转型与创新也日益成为金融市场的主流趋势。科技型金融企业慢慢向传统金融零售市场进行跨界行动,导致银行业传统的零售客户大量流失,同时盈利能力衰减,这样的发展趋势对以零售业务为主要资金来源的招商银行来说无疑是种挑战,也影响到其未来的发展规划。并且,传统银行业零售产品的同质化也越来越严重。在这种内忧外患的发展条件下,招商银行的零售业务向科技型转型是稳定长远发展、巩固竞争优势的必然之举。  相似文献   

中国城市农产品零售市场变迁及其对农户的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据各阶段零售主体的不同,将20年来中国城市农产品零售部门的演变大致分为3个时期:国营菜场时期、农贸市场以及超市出现生鲜经营并迅速发展时期,分别阐述了各时期不同的采购体系,重点探讨了新兴零售业态——超市的现代化采购体系及其给中国小规模农户生产带来的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

本文以我国东北地区农民消费行为的调查为基础,对农村综合性购物场所的业态创新模式进行了实证分析。研究表明,由于城乡文化差异,城市成熟业态模式并不能完全适应农村市场,农村零售业态创新模式具有很强的与农民消费行为相适应的农村化特征。  相似文献   

对构建中国城乡统一的土地市场的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立城乡统一和公开竞争的土地市场,是完善城乡土地统一管理的核心。只有建立城乡统一的土地市场,才能发挥市场对土地资源配置的基础性作用,才能在征地过程中彻底消除集体土地和国有土地的产权歧视,从而从根本上阻止征地冲突。构建我国城乡统一的土地市场应分三步走。第一步,解决城乡统一的土地市场的市场主体问题;第二步,在农村集体土地产权清晰的基础上,推进农村集体建设用地使用权出让市场,农村集体农地承包经营权流转市场和农村集体土地所有权的建设;第三步,农村集体土地和城市国有土地在同权下自由竞争、平等交易,达到自然融合。  相似文献   

中国土地市场制度变迁及演化方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:分析土地市场的制度变迁,揭示土地制度的演化方向。研究方法:蛛网模型和制度经济学分析方法。研究结果:中国土地市场制度变迁的重心从收益、产权制度向价格、公共平台和秩序制度转换。研究结论:未来制度完善的主要方向是土地市场交易秩序的完善、公共平台的架构以及将产权基础、交易规则等既有的制度应用到农村土地市场中。  相似文献   

Several consumer studies have shown considerable market potential for sustainable meat products, however, their markets shares are still marginal. In Germany, the sustainable aspects “organic,” “local origin,” and “animal welfare” are of special interest. To obtain a precise overview of potential target groups for these meat categories and their choice of store format, 620 German consumers were surveyed on their attitudes toward sustainable meat production and their shopping behavior. First, target groups based on consumers’ attitudes were identified by cluster analysis, taking into account possible overlaps. Consumers were also clustered by their store format choice and their preferred type of meat packaging. A cross tabulation of the results then provided insights into which store format and type of meat packaging is preferred by the target groups for sustainable meat products. Due to overlaps found in the target groups, the existence of important subgroups was shown. Amongst the target groups, only a slight preference for unpackaged meat products was found. Basically, the offer of sustainable meat products appears of interest for all store formats, with particular emphasis on supermarkets. The results of this study can support producers and retailers developing new and tailored marketing strategies for sustainable meat products.  相似文献   

Although the challenges facing rural retailers have been attributed to competition and decreasing population, this paper defines the problem from rural consumers' perspective. It argues that consumers select shopping location on its shopping value, determined by its attractiveness and accessibility. The results indicate that locations closest to the consumer's residence offer the highest shopping value for groceries and other low-order goods. They also show that increasing gasoline prices favor local retailers. Rural retailers may use these results to implement differentiating strategies that increase their attractiveness, accessibility, and consequently their competitiveness.  相似文献   

The level and nature of competition in supermarket retailing in Australia has been hotly debated as a policy issue in recent times. The creeping acquisitions of smaller groups by Coles and Woolworths have led to several investigations amid claims that consumers will be disadvantaged by the growth of the two big chains. Yet little convincing evidence has been found to support these assertions. Although on occasions the big two may have used their power vertically to squeeze suppliers, consumers have experienced highly competitive retail markets. In this paper, it is argued that it is market conduct, not structure, that should be the prime focus of regulatory and policy interest, and that recent corporate activity may lead to a third force in supermarket retailing in Australia that could not only ensure continued competitiveness in the industry, but could also help to constrain the successful exercise of vertical market power by the two big chains. Accordingly, it is argued that intervention as a general policy in supermarket retailing would not be socially efficient, at least not until a wide range of objective and quantitative assessments have been carried out on the operation of the supermarket sector.  相似文献   

The present paper surveys various methods used to analyse market power in the retail food industry. The strengths and weaknesses of these approaches are explored and a review of the issues in using New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) and time–series models is provided. The absence of a theory underlying time–series models is highlighted and a review of some theoretical models in retailing is presented. The impact of imperfect competition in the food processing sector on retailing is also examined. It is argued that a combination of the approaches that minimises the weaknesses and builds on the strengths of single approaches may prove more promising for examining non–competitive behaviour.  相似文献   

以生鲜认证猪肉产品为例,本文利用对北京市城镇消费者的问卷调查数据,实证分析了消费者对安全认证农产品自述偏好与现实选择的一致性及其影响因素。结果显示,尽管50%以上的消费者对生鲜认证猪肉有自述偏好,其食品质量安全意识较强,但是,消费者对生鲜认证猪肉自述偏好与现实选择之间存在着较大的差异。消费者受教育程度、消费者家庭月收入、家中是否有18岁以下的孩子和家庭人口规模等是影响其对生鲜认证猪肉自述偏好与现实选择一致性的个人特征和家庭特征因素。消费者对生鲜认证猪肉的意愿支付价格、消费者对质量安全认证知识和认证农产品的了解程度显著正向影响其对生鲜认证猪肉自述偏好与现实选择的一致性。此外,消费者的食品质量安全意识和其所感知到的生鲜猪肉产品的质量安全隐患等变量也会较显著地影响其对生鲜认证猪肉自述偏好与现实选择的一致性。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on evolving land acquisition compensation policy and practice in Hangzhou, a better-developed coastal city in the Yangtze River Delta Region, by assessing the evolution of land acquisition compensation and the interplay among the main actors, especially the local government and affected individual villagers and rural collectives. It evaluates the hybrid compensation governance that includes monetary compensation, employment alternatives, share-holding co-operative, social security assurance, and rural collective retained land. The study reveals that while land acquisition compensation has been gradually improved in many aspects, land-lost villagers are still subject to various uncertainties in sustaining their lives, competing in the labor market, and adapting to urban life. Furthermore, markedly improved land acquisition compensation in Hangzhou has created newly emerging socio-economic problems amongst dislocated rural villagers. The paper reveals how different compensation measures have redefined rural collectives and land-lost rural villagers in the urbanization process.  相似文献   


Based on the existing marketing concept on relational and functional benefits and on the retailing management of customer value, the present research empirically tests the influence of these customer benefits by providing a comparative analysis for different retailing formats, such as supermarkets and hypermarkets. Using questionnaire data for a sample of customers (N = 362), the authors developed structural equation modeling. This study identifies the factors influencing customer value, as well as the key to understand the relationships of customer benefits, customer value, loyalty, and purchase intention in the retailing service context. The contribution of the present research includes empirically testing a conceptual model, by developing a comparative analysis, along with providing some meaningful insights to retailing managers on how to strategically manage customer value variables to increase and enhance customer retention and purchase intent.  相似文献   

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