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蔬菜营销渠道合作博弈研究——基于批发商和零售商视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于批发商和零售商的视角,运用博弈论的原理建立了蔬菜营销渠道合作模型,并以南昌市为例进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,渠道信任通过其对渠道合作两种主要威胁的影响来支持合作,即贪心和害怕。研究还发现,蔬菜渠道成员间的相互信任才是合作的先决条件,蔬菜营销渠道合作的有效开展需要建立渠道成员间的相互信任。  相似文献   

本文通过抽样调查验证了蔬菜流通渠道零批信任与承诺对零售商行为的影响及其对零售商的合作绩效影响。结果显示,蔬菜流通渠道零批信任与承诺会影响零售商在双方渠道关系中的行为,并且这些行为对于零售商的合作绩效具有积极意义。然而,蔬菜流通渠道零批合作与相互依赖对零售商合作绩效的影响存在不同;与假设并不完全相同,蔬菜流通渠道零批合作对于合作绩效的正向影响并不显著,蔬菜流通渠道零批相互依赖越大将越不利于零售商合作绩效的提高。  相似文献   

营业网点数量少是中小商业银行面临的共同问题。为缓解渠道困境、提升竞争力,一些城市的中小商业银行共享网点资源,推出了“柜面通”业务。然而,当前该渠道合作模式中存在着若干问题,正冲击着合作关系的稳定性。为改善渠道合作关系、提升中小商业银行的整体实力,本文从合作伙伴的选择、合作满意度、信任等方面提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

城市消费者对认证蔬菜的信任及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究引入信任建立模型(TBM),基于南京市与扬州市城市消费者调查数据,利用Logit回归模型研究了城市消费者对认证蔬菜的信任及其影响因素。结果显示,消费者对认证蔬菜认知和信任还处于较低水平,不同认证蔬菜认证和信任水平存在较大差异。认知水平、对当前蔬菜农药残留问题判断、购买地点、对政府强化蔬菜质量安全管理效果评价和年龄都是影响消费者对认证蔬菜信任的重要因素。另外,消费者不同认证蔬菜信任的影响因素存在差异。  相似文献   

根据社会资本理论,从社会网络视角,探讨微型茶企社会网络对茶叶营销渠道绩效的影响机制。通过实地调研与深度访谈收集问卷,运用结构方程模型与层次回归分析法对微型茶企社会网络影响茶叶营销渠道绩效的机制进行实证研究。研究结果表明:社会网络维度中网络中心性、网络异质性、网络关系度均对营销渠道绩效有显著的正向影响;渠道稳定性在社会网络对营销渠道绩效的影响中起中介作用;社会信任在渠道稳定性对营销渠道绩效影响中具有调节作用。据此,从构建关系网络维护体系,实现信息资源的高效传递与利用;拓展异质性社会网络,实现信息资源的有效开发和重组;占据社会网络中心位置,实现信息资源的快速交换与整合等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

农产品渠道联盟作为一种相互合作的网络组织,其建立与成功运作是建立在信任机制基础上的。博弈分析显示,盟员企业和核心企业采取信任的联盟总收益与不信任的收益之差随着信任度的增加而增大,信任机制实现了对联盟整体收益的提升作用。由于中国农产品渠道联盟中存在参与主体力量极不平衡、组织化和契约化程度低等问题,因此信任程度不高集中体现在农户和公司之间的脆弱关系上。温氏集团的案例揭示了相互认同、互惠、灵活性、声誉机制、有效沟通等关系治理手段对提升农产品渠道联盟信任水平的重要作用。构建农产品渠道联盟信任机制包含信任评审机制、信任形成机制和信任保障机制三方面内容。  相似文献   

本文将中国蔬菜产业组织模式分成完全市场交易模式、部分横向合作模式、完全横向合作模式和纵向协作模式,基于河北、浙江2省13县(区)410户蔬菜种植户的调查数据,采用BFG两步法模型和倾向得分匹配法分别控制不可观测因素和可观测因素引起的选择性偏差后,分析了不同产业组织模式对农户蔬菜种植净收入的影响。结果表明:与完全市场交易模式相比,部分横向合作模式和完全横向合作模式能够显著增加蔬菜种植户的净收入;但纵向协作模式在促进农户增收方面没有显著优势。  相似文献   

生猪产销价格传导机制:门限效应与市场势力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本丈应用平滑迁移误差修正模型检验了中国生猪价格和猪肉价格之间传导的门限效应,并应用非对称GARCH模型考察了市场势力因素在价格非对称传导中的作用。研究结果表明:长期内,生猪价格和猪肉价格之间存在协整关系,猪肉市场纵向整合程度较高;短期内,生猪价格和猪肉价格增长率之间的传导渠道顺畅,不存在价格传导时滞,但是,生猪产销价格传导幅度和恢复长期均衡关系的调整速度具有门限效应,而且需求冲击和成本冲击对传导关系的影响存在显著差异,猪肉批发商具备的市场势力是导致价格非对称传导的重要原因;上期猪肉价格增长率是决定生猪产销价格传导关系区制转换的门限变量,因此,制定生猪价格调控政策时,可以将猪肉价格作为重要参照指标,其门限值作为参考依据。  相似文献   

渠道的稳定性是营销渠道管理的重要课题,"农户?龙头企业"的农产品渠道模式是我国农产品营销渠道的主流模式,探讨这种渠道模式的形成与稳定机制是解决目前我国农业领域中"小农户"与"大市场"矛盾的重要方面。文章从理论上分析了影响"农户—龙头企业"渠道关系稳定的因素,并运用Logistic模型检验了这些因素对渠道稳定的影响程度,最后提出了渠道关系稳定的机制。  相似文献   

尽管近年来蔬菜价格持续高涨,但我国菜贱伤农与菜贵伤民问题依然存在,这在一定程度上反映了我国流通体系存在的严重问题.基于此,本文针对蔬菜产业营销渠道环节存在的问题,提出重新整合现有的蔬菜渠道资源,提高渠道主体的竞争力,最终建立一个信息畅通、效率高、低成本的渠道模式,使蔬菜价格合理化,均衡利益分配.  相似文献   

Vertical integration theory has long suggested internal costs related to changes in incentives due to vertical integration, which means that vertical integration may lead to agency costs. In this work, we specify the notion of agency costs of vertical integration and extend Ang et al. (2000)'s measurement of agency costs to provide an empirical assessment of these costs in the French wine industry. Our econometric analysis finds that the agency costs of vertical integration may reach 2–3% of sales. It also showed that operating expenses of vertical integration are lower for cooperatives than for other firms, while vertical integration is less rewarding for them. This raises questions on the relation between agency costs in cooperatives and their performance.  相似文献   

Dairy farm size differs considerably across the United States. We analyze patterns of dairy farm size to determine how differences in vertical integration and diversification relate to farm size. We find that diversification accounts for little size variation. For vertical integration, the partial correlation with dairy herd size is strongly negative. Dairy value-added size measures vary less across regions than herd size, indicating that an important part of herd size variation relates to vertical integration. Nonetheless, dairy farms in the Pacific and South regions remain much larger than farms in the traditional dairy regions, even when accounting for vertical integration.  相似文献   

目的 农业产业组织模式是农业产业化发展的重要制度载体,考察企业控制型农业产业组织模式初期的合作问题,为助推小农户与现代农业融合发展具有重要意义。方法 文章以畜牧业生产加工企业为研究对象,通过采用多案例研究法,构建“交易特性—交易关系—治理机制”分析框架,探讨不同交易特性的农业企业与其他经营主体的交易关系与治理机制。结果 不同交易特性的农业企业与其他经营主体形成了不同联结程度的交易关系;在交易关系发展的不同阶段,其匹配的治理机制也有所改变,大多为复合治理机制且关系治理机制存在于多种交易关系中;准纵向一体化模式中要素契约治理机制和关系治理机制,有利于锁定双边的专用性资产投资,构建多元经营主体的长效利益联结机制。结论 政府需要不断优化农产品交易关系的制度环境、大力扶持与农户存在“乡土”关联的农业企业、加强农户自身能力建设。  相似文献   

提升新疆特色林果业品牌建设水平的策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对新疆特色林果业规模、地区分布、出口、品牌培育和认证、品牌建设环境等进行调查研究,结果表明:新疆特色林果业实力不断增强,品牌建设已取得一定进展,但诸如品牌运营管理水平有限、销售渠道不畅、加工深度不够、企业整体实力弱等问题制约品牌建设水平提升。基于调查分析结果,提出通过实施绿色产品定位、加强品牌有效整合、加大品牌保护力度、拓宽品牌推广渠道等手段提高品牌运营管理水平,通过加强科技研发推动林果名牌塑造和提高品牌附加值,通过营销渠道创新提高品牌知名度,通过扶持和培育龙头企业增强品牌竞争力等政策建议。  相似文献   

Using an original dataset from the Vietnamese catfish sector, I analyze the impact of vertical coordination options, namely, contract farming and vertical integration, on farm performance, which is measured in terms of yields and revenue per hectare. The effects of vertical coordination are estimated using a maximum simulated likelihood estimator and a two‐stage least square regression with instrumental variables to account for endogenous farm and household characteristics and selection on unobservable characteristics. The results show that vertically integrated farms have substantially higher yields and revenue per hectare than nonintegrated farms. The levels of gains that can be attributed to integration are large and consistent under different estimation procedures, and there is no difference between nonintegrated and contract farms in terms of farm performance.  相似文献   

国土资源信息系统一体化方案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:探讨国土资源信息系统一体化建设方案。研究方法:文献资料法、比较分析法、信息系统分析设计法。研究结论:(1)业务建模是国土资源信息一体化工作的基础。(2)统一技术框架和业务构建平台是信息系统开发模式,可提高业务系统开发效率和质量。(3)数据库共享、消息队列、WebService和统一桌面框架4种方式实现不同情况下的业务系统集成,可实现国土资源信息系统横向和纵向全面融合、互联互通。  相似文献   


This exploratory study is intended to analyze the differences in the organization of export marketing channels to developing and developed countries from the perspective of exporters in a developed country. Our evidence seems to suggest that despite high transaction costs, U.S. seafood exporters are not interested in vertical forward integration of the Japanese and Western European seafood distribution channels. The U.S. seafood industry is geared toward providing raw materials to foreign re-processors than exporting value added products. Thus, lack of management commitment to foreign end-users makes vertical forward integration difficult. Hence, unlike in developing countries, the choice of an efficient transaction governance structure for the U.S. seafood export business depends on factors derived from transaction cost theory and management commitment to foreign markets. The study found that resources are not a problem to U.S. seafood exporters.  相似文献   

城乡一体化与土地集约利用存在相互影响、相互促进的关系.文章选取多项指标考察沈阳新民市城乡一体化系统和土地集约利用系统,并借鉴耦合协调函数分析了1999-2008年沈阳新民市城乡一体化系统和土地集约利用系统的协调关系.研究结果表明,沈阳新民市城乡一体化系统和土地集约利用系统的协调关系已由濒临失调阶段逐步进入良好协调阶段,...  相似文献   

The extent, pattern, and degree of integration are analyzed in a multivariate system with cointegrating restrictions. The extent of the market is found by identifying locations that are linked by trade and where prices share identical long run information (permanent component). The pattern of integration characterizes interdependence and is analyzed by estimating a vector error correction model. The degree of integration is calculated with persistence profiles of the long run relations. We demonstrate that bivariate models are inadequate for capturing the spatial dynamics of price adjustment. The methodology is applied to the Brazilian rice market and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

How does rural China's political economy determine the motivations and constraints that drive small farmers and agribusiness companies into contract farming and shape its practice and impact? This paper identifies three distinctive features of contract farming in China – varied impact on rural inequality, unstable contractual relations and lack of competitiveness with other alternatives – and proposes tentative explanations linked to three features in rural China's political economy: strong collective institutions, active state support for agriculture and strong domestic markets. The recent turn in China's agrarian transition towards vertical integration of agriculture with industries is, however, undermining these conditions and may move China towards more convergence with other countries. Studying contract farming in China's unique political economy context shows not only how variations in the political economy can alter its practice and impact, but also how it needs to be evaluated in comparison with competing alternatives.  相似文献   

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